[02:50] good morning [05:28] hi! [05:48] hi [07:58] good morning [11:35] Hey. Today I noticed that the main page of the website has this picture: https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/e1d3143f-laptop.png [11:35] On the picture, Unity is showcased. [11:38] I don't have a GitHub account, so I couldn't report a bug. It's a bit weird that the website isn't on Launchpad. [12:01] KBar: howd you notice thats unity [12:02] and not sure the website bugs goto LP [12:19] lotuspsychje: zoom in. The top panel, indicators, color scheme, the Launcher and the infamous Amazon launcher give it away. [12:20] lotuspsychje: the "Report a bug on this site" sends me here: https://github.com/login?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcanonical-web-and-design%2Fubuntu.com%2Fissues%2Fnew%3Fbody%3D%250a%250a%250a---%250a%2AReported%2520from%3A%2520https%3A%2F%2Fubuntu.com%2F%2A [12:22] we do still have unity desktop as package, but pics should be better showing the right current version indeed [12:27] that is indeed the good old Unity [12:34] KBar: where did you see that pic? [12:35] i can't find it anywhere on the ubuntu website [12:36] ah, got it [12:37] they probably still use it because Ubuntu 16.04 is still supported through ESM [13:16] i had a FF snap crash once on 22.04 [13:18] lotuspsychje: i don't count that because it's a development version [13:18] bugs are about to happen [13:18] yeah its still early indeed [13:19] Khepra: don't expect many, IF anyone actually, to answer your question [13:20] irc isn't as active anymore as it was years ago ;) [13:21] yeah. well anyway I was wondering if it's a pervasive problem or not. even silence is a datapoint [13:21] most of the people that hang around are just idlers [13:22] you have crashes on debian with FF snap so i'd turn to the debian guys for further help [13:23] Maik: well for the same reason lotuspsychje cited referall to the vendors, asking #debian (where I'm regular) would be equally wrong [13:24] snaps aren't supported by distros. snapd itself IS, but individual snaps are not [13:24] then ask the mozilla guys.... [13:25] or whoever builds the snap package [13:25] Khepra: well, maybe you can find something here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/search?q=firefox [13:25] no my question was specifically to Ubuntu users. Not the vendors, I'm not reporting a bug (I don't know what the bug is even). I am merely asking if useres of the snap see it crashing when the upgrade hapopens. [13:26] we know that by now and as you can see no one replied because the majority here are idlers [13:26] that's okay. I'm merely responding to mis-redirections that I should ask elsewhere. [13:27] so you'll never really know