
=== qskwood_ is now known as qskwood
noodlekingI run ubuntu 20.10 on my HP laptop and I can't seem to get my external monitor to work as part of an extended display. Nor can I get it to display at its native (1440p) resolution. I've googled and tried a few of the usual suspect sites but, I can't seem to find a solution to this problen. Could anyone here help?00:33
oli_bnoodleking: do U have the appropriate driver installed?00:39
oerheks20.10 is EOL, dead Jim..00:44
ubottuUbuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) was the 33rd release of Ubuntu, support ended July 22nd, 2021. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-June/000269.html00:44
oerheksupgrade to a supported version, asap00:45
=== bocaneri is now known as Sauvin
=== mac is now known as Guest5873
CarlFKderp.  trying to search for who nicked me.03:08
supremekaiHey guys, how can I rename an USB pen drive? Can u recommend a software with a GUI for the purpose plz?03:09
Bashing-omCarlFK: command ' /last CarlFK ' :D03:10
CarlFK<pi0> "CarlFK: how do i run it bash?" <- in the appname.desktop file (I think that is how you are running appname) "Exec=bash appname"03:15
Guest15which is the less used language to install ubuntu?03:48
Guest15i actually mean;which is the used language of the most poorest people avalilable to install ubuntu with?03:51
lotuspsychje!discuss | Guest1503:53
ubottuGuest15: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:53
=== beaver is now known as pong
=== xing_song1 is now known as xing_song
supremekaiHey guys, I was using xorg at Ubuntu 20.04 and now I installed NVIDIA metapackage driver 470. I have two screens and both were working, but after installing the NVIDIA driver my laptop screen is black. I'm using cinnamon with UBUNTU 20.04, any tips on how to solve this?09:29
KBarsupremekai: switch to a virtual terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F6) and run this command: ubuntu-drivers list > ~/drivers_list 2>&109:42
KBarThis will save the output to the file named "drivers_list" in your home directory.09:42
KBarShare the output09:43
KBar*the > a09:43
supremekaiKBar, thnks!! :D09:44
supremekaiHere it is => https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/5J7YRCstbH/09:44
supremekaiI have a laptop acer nitro 5 an515-54 and I'm using cinammon at Ubuntu 20.0409:45
KBarsupremekai: is that the full output? You didn't cut or edit anything, correct?09:45
supremekaiKBar, it is the full output09:45
supremekaiI'm currently using nvidia-driver-470 installed via the GUI of Software & Updates > Additional Drivers09:47
KBarsupremekai: good. What about `ubuntu-drivers devices` and `sudo lshw`?09:47
supremekaiHere is the first one => https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/YsK6JZWRqZ/09:47
supremekaiKBar, here is the output of sudo lshw => https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2Rcx7y3ZwN/09:48
KBarsupremekai: great. Two more things before we proceed, just to make sure. Run 1) `dpkg -l | grep nvidia` 2) `dpkg -l | grep nouveau`09:51
supremekaiIf I use "X.org X server" everything works - I have two screens; the one from the laptop and an HDMI-0 screen. Using Xorg the HDMI-0 screen has an horrible resolution, but now using an NVIDIA driver the HDMI-0 screen has a great resolution but my laptop's screen is black :\09:51
supremekaiok :) 30 secs09:51
supremekaihttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zC5GWq93xq/ => 1st one KBar09:52
supremekaiKbar, the "grep noveau" one => https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pnStKYmG76/09:54
Thomas25hmm, ubuntu 20.04 even glithes audio when i test with mobo audio device09:55
Thomas25also chrome/ff uses huge amounts of CPU when decoding 4k video, this is a 6 core CPU (12 with ht), and it uses more than 200% of a core decoding 4k.09:56
Thomas251) even so, audio glitches would mean poor scheduling implementation at some level 2) why browsers won't use hw acc?09:56
KBarsupremekai: be extra careful and do NOT omit the --simulate part: `apt purge --simulate '*nvidia*' '*nouveau*' > ~/purge_sim`09:57
