
john150hmmm, is it me, or Neofetch on Ubuntu doesn't display the full version# for DE: ?00:20
longus_catusI'm using Ubuntu 21.10, a Ubuntu session on X11, and if I have 'vi' in insert mode in a gnome terminal and switch to any other window, whether by alt-tab or clicking on the task bar, there's this little doop sound and vi exits insert mode.  Is there any way to prevent this?00:20
rfmlongus_catus, this appears to be a "feature" of vim-tiny, the version of vim ubuntu uses by default.  I did "apt install vim" which installed vim-basic (among other things) and set the /usr/bin/vi alternative to run that.  The strange bell-and-leave-inserrt-mode went away.01:09
longus_catusOh sweet, I'll try that.  Thanks a lot.01:10
rfmlongus_catus, I have no idea why vim-tiny does this, don't even know how it could.01:10
tomreynlongus_catus / rfm: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1933594 may be related01:14
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1933594 in Fedora "Vim exits insert mode on focus loss (vi compatible only)" [Medium, Closed: Errata]01:14
longus_catusThanks for the help03:13
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WickedDekciwHello there, folks. Looking for help on a small qs. Trying to mount Android image/backup to review files/folders but nothing works. No idea on the internal fs, kpartx is also useless, testdisk does next to nothing, am out of options at this point06:04
WickedDekciwAnd I've tried so many crap at this point hha06:09
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: did you try that androidx86 in virtualbox yet we discussed last time?06:12
lotuspsychjemaybe you can try something there?06:12
WickedDekciwlotuspsychje I was going to until I realized that Android-x86 isn't built to recent OS versions06:13
WickedDekciwWhich sucks06:13
WickedDekciwI mean it doesn't support them06:18
WickedDekciwIt's only Android 9 ready06:19
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: there surely must be a tool on android to mount other android images right? talk to the #android guys about it?06:23
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: wich format is this android image in?06:23
WickedDekciwlotuspsychje Internally I've got no particular idea, could be f2fs or ext4 but it isn't readable to begin with with any tool, externally it's just an .img06:24
WickedDekciwsorry got disconnected06:27
lotuspsychje!info simg2img | WickedDekciw06:34
ubottuWickedDekciw: simg2img (1:10.0.0+r36-7, impish): Transitional package. In component universe, is optional. Built by android-platform-system-core. Size 6 kB / 22 kB06:34
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: try this tool to unfold the data, then try mount it on ubuntu06:34
WickedDekciwTried it before I believe, no dice because it doesn't recognize the file06:35
lotuspsychjeWickedDekciw: pastebin the command and error you getting, maybe volunteers can help?06:41
lotuspsychjewelcome Shamayimjosh06:54
WickedDekciwlotuspsychje is there anyway I can cd to a paticular file06:55
WickedDekciwfrom the terminal06:55
ShamayimjoshCurrently booted into the Live USB, and trying to figure out how to reinstall grub on a GPT system, and possibly may need to use Grub EFI?06:56
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ShamayimjoshJust to make sure I'm on the right track, do I just install grub-efi, and then grub to my system partition?07:01
ShamayimjoshNot my linux system, but another system partition07:02
WickedDekciwShamayimjosh Are you installing grub to the actual HDD?07:02
ShamayimjoshI would like to07:02
WickedDekciwmount your installation07:03
WickedDekciwand the proc sutff I guess07:03
WickedDekciwLemme check07:03
ShamayimjoshWickedDekciw, how do I do that?07:03
WickedDekciwShamayimjosh https://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd07:03
ShamayimjoshI can open it in file manager07:03
WickedDekciwFollow the steps07:04
WickedDekciwif you know whatch doin07:04
WickedDekciwit should work in theory07:04
ShamayimjoshWickedDekciw, does this work for GPT drives?07:04
WickedDekciwIt should07:05
ShamayimjoshIt should at least be of help, I think once I install grub-efi, everything will be the same07:05
