=== vi is now known as Guest9391 === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [02:52] Can anyone help me with a problem? My friend's laptop has a problem with incorrectly installed kernel or kernel headers. We can't install kernel headers. We get "no installable candidate" error [02:57] BlackDalek: What release are you working on ? End_Of_Life where the repo no longer exist ? === Juan- is now known as Juan [03:02] Bashing-om, hold on.. I'm just switching to the problem computer so I can more easily pastebin stuff into here. brb [03:02] exit === john is now known as BlackDalek [03:12] Bashing-om, I am back. Sorry... what info were you asking for again? [03:13] BlackDalek: release info ' terminal command ' lsb_release -a ' . [03:14] Bashing-om, it's Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS [03:15] Bashing-om, it also tells me no LSB modules are available [03:17] BlackDalek: We can work that ;)- OK pastebin ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' so we know the system is up-2-date and we see what the package manager screams and hollers about. [03:17] BlackDalek: Ignore - LSB is a holdover from Debian ways. === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus [03:26] Bashing-om, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6R3SqnBccr/ [03:28] BlackDalek: reading ^ . [03:29] BlackDalek: Good there - so again what is the issue ? ' uname -r ' to know the booted kernel version. [03:34] Bashing-om, the problem was discovered when we were trying to run a virtual machine on virtual box, then we discovered the virtualbox kernel driver was not installed properly, which led to discovering we could not install kernel headers for the installed kernel version. [03:35] Bashing-om, kernel version says "5.12.5-051205-generic" [03:36] Bashing-om, attempt to sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r) [03:36] results in no install Package 'linux-headers-5.12.5-051205-generic' has no installation candidate [03:37] BlackDalek: Yukkie ! that is an out of tree version. [03:37] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 fical | BlackDalek [03:37] 'fical' is not a valid release [03:37] Bashing-om, yeah... so how do I fix it to the correct kernel version? [03:37] !info linux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal | BlackDalek [03:37] BlackDalek: linux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.11. Size 2 kB / 19 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.) [03:38] BlackDalek: Reboot and from grub choose the 5.11 kernel to boot. [03:39] Bashing-om, how do I get to the grub menu? IS it shift key? [03:40] BlackDalek:legacy systems are shift - EFI systems are the escape key that grub looks for - only a 2 second window of opprtunity. [03:41] ok. brb === john is now known as BlackDalek [04:07] Bashing-om, sorry.. having no luck. I can boot up in kernel 511, but when I do, I get no wifi hardware detected. So I am back in kernel 512 so I can access IRC on wifi [04:10] BlackDalek: Sorry - no can help for WIFI issues - no experience there :( [04:13] :( [04:13] BlackDalek: Gotta run - hope you find a way forward. [04:13] ok === john is now known as BlackDalek [04:57] Ok, My problem is now... I have a bad branch kernel installed 5.12.5-051205-generic.... I need to get rid of it and change to kernel version 5.11.0-43-generic. I am currently switched to kernel 5.11 through grub menu. BUT I have no wifi hardware detected in 5.11 kernel. I can ONLY get my WiFi hardware to detect in kernel 5.12... I am currently connected to IRC using a ethernet cable while booted into kernel 5.11 [04:58] How do I fix my wifi in kernel 5.11 and remove kernel 5.12? [05:00] BlackDalek: did you file a !bug yet for your chipset? [05:03] lotuspsychje, I don't even know what the chipset of the wifi card is. This isn't my laptop. I'm helping a friend and they sure would not know either. currently it doesn't even show up in lspci. I need to reboot into kernel 5.12 to "see" the wifi card. [05:04] BlackDalek: i would suggest you keep booted into 5.11 with your cable in, then ubuntu-bug linux from a terminal, let launchpad collect your sysinfo and drag into the bug [05:06] lotuspsychje, ok [05:19] lotuspsychje, I put the info on bugs.launchpad https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe-5.11/+bug/1955754 [05:20] Launchpad bug 1955754 in linux-signed-hwe-5.11 (Ubuntu) "No WiFi hardware detected in kernel 5.11" [Undecided, New] [05:36] thank you for filing your bug BlackDex [05:36] oh he left [05:48] gnash. image magic did not work (no such file but tabcomplete knew the file) and google voice messages could not send the file. - selected files are not supported for upload. AND when I pick it from the list I se the name up top but then