KBarShare the output09:58
supremekaiKBar, my connection went south :p but I'll do the purge --simulate09:59
KBarsupremekai: be extra careful and do NOT omit the --simulate part: `apt purge --simulate '*nvidia*' '*nouveau*' > ~/purge_sim` and share the output09:59
KBarIn case you missed something :)09:59
supremekaiWARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.09:59
supremekaiE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.09:59
supremekaiIt gave me these two warnings after running the command ^10:00
supremekaibut it seems to have created the file :D I'll paste it10:00
KBarsupremekai: its just the STDOUT was redirected to a new file "purge_sim" while STDIN remained connected to your terminal10:01
KBarWe can safely ignore the warning.10:01
supremekaithe output is huge10:01
KBarOfc, let's look at it. Just interested in the package list part10:01
supremekaifull ouput KBar => https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/MgXjt7Rcgz/10:04
KBarsupremekai: thanks. while i look at it, can you 1) `sudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-driver-470` and relogin (doubt it will help) 2) `ubuntu-drivers install` 3) also forgot to ask: do you run X or Wayland?10:04
supremekaiI'm running cinnamon10:05
supremekaiis it X?10:05
supremekaiKBar, I found this about the 470 driver => https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/solved-black-screen-using-nvidia-drivers/19710710:06
supremekai"The issue is with the 470.86 driver. No issues with 495.44 or 470.83-470.74"10:06
KBarsupremekai: correction to point 2) dont forget to reboot10:07
supremekaiok ok10:07
supremekaiI will test it right now KBar, thanks!! :D10:08
KBarsupremekai: what? So is it fixed?10:09
supremekaiKBar, I ran ubuntu-drivers install and it outputted the following:10:12
supremekai0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:12
supremekaiTrying to select the on-demand PRIME profile10:12
supremekaiInfo: the on-demand profile is already set10:12
KBarsupremekai: I see. Let's purge them. Hold on a minute.10:13
supremekaiBoth screens work before the crypt password, after inserting the cryptsetup password, it seems like each screen has its own life, while I login in the HDMI-0 screen (automatically after crypt password) at the same time the laptop's screen is still at the system checkup with a message like: "Cntrl + C to skip system check"10:15
supremekaithen it gets black (the laptop's built-in screen)10:16
supremekaiKBar, should I select Xorg driver before the purge?10:16
KBarsupremekai: the idea is to purge all of them, including the Xorg driver and then do `ubuntu-drivers install`.10:17
supremekaiok :)10:19
supremekaibut what about the --simulate KBar ? The last message was kind of strange10:19
KBarsupremekai: here is the list of packages to purge. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/R7PgWXRmRb/plain/10:19
KBarsupremekai: i messed that one up. run simulate with this10:20
KBarshould show 39 packages to remove10:20
supremekaiKBar, the apt purge --simulate outputs the following:10:22
supremekaiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:22
supremekai libgl1 : Depends: libglx0 (= 1.3.2-1~ubuntu0.20.04.1) but it is not going to be installed10:22
supremekai libglx-mesa0 : Depends: libgl1-mesa-dri but it is not going to be installed10:22
supremekaiE: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.10:22
supremekaiI ran the following =====> sudo apt purge --simulate libnvidia-cfg1-470:amd64 libnvidia-common-470 libnvidia-compute-460:amd64 libnvidia-compute-460-server:amd64 libnvidia-compute-465:amd64 libnvidia-compute-470:amd64 libnvidia-compute-470:i386 libnvidia-compute-470-server:amd64 libnvidia-decode-470:amd64 libnvidia-decode-470:i386 libnvidia-encode-470:amd64 libnvidia-encode-470:i386 libnvidia-extra-470:amd6410:23
supremekailibnvidia-fbc1-470:amd64 libnvidia-fbc1-470:i386 libnvidia-gl-470:amd64 libnvidia-gl-470:i386 libnvidia-ifr1-470:amd64 libnvidia-ifr1-470:i386 linux-modules-nvidia-460-5.8.0-55-generic linux-modules-nvidia-470-5.11.0-38-generic linux-objects-nvidia-460-5.8.0-55-generic linux-objects-nvidia-470-5.11.0-38-generic nvidia-compute-utils-470 nvidia-compute-utils-470-server nvidia-dkms-470 nvidia-dkms-470-server nvidia-driver-47010:23
