[01:11] 'whois denis__ [01:15] oops [02:37] good morning [02:37] hi [04:28] Heya [04:28] * sarnold passes the soda [04:29] >:) [04:29] * daftykins steps behind the blast shield [04:30] silly question: what is most probable, a 512-bit computer or a Quantum computer? [04:30] (what will come next) [04:30] quantum computer [04:30] those exist already [04:30] ahhhhh [04:30] :) [04:30] they're not huge but they exist and do work etc :) [04:31] for week that I have been thinking about this [04:31] weeks* [04:31] and there's probably no point to a 512-bit computer. I wonder how many atoms it would take to build that much memory... [04:32] thanks [04:32] :) [04:33] that would have been an easy search [04:34] I don't want to search [04:34] I wanted to ask an OS development opinion [04:34] :) [04:34] developer* [04:41] that was a hardware question [04:41] ahhhhh [04:41] sorry [04:41] xD [04:41] my intention was thinking about an OS [04:41] :) [04:41] I wasn't clear [04:41] a 512-bit OS [04:42] the ZFS uses a 512-bit table [04:42] so, I was thinking about a 1024-bit table with 1024-bit times [04:42] :) [04:43] to include from the thousands minor time to the highest year possible [04:43] :) [04:43] 512-bit times* [04:43] sorry [04:43] I am brain damaged [04:47] it's all the cola [07:33] good morning [07:36] Hi guys. To prevent Windows on second partition to access data on the first Ubuntu partition, is the only way to encrypt the Ubuntu partition? [07:40] Can I like make a "harder" partitioning where the partitions wont be able to access each other (or format each other). [07:41] I am trying to find the locate of my zsh executable. I have tried locate zsh but have found nothing useful. Anyone know how to find it? [07:41] windows won't be able to access your linux files without 3rd party software [07:42] however linux can access windows [07:43] true, you'd need encryption to prevent that [08:28] ducasse, but the user or malware can easily install 3rd party software and access Linux then? [08:30] there's nothing preventing them from reading the disk, no [08:31] this is really a support question, they belong in #ubuntu btw [08:31] So my only option is encryption of linux partition? [08:32] if you want the data inaccessible from outside that os, yes [08:40] thx === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [11:36] croraf: keep in mind that any other OS could still always just overwrite your data stored on Ubuntu file systems, whether or not it could make sense of it. [11:37] but yes, support is in #ubuntu [12:08] tomreyn, yes, thanks. Is there any other way of separation that you are aware of? [12:11] croraf: virtualization, hardware access control, physical separation. [12:12] wdym by physical separation? [12:12] disconnect and optionally physically move storage [12:12] Have two HD and somehow prevent access from one to the other? [12:13] or use network storage which requires authentication [12:26] this scenario seems a bit nutty [14:33] Oxfuxxx I see no reason to run Lubuntu from a USB when there is PuppyLinux out there which is made for that purpose in mind. === Gallomimia is now known as Guest4369 === gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia === guntbert_ is now known as guntbert