a filename all numbers on the right column. --- HUH? [05:48] I am trying to send a file through google voice messaging. [05:48] .png [05:48] 20.04 [05:49] oh stupid. dont answer me. I am going to try another way. [06:00] I saved it as a webpage it seems. [06:12] we need one more person to join so we can have a kilobyte amount of users! [06:13] i am ready to sacrifice myself for the greater good! [06:13] * TaZeR /wrist [06:14] ahhhhhhh it burnnnssss! === Colt_ is now known as Colt [10:12] Hi, i recentlyhad to upgrade smartmontools from source so i had to remove the default package from apt. I then had to install gsmartmontools, which i did by manually downloading the .den file and forced the installation and configuration since it wanted me to install smartmontools from the repo(which i obviously ignored). Everything is fine, except now when i want to update my system i get unmet dependency error like this: [10:12] gsmartcontrol : Depends: smartmontools (>= 5.43) but it is not installed [10:13] E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution). [10:13] .deb* file [10:13] Is it possible to ignore this unmet dependency issue and continue with update of the rest of the system? [10:15] bluf0x: unmet dependencys usualy arise when adding external ppa's/packages that conflict with apt [10:15] bluf0x: best to turn back ubuntu to its vanilla sources/packages to resolve [10:16] !sources [10:16] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [10:20] lotuspsychje, thanks but how do i install only gsmartcontrol from the repo/apt and also ignoring smartmontools at the same time? [10:21] it says Depends: smartmontools (>= 5.43) but it is not installed however i have installed smartmontools 7.2 so i dont understand [10:26] bluf0x: smartmontools & gsmartcontrol depend on each other, so your external ppa conflicts with apt/vanilla repos [10:27] bluf0x: just remove your ppa/external package and use the one on the ubuntu repos [10:27] bluf0x: wich ubuntu release are you on? [10:29] lotuspsychje, i havent put any ppa's. if you mean the gsmartcontrol .deb package i manually installed then i can remove it but when i tried and installed gsmartcontrol from the vanilla repo's it wants to force me to install smartmontools and i want to ignore it. im on Ubuntu 20.04 [10:29] bluf0x: some external .debs contain the ppa of the maintainer, and so conflicting with apt [10:29] !info smartmontools focal [10:29] smartmontools (7.1-1build1, focal): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Built by smartmontools. Size 514 kB / 2,038 kB [10:30] this would be your version to have/use bluf0x [10:31] lotuspsychje, yes but 7.1 is giving issues that 7.2 fixes, so i need 7.2 and i installed it from source. All i want now is gsmartcontrol without the repo'd smartmontools [10:31] bluf0x: volunteers cant help you with external ppa's nor built from source packages [10:32] thats why im asking how to ignore the dependency of smartmontools. not asking for help with external ppa's. [10:32] lotuspsychje, i mean i want to ignore the dependency of gsmartcontrol [10:33] bluf0x: try sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends packagename [10:34] lotuspsychje, nope, still trying to force me to install smartmontools. [10:34] The following NEW packages will be installed: [10:34] gsmartcontrol smartmontools [10:36] im just asking if there is some kind of a way to completely ignore dependencies - its not that i havent installed them, its actually that ive installed a higher version so its kind of annoying seeing this error when its not actually true. I want to know if there is a way for other future packages as well and how people in Ubuntu deal with these kind of issues [10:37] bluf0x: for higher versions the reccomended way you can try !pinning or !backports [10:38] apt always try to fix itself the logical way [10:46] !backports [10:46] If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging [10:51] doesnt seem like smartmontools is in focal-backports [10:52] (a) create a dummy empty smartmontools .deb and install that to keep apt happy [10:52] (b) rebuild the gsmartcontrol archive package removing the dependency [10:53] 2 possible options ^ [10:55] pinning won't work, as the higher version has been build from source, not in a deb [10:58] for (a), something like https://grayson.sh/blogs/faking-dependencies-with-the-equivs-package [11:05] RikMills, interesting, thanks. Or maybe i should build gsmartmontools from source as well. seems easier. But its good to know there are no apt --switches to ignore dependencies this way. There should be though. [11:06] gsmartcontrol* [11:07] if the option was there is apt, it would too easy for people to break their systems, and/or copy pasting unwise commands or