supremekainvidia-kernel-common-470 nvidia-kernel-common-470-server nvidia-kernel-source-470 nvidia-prime nvidia-settings nvidia-utils-470 screen-resolution-extra xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-470 libdrm-nouveau2:amd64 libdrm-nouveau2:i386 xserver-xorg-video-nouveau10:23
KBarsupremekai: pastebin10:23
KBarsupremekai: don't flood here again. You're going to get autobanned10:23
supremekaisorry, I thought it would output in 1 line like in the shell :x10:23
supremekaiok ok10:23
KBarsupremekai: do the redirection10:24
KBarand upload it to pastebinit10:24
KBarsupremekai: hmm. What happens when you run `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`?10:24
KBardoes it complain?10:25
KBaroops sorry10:25
KBarsupremekai: dont do the upgrade part10:25
KBarsupremekai:  just `sudo apt update`10:25
supremekaiI did it and it outputs it normally stating that "All packages are up to date"10:27
KBarsupremekai: no complaints whatsoever?10:27
supremekainop :\10:28
KBarsupremekai: `echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE` and `apt-mark showhold`10:28
supremekaisession type output X1110:29
supremekaiapt-mark showhold does not output anything10:29
supremekaiKBar, what about the unmet dependencies: libglx-mesa0 : Depends: libgl1-mesa-dri but it is not going to be installed10:30
supremekaiwhen we tried the last apt purge --simulate10:30
KBarsupremekai: can you check what repos do you have selected? launch the "Software & Updates" app, which of main, restricted, universe, multiverse are checked?10:31
alkisgIn such cases, aptitude analyzes the dependency issues with more verbosity than apt; you might want to check with `aptitude purge all these`, then Ctrl+C to stop it; and see what it says about the problems it encountered...10:31
tomreynto list configured repositories:  sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999910:33
supremekaiI have those: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/XPdnh3bMS4/10:33
supremekaiTY tomreyn10:33
supremekaialkisg, aptitude purge all these? I couldn't understand it very well10:33
alkisgYou tried apt purge --simulate packages; I'm proposing to try aptitude purge packages. The same long list that you were trying to purge.10:34
supremekaiKBar, using tomreyn cmd => https://termbin.com/dr2e10:34
alkisgJust to get a better error message, that's all10:34
supremekaialkisg, can we simulate at aptitude?10:34
tomreynsupremekai: can you show   apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999910:35
supremekaialkisg, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/2YTyrfycQf/ => isn't the last part relevant? Related to the unmet dependencies10:35
KBarsupremekai: I'd say it's safe to ignore for now.10:35
supremekaitomreyn, https://termbin.com/ozft10:35
supremekaiKBar, ok :) what would happen if we tried the purge at this moment?10:36
tomreynsupremekai: looks like you have leftover packages you had installed froma ppa or something. remove those you don't strictly require.10:36
KBarsupremekai: first tab "Ubuntu Software" in the "Software & Updates" tab, which Ubuntu repos do you have checked?10:36
tomreynhmm linux mint packages10:37
supremekaiKBar, I have ubuntu canonical10:38
supremekaimain, universe, restricted and multiverse10:39
supremekaiI have all of those checked at "Ubuntu Software" tab10:39
KBarNice. Try purging those 39 packages now.10:39
supremekaitomreyn, can't I use a dpkg --reconfigure or something like that?10:39
tomreynsupremekai: generally, that's a common you can use. i don't know why you'Re asking this, or in which context10:40
KBarsupremekai: did you not run `dpkg-reconfigure` when I told you earlier?10:40
tomreyncommon -> command10:40
KBarbut anyway it is of no use now10:40
KBarsince we're going to purge10:40
supremekaiI didn't saw the reconfigure command10:41
supremekaimaybe it was when I lost the connection10:41
