
KBarHi, Unit193. I'm on Focal but I really want to use the new version of the Whisker Menu. The description of the staging PPA says that tha packages in it "can be removed at any time". Does it still apply? Shall I really get the source instead, or am I safe here? 07:40
Guest5267hi all, in Xubuntu 21.10 firefox is snap or deb? ( https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/feature-freeze-exception-seeding-the-official-firefox-snap-in-ubuntu-desktop/24210 )07:48
KBarIt's a snap by default.07:48
Guest5267is snap service uses much memory?07:49
Guest5267and are there any other packages uses snap as default in Xubuntu 21.1007:51
KBarI don't know as I don't use them, but you can read others' experiences with them on Ubuntu Discourse.07:52
KBarGuest5267, I think it's only Firefox at the moment. `gtk-common-themes`, bare essentials, and obviously the snapd itself should also be installed by default.07:55
KBarYou can try listing the installed snaps. `apt list` is the command, I believe.07:55
Guest5267but in 20.04 firefox as deb package; right?07:56
Guest5267thanks all again KBar07:56
KBarYou're welcome.07:56
xu-help60wHello i am using Distributor ID:Ubuntu08:38
xu-help60wDescription:Ubuntu 21.1008:38
xu-help60wand am not able to install asbru-cm on it 08:38
xu-help60wsudo apt install asbru-cm08:38
xu-help60w[sudo] password for abhay: 08:38
xu-help60wReading package lists... Done08:38
xu-help60wBuilding dependency tree... Done08:38
xu-help60wReading state information... Done08:38
xu-help60wE: Unable to locate package asbru-cm08:38
tomreyn!paste | xu-help60w08:39
ubottuxu-help60w: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:39
tomreynthe message is correct and not misleading though, there i no such package in ubuntu: http://packages.ubuntu.com/asbru-cm08:40
tomreynnot all software is packages by ubuntu, or by third parties for ubuntu08:41
tomreynsome additional software is available as a snap08:41
xu-help60wbut this seems to be issue in impish release only.08:42
tomreynit's not an issue, and it's not specific to impish08:42
KBartomreyn, oh, boy… Somewhere in there Lennart Poettering just smirked and started salivating. You just gave him another idea!08:42
KBarsystemd-packaged coming on all your distros!08:42
KBarSorry, I'm off now.08:43
KBarxu-help60w you need to execute the first line too.08:44
xu-help60wyes i did that still its the same08:44
KBarDid you get any errors?08:45
xu-help60wUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/2b28cbd418805805113da0f2c10e8467/pasted.txt08:46
KBarYou need to contact the developers.08:47
KBarxu-help60w, this is the line:  The repository 'https://packagecloud.io/asbru-cm/v5/ubuntu impish Release' does not have a Release file.08:47
KBarxu-help60w, this page: https://github.com/asbru-cm/asbru-cm/releases08:48
KBardoesnt mention impish08:48
tomreynKBar: i didn't mean to ;-)08:48
KBarmeaning its not been made available for impish yet08:48
KBarUbuntu can't do anything about it.08:48
KBarIt's up to the developers.08:48
xu-help60wok i thought it had something to allow unsecure link.08:50
xu-help60wUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/2b28cbd418805805113da0f2c10e8467/pasted.txt08:50
tomreynxu-help60w: so, to clearify,  the thrd party repository not supporting impish is specific to impish, yes. it's not an ubuntu issue, nor a specific ubuntu impish repository issue, in the sense that ubuntu just doesn't provide packages for this software.08:50
KBarIt's literally written in there: `You can contact asbru-cm for further assistance.`08:50
KBarSee what tomreyn said ^08:51
KBartl;dr we can't help you here. sorry08:51
xu-help60wthanks let me check with asbru dev team then08:52
xu-help60wmanually i can run it using script on impish(https://github.com/asbru-cm/asbru-cm/wiki/Manual-installation),but as a package i need to get hold of asbru dev team or downgrade to focal.08:59
tomreynor you could use another software which does similar and is included in ubuntu09:04
xu-help60wok thanks can you suggest some good one09:05
tomreynxu-help60w: i don't know what asbru-cm does exactly. but its description sounds like a combination of remmina and shell scripts could get you what you want09:10
xu-help60wok asbru is much like mobaxterm you can say but let me try remmina thanks09:11

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