
cjp256I can reliably reproduce a case where network configuration changes for an Ubuntu 20.04 VM results in a networkd hanging on "pending" interfaces. The interfaces are pending because the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml generated on the previous boot conflicts with the new configuration (and the netplan generator appears to apply the previous config prior to running cloud-init local).  We'll see something like `systemd-udevd[228]: 14:20
cjp256eth0: Failed to process device, ignoring: File exists`.14:20
cjp256In one scenario, the data source is able to fetch updated network configuration and cloud-init updates & generates the updated config & udev rules just fine.  However, networking stays offline ("pending") indefinitely.  I can force it to resolve itself by executing `udevadm trigger --attr-match=subsystem=net`.  I'm curious if this is a known issue?14:21
falcojrcjp256: that doesn't sound familiar to me. If you submit a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init and attach the results of "cloud-init collect-logs", we can dig in more14:30
cjp256Sounds good, will do.14:34
blackboxswfalcojr: I know you're working on json schema coverage at the moment. I was toying with the separate JSON file for schema definitions with something like this (using JSON definitions/$refs). https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KyR9BgYDdg/ and having cc_apt_configure.py do `schema = json.loads(open("schemas/apt_configure.json"). We'll have a problem for documentation rendering because it isn't aware of how to traverse JSON references 21:21
blackboxswyet, but I think we can sort that separately.21:21
blackboxswI might have a fair suggestion in patch on this before I EOY so I can contextswitch back in after Christmas breal21:21
blackboxswthough using $ref in our current schema definitions leads to `E               cloudinit.config.schema.SchemaValidationError: Cloud config schema errors: properties.apt.properties.security: Additional properties are not allowed ('$ref' was unexpected)21:33
blackboxsw` at the moment. Maybe table that idea for another day/year21:33
blackboxsw /pr21:33
blackboxswfull flat schema JSON suggestion for cc_apt_configure.py https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8BXKnPkVbg/21:55

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