supremekaisudo dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-driver-470 <= this I did10:41
supremekaiSo it didn't work10:42
supremekaiI was talking about a dpkg reconfigure for the overall sys10:42
supremekaibut I'll now purge those 39 packages and reboot10:42
KBarthere is reinstall10:42
KBaryou reinstall the system10:42
KBarand its all good :)(10:42
supremekaino no :P10:42
supremekaithat's the easy way ahah10:42
supremekaiI will purge now and reboot10:42
supremekaiThank you all ! KBar , tomreyn , alkisg :)10:43
cedricbbonjour, je n'arrive pas a changer la resolution de mon pc portable qui etait avant sur vista et je n'arrive pas a detecter ma carte graphique pour ajouter les pilotes manquants. pouvez vous m aider svp11:35
KBarcedricb: #ubuntu-fr11:35
cedricbje suis sur xubuntu11:36
lotuspsychje!fr | cedricb11:51
ubottucedricb: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:51
=== henry404080 is now known as henry40408
sounhow to get rid of the desktop icons flashing issue when opening activities or switching workspaces in gnome 4012:49
shadowbird2468hey guys! I have a question for you. Last time I visited my father, I added a program to startup on boot. I used GUI program startup applications for that and now I'd like to remove it via ssh. Which file I should look into?12:53
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EriC^^shadowbird2468: ~/.config/autostart/*13:15
=== PeGaSuS_ is now known as PeGaSuS
de-factois there something i can delete from pulseaudio to destroy its ability to be remotely controlled by other apps?14:24
de-factomy audio sliders always wildly flicker around and even my balance does not stay central14:25
i-garrisonde-facto: firefox?14:25
de-factowith firefox it happens less often14:26
de-factobut its something pulse audio14:26
i-garrisonevery pulseaudio client can change volumes, so maybe find out which one does that first14:27
de-factocan i disable that14:27
de-factoi dont want any program to affect audio settings14:28
de-factocan i delete the inferface or such?14:28
i-garrisonde-facto: you can change volumes from alsamixer (and any app with access) you need to rule that out, too14:29
de-factoyeah i just want constant volume and balance, no change to it ever14:30
de-factoi want that not any program can change that ever14:30
de-factohence i would like to delete what provides that functionality14:30
BluesKajHi folks14:33
KBarde-facto: perhaps try this? https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:Feystorm#PulseAudio_per-application_volume_control14:49
kapilhow to upgrade ubuntu 20.04 to 20.10 ?14:49
KBarkapil: Ubuntu 20.10 is End of Life.14:50
KBarYou won't get the notification.14:50
kapiloh thank14:51
kapili want to install clang-13 and gcc 11 on ubuntu 20.0414:52
kapilbut i dont get the packages14:52
KBarkapil: two options, 1) if you prefer GUI, launch the "Software & Updates" app, under the Updates tab, for "Notify me of a new version" select "For any version", close the window, it will ask you to Reload. Reload, then launch the "Software Updater" app.14:53
kapilhow to do through cli?14:53
KBar2) if you prefer command-line, run `do-release-upgrade`14:54
kapili dont want to upgrade to ubuntu 21.0414:55
kapili want to install clang-13 and gcc-11 on ubuntu 20.0414:55
KBarkapil: it'll first upgrade to 21.04, then you can tell it to upgrade to 21.10.14:56
KBarkapil: both of these packages are available for 21.1014:57
kapilis it possible to install on 20.04?14:57
KBarkapil: 1) compile it yourself from the source; 2) add the latest repos and install just those two packages (very dangerous and may break your system completely)14:58
kapilOh thanks14:59
sounguys please help15:04
sounhow do i prevent flashing of desktop icons when switcfhing workspaces or opening activities15:04
souni use nemo-desktop15:04
KBarsoun, what exactly is nemo-desktop? There is no such package in Ubuntu repositories. Are you running Ubuntu? What's the output of `lsb_release -ds`?15:07
KBarI know there is Nemo, the default file manager for Cinnamon.15:08