scripts from online [11:09] IMO opinion anyway [11:32] hi [11:33] I have a Libera issue, I hope it's okay to ask here ... when I paste the line I got in the verification email, I get "cannot send to nick/channel" ... help? [11:33] !register | kristian_on_linu [11:33] kristian_on_linu: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://libera.chat/guides/registration - For any further help, ask in #libera [11:34] ty, I was unaware of #libera [12:31] is there a general chat channel still? [12:34] ah, found #ubuntu-offtopic [13:15] does ubuntu creates a swapfile on / ? [13:16] /swapfile is created by ubuntu? [13:25] !swap | dob1 [13:25] dob1: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info [13:26] !partitioning | dob1 see also [13:26] dob1 see also: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap [13:26] lotuspsychje, my question was different, I am not asking what is swap and how to create a swap file/partition [13:27] but if it's necessary ? [13:28] I am just asking: does ubuntu, during installation, creates a swap file on / ? named /swapfile [13:28] yes [13:29] in my case I have plenty of ram, I prefer to disable it in fstab [13:29] do it [13:29] yes [13:31] but first ,please, read carefully what the lotuspsychje factoid said [13:36] in the doc they suggest with 32gb a 6gb file/partition, imho it's a value that makes no sense [13:37] it's too much, you will never use it [13:37] it's not about the size, but the use of it [13:40] as i said , read carefully the factoid ; especially the 'it can also be used ' part; it suggests 2 kinds of use, notone [13:41] ioria, here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq ? [13:41] I was reading this [13:42] dob1, 'swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough' [13:45] swap is not extra ram. [13:45] ioria, maybe things changed but I want to prevent this. I don't want it continues write data on my ssd/nvme, I read is not good for it and I have 32gb that are enough [13:45] If you ever hit the point that swap is being used that way, you're past the point of trouble. [13:45] ok [13:45] Hello [13:45] What is PAI..? [13:45] dob1: swap does not generate continuous writes, so that's a myth. doesn't matter how much ram you have, swap is a beneficial thing to have. [13:46] halo [13:46] branko_: you mean PAE? [13:46] yes [13:46] Maybe not massive amounts of it, but at least some swap is beneficial. It's a core component of the linux memory management model. [13:46] !pae | branko_ [13:46] branko_: Ubuntu provides only PAE-enabled kernels for 32-bit systems now. Some older CPUs may have issues with it. For more info and troubleshooting, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE [13:46] jkc, it is just moving the problem until you fill the swap too, if you example is a program that consume too much memory [13:46] afaik pae is phsical address expansion [13:47] I cant upgrade my system because I dont have a PAE [13:47] i.e. make the 32bit apps use the 64bit hw [13:47] not fully but i suppose datawise or so [13:48] dob1: Correct. However, swap's actual purpose - to page out idle data so that that space is free for allocation to active programs - is very helpful. [13:49] PAE is physical address extension. Allows a 32-bit system to use more than 4GB RAM, but each individual process is still limited to 4GB RAM. [13:49] right [13:49] jkc, ok but so we return to my point, continues write on it [13:49] so it's not for the binaries themselves [13:49] dob1: No. You didn't have that point to begin with, so we're not returning to it. [13:50] those run all within 4Gb max, but they can i suppose use more pages and shuffle pages in and out to expand or some such.... [13:50] no idea how all that works [13:50] lets please divide support issues with discussions, thanks [13:50] !discuss [13:50] Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [13:50] jkc, if I have plenty of free ram why I need to write data on disk? It makes no sense to me [13:50] dob1: Writes only occur when there is 1. sufficient inactive data in RAM and 2. a significant enough predicted need to warrant it. Unless you're in a highly memory constrained scenario, writes to swap are infrequent. [13:52] dob1: The system anticipates future memory needs based on current patterns, and tries to make sure that there is enough available memory to satisfy those needs by moving idle memory to disk. The point of swap is to make sure you CONTINUE to have plenty of free ram. [13:53] jkc, I got your point and I understand itr but for certain scenarios or some specific apps (video editing etc) but it's not my case [13:53] dob1: Are you running a linux system? If so, its your case. [13:54] dob1: So I don't think you understand as well as you seem to think you