[09:58] [telegram] Guys, why this happens: [09:58] [telegram] mount -o loop,rw uboot.img /tmp/mnt [09:58] [telegram] mount: mounting uboot.img on /tmp/mnt failed: Block device required [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: Вроде и loop указал.. [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: И нифига [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: Кста, в моей системе нет losetup - на заметку. [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: Я с маршрутизатором вожусь [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: В его системе [10:10] [telegram] Forwarded from lan219: Нет идей? [11:30] [telegram] For support please see https://lubuntu.me/links and note our options in Russian. We also have Russian available on https://discourse.lubuntu.me (re @lan219: Guys, why this happens: [11:30] [telegram] mount -o loop,rw uboot.img /tmp/mnt [11:30] [telegram] mount: mounting uboot.img on /tmp/mnt failed: Block device required) === genii-core is now known as genii === genii is now known as genii-core