
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
bdmurray#startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team16:00
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:00:19 UTC.  The chair is bdmurray.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:00
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:00
bdmurray#topic Lightning Round16:00
* bdmurray does the shuffle16:00
ogayot  o/16:00
bdmurrayjawn-smith slyon vorlon ogayot schopin waveform ginggs sil2100 xypron bdmurray dbungert alexghiti juliank doko mwhudson16:00
bdmurrayjawn is out but sent in his status16:01
slyon* RISC-V summit follow ups16:01
slyon* ubuntu-image16:01
slyon    * 2.1 released! Contains some bug fixes, --validation flag, and extra snaps in classic images16:01
slyon    * LP: #1954850 fixing boot on legacy bios for some images16:01
slyon    * lots of testing16:01
slyon* Go 1.18 beta uploaded to new16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954850 in Ubuntu Image "Disk images can have the first few bytes overwritten" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195485016:01
slyon* +1 maintenance:16:01
slyon    * lots of distractions, only managed to migrate golang-github-xenolf-lego and golang-github-cenkalti-backoff16:01
slyon* LP: #1948042 reviewing packaging and uploading16:01
slyon* LP: #1954772 reviewing packaging and uploading16:01
slyon* proposed-migration: libio-socket-ssl-perl vs libnet-ssleay-perl16:01
slyon    * have worked on this, but requires non-trivial changes and therefore more work16:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1948042 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Package first stage bootloader for the RISC-V Nehza board" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194804216:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954772 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Package U-Boot for the RISC-V Nezha board" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195477216:01
slyon- systemd SRUs for Bionic/Focal/Impish16:02
slyon  LP: #1650688 #1952599 #1943561 #1944711 #1948476 #1952733 #1952735 #192654716:02
slyon- drafted systemd-oomd enablement in Debian:16:02
slyon  https://salsa.debian.org/systemd-team/systemd/-/merge_requests/13316:02
slyon- Fixed jeepney componen-mismatch16:02
slyon- Working with upstream (Debian) to get the dh-elpa autopkgtest included16:02
slyon  LP#1951066, debian#100145216:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1952599 in systemd (Ubuntu Hirsute) "virt: Support detection for ARM64 Hyper-V guests (fixed upstream)" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195259916:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1943561 in systemd (Ubuntu Hirsute) "Add ACCEL_LOCATION=base property for 6 Dell clamshell models" [Medium, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194356116:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1650688 in Snappy "timedatectl set-timezone fails on UC16" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/165068816:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1948476 in systemd (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] Allow target units to fail" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194847616:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1944711 in systemd (Ubuntu Focal) "restarting systemd-logind loses all existing sessions" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194471116:02
ubottuMerge 133 in systemd-team/systemd "Enable build of systemd-oomd and ship it (optionally) in a systemd-oomd package" [Opened]16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951066 in dh-elpa (Debian) "[MIR] dh-elpa" [Unknown, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195106616:02
ubottuDebian bug 1001452 in dh-elpa "dh-elpa: Adding a basic autopkgtest" [Wishlist, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/100145216:02
slyon- Fixed ptl on armhf upstream (debian#1001237)16:02
slyon  https://github.com/jrmadsen/PTL/pull/2616:02
slyon=== Netplan ===16:02
slyon- Refined & tested https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/24716:02
slyon- Merged https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/24416:02
ubottuDebian bug 1001237 in src:ptl "ptl: autopkgtest regression on armhf: Floating point exception" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/100123716:02
slyon- Prepared https://github.com/canonical/netplan/pull/24816:02
slyon- Wrote spec for SmartNIC eswitch settings (switchdev mode toggle)16:02
slyon✓ done16:02
ubottuPull 26 in jrmadsen/PTL "Threading: Fix GetNumberOfPhysicalCpus, it should never return zero" [Merged]16:02
ubottuPull 247 in canonical/netplan "keyfile: do not try to write out unvalidated YAML (LP: #1952967)" [Open]16:02