sounKBar: its just a package that adds icons to the deskto using nemo file manager. and im using Ubuntu 21.1015:08
KBarsoun where did you get that package?15:09
sounKBar: ofc the default reps15:09
souni think its in the community repos15:09
KBarsoun there is no such package in any of the official Ubuntu repositories.15:10
sounoh wait its not available15:10
sounjust install nemo15:10
KBarsoun can you check where it came from exactly?15:10
sounit will be installed15:10
KBarsoun so you use Nemo as your file manager running GNOME?15:11
sounbut this problem is not unique to this thing only anyways even the desktop icons NG and the desktop icons Neo show this problem15:11
sounKBar: 😅😅😅 yea cuz i find nautilus wayy to "simple"15:12
KBarsoun if it's not unique to it, why did you mention using nemo-desktop?15:12
dorianhey question: anybody know how to get rpc.gssd to correctly use a user's ccache and not try to use machine credentials and a keytab when mounting an nfs share with kerberos?15:12
souni just thought mentioning would be nice 😅15:12
KBarsoun well, there's your problem. How do you mix completely different things and expect everything to glue together and work flawlessly? GNOME Shell in particular is not very kind to foreign pieces of software.15:14
souni said the problem is with desktop icons in general KBar15:14
sounsure desktop icons are not meant to be there but then why does ubuntu include Desktop icons NG extension by default15:15
KBarsoun and Nemo is like Nautilus. It takes over the desktop, and icons on the desktop.15:15
sounKBar: hmm but what about the extensions15:15
sounDING and Neo15:16
sounDING is there by default15:16
KBarsoun, I don't know, I'm not the developer. Ask them. But my guess is that they want to make GNOME Shell more familiar to Ubuntu users.15:16
souncheck the extensions app it should be listed under built-in KBar15:17
KBarFirst, it was to make the switch from Unity to GNOME 3 more seamless and natural.15:17
KBarThat's why they added the Ubuntu dock and desktop icons.15:17
sounyea but still it worked flawlessly in gnome 3 but now in gnome 4..15:18
KBarBut anyway that's off-topic.15:18
sounit looks so bad man comon and its even included and enabled by default15:19
KBarsoun the description of the package "nemo" specifically mentions: File manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon15:22
sounplease stop mentioning nemo15:22
sounim talking about DING15:22
=== xing_song1 is now known as xing_song
sounits included by defautl and its also enabled by default KBar15:22
KBarsoun if you want everything to work flawlessly, return everything to defaults, as you like it.15:22
sounKBar: and in the defaults DING is enabled..............15:23
KBarsoun but you're saying you have Nemo installed. Are you dense?15:23
KBarNemo takes over.15:23
souni had this problem ever since i livebooted ubuntu 21.1015:23
sounclean liveboot15:23
sounyou can literally try it now in a bm15:24
tbotno is possible install siftwares in armrf15:27
=== alchemist_ is now known as alchemist
Devil_Kinhi folks. Playing with ubuntu server 21.10 and LTS - I can't find an option to do an install straight on ZFS? Is that supported without doing it manually?16:14
Devil_Kinor is it only available for the desktop release?16:15
tomreynDevil_Kin: i *think* that's only supported as a preview in the desktop release - but i might be wrong.16:16
Devil_Kintomreyn: ok, thanks. I was wondering if I was looking in all the wrong places16:16
jkcWhich is sad.16:17
jkcZFS on root for server would be :chefs_kiss:16:17
KBarDevil_Kin: this documentation says that "the installer cannot yet configure iSCSI mounts, ZFS at all, or btrfs subvolumes". https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/storage16:18
KBarLast updated a year and a half ago.16:18
Devil_Kinjkc: zfs on root is heavenly ;) i have some machines up where I've done it manually, and my proxmox box ofcourse16:19
Devil_KinKBar: much appreciated! didn't go look in the manual16:20
KBarDevil_Kin: you're welcome.16:23
