
magic_ninjais there any project that keeps track of mappings between fan control IC's and the fan names on the board and the fans reported by the driver for the IC? I have Fan 1, Fan 2, ... Fan 7 and want to give them proper labels.02:26
=== thopiekar_ is now known as thopiekar
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> AXB210:26
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> H89T10:26
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> WX5510:26
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> My God these captchas are hard even for a human...10:27
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> Anyways guys I needed some urgent help10:27
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> My friend gave me his cars reader in which a SD card was insterted and he requested me to give him a Movie10:28
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> When I inserted the Reader into my PC it showed my the name10:28
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> But when I tried to copy the movie it failed halfway and now if is read only...10:28
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> What to do now? 🥲10:29
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> /commands@join_captcha_bot10:30
=== pc is now known as Guest101
IrcsomeBot<michellabrie> Hello !10:52
IrcsomeBot<michellabrie> Check if lock Switch is not locked10:53
IrcsomeBot<michellabrie> If good, try on another sd card reader10:53
IrcsomeBot<eliharriet> I was reading and before they had already told me something of that, on which directory or file should I see the permissions? Because I don't know that part very well (re @IrcsomeBot: <ubottu> An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions)12:17
IrcsomeBot<gilbertoferreira> What's the Kubuntu version??? I had this issue before, but since Kde Plasma 5.22 or something, never git problem again. (re @eliharriet: I was reading and before they had already told me something of that, on which directory or file should I see the permissions? Because I don't know that part very well)12:19
IrcsomeBot<eliharriet> Sorry if my English is bad12:19
BluesKajHi folks13:32
IrcsomeBot<ItsScyQ> Hey13:52
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
cbreakI use https://github.com/Aetf/kwin-maxmize-to-new-desktop (installed from the system settings), but it doesn't seem very reliable17:16
cbreakin particular, desktops don't get destroyed again17:16
=== owner is now known as Guest2999
Guest2999Hello, is there a way to make it so i do not need to enter my password when installing apps from the app store?  Everything else is fine to use the password, but i would just like it to not ask for a password when installing from Discover17:24
cbreakGuest2999: maybe something like https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Polkit#For_specific_actions for action org.freedesktop.packagekit.system-update17:31
Guest_BedroomIt seems like no matter how many times I reboot or power off Kubuntu 21.10, I still get the "Restart is required" notification pop up.  I do have automatic offline updates turned on17:41
=== genii-core is now known as genii
R0b0t1if I win+L to lock my desktop the screen won't come back after turning off20:01
R0b0t1the computer isn't really asleep, but my keyboard is powered but not being detected by os20:01
R0b0t1if I sleep the computer it wakes up just fine20:01
IrcsomeBot<RitzRocks> Your computer needs rest 😸20:03
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube

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