ubottuPull 244 in canonical/netplan "Disable temporary address generation when renderer is NetworkManager (LP: #1948027) – change in behavior" [Merged]16:02
ubottuPull 248 in canonical/netplan "Improve routing capabilities" [Open]16:02
vorlonskip me for a minute :)16:03
ogayot* subiquity:16:03
ogayot  - Implemented second stage integration of Ubuntu Advantage in Subiquity.16:03
ogayot  - Added mechanism to hide UA screen for non-LTS releases.16:03
ogayot  - Fixed misc errors encountered on the way.16:04
ogayot  - Working on initial design for APT pinning in Subiquity LP: #194269216:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1942692 in subiquity "[FR] Enable definition of priority/pinning of packages/apt repositories when using autoinstall" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194269216:04
ogayot* MIR for libio-interactive-perl -> approved LP: #195106716:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951067 in libio-interactive-perl (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libio-interactive-perl" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195106716:04
schopin* Packaged OpenSSL 3.0.1 for jammy16:04
schopin* Redacted a design documented to sketch out what Rust support in Ubuntu could look like16:04
schopin* ruby-gnome: added missing autopkgtest dependency16:04
schopin* src:paperwork: investigate autopkgtest failure16:04
schopin✓ done16:04
waveform* Proposed deleting vast swathes of livecd-rootfs (https://code.launchpad.net/~waveform/livecd-rootfs/+git/livecd-rootfs/+merge/413297)16:04
waveform* ... and discovered some more ubuntu-image bugs along the way (LP: #1955019)16:04
waveform* Worked on SRU for update-initramfs compression issue (LP: #1950214)16:04
waveform* Worked on SRU for needrestart breaking bluetooth on Pi (LP: #1953046)16:04
waveform* Investigated crda issues (incidental to LP: #1951586); unable to replicate16:04
waveform* Pi meetings16:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1955019 in Ubuntu Image "Don't overwrite fstab, even when root mount is missing" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195501916:05
waveform* Training (grrr...)16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1950214 in ubuntu-settings (Ubuntu Impish) "raspi 64 bit Impish image fails update-initramfs with OOM on zstd" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195021416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1953046 in pi-bluetooth (Ubuntu Impish) "needrestart should ignore hciuart.service" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195304616:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951586 in netplan "Need option to specify wifi regulatory domain" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195158616:05
bdmurraygraham is out16:05
sil2100* Off utill January starting tomorrow!16:05
sil2100* SRU reviews and releases16:05
sil2100* DMB meeting16:05
sil2100* 20.04.4 planning and coordination16:05
sil2100* Ubuntu CDImage:16:05
sil2100  - Finalizing the WSL tracking support spec, handing out for review16:05
sil2100  - Adjusting specification after review, things looking a bit easier now16:05
sil2100  - Creating an initial draft implementation of WSL image rebuilds using the WSL team's build-remote16:05
sil2100  - Thinking about possible ways of improving per-product image builds in cdimage - drafting spec16:06
sil2100* Ubuntu Image:16:06
sil2100  - Prepared card for 2.1 release, drafting initial plan, William performing the release16:06
sil2100  - Discussions on the sync meeting: postponing the backporting of 2.0+ to stable series for now16:06
sil2100  - Helping out with prepping the snaps, validation and push to Beta16:06
sil2100  - Found regression with BIOS legacy boot for UC images using 2.0+, debugged issue16:06
sil2100  - Reviewed and merged fix for legacy boot from William16:06
sil2100  - Investigated issues with running ubuntu-image snap on jammy, reported bug against snapd16:06
sil2100  - Disabled issues on the UI github page, did some LP bug cleanup16:06
sil2100  - A bit of work on the ubuntu-image classic redesign spec16:06
sil2100* Touch base on RISC-V story16:06
sil2100* Reviewed, merged and released livecd-rootfs changes from Heinrich for loader2 partition resize16:06
sil2100* Reviewed, merged and released livecd-rootfs changes from Heinrich fixing local runs of livecd-rootfs16:06
sil2100* Starting looking into some of the Nehza NEW packages - thinking about those a bit16:06
vorlonok ready now16:06
sil2100* Worked on the ledmon MIR, currently on halt pending further discussions16:06
sil2100* Cleaned up the lldpd xenial backport to properly handle zsh completions and docs16:06
sil2100* Various discussions regarding work planning for January16:06