tomreyncurtin, which subiquity uses for partitioning, does have experimental zfs support https://curtin.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/storage.html16:27
tomreynbut subiquity would probably lack zfs-utils and might also try to parse the partitioning scheme during an autoinstall, so that's where it would probably fail for now.16:29
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-server16:30
jhutchinsIs there a good free app for making network diagrams?16:31
tomreynjhutchins: there is scribus (svg) and dia, but personally i'd prefer https://www.diagrams.net/ (electron based sadly, but open source, previously draw.io)16:38
=== Ricardus__ is now known as Ricardus
Dr-007hey guys. currently im backing up my windows partition under ubuntu because i want to resize the windows partition. in the 'disks' tool of ubuntu i selected to create an image of the partition.17:04
Dr-007the thing is that i think its dd cloning the whole partition of 268gig. and when i shrink my partition this wouldnt fit anymore17:04
Dr-007does anyone know how come around this problem?17:05
Dr-007can i shrink the .img file afterwards so its as big as the files inside or something like that?17:05
jhutchinstomreyn: Thx.17:08
OnceMeI have on disk with dual win and ubuntu, ubuntu 20.04, which tool do you recommend to encrypt home directory ?17:09
jhutchinsDr-007: This usually requires a file-by-file backup rather than an image backup.  You are correct that dd or other imaging tools retain the size, including blank space.17:10
Dr-007so then my backup is useless17:12
Dr-007oh well.. ill just let it run17:12
Dr-007resize the partition and hope i dont need the backup17:12
Dr-007otherwise i can resize it back17:13
Dr-007flash it17:13
OnceMewhat to do17:14
jhutchinsDr-007: True, you can restore the image.17:17
jhutchinsDr-007: You might consider Windows tools to back up Windows.17:18
jkcOnceMe: Don't encrypt the home directory, encrypt the entire Ubuntu install.17:18
OnceMejkc: I would if I had two disks17:20
jkcOnceMe: You don't need two disks.17:20
OnceMeI need, I have dual win and linux on one disk17:21
jkcYou. Don't. Need. Two. Disks.17:21
OnceMeso how to encrypt whole linux when I have existing windows on the same disk?17:22
jkcA boot partition, and a LUKS partition. LVM on the LUKS partition.17:22
jkcEncrypted Ubuntu install, doesn't touch Windows.17:22
Dr-007jhutchins, yeah i was thinking about it. but this will have to do.17:23
Dr-007i dont really want to backup17:23
OnceMejkc: any tutorial whivh doed that17:23
Dr-007i just wanted to shrink the partitions17:23
Dr-007but that lead to creating a backup17:23
jkcOnceMe: I'm fairly certain that the Ubuntu installer will do it automatically if you tell it to use available space and encrypt the install. Don't tell it to use the whole disk, or it will.17:24
shadowbird2468my father gets some system popups about connection issues, I asume its related to wifi, but I'm not sure. I will ssh to his computer today. which logs should I look into to see whats going on there?17:28
shadowbird2468he cant remember the message that appears exactly, but its something about cant connect to something17:30
EriC^^shadowbird2468: /var/log/syslog perhaps17:31
shadowbird2468thx, I'll take a look when I can17:31
OnceMejkc: it does not17:35
AirwolfGreetings.. I've got a Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS machine that is a Plex server. The TV Tuner card in a Hauppauge WinTV-quadHD PCI card. The OEM documentation says to install a custom kernel for this card, but I know from experience, the tuner will work with the standard kernel. I'm finding that this custom kernel is not updated as often as the std. kernel, and I'm having issues with plex occasionally not seeing the tuner(s) in the card.17:39
AirwolfSo I want to remove the custom kernel and go back to the current standard kernel. Is it possible to do this? And how difficult? Or will doing so break other things, since the system has been using the custom kernel package since install, almost a year ago. Is this possible, and how difficult?17:39