WickedDekciwNo reason I know of that it wouldn't unless you're familiar with otherwise07:06
tomreynWickedDekciw: so this android system image you're trying to access, how was that created?07:09
WickedDekciwtomreyn, manually from adb07:09
WickedDekciwusing dd07:09
tomreynyou mean using dd from within an adb device shell?07:10
WickedDekciwI'm trying to recover data from it, the prerequisite is even accessing it to begin with, even mounting it07:10
WickedDekciwtomreyn that is correct, yes07:10
tomreynhmm, this seems like a bad approach, if i'm getting it right. you should not dd a running system07:11
WickedDekciwIt wasn't running, it was under a custom recovery (i.e TWRP)07:11
WickedDekciwSo the system wasn't operational at the time07:12
WickedDekciwThe question is how to even deal with it, testdisk doesn't know anything about Android07:12
tomreynhmm, maybe that could work. i'm not sure whether it's the common approach to take a backup07:12
tomreynyou should not need testdisk, it's not incoherent / lost data07:13
tomreynwhich dd command did you run exactly, i.e. how did you backup the partitions?07:13
WickedDekciwI was referring to testdisk in the sense that I need to recover data from said image after I manage to open/mount it.07:13
WickedDekciwThe background story is I accidentally ran a basic format on it and I want to recover stuff back07:14
WickedDekciwBut testdisk doesn't normally deal with Android images07:14
tomreynoh :-/07:14
tomreyni forgot which file system android uses, i think it's also some ext file system07:15
WickedDekciwCould be ext4, could be f2fs, I don't know honestly since I can't get inside of it07:15
WickedDekciwThing is, as I mentioned testdisk doesn't know about it07:16
tomreynif the dump you took was in a good state, and included all block devices, you should just need to mount those, possibly after interpreting the partition table, if one was included.07:16
tomreynbut i guess your data isn't coherent anymore07:17
WickedDekciwHence the sad issue07:18
Shamayimjoshdarn, grub-install does not like my EFI system partition I am trying to install it on07:24
Shamayimjoshbecause it's a 'fat' file system and doesn't support embedding07:26
tomreynShamayimjosh: "embedding" would be grub for (legacy) bios, you'll need efi grub if you want to boot in uefi mode07:27
tomreynefi grub would detect the efi system partition on its own and use it, you don't even need to tell it where to find it.07:27
ShamayimjoshOh, I installed grub-efi before and so I thought it would run it instead07:27
Shamayimjoshwhen I type grub-install07:28
ShamayimjoshThanks tomreyn07:28
tomreynmake sure the ESP is mounted at the standard path, though07:28
tomreynso /boot/efi07:29
ShamayimjoshDo I manually have to mount it there do I, so, mount /dev/nvme0n1p1 /boot/efi?07:30
ShamayimjoshBTW, I'm on a Live USB and not my system07:30
tomreynthat's a gpt partition table you have on the nvme, right?07:30
tomreynsudo fdisk -l /dev/nvme0n1     if you want to verify this07:31
tomreynand you did chroot into the installed stytem on the nvme, right?07:32
Shamayimjoshtried to, but not sure it worked07:32
tomreynwell, either the root changed or it didn't ;-)07:33
tomreynif the target location on the live system which you mounted the nvme partitions to is still visible after chroot, then the chroot has failed07:34
ShamayimjoshYes it worked07:34
Shamayimjoshbut the file manager did not change that is all, but does in the terminal07:35
tomreynyes, only the world view in the terminal window where you ran the chroot command will have changed.07:35
Shamayimjoshtomreyn, so I tried sudo fdisk -l etc and it lists the paritions07:37
Shamayimjoshanyway got to work out how to make it use grub-efi07:38
ShamayimjoshIs that what fdisk -l is meant to do?07:39
tomreynShamayimjosh:     sudo fdisk -l     would read and print all the partition tables of all disks.07:40
ShamayimjoshOkay, thanks07:41
tomreynhttps://wiki.debian.org/GrubEFIReinstall#Using_A_Live_CD.2FUSB_To_Fix_Your_Current_System is a guide on how to (re)install grub from a chroot07:41
