
nicoz-hi folks08:25
xu-irc24wubuntu release impish shows support till june 2022,after that if we bump into some issues will some kind of community support will still be there or we will be on our own?19:24
gnrpxu-irc24w: Community support will still be there, as in this channel or whatever Mailing list, etc.19:25
xu-irc24wok thanks19:25
gnrpit just means that packages are not updated anymore. You will morel ikely run into problems that cannot be fixed without upgrading to another version19:25
krytarikWhat!?  Noo..19:26
xu-irc24wohh so probably after june 22 we may expect an new higher version which we can upgrade to19:27
krytarikEnd of Life means end of support anything.. unless it's to upgrade to a supported release..19:27
gnrpkrytarik: Doesn't mean that nobody will answer his questions anymore if he has a problem, though19:28
xu-irc24wok and does impish support kvm and ovs,19:29
krytarikgnrp: Well, help for releases out of support is not on-topic on any of the support forums (except for the mentioned topic) - and I guess it depends on the individuals how willing they are to go off-topic on this.19:32
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