
=== genii is now known as genii-core
lubot_[telegram] <matkoniecz> How can I locate where autostart file is located?10:11
lubot_[telegram] <matkoniecz> I tried https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/search.html?q=Configuration+files&check_keywords=yes&area=default10:11
lubot_[telegram] <matkoniecz> https://askubuntu.com/questions/81383/how-can-i-add-new-autostart-programs-in-lubuntu - for recent version only GUI is mentioned10:13
lubot_[telegram] <matkoniecz> ~/.config/autostart10:26
lubot_[telegram] <kc2bez> Yes, that is where the user autostart items are. (re @matkoniecz: ~/.config/autostart)11:05
lubot_[telegram] <kc2bez> The system autostart items follow the freedesktop standard.11:06
guiverc@matkoniecz, FYI: if you're the user who asked this on askubu earlier today (the question was deleted as I was writing a reply), please note to read the LTS (20.04) manual you can change the word STABLE in the URL to be LTS and you'll read the manual pages for Lubuntu 20.04 LTS ; if that wasn't you.. it may still be helpful...12:36
newbie2022hi, i have a problem, my touchpad and my fonction Fay (Fn) freeze randomly, i need to restart. Same freeze on the session in live installer media16:40
=== genii-core is now known as genii
BelgradHi to everyone.23:59
BelgradI have problem:23:59
BelgradSuspend and hibernate does not work on resume.23:59
BelgradI have created a permanent swap file of 12GB on memory of 4 RAM. I ve tried some fixes with installing Nvidia driver 470, I think, and prior purging the all Nvidia, but it worked only for 2 times, the third time was X screen from suspend.23:59
BelgradWhat to do, from where to begin?23:59

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