
esvhello folks, is there a document that lists the characters allowed in shell script names, _ does not seem to be accepted, thx13:47
esvwell, I just found out that I am indeed using a _ in one of my script names, I guess I'll need to check the customer's setup again14:06
=== EugenMayer3 is now known as EugenMayer
Nothing4Youis there a place where i can just drop a some presets inside an image? i'd imagine this would be vendor data (though the docs suggest this should not be used for truly essential stuff) but i can't find where i'd put that?23:28
=== EugenMayer4 is now known as EugenMayer
Nothing4Youi guess the essentials should probably be dropped in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d23:29
minimalNothing4You: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html?highlight=vendor#scripts-vendor23:52

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