tomreynShamayimjosh: there are a few things you need to get right: (a) the live / recovery system must be compatible (use the same ubuntu version ideally), (b) the recovery system must be booted in uefi mode, (c) use mount --bind where possible (see step 4 of the debian wiki) rather than fresh mounts (but in some cases you have to, see step 3 of the debian guide), don't miss relevant file systems, (d) make sure that the right (UEFI) grub variant is07:47
tomreyninstalled, and only that. (e) make sure that you regenerate the initrd, too07:47
ShamayimjoshI see it was unable to install grub-efi, says "Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" Could this be because I am using too old a version of the live USB?07:49
tomreynthis sounds more like an apt error message than one from grub?07:50
tomreynalways run an apt update before you attempt to install packages.07:51
tomreyn(unless you ran an apt update just minutes ago)07:52
tomreynif you don't have internet access within the chroot, but have it on the live system, this suggests that bind mounting /run into the chroot did not take place or did not work out properly.07:53
ShamayimjoshBTW, how do I regenerate initrd?07:53
tomreynsudo update-initramfs -k KERNELVERSION -u    # for KERNELVERSION pick the latest installed kernel in /boot (within the chroot)07:54
tomreyne.g., if you have /boot/initrd.img-5.4.0-91-generic then KERNELVERSION is 5.4.0-91-generic07:56
ShamayimjoshHow do I test if internet is working within chroot07:56
tomreynping -c1 && ping -c1 one.one.one.one07:56
tomreynboth must succeed07:56
Shamayimjosh"ping: one.one.one.one: Temporary failure in name resolution"07:58
tomreynls -la /etc/resolv.conf07:58
Shamayimjosh"lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Jul  8  2019 /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf" ?07:59
tomreynright, which color is this shown in?08:00
tomreynokay, no red or blue?08:00
tomreynls -l /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf08:01
tomreyndoes the target exist?08:01
mhaabyhey does anyone use cointop?08:01
tomreynmhaaby: no polls please, just ubuntu support questions08:01
KBarmhaaby, it is a Ubuntu support channel.08:01
mhaabywho said it was a poll08:02
tomreynI did08:02
mhaabyI can't get cointop to work08:02
mhaabyand i need help08:02
mhaabywell you are mistaken08:02
tomreynokay, which ubuntu release are you on, and how are you installing?08:03
mhaabylemme see08:03
mhaabyIt's actually Ubuntu 16.04 and I found and installed using the ubuntu software program08:04
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade08:04
tomreynwe don't do paid support here08:04
tomreynyou'd need to talk to Canonical directly, or upgrade to a supported release, or, better yet, reinstall08:05
mhaabyI'm not sure ... why say you don't do paid support?08:05
tomreynbecause of what ubottu just said08:06
KBarOr just use any software on your smartphone for tracking crypto.08:06
mhaabywell I actually wanted the tracker sitting on a bigger screen08:06
ShamayimjoshSo my issue is that internet is not working after the chroot?08:06
mhaabynot my main pc nor TV, certainly not my phone heh08:06
mhaabyMaybe i need to upgrade08:07
KBarmhaaby, is that a server? Do you a GUI?08:07
tomreynShamayimjosh: if the     ping -c1     worked fine but just the     ping -c1 one.one.one.one     did not, then internet works, just name resolution does not08:07
mhaabytbh I'm a bit new to Linux and am not sure08:07
ShamayimjoshOkay thanks08:08
KBarmhaaby, how did you get Ubuntu 16.04? :)08:08
tomreynShamayimjosh: i haven't worked with a chroot in a while, but i remember i needed to do something about the /etc/resolv.conf file, i think this is normal.08:08
mhaabyIf I remember right, I began with a CD on a lower Ubuntu08:08
mhaabythen the upgrades were gradual08:09
KBarI see. Just upgrade or use CoinMarketCap.08:09
mhaabyI'll look that up08:09
mhaabyCan't find CoinMarketMap on the ubuntu software center?08:10
tomreynShamayimjosh: if i recall correctly, you just need to delete the symlink and replace it by a file which contains a working resolver (such as or or, and make sure to remove this file in the end before you leave the chroot. then the symlink will be re-created during next boot08:10
