
=== genii is now known as genii-core
dsdi instaled kununtu alongside w10 but when i boot i get "error grub no such partition" anyone can help?03:42
alex_hi im having a strange issue. just installed kubuntu all goes well until i open firefox and the whole system freezes and i have to restart05:28
alex_is this a common problem?05:28
IrcsomeBot<LOBOLATELEPHONY> how to  install Gis-Weather Widget?07:00
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mparilloDoes that same thing happen with a Qt browser? Like Falkon, Konqueror, or Qutebrowser?11:34
BluesKajHi folks13:49
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Guest6hi guys, I'm having a problem with kubuntu 21.10 which was the same as with 21.04, my function buttons for britghtness and sound adjust sometimes work and sometimes not work14:58
Guest6I have tried everything and nothing works14:59
Guest6do you have any ideas how to fix it and make pernamently working?15:00
Guest6i would really want to use kubuntu as a daily driver but this is problem which stops me from doing this15:04
BluesKajis pavucontrol installed? Check Multimedia in your Kmenu/applauncher15:14
Guest6you mean volmue control? yes15:16
Guest6the fn buttons stop working randomly after restert of system or during working time, but never starts working again so easy, i have to restart laptop a few times and hope for working this time15:17
BluesKajGuest6, have you updated and upgraded your packages lately?15:18
Guest6no i havent15:18
BluesKajdo so15:18
Guest6how to do it?15:18
BluesKajin the terminal, sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade15:19
BluesKajonce that's done, reboot15:20
Guest6hey but i am on live cd, i wanted to check if the problem has been fixed since 21.0415:21
BluesKajmaybe you need a newer OS image15:22
Guest6i think it is some kind of a kubuntu bug, i can remebrer when i have installed k 21.04 and having this issue, i found some solution with grub update and it was working but still happening after reset15:23
Guest6i dont think so15:23
Guest6i have latest release of 21.1015:23
Guest6cado you know how to tell the kubuntu team to fix this bug?15:24
Guest6fo you know*15:24
BluesKajan installed OS is usually more stable than operating from a usb stick image15:25
Guest6i told you, i have it installed also15:25
Guest6and was the same15:25
BluesKajthen update and upgrade the install15:26
Guest6it is not working anyway15:26
BluesKajyou may have a driver problem, which has dependenies that may need upgrading15:27
Guest6im gonna contact kubuntu team to tell them of this problem15:28
BluesKajhaven't heard of the "the bug" you're having15:28
Guest6but there is sth wrong with this15:29
Guest6laptop is tohiba sattelite c65515:29
Guest6so what can I do about it?15:31
BluesKajhmm, 2GB Ram is rather low for Kubuntu to run successfully, recommended Ram is at least 4GB15:34
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user|36Can I develop websites using xampp in kubuntu?17:49
IrcsomeBot<TimoSalola> works on ubuntu so should work identically on kubuntu user|3617:56
user|36Thank you very much IrcsomeBot.17:58
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