jhutchinsshadowbird2468: dmesg often has messages about network connections.  Some routers cycle the connection periodically, possibly to update the link security.17:40
jhutchinsAirwolf: It pretty much depends on how the custom kernel is managed,  Modern kernels are modular, so only the driver modules shold need to be specific to the tuner.17:42
jhutchinsAirwolf: There should be a config file in /boot for the kernel that you can compare to the config for a stock kernel to see what's been changed.17:43
jhutchinsAirwolf: It should be possible to simply install a stock kernel and it's dependencies.  You should then be able to choose which kernel to load from the grub boot menu.17:43
OnceMewill ubuntu 20.04 work with i5-4210 cpu and 4G of ram?17:44
AirwolfOught to17:44
Airwolfdepends what you do with it17:45
PeGaSuSrunning xubuntu in a lower specs machine here and works perfectly17:45
OnceMenot much, run webstorm and docker from time to time17:46
jkcOnceMe: It very much does. Advanced Features -> Use LVM -> Encrypt the new installation17:46
OnceMejkc: yes, and that will encrypt whole disk17:46
PeGaSuSand I have Ubuntu server at home on a Toshiba Satellite AMD E-30017:47
jkcOnceMe: No, it will encrypt the new installation.17:47
jkcOnceMe: It won't touch Windows.17:47
Airwolfjhutchins, I'm able to boot to boot from a choice of other kernels via the grub boot menu if I choose that. But the default is the hauppage kernel. Where does this set the default kernel to boot?17:48
jhutchinsAirwolf: /etc/default/grub, then update-grub.17:49
OnceMePeGaSuS: I have cpu 1.7 GHz with 4 cores17:51
OnceMeand 4 GB of ram, I guess 20.04 should run fine, will try live from USB17:51
OnceMehttp://linux-hardware.org/?id=cpu:intel-6-69-1-core-i5-4210u&page=1 this tell it works fine on ubuntu 20.0417:52
AirwolfOnceMe, I'm running Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460  CPU @ 3.20GHz, 8G RAM as a combination network head end machine, file server, media / Plex server and I have no issues with performance. I've got 8 G RAM, but that's way overkill. Never uses even 417:52
Airwolfjhutchins, I don't see where which kernel is to be booted in /etc/default/grub17:54
jkcAirwolf: It's not. update-grub generates the actual grub configuration.17:55
AirwolfBut where do I tell the system which kernel to boot? Default or the custom haupagge kernel?17:56
jkcYou can set it to "saved," and it will boot from the last kernel you manually selected in grub.17:56
AirwolfSO I'm guessing that "0" is currently the custom kernel. How do I tell what number is the std. kernel?18:00
jkc0 is the first entry on the list.18:01
MarkB2Hello.  I have a Zoom Telephonics Model 3090 USB-based fax modem.  I can plug it into Ubuntu Linux and the kernel "sees" it (udevadm and dmesg output).18:02
MarkB2But I can't find what serial port (/dev/tty*) is linked to the modem.18:02
AirwolfOh, so you have to be sitting at the console to see the list, to see which is #1, #2, and so on?18:03
AirwolfHow do I tell which number the std. kernel is assigned?18:13
tomreynMarkB2: i would assume that udevadm mnitor would have reported that?18:13
tomreynAirwolf: you can indicate the kernel to boot by the text that's displayed on the menu18:15
tomreynthis would help you identify what that text is: grep -o "menuentry '[^']*.*" /boot/grub/grub.cfg | awk -F "'" '{print $2":\n\t"$4}'18:16
tomreynanything you'd pick from the "Advanced" menu you're need to prefix with "Advanced > "18:17
tomreynactually it's "Advanced options for Ubuntu > " that you prefix it with18:19
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tomreynso if the kernel you want is listed as "Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-91-generic", you'd set GRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 5.4.0-91-generic"18:21
Airwolfin /etc/defaut/grub ?18:22
tomreynyes + update-grub18:22
Airwolfinstead of GRUB_DEFAULT=0 ? That caan take either text or a number?18:25
Dr-007tomreyn, there's also an option to boot to whatever the last thing you choose18:31
Airwolfyeah, "saved" ?18:32
