
=== WrathOfAchilles is now known as Kuraokami
Nafallomorning! I'm getting the pristine-tar XDELTA3 issues again in one of my receipes. did we have a workaround for this? ref: https://code.launchpad.net/~volvo-cars-ubuntu/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+recipebuild/2920285/+files/buildlog.txt.gz09:30
NafalloI remember the cause, but not the fix :-)09:40
cjwatsonNafallo: When we've seen this before it's been fixed by upgrading pristine-tar on the buildds, but it generally requires some digging.  Please file a bug10:30
Nafallocjwatson: will do. thank you :-)10:31
Nafallobug #195490610:36
ubottuBug 1954906 in Launchpad itself "pristine-tar fails to reproduce the tarball" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195490610:36

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