[14:53] * davef waves [14:54] \o [14:54] got my nvidia shield tv this morning, it's working out really well... out of the box 4K HDR10 playback with Kodi and a neat remote [14:56] so you won't be lazy over crimbo you'll be studying every option on the new hardware you got before the holidays :-P [14:57] eh pretty much covered it already, just set it up enough to browse to some 4K HDR content to try out, works nicely which'll do [14:58] i just recently read Asimov's first 'Foundation' triple of short stories, so i could give the TV series a try now [14:59] Maybe I should plug in my Shield, I've just been using the features on the TV because they're good enough for Netflix, etc. [14:59] Either way, my data is exfiltrated and spied upon. [15:00] :) [15:01] it's night and day faster UI wise than the TV built-in was for Amazon Prime at least, i don't really use it, i just sponge off my mum's account [16:05] it's not sponging, it's debugging [16:39] talking of which; what' the right tool these days to rip and play DVDs? [16:39] MakeMKV [16:40] great for tossing a disc in, ripping the main movie only 1:1 as pure I/O, no conversion/transcoding etc for max quality [16:41] hmm something open? [16:42] who cares when the results are the best? [16:43] * penguin42 sticks to open [16:44] answer probably depends whether you truly mean standard definition DVDs only or blu-ray as well etc [16:45] hang on it has source on the forum [16:46] https://forum.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=224 [16:47] I still use the old DVD Decrypter for DVDs, but it's a Windows thing. It's the only thing I found that can rip different region DVDs without switching the drive to another region. [16:48] on mac and linux i used to use handbrake but it started having trouble with copy protection a long time ago [16:48] i used to as well but MakeMKV is a much more modern choice [16:48] I'll check it out. I've been archiving my old Red Dwarf DVDs from the UK. [16:49] lol, looks just like DVD Decrypter [16:58] Wait. There's a bunch of versions. Which is the one I should be using? [17:01] not following you there [17:04] There's https://www.makemkv.net/ and https://makemkv.com/ .. which is the correct one? [17:05] dot com, maybe this is why penguin42 responded as he did, too [17:26] no, I just prefer open source stuff [17:27] yeah but it seems it *is* so i wondered if you saw the very paid looking website above to start with [17:28] what makes you say it's open source? [17:29] I'm not seeing links from either the .net or .com pages [17:30] i don't know for sure but i linked above the forum post for the Linux version that links to source [17:31] there's got to be a conflict somewhere because i thought you used to be able to buy it - i always have to hop on the forum and get the free-use license key to enter :D [17:31] kind of blurs the lines [18:43] makemkv.com is the correct one [18:43] it's part oss part proprietary - the business logic of breaking the encryption is heavily obfuscated binary-only [18:44] mmm focus mostly being on the blu-ray generation development for that [18:45] if you're concerned about the black box, then use the snap I maintain that is heavily sandboxed as much as I can get away with without breaking it [18:52] doesn't have any blurays so that's not the issue [18:52] might give it a spin over crimbo and see how it goes [18:53] * zxmpi wonders where i left the dvd of 'the guard' [18:53] don't you mostly transcode to crap devices? :) [18:54] absolutely. with my eyesight anything above 640x480 is wasted storage :-D [18:55] it's not really for you, then [19:11] https://www.macrumors.com/2021/12/21/car-owner-airtag-thieves/ - saw this earlier, these things are definitely of dubious benefit [19:49] ooh dear my curry is late D: [20:19] Bad curry! No tika! [20:19] good news, i got a second free beer due to the lateness \o/ [20:20] #winning [20:25] I overpaid my credit card, I need to balance it back to zero, so therefore I will order food tonight. [20:26] :) what will you pick? [20:26] Now, do I want a hamburger or should I consider Chinese? [20:28] both! [20:31] Too much [20:44] obviously you need a Chinese hamburger [20:44] :D [20:47] there is a place that does that, but it's ridiculously expensive [20:51] when i lived in Portsmouth, i was very close to a KFC and McDonalds at a kind of biz park, i would walk to the furthest and get a sandwich only deal at one, then walk back past the other and repeat xD [20:52] that's what growing up on a fast-food free island did to this guy! [20:53] I went here a few weeks ago, it felt very.. north american.. https://www.chichestergateleisurepark.co.uk/ [20:53] there was a five guys, taco bell, kfc, mcdonalds, etc. [20:53] all within 30 seconds walk of each other [20:53] imagine the messy monstrosity you could make [20:54] haha [20:54] best location to compare the chips/fries of all [20:56] five guys fries are usually pretty good [20:57] never been to one! [20:57] sounds like the Trafford centre food court [20:57] mmm.. maybe i'll do that tonight [22:38] the texan burger has been ordered. double, whisky bbq sauce, cheddar cheese, bacon. mmmmm..... [23:46] Y'all enjoy it now