ShamayimjoshHow do I do that?08:12
mhaabyI see, it's a website it seems08:13
tomreynShamayimjosh: sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf && echo nameserver | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf08:13
tomreynShamayimjosh: to delete it later (before leaving the chroot) you'd do    sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf    again08:13
tomreynwith this done,     ping -c1 one.one.one.one     should succeed08:14
tomreyn(and so should the apt update)08:14
mhaabyKBar I just decided to use that website for now, til maybe I find another way.... this works but not a fan08:17
mhaabyThanks for the help all, cool to see this little chatbox still goin strong08:17
KBarNo problem. Good luck.08:17
Shamayimjoshtomreyn, this worked, but sudo apt install grub-efi still not working08:18
tomreynShamayimjosh: "not working" how? error messages are great for solving problems.08:19
Shamayimjoshhttps://pastebin.com/RtCfPqTq See here08:21
ShamayimjoshI know it says at the top "unable to resolve host ubuntu: Name or service not known" but ping -c1 one.one.one.one worked08:22
tomreyn"disco" ?!08:22
ubottuUbuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) was the 30th release of Ubuntu, support ended January 23rd, 2020. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2020-January/005263.html08:22
ShamayimjoshProbably not08:22
tomreynthis release will have moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com, because it has been unsupported for almost 2 years08:24
tomreynyou can do a manual release upgrade from within the chroot. but you could also backup and install a current release08:25
tomreynmaybe a long term support release, the latest is 20.04 LTS (19.04 was not one)08:26
ducasseif you're doing an upgrade, you need to do it twice08:26
ShamayimjoshThere is not a way for me to check the version?08:26
tomreynlsb_release -ds08:27
tomreynor cat /etc/os-release08:27
tomreynbut the mention of "disco" in your apt error message pretty much already gives it away08:28
ShamayimjoshShould I just backup my home directory and reinstall latest version then?08:29
ShamayimjoshSounds like my only option08:29
ShamayimjoshNext time I do anything major I will update to the latest version before doing so08:32
tomreynShamayimjosh: you may want to also backup at least /etc since it's small and fast08:35
tomreynShamayimjosh: first backup, then release upgrade, then backup again, then 'play with things'. ;)08:36
tomreynthat's for the future, not for now08:36
alkisgShamayimjosh: is "disco" your live cd or your disk installation or both? Btw, if the installation is still there, why can't you access it from the bios boot manager with f12? No nvram variables are needed for that...08:38
alkisg(the chat was too long to read all of it, sorry if I'm asking things that have already been answered...)08:38
tomreynalkisg: those questions were not asked or answered, yet08:43
ShamayimjoshSo the Live USB is not picking up, at least its not showing in the file manager, my USB HDD, or my Flash USB storage when I plug them in08:51
tomreynhow do you tell?08:55
ShamayimjoshHave to manually mount them obvously08:55
tomreynyes that can be so08:55
Shamayimjoshis there a way to list USB devices?08:56
ducasselsusb, or use lsblk to list block devices08:58
ShamayimjoshI need to get the device name so I can mount it08:59
Shamayimjoshlsusb not giving me that08:59
ducasseuse lsblk08:59
hans_ubuntu 18.04 ships PHP 7.4.3, a very old version of 7.4 (2020-02-20) and vulnerable to CVE2021-21703 - has ubuntu backported patches for CVE2021-21703 to their 7.4.3 ?09:03
hans_sorry, 20.04 *09:04
tomreynhave you tried to find out whether that's the case?09:05
hans_no, i suppose i could give the poc code a testrun (if its vulnerable, a fpm-process should either give me root access or crash)09:06
tomreynLike the organisation behind every proper Linux distribution, Canonical publishes security notices for Ubuntu. they are indexed by search engines, and contain CVE ID references.09:07
hans_[607228.774751] php-fpm7.4[144976]: segfault at 0 ip 00005581568c6b37 sp 00007ffcb11fd600 error 4 in php-fpm7.4[5581566ad000+273000]09:09