sil2100* Tried to release core18 to stable, but store was a bit reluctant, seeing that we're close to EOY16:06
bdmurrayvorlon: then16:07
vorlon * no-change uploads for a lot of the NBS packages from https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html16:07
vorlon   * found that the entire gnuradio stack is broken by API changes in gnuradio16:07
vorlon   * D library soname changes blocked by failing builds on s390x and armhf (which don't use ldc)16:07
vorlon   * libjsoncpp transition almost done16:07
vorlon   * all the remaining libssl1.1 revdeps need attention16:07
vorlon * discussing unattended-upgrades seeding16:07
vorlon * spending time until EOY working on snakefruit migration16:07
xypronstart integrate RISC-V patches into our GRUB 2.06 patch queue16:07
xypronSRU testing for #194162216:07
xyprontesting Nezha image created with livecd-rootfs16:07
xypronPackaged U-Boot for #1952637 (enable efidebug, printenv -e commands)16:07
xypron<done />16:07
bdmurrayredeployed staging error tracker16:08
bdmurraysubmitted a canonical-is-firewall MP16:08
bdmurraymodified the apport workaround for gdb bug LP: #181891816:08
bdmurrayupdated the version of apport in the staging Error Tracker16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1818918 in apport (Ubuntu) "gdb doesn't search in debug-file-directory for .gnu_debugaltlink" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181891816:08
bdmurraycandidate application review16:08
bdmurrayuploaded walinuxagent w/ arm64 support for J, I, F (LP: #1954678)16:08
bdmurrayuploaded update-manager fixing LP: #1880996 and some word choice16:08
bdmurraysetting up an apache web server for the ftbfs report16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954678 in walinuxagent (Ubuntu Impish) "Build for more platforms" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195467816:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1880996 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "two different debug options" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/188099616:08
bdmurraysubmitted an MP, RT for deploying the above server16:08
bdmurraysponsored sed for waveform (LP: #1954348)16:08
bdmurraymerged, uploaded livecd-rootfs fix for LP: #189510416:08
bdmurrayuploaded F, I SRUs for (LP: #1951988)16:08
bdmurraydiscussed bug triage with the server team16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954348 in sed (Ubuntu) "sed 4.8-1 needs patch disabling non-portable tests" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195434816:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1895104 in cloud-images "It hangs during booting after deploy cloud image(.ova)  and upgrade hardware vesion in ESXi" [Low, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/189510416:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951988 in dpkg (Ubuntu Impish) "dpkg-source should fail if maintainer is not ubuntu and DEBEMAIL contains @canonical.com" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195198816:08
bdmurray✔ done16:08
dbungert* pyqt5 - clear out last regression with retest16:08
dbungert* libcrypt-openssl-pkcs10-perl - investigating test failure w/ openssl3.16:08
dbungertDebian sid sometimes has better results?  Looking at why only "sometimes".16:08
dbungert* subiquity vs os-prober - investigate what I thought was a failure to detect16:08
dbungertan existing OS issue, but it was a "don't run 2 copies of os-prober" issue16:08
dbungertinstead.  Fix code loop where subiquity could repeatedly run os-prober.16:08
dbungert* ubuntu-desktop-installer - add experimental flag to do autoinstalls even16:08
dbungertthough UI support isn't there yet.16:08
alexghitiNezha kernel 5.14 package building in my ppa16:08
alexghitiSBI SRST extension in riscv kernel LP #195504216:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1955042 in linux-riscv (Ubuntu) "SBI SRST extension is missing" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195504216:09
vorlonschopin: redacted a document, or drafted a document?16:09
juliank* grub:16:09
juliank  - BIOS: cherry-picked hunk that I missed to fix boot (reported in LP: #1953490)16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1953490 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "keep grub 2.06 in proposed" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195349016:09
juliank  - UEFI: Pop the error if we could not allocate kernel at preferred address, such that fallback works correctly (LP: #1954566)16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954566 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu) "jammy-proposed grub-efi-amd64-signed 1.175+2.06 2ubuntu2fails to find or load kernel" [Undecided, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195456616:09
juliank  - validated grub 2.06 on autopkgtest cloud and released it16:10