do. [13:54] Swap, good. No swap, not good. Have lots of ram? Great! Swap, still good. [13:54] And that's the end of it. [14:01] Oh, and for the audience: swap does not, contrary to the popular tale, destroy SSDs. Tons of reasons for this. If someone is claiming that that is the case, they're misinformed. [14:02] I mean, why would they? Bit fatigue? lol [14:04] juglugs1974: SSDs have a write lifetime that's a function of the type of flash they use and their capacity, but SSDs these days have write lifetimes measured in hundreds - or thousands - of terabytes. [14:05] Yep, and the resistance (as opposed to charge) types, i.e. Optane, are even hardier. [14:06] If you had an SSD with a write lifetime of 600TB, you would have to swap out 4GiB per hour to the disk for 16 years straight to reach that. [14:06] just had fresh installation 20.10 but sometimes when the screen sleeps gdm lock, when i try to unlck it freeze and have to force shutdown, any idea? [14:06] @jkc normal pron transfers, then? [14:06] lol [14:07] But swap uses memory levelling in #linux systems, doesn't it? [14:08] Same as most everything, yup. [14:52] Heyo... Anyway I can directly convert an vmdk to a bootable physical disk? [14:52] I basically have an .img alongisde its vmdk (a few KB) [14:52] I mean directly without converting to vhd first [14:56] ? [14:57] sounds like a #vmware question to me [14:58] qemu-img convert can convert some vmdk format versions to a raw disk image, though [14:59] i do not know for sure whether it can write it to disk directly,, but try specifying a device to -O rather than a file name [15:00] whether or not it's bootable, and how, should not change [15:00] Hi folks [15:19] A bootable CD/ISO image is not the same as a bootable hard drive image. [15:20] sometimes when the screen sleeps gdm lock, when i try to unlck it freeze and have to force shutdown, any idea? [15:25] ice9: check logs === diskin is now known as Guest7146 === diskin_ is now known as diskin [15:25] tomreyn, which ones? paths? [15:26] journalctl let's you view and filter logs. [15:26] if it's gdm related, then 'gdm' will be on those lines [15:26] but i'd rather look around the event time [15:27] "xset led on" doesn't work for someone who updated ubuntu 20.04 to 21.10 [15:27] it doesn't enable their keyboard backlight [15:27] how to fix this? === BigCovidInfectsU is now known as jitterwattz [15:30] tomreyn, alrighty i see in journal "NMI watchdog: Watchdog detected hard LOCKUP on cpu 4" this happens while gdm is on sleep, do you have any idea? [15:32] ice9: Are you on Arch or Ubuntu, because you've asked in both channels. [15:33] And at the same time. [15:33] ice9: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:35] it's ubuntu sorry for posting in other place [15:36] ice9: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:36] leftyfb, https://termbin.com/d8av [15:40] ice9: if you're running Ubuntu, then please stop asking for help with ubuntu in the arch channel. You did the same thing back in June [15:41] i got both and it's happening as well in archy, but currently im on Ubuntu, sorry [15:41] leftyfb, so do you have any thoughts on that message? [15:41] ice9: then maybe try #linux (which you were also told to do in June when you had another issue with hibernation) [15:44] ice9: you have nvidia and intel graphics, honestly you should just take ogra's advice from back then and just disable suspend/hibernate and file a bug against the linux kernel [15:48] leftyfb, i believe by default they not activated [15:53] ice9: this would probably be a firmware or hardware issue. is this the only relevant line that's logged? do you want to post a full log of the system booting? [15:54] tomreyn, it throw many kernel modules along with it [15:54] ice9: please be specific about your customozations when seeking support. [15:56] ice9, what's your cpu ? [16:08] does anyone know the answer to my keyboard backlight question? [16:09] duuude: probably not at this point [16:13] duuude: what module does it use and what is the lsusb, then maybe go search on the net [16:43] in 20.10 the nvidia's prop dri ver is used on wayland however the primary dev is intel [16:43] how to make nvidia is the primary one [16:43] ice9: 20.10 is eol [16:44] ice9: clean install a supported version from the topic if you like [16:44] i mean 21.10 [16:44] nvidia doesn't work with wayland [16:45] think latest nvidia driver got better support Maik [16:45] if you want nVidia you need to switch to X11 [16:45] didnt test myself though [16:45] still not fully supported afaik lotuspsychje [16:46] kk [16:46] also wayland still isn't 100% ready [16:47] agree === nckxmas is now known as nckx === veemo is now known as veemouse === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus [17:32] george_orwl84: welcome to correct irc network [17:32] hi enyc [17:32] thanks, didnt realize something changed [17:33] george_orwl84: oh yes...! https://netsplit.de/networks/top10.php Tells a story visually =) === veemouse is now known as veemo [18:14] Anyone setup a wireguard server on a ubuntu box behind a router ? If so, what router rules did you need for clients to connect from the outside ? [18:16] what are "router rules"? [18:20] maybe you're referring to a firewall? [18:20] or static routes? or BGP? [18:22] ipmasq? [18:22] Port forwarding? [18:22] I'd think just forward the predefined UDP ports and be done? [18:25] Well, wireguard (sadly) isn't really super informative, but I don't ever seem to get any handshake when the client attempts to connect to the Ubuntu (wireguard) server sitting behind an OpenWRT router. I configured a similar Ubuntu server on a cloud provider and it works. So I'm guessing I am missing some router/firewall rules.. === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [18:43] hi all [18:43] hi [18:44] how are you ? [18:44] pseudonymous: I think your question is: "On OpenWRT, how do i forward UDP traffic to a LAN host, and how can I test that this configuration succeeded?". and this should be asked in an openwrt related channel. To add to the latter part, though: you can use netcat on Ubuntu to listen to traffic on (for example) UDP port 1234 using nc -vvulp 1234 and try 'connecting' (UDP is connection-less) to this using netcat on another computer on the other [18:44] side of the router nc -vvup 1234 IPADDRESS [18:44] what 😐 [18:44] can you help me with something? I want to remap the "º" key to "/". [18:44] pseudonymous: you won't know that it actually works until you type some letters, and see those end up on the other netcat. [18:45] where are you from ? [18:45] Just running `wg` as root will show you what port it's listening on too. [18:46] pseudonymous: this scenario would require that your openwrt firewall + port forwarding are configured to pass through WAN UDP port 1234 to LAN UDP port 1234, on the Ubuntu system on your LAN. [18:46] reza: This is a tech support channel, not for general chat. If you have a Ubuntu support question, just ask. [18:46] reza: for general chat, /join moocows [18:47] otromas[m]: if you want this to work graphically, xmodmap might help there. [18:47] jhutchins: Wrong network. :> [18:47] ##chat here. [18:47] otromas[m]: that's if you're running xorg (not xwayland) [18:49] JackFrost: Is moocows on OFTC? [18:49] tomreyn: thanks, I will try with xorg [18:49] Ah, so it is, confused by the move. [18:50] One nice thing about IRC is you can always expect someone to correct you (whether or not you're wrong). [18:51] !ot [18:51] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:51] tomreyn: `nv -vvup 1234 ` fails, I get a "usage" message [18:51] pseudonymous: nc, not nv [18:51] tomreyn: thanks, I changed to xorg, now is working fine [18:52] pseudonymous: and i got the options wrong, too, a second [18:53] pseudonymous: nc -vvu 1234 [18:53] what are the advantages of using xwayland instead of xorg? [18:53] does anyone know a support channel for linux in general? [18:53] george_orwl84: #linux [18:53] Maik: with actual support [18:54] pseudonymous: you can also try this with both netcat commands running on the same computer, and connecting the client to [18:54] george_orwl84: that's it, deal with it :) [18:54] oh nice [18:54] Maik ^^ [18:54] what does one do if there is no help? [18:55] george_orwl84: you have any ubuntu support question? [18:55] if not, then please move over to #ubuntu-offtopic [18:55] !alis | george_orwl84: maybe try alis, too [18:55] george_orwl84: maybe try alis, too: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [18:56] but indeed, *this* chanel is just about ubuntu [19:01] tomreyn: fwiw, connecting from the outside using netcat works so long as there seem to be a port forwarding rule for that port in the router, regardless of whether any program listens on the other side or not. [19:01] pseudonymous: Doesn't "connecting" presume some sort of response? [19:01] can you speack persian ? [19:06] pseudonymous: the client may seem to connect, but you're transferring your data to the void unless there is also something that receives it on the other end. that's how UDP works. But this support case is not an Ubuntu one, please move on to openwrt / general networking support, unless you have ubuntu specific questions (netcat / nc on ubuntu would be that). [19:09] well, one would be, how do I determine whether ANYTHING of the handshake reaches the ubuntu server ? Basically, can I log all requests hitting ufw/iptables, can I see what is dropped, can I see the received packets on ports ? [19:09] there is no