hans_tomreyn, yeah, the 20.04 php-fpm is indeed vulnerable to CVE2021-2170309:09
hans_which is a pretty bad privilege-escalation, allowing you to go from www-data user to root user..09:10
hans_(and www-data is a particularly underprivileged user, by the way)09:10
lotuspsychjehans_: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2021-2170309:10
ubottuIn PHP versions 7.3.x up to and including 7.3.31, 7.4.x below 7.4.25 and 8.0.x below 8.0.12, when running PHP FPM SAPI with main FPM daemon process running as root and child worker processes running as lower-privileged users, it is possible for the child processes to access memory shared with the main process and write to it, modifying it in a way that would cause the root proc... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-21703>09:10
tomreynhans_: that's a fully upgraded system?09:10
hans_hmm maybe not,09:11
hans_yes it is. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:11
ShamayimjoshWell I got to go, thanks for all the help09:11
tomreyncan you show your installed package version and origin?09:12
tomreynhans_: ^09:12
hans_its a very plain 20.04, don't think i have any nonstandard repos, but09:13
tomreyni guess it's    apt list php7.4-fpm09:14
hans_tomreyn, does this help? https://paste.debian.net/plain/122211009:15
hans_php7.4-fpm/focal-updates,focal-security,now 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.7 amd64 [installed,automatic]09:15
hans_php7.4-fpm/focal-updates,focal-security 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.7 i38609:15
tomreynyes, the USN lists package version 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.7 as fixed, and that's the latest, too09:15
hans_maybe they messed it up somehow? running the POC code still crashes php-fpm: https://github.com/cfreal/exploits/blob/master/php-SplDoublyLinkedList-offsetUnset/exploit.php09:16
tomreynyou should bring this up in a bug report09:17
hans_on a patched system, php-fpm should not segfault.. but it does for me09:17
tomreynif you have questions about ubuntu security, there's also #ubuntu-security, but keep in mind the security team is usually very busy and not neccessarily available for support questions during the weekends.09:18
tomreynhans_: thanks for bringing this up. will you file a bug report on it?09:22
hans_via the "bugreport" app ?09:22
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:22
tomreyneither way should work09:22
hans_ubuntu-bug, ok yeah ill try, thanks09:22
manwhowouldbekinGreetings all! I am having an issue on my Ubuntu 20.04 desktop. The LAN connections seems to work, but gets no internet. It is a direct connection from ISP router. We have eliminated the router and the cable as possible failure points. What's left is this particular machine. The settings seem to be fine (automatic DHCP, connection becomes active when cable is plugged in, etc). It worked about two weeks ago when I tested09:24
manwhowouldbekinit. Not sure what's changed since then. How can I troubleshoot it?09:24
tomreynhans_: see also bug 194895709:24
ubottuBug 1948957 in php7.4 (Ubuntu) "CVE-2021-21703: PHP-FPM oob R/W in root process leading to privilege escalation" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194895709:24
KBarWell, if it worked two weeks ago and now it doesn't, it seems that 1) an update broke it; 2) user modified configuration files.09:26
KBarOr 3) hardware is cooked09:26
tomreynKBar: you're probably responding to manwhowouldbekin ?09:26
KBartomreyn, yes.09:27
tomreynok, just making sure i didnt misunderstand09:27
manwhowouldbekinKBar: Yes. I do not recall changing much configuration. So, it is either an Ubuntu or a hardware issue. What seems strange is that whenever I turn on the wired connection, it becomes active almost immediately. It used to take a few seconds to obtain the connection in the past.09:28
hans_tomreyn, strangely a comment in that bugreport says this was fixed over a month ago, > wrote on 2021-10-27 (...) It'll be published today09:32
hans_should i go ahead with a bugreport, or just complain in the existing bug1948957 ?09:33
tomreynhans_: indeed,a patch was released then: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php7.4/7.4.3-4ubuntu2.709:33
