
tomreynaaw crap, sorry to hear about the website compromise. i'd definitely go for a static generator if that's an option.01:03
tomreynwordpress is a mess :-/01:03
tomreynEickmeyer / Eickmeyer[k] https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/ubuntustudio.com01:05
tomreynI know you most likely have to work, or more urgent things to turn to, but ubuntustudio.org is still injecting malicious JS.11:57
Eickmeyertomreyn: There's been a ticket open with RT on this since yesterday.19:17
tomreynEickmeyer: :-/ meh, maybe if you ping the security folks about it to get a priority boost?19:21
Eickmeyertomreyn: Unfortunately, #ubuntu-security has nothing to do with it as that's for security vulnerabilities in packages. This is all #canonical-sysadmin stuff.19:21
tomreyni see19:22
tomreynso this is probably file system modifications now which you can't undo, right19:22
tomreynOR needing raw DB edits19:22
Eickmeyertomreyn: Nah, it was literally right in the file. Was easy to eradicate by going to a previous revision of the page(s).19:24
tomreynEickmeyer: but it's still there, right19:25
Eickmeyertomreyn: I literally just now committed the change.19:25
tomreynhmm maybe it's caching then19:25
EickmeyerYeah, likely.19:26
tomreynhttps://ubuntustudio.org/tour/photography/ and https://ubuntustudio.org/about-ubuntustudio/ still show the injected code19:26
EickmeyerOr cached on your system.19:26
tomreynnot my end19:26
EickmeyerI can't see it as I load the pages.19:27
tomreynweird. i keep shift reloading in firefox, clearing my cache, it still shows, but not in chromium or when i run curl19:31
EickmeyerYeah, probably stuck in Firefox's cache somewhere.19:35
tomreynEickmeyer: sorry, must have been my end19:35
tomreynyes, its gone after firefox restart19:36
Eickmeyertomreyn: No worries. I was looking for a way to clear the cache on the server end, but apparently we don't have a webcaching plugin (probably for the best).19:36
Eickmeyersecrurinet still shows it, but I'm willing to bet they need another cache rese ton their end.19:37
tomreynhttps://www.siteguarding.com/ still claims the code to be present also19:37
EickmeyerProbably still needs to propogate then. Not sure how Canonical does it.19:37
tomreynoh right, i had not checked against multiple mirrors19:38
tomreynEickmeyer: and now i see it again :/19:46
tomreynon https://ubuntustudio.org/about-ubuntustudio/19:47
Eickmeyertomreyn: I still don't see it, but I went ahead and restored the revision prior to the code injection. That should solve it, but I confirmed on the backend that it hasn't been changed since I fixed it earlier.19:48
tomreyncan't reproduce it outside firefox, though19:49
EickmeyerYeah, I'd wipe your cache. I can't produce it at all, though I admit I didn't check the site except from the backend (wp-admin).19:49
tomreynnow i got it in chromium, too19:53
EickmeyerI had it show up temporarily, but it's gone now.19:53
tomreyni'll see if i can come up with something reproducible, otherwise remain silent for now ;)19:53
EickmeyerI pulled-it up in Firefox. :( Contacting IS...19:54
tomreynthere are such malwares which actually sit in the web server and only occasionally spit it out19:56
tomreyni think i even read about a kernel module19:57
Eickmeyer*sigh* well, I pinged #canonical-sysadmin about it, stating it's urgent.19:58
EickmeyerAnd now I can't get it to show up at all.20:00
Eickmeyertomreyn: Yeah, I see it too. Nothing I can do from my end. The photography page looks clean at this point, though.20:11
EickmeyerI can get it to show-up on https://ubuntustudio.org/about-ubuntustudio/ reproducibly.20:12
tomreyni still can't get it to show with curl20:14
tomreynfirefox's developer tools -> network has a "copy ... as curl" option, which gives you a bulky curl command line with many options set to reproduce the same request20:15
tomreynbut this doesn'T help me repro it20:15
tomreynbut with javascript it's not easy to tell where the code is coming from, and maybe curl just doesn't show it because it's actually eval'd javascript20:17
Eickmeyertomreyn: Canonical IS just cleared the cache, I can't reproduce it anymore.20:57
tomreynthe page content was also modified, which might affect whether or how injection occurs20:58
EickmeyerYep, but that's something I need to fix anyways.20:58
tomreynEickmeyer: are you able to check last modification timestamps on the .js files embedded  to these pages?20:59
Eickmeyertomreyn: There should be no .js files at all.20:59
tomreynEickmeyer: https://ubuntustudio.org/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js 'https://ubuntustudio.org/wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/bootstrap-util-dropdown.min.js?ver=4.3.1' 'https://ubuntustudio.org/wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js?ver=20130115' 'https://ubuntustudio.org/wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/app.js?ver=20130115' wget 21:00
tomreynshorter version: /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js /wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/bootstrap-util-dropdown.min.js /wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js /wp-content/themes/ubuntustudio-website/wp_ubuntustudio/js/app.js /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js21:02
tomreynthose get loaded + executed while rendering https://ubuntustudio.org/about-ubuntustudio/21:02
EickmeyerYeah, I can't do anything about those, that's on the extreme backend. I can only edit via the dashboard.21:03
Eickmeyertomreyn: ^21:03
tomreyni see21:04
tomreynsucuri + siteguarding seem to be happy now21:21

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