handshake [19:10] you type characters on your keyboard to test whether data moves from client to server [19:10] and the other way around [19:11] Not with UDP, no, but the wireguard protocol on top terms the initial exchange of messages a handshake. Don't know how to express this, but wireguard, the protocol is not connection-less. What I am referring to are the UDP packets sent back and forth as a client attempts to connect to the wireguard server [19:11] if you have an iptables firewall configured on ubuntu (such as by using ufw), dropped packets can be logged to the system log (depending on how it's configured) [19:12] you can capture network traffic using the software "tcpdump" no both ends of the connection, and compare what was captured. [19:13] but i'd just start with the simple test using a different port than the oe used by wireshark, with netcat, and corresponding ip forwarding / firewall rules. that's just a suggestion, though. === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [19:59] Hello. I'm getting an error of a "read only FS" in a live-usb install, anyway I can fix it? === BuddyTheElf is now known as launchd [20:07] the flashdrive is read only [20:07] WickedDekciw ^ [20:08] FESTIVUS-MAXIMUS Nope, it isn't set to that. [20:15] how can i get php 8.1 but have a tool to switch between 7.4 and 8.1 ? === FESTIVUS-MAXIMUS is now known as Festivus-Maximus === Agent is now known as Doug[m] === Doug[m] is now known as Agent === veemo is now known as veemouse [21:35] i'm getting an error building a snap package of this python source: too many values to unpack (expected 2) [21:36] how can i troubleshoot this? [21:37] h1pot what command are you running [21:37] snapcraft [21:39] h1pot: Where did you get the snap package? [21:39] i'm trying to build the snap for the first time, source is https://github.com/DanielSchuette/curseradio-improved [21:41] i was able to get the binary for the first time i tried, but when i stated the dependencies in the yaml file, i'm getting aforementioned error [21:49] Merry Christmas, I'm using Ubuntu 21.10 and need to know the keyboard shortcut to return to the desktop from console mode. I recall you used to be able to return to X using something like Ctrl-Alt-F8 but nothing like that's worked. [21:51] It might be CTRL + ALT + F1 [21:51] Sorry no, that's doing nothing. :/ [21:52] MacGuges: Think ya might find that the GUI runs in TTY7 - Xorg.0.log fike will day. [21:53] file* [21:54] Jeremy31 , try ctrl+alt+all the fkeys [21:54] yukiup: That was probably tried [21:54] I just decided to reboot. Yeah, I'd already done all the F# keys with Ctrl Alt. It's odd [21:56] Pressing Ctrl Alt F11 output a long error message, and Ctrl Alt F2 output the ~ character. [21:57] I'd been investigating a repeat system hang situation with this new Dell laptop. I would like to identify some relevant logging. [22:00] I think it's happened again, this desktop has frozen up again. The clock's stopped updating sand the mouse doesn't move. [22:01] MacGuges: ' journalctl -b -0 ' shows messages from the current boot, ' journalctl -b -1 ' from the previous boot. [22:02] Bashing-om: thanks. I suspect my father's introduced some old USB hardware. [22:03] When I'd set up this new laptop last month, Ubuntu had not been freezing up like this so often [22:05] MacGuges: Understand that - system should never ever freeze - when it does can be a real pain to find out the why. [22:07] Yeah, I've unplugged those devices. I don't expect Linux to just crash either, but I've seen it happen three, four times on this machine since he unwrapped it yesterday [22:07] MacGuges: As a matter of practice I run ' journalctl -f ' on the desktop in use - in it's own terminal window - to follow what the systems is doing. [22:08] Good idea [22:12] At least this fault had been happening consistently. I've run journalctl -b -1 and found a ton of repeat messages for a "pci bus timeout, check dma status" for a "rtw_8821ce" device. [22:13] MacGuges: checking to see what that device is . [22:15] MacGuges: ^ Wireless card - see lots of hits for issues - I see what our bug reports list. [22:16] One of the devices I removed was a USB fob for a wireless trackball he likes to use. [22:17] I haven't seen the flood of pci bus timeout messages in the journalctl -f window, btw [22:19] Anyway, I'll go ahead with reconnecting his Firefox acct for now, while the machine is stable. [22:26] MacGuges: Was some bug reports on that device in Launchpad - fix released some time back. [22:55] Howdo all, why won't GDM show users on the login screen if I have the default shell for that user set to fish? [22:55] ..and is there a way to change it? === jje_ is now known as jje === jje is now known as Guest5444 === jje__ is now known as jje