juliank  - found out that grub is missing secure boot support for compressed kernels (LP: #1954683), need to finish up workaround for that16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1954683 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu Jammy) "grub is missing secure boot support for compressed kernels" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195468316:10
juliank* proposed-migration:16:10
juliank  - lxml: uploaded gcc-python-plugin to remove dependency on removed python3-lxml-dbg, it's odd that britney neither smoothed the update nor reported that it would render gcc-python3-dbg-plugin uninstallable.16:10
juliank* spent a couple mins to adapt zram-config to modern standards like debhelper 11, and single device use (as multiple devices have not been needed since kernel 3.15)16:10
schopinvortlon: drafted, sorry. Spoke to Matthieu earlier today, messed up my English ;)16:10
bdmurrayany questions on status?16:11
bdmurray#topic Release Incoming Bugs16:11
bdmurray#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs16:11
bdmurraybug 184012216:12
ubottuBug 1840122 in finalrd (Ubuntu Jammy) "System fails to reboot from live session or ubiquity-dm - squashfs_read_data failed to read block" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184012216:12
bdmurrayCould somebody have a look at paride's MP?16:12
vorlonnot sure I'll get to it this week, but I was going to try to test it on a system here where I see finalrd bugs16:12
vorlonproblem is it's my network router ;)16:13
bdmurrayMaybe we should just land it. It looks like there is an ubuntu testing week next week.16:13
bdmurraybug 195432016:14
ubottuBug 1954320 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "Add privacy screen modules to the initrd" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195432016:14
=== genii-core is now known as genii
bdmurrayBased off seb's comment I gather it requires some kernel changes so lets pass on that for now.16:15
vorlonkernel changes don't seem to be a prereq?16:16
schopini understood that the changes were actually needed ahead of kernel changes.16:16
vorlonI think we should take it and plan to have it done before 22.04 release16:16
vorlonbecause 5.17 will absolutely be supported on 22.04 in its lifecycle16:16
vorlon(and I'm not sure what kernel we're targeting for 22.04, either)16:16
bdmurraybug 1953619 is already being worked is there a related card?16:17
ubottuBug 1953619 in subiquity (Ubuntu) "Proxy settings are not applied to the installed system" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195361916:17
dbungertThe core issue was fixed and released.  I think we just need to set to Fix Released16:18
bdmurraybug 195468316:18
ubottuBug 1954683 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu Jammy) "grub is missing secure boot support for compressed kernels" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195468316:18
dbungertbdmurray: yes, I just confirmed that this fix was in subiquity 21.12.2, so I'm marking the bug Fix Released16:19
bdmurraylet's card the grub2-unsigned bug16:19
bdmurrayii is invisible for foundations16:20
waveformbug 195158616:20
ubottuBug 1951586 in netplan "Need option to specify wifi regulatory domain" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195158616:20
bdmurraythat sounds like bug 186276016:22
ubottuBug 1862760 in linux-firmware-raspi2 (Ubuntu Focal) "Unreliable 802.11ac connection on our raspi images" [Undecided, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186276016:22
bdmurrayThe question here is what should be setting the regulatory domain and where.16:25
vorlonI think we have agreement that this should be part of the netplan schema and we're going to take a card for it16:28
mclemenceauOk, carded16:28
bdmurray#link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html16:29
bdmurraybug 195330116:29
ubottuBug 1953301 in openssl (Ubuntu) "Segfault on AArch64 caused by OpenSSL affecting numerous packages" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195330116:29
bdmurrayIt looks like schopin is investigating this already16:31
sil2100Let's card it if it's not carded yet16:31
bdmurrayIs it not incomplete?16:31
schopinbdmurray: not investigating per say yet, just came across it when packaging 3.0.1 and thought that someone (me?) should take the time to.16:32
bdmurrayokay, then let's card it16:33
bdmurray#topic Team proposed-migration report16:33
sil2100I think this isn't incomplete per-se?16:33
vorlon#link https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs16:34
vorlonlooking pretty good now compared to past weeks!16:34
vorlonpython-crypto: doko has said he will harrangue the openstack team to get the revdeps fixed, leaving that with him16:35
bdmurrayWas removing lintian-brush discussed?16:35