tomreynhans_: i think it would be good to file a new bug report, ideally using ubuntu-bug on the affected system, and to mention that you are using unmodified php packages.09:34
tomreynYou can then link that against the CVE ID (2021-21703) on the right column of the bug report, post the bug ID in #ubuntu-security, and optionally also post a reference to your bug report in the pre-existing bug report 194895709:36
Super_Apehello folks! I have a little problem. I need create a bootlable Windows 11 USB pendrive. I have to try WoeUSB, it does not work, show a error msg. Code 256. after that, I tried install WinUSB, but... not easy. the Ppa doesn't work09:57
lotuspsychjeSuper_Ape: try the unofficial tool 'ventoy'09:58
Super_Apelotuspsychje, looks like too complicated.09:58
Super_Apelotuspsychje, have you used this?09:58
lotuspsychjeSuper_Ape: its not officialy supported, means no support and use at your own risk, but a lot of users like it09:59
Super_Apelotuspsychje, okay let me try10:00
KBarShouldn't `dd` do the trick?10:00
Super_Apelotuspsychje, now i understand how it works. hahahaha fantastic xD10:12
anovaI constantly get a pop up in the middle of my screen showing my audio card.. Built-In Audio device IEC958. It just pops up in the middle of my screen, goes away and comes back up every so many minutes and keeps doing this for minutes and then stops.. like someone is plugging a cable jack in constantly and out. can someone explain? or how to diagnose if the driver/hardware is faulty?11:17
KBaranova, version of Ubuntu?11:21
KBaranova, `lsb_release ds`, `pulseaudio --version`, and it would be nice to have a screenshot.11:22
anovahttps://pastebin.com/33wNhrLh @KBar11:22
anovaOh, I will do so11:23
tomreynthat would be `lsb_release -ds`11:26
KBarYep. Typo.11:27
KBarBut we got the info anyway.11:28
tomreynoh nice, i didn't know pulseaudio did that11:28
tomreynah no it doesn't, but anova assembled the info by other means, good.11:29
KBarNah. It was most likely `plasmashell --version`.11:29
KBarOr `kate --version`.11:30
WickedDekciwtomreyn I've tried finding the offset from the phone, but not sure how. I installed a shell on it and ran parted directly but am unsure as to how exactly because the structure is weird11:34
tomreynWickedDekciw: well, this is definitely beyond ubuntu support11:34
tomreyntry linux again maybe, or, better, #android11:34
MarcUKanyone know how i can upgrade wine using apt-get i was told the package is way out of date12:10
lotuspsychjeMarcUK: wich ubuntu release are you on please?12:14
MarcUK5.11.0-41-generic #45~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 10 10:20:10 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:14
lotuspsychje!info wine focal12:14
ubottuwine (5.0-3ubuntu1, focal): Windows API implementation - standard suite. In component universe, is optional. Built by wine. Size 51 kB / 192 kB12:14
lotuspsychjethats the version you have MarcUK ?^12:15
MarcUKThe people from wine told me the version of wine 5.0 thats installed is way out of date latest is 6.2312:15
MarcUKthats whats installed i typed uname -a in terminal thats what it says12:15
lotuspsychjeMarcUK: well, we reccomend to keep the package versions meant for your ubuntu release and not to mix too much12:15
MarcUKwine was installed through apt-get i have no control over it12:16
lotuspsychjeMarcUK: there are however some options you can try like !snaps !backports12:16
MarcUKhow do i do that12:16
=== KaiTheSharkWolf is now known as SharkBark-Away
lotuspsychjeMarcUK: for snaps, you can search from terminal: snap find wine12:18
MaikMarcUK: https://wine.htmlvalidator.com/install-wine-on-ubuntu-20.04.html12:19
MarcUKok i got wine --version wine-6.0.2 installed that still not latest but i will give it a try12:27
KBarMarcUK is that for gaming?12:29
KBarOr for other purposes?12:29
MarcUKI got a PIC programmer for programming ASM assembly language into PIC micros12:31
KBarI see.12:31
MarcUKit uses a coms port so trying to get that to work on wine with USB12:31
MarcUKit still doesnt work is there a way to install the latest version of wine12:32
MarcUKits wine-6.0.2 at moment12:33