Dr-007so when you choose windows, then restart it will auto select windows18:32
AirwolfNo windows. Ubuntu server only OS18:33
Dr-007yeah, or the last kernel you selected18:33
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AirwolfHow about uninstalling the custom kernel?18:35
tomreynAirwolf: yes, you can put a number or the text. and yes, you culd also remove the custom kernel. but if a new one would be installed later, that would take precedence again19:06
tomreynthe issue with using numbers for positions on the menu is that positions can change. titles should not change (unless kernels are removed), however.19:07
jhutchinsAirwolf: It's not really necessary to uninstall it.19:10
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Guest50I can't log into Ubuntu Forums. It comes back with Invalid Request of some sort. I have had this account for years and never had this problem.  Does anybody else have this problem at the moment? Could the login site be down?19:50
SantaCoz_let me try hold on19:50
oerheksGuest50, how long ago was your last login?19:51
SantaCoz_Guest50, I just tried successfuly19:51
oerheksSantaCoz_, +119:51
Guest50I used it maybe a week ago.......19:52
tomreynGuest50: try another web browser19:52
SantaCoz_Guest50, I tried with brave browser19:53
Dr-007im going to resize my partitions now. i hope that this work better then it did in windows19:57
Dr-007maybe i should use fdisk instead19:57
Dr-007thats what i know19:57
juan_¿Alguien en español?19:57
tomreyn!es | juan_19:58
ubottujuan_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:58
tomreynDr-007: let us know when you have an ubuntu support question19:59
Guest50The only browser I have is Firefox. I tried rebooting and still couldn't login to Ubuntu Forums. I will wait a while and try again.19:59
juan_Perdonadme creia que era un programa para chatear.19:59
SantaCoz_let me try with firefox, hold on19:59
Dr-007tomreyn, its just a little thing im hoping that will work with ubuntu/linux19:59
SantaCoz_Guest50, again, successful login with firefox, dumb question, is caps lock on ? %)20:00
tomreynGuest50: /join #ubuntuforums    and read the topic, or ask there20:01
Guest50Nope. I am going to wail a while.  Thanks for the help.20:02
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lantech19446I need to execute a script in cron the script is in /etc/ansible how do I tell cron to look there ?21:38
tomreynlantech19446: you create a crontab in /etc/cron.d/mdadm which refers to it21:42
tomreynlantech19446: you create a crontab in /etc/cron.d/ which refers to it21:42
tomreynthis rather21:42
lantech19446Ok I have the crontab already so my script needs to go in /etc/cron.d ok easy enough21:43
lantech19446Thank you tomreyn21:46
tomreynthe script doesn't go there, but a cron configuration to run the script does21:48
lantech19446I've never had a script I couldn't just run from the command section on the crontab for some reason it won't execute so this is new territory for me21:50
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tomreynlantech19446: make sure the script is executable and contains an interpreter hint ('hashbang') on line 1. use full paths to the scripts' interpreter, e.g. /usr/bin/bash /etc/ansible/myscript.sh22:07
lantech19446Yea still wasn't working but someone said you can use cd within your command so I'm testing that22:08
lantech19446Meh that didn't work either I'll have to work on it later dinner time now but thank you22:09
tomreynyuo can also set environment variables in there, such as PATH, on a preceeding line.22:10
tomreynbut normally this should not be neccessary22:10
oerhekssudo snap install alacritty --classic ;  GPU accelerated terminal22:46
orange1why would you need that22:50
orange1just wondering22:50
orange1it can execute 5 million commands in 2 seconds haha22:54
fooman2011Hello. COuld you please tell me what is the difference between: "/sbin/agetty --autologin pi --noclear %I $TERM" and "/sbin/agetty --skip-login --noclear --noissue --login-options "-f pi" %I $TERM" ?23:11
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