vorlonlicensecheck: the MIR is done (as of 5 minutes ago), but there's still a failing autopkgtest; looking at it, licensecheck has changed the output it generates that invalidates one of the libconfig-model-dpkg-perl test cases, so someone needs to talk to the Debian maintainers and get a conclusion who is right16:36
vorlonfirst step would be to file a Debian bug on libconfig-model-dpkg-perl16:36
vorlonogayot: do you want to follow through on this part?16:36
vorlonpython-click is still with mwhudson - requires a mailman3 new upstream version.  leaving it with him16:37
vorlongobject-introspection: schopin is this still yours?16:37
schopinvorlon: still looking into it. the paperwork issue just popped up, and it is entangled with some py3.10 issue as well :/16:38
vorlonschopin: ack16:38
schopinAt least the ruby-gnome issue should be solved.16:38
vorlonlintian: as bdmurray mentioned, there was discussion on the mailing list about removing lintian-brush16:38
vorlonbut afaik no bug has been filed yet16:38
vorlonif someone can file a bug on that, I'll get lintian-brush removed16:38
vorlonsomeone also needs to complete the MIR for libio-prompt-tiny-perl16:39
vorlonwho can take lintian?16:39
vorlonlintian to schopin, thanks!16:39
vorlonand of course, these have until January 6 to be completed :)16:39
dbungertstill looking at that one.  I'd like to get it done today so it doesn't sit over break.16:40
vorlondbungert: are you still investigating this?16:40
vorlonok thanks16:40
vorlonjawn-smith had this16:41
vorlonI don't remember if there was anything in his report about it?  and now he's off16:41
vorlonit can wait until the new year as necessary16:41
slyonhe has been working on it according to his report, but it needs some bigger changes16:41
vorlonpillow blocked on raqm MIR https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/raqm/+bug/195106916:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1951069 in raqm (Ubuntu) "[MIR] raqm" [Undecided, Incomplete]16:42
vorlonwaveform: I see you've commented on it, are you driving this?  (should the bug state be changed back from incomplete?)16:42
slyonthis is currently pending didrocks approval (after reading Dave's comments)16:43
waveformyes, I've responded to the MIR team's query on a couple of items; awaiting their response (should that be changed to incopmlete?)16:43
vorlonlibtry-tiny-perl is waiting on an i386 autopkgtest, I'll get it sorted16:43
vorlonslyon, waveform: I think the bug shouldn't be listed as 'incomplete' then?  I don't remember if this goes to 'new' or 'confirmed'16:43
vorlonsystemd autopkgtest failures blocking linux, I'll have a look as this might just need retriggers16:44
slyonIndeed. I set it to "New" (but we already talked about it in the MIR meeting, unfortunately didrocks wasn't there)16:44
vorlonslyon: ack16:44
vorlonlibcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl blocked by libcrypt-openssl-pkcs10-perl, which was already discussed; but also by lemonldap-ng16:44
vorlonwho can look at libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl vs lemonldap-ng this week?16:44
vorlonbdmurray: ?16:44
vorlonthen we have some packages blocked on ruby-defaults; that's not ready to migrate, leaving it in the server team's hands16:45
vorlonautofs autopkgtest failing on s390x. sil2100 could you have a look?16:45
vorlonpython3-stdlib-extensions has an armhf-only autopkgtest failure.  xypron could you look at this please?16:46
sil2100I'll try, but I'm off tomorrow already! Might be able to take a look next week inbetween holidaying ;)16:46
xypronvorlon: it is my last day this year16:47
vorlonxypron: these assignments are good until Jan 6 :)16:47
bdmurrayYou have three days next year!16:47
vorloninit-system-helpers: juliank: ?16:48
juliankvorlon: ack16:48
vorlonlibio-socket-ssl-perl: alexghiti: ?16:48
alexghitivorlon: ack16:48
vorlonand then I think everybody has one16:48
vorlonand only 2 unassigned, very nice progress16:48
slyonI don't have anything, yet16:48
vorlonoh? oops16:49
vorlonalso libio-socket-ssl-perl was on the list twice for different reasons and is assigned to jawn-smith16:49
vorlonwell fwupd is special, I don't think I want to assign that to anyone else16:49
vorlonalexghiti, slyon: you can split the work on pygments if you like16:50
vorlonand now we're really done16:50
bdmurray#topic AOB16:50
bdmurraySounds like there are a few people out tomorrow16:50
bdmurraySo happy end of year!16:51
mclemenceauindeed \o/ happy holidays to everyone16:51
vorlonhappy holidays, all :)16:51
ogayothappy holidays !16:52
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:52:12 UTC.  Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2021/ubuntu-meeting.2021-12-16-16.00.moin.txt16:52
slyonhappy holidays indeed! \o/16:52

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