Maikand that's the latest12:34
Maik6.23 is staging12:34
Maikthus not stable release12:34
Maikbut we're a bit offtopic here i guess since it's all about wine and not really a ubuntu support question12:36
Maikanyway, i hope it makes sense MarcUK that 6.0.2 is the latest stable wine release12:36
MarcUKI have been trying to get this to work for days and i tried wineHQ the channel is dead jim dead12:36
Maikmost channels are12:37
MarcUKUbuntu had installed wine 5.0 which didnt help12:37
WickedDekciwAnyway to scan for and mount an fs automatically from an image? (basically auto identify magic number offset)12:37
MarcUKso all i want to do is install the latest version of wine12:37
MarcUKwine developers cant fob me off then which is what they did when i filed a bug report12:38
MaikMarcUK: well, you have the latest wine now, 6.0.212:38
MarcUKit not 6.23 is latest i just checked wines site12:39
Maikif you want to go the development or staging route then expect issues and use at own risk12:40
Maiklink please12:40
MarcUKsays Wine 6.23 released12:40
MaikMarcUK: again.... 6.23 is a development release, read again and closer12:41
MarcUKok but how do i install it12:42
Maikyou really want a dev version?12:42
Maikthat's at your own risk12:42
MaikMarcUK: for further wine support please use the wine support channel or forum (if they have one)12:44
MarcUKok thanks its installing now12:44
Maikor ask in #linux12:44
MarcUKI did try gentoo-wine you lot are the only ones that respond12:46
Maikwe try to help when we can :)12:46
MarcUKThe development version has the same problem as all the other versions so now i can re post bug report at wine thanks12:47
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BluesKajHi folks13:47
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ijrHas anyone here tried ZFS on the desktop? If so, how was it? would you recommend it?18:38
lotuspsychje!discuss | ijr18:40
ubottuijr: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:40
ijrlotuspsychje: Sorry, I'll ask there. Thank you.18:42
hgoldenhi. i am considering installing 21.10 over 20.04.1 LTS. is there somewhere i can read that has pros/cons of this to consider? thanks.18:53
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Maikhgolden: first of all why switch to a short term release when using a LTS (long term support) release?19:04
Maik21.10 is only supported until July 202219:04
=== Sys_Ghost is now known as SysGhost
Maik20.04 LTS is support until 202519:05
MaikIf you wait until April you can upgrade from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS.19:06
=== popey3 is now known as popey
magic_ninjaanyway to tell which mobo fan is which? At this point I'm thinking of manually setting the RPM and seeing which one stops.19:16
magic_ninjaI have a B550F and am using the nct6793-isa-0290 driver.19:16
KBarmagic_ninja, https://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed might help19:22
hgoldenMaik: my 20.04 is acting squirelly. also, i plan to upgrade to 22.04 before July 2022 anyway.19:30
hgoldenMaik: reinstalling 20.04 LTS is also an alternative i'm considering.19:32
Maikhgolden: better to ask for help and figure out why 20.04 is acting up19:32
Maikso it's best to tell what the actual problems are you have at the moment19:33
Maikmaybe someone here can help solving it19:33
hgoldenit seems to be the apt postinst bug. symptom is that gnome-terminal won't run. however, konsole works ok. i can probably limp along using konsole until 22.04 LTS.19:34
hgoldeni fiddled with the python version making it inconsistent, but i think i have fixed that so i'm running python3.8 everywhere.19:35
CroranAnyone have experience with the 'magic sysrq' functionality under Ubuntu?19:56
CroranI'm on 20.04 and I've disabled all the screenshot shortcuts and enabled the proper kernel option, but still don't seem to have the functionality.19:57
=== RonWhoCares_ is now known as RonWhoCares
EriC^^Croran: try opening 'dmesg -w' and press alt+prntscrn+s20:07
creatureHello! Something recently changed on my Ubuntu server regarding its hostname, and I'm trying to figure out what. `hostname` returns "whatever". `cat /etc/hostname` shows "whatever". `grep /etc/hosts` returns "  whatever   localhost.localdomain  localhost".20:28
creatureMy problem is: `python -c 'import socket; print socket.getfqdn()'` returns "localhost.localdomain" and it used to return "whatever". Where else should I be looking?20:28
EriC^^maybe the command was different?20:30
EriC^^nevermind, mine returns the host20:30
Aqua-hi, a quick question.20:41
Aqua-A few weeks ago my OS crashed and a very kind man helped me reinstall everything, while making a copy of the whole disk for backup.20:41
Aqua-I already restored my core interest files (home folder), but are there any other folders that i might be interested in restoring to my freshly installed OS? configurations, setups, etc.20:41
Aqua-what directories are pure OS core libraries that i could remove due to duplication? (i.e already there due to the new OS install)20:41
alkisgAqua-: rm -rf /old-ubuntu/usr; rm -rf /old-ubuntu/lib ==> should do it20:43
Aqua-i know it's a very broad question that depends on my use, but still... i had many things that are not to be found in the home directory like steam and some games iv'e downloaded through it20:43
Aqua-hi alkisg, thanks again for the help20:44
Aqua-i already removed lib. usr has nothing of importance?20:44
creatureI think Steam puts its config under ~/.local, FWIW.20:46
creatureYou might like to look at /etc - most system-wide settings end up there.20:46
Aqua-how about old-ubuntu/var, old-ubuntu/sbin, old-ubuntu/bin, old-ubuntu/run? are they containing anything interesting to me? can i remove them?20:47
creaturesbin and bin can go, they're just system-installed binaries.20:48
Aqua-i had a look at /etc and cleaned it20:48
creaturevar can probably go, but could conceivably contain a few bits of worthwhile data. If you were serving web files they'd be in /var/www. If you were running a mail server you might have some entries in /var/mail or /var/spool. Your old system logs are in /var/log.20:50
Aqua-cool, some of it might be useful to me20:53
Aqua-creature - why is my terminal refuses to remove old-ubuntu/bin && old-ubuntu/sbin? it says it's not a directoy when i command20:55
Aqua-sudo rm -r old-ubuntu/bin20:55
Aqua-if i try20:56
Aqua-sudo rm old-ubuntu/bin20:56
Aqua-it ironically says /bin is a directory20:56
creatureIf it really says "/bin is a directory" - with that leading slash - you're in dangerous territory! Don't remove your main system's /bin, that is a bad idea. (Check you haven't got any spaces in your path.)20:57
magic_ninjaI wonder if there is anywhere I can get some help finding which fan is which and getting them labeled on the BM550F, or such a thing gets done for those fan control chips.21:01
CroranEriC^^: Yeah that worked... weird. i read somewhere you could hit alt+shift+prtsc and get a 'help' message to the console...21:10
CroranEriC^^: but when i do that, i'm switched back to my X session.21:10
EriC^^never heard that one, but maybe this'll help21:12
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:12
jeremy31Reboot Even If Something Utterly Broken21:16
Croranok looks like it's actually alt+sysrq+h for help21:19
Crorandoes setting kernel.nmi_watchdog to 1 do anything? or do you also have to set kernel.panic_on_io_nmi and kernel.panic_on_io_nmi to get a practical effect?21:34
Aqua-yep with a trailing slash:21:46
Aqua-user@pc:/impish-backup$ sudo rm -r bin/21:46
Aqua-rm: cannot remove 'bin/': Not a directory21:46
Aqua-user@pc:/impish-backup$ sudo rm bin/21:46
Aqua-rm: cannot remove 'bin/': Is a directory21:46
Aqua-is that mean im trying to remove the system bin? im explicitly in the old-ubuntu directory21:47
creatureAqua-: What's the output of `ls -l bin` ? You might find it's a symlink.21:50
Aqua-lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Nov 12 14:53 bin -> usr/bin21:51
creatureThere you are - it's a symlink, the same as usr/bin.22:00
creatureIf you leave off the trailing slash, you can remove it.22:01
Aqua-ok cool. so should i?22:01
creatureIf you like! You might as well, if you've already reviews old-ubuntu/usr. It's not pointing to anything usable.22:02
Aqua-nice thanks22:03
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