
Eighth_Doctorhey folks!18:42
Eighth_DoctorI tried to build snapd for RHEL 9, but this happened: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=203580718:42
Eighth_DoctorI filed the bug on valgrind, but I'm not sure that it's Valgrind's fault18:42
ijohnson[m]Hey Conan Kudo  thanks for the report, everyone at Canonical is still out of office for the holidays until next week but I'll make sure folks look at it 19:03
Eighth_Doctorijohnson: awesome, thanks22:54
zyga_thanks Eighth_Doctor and ijohnson[m] :)23:49
Eighth_Doctorhooh, zyga_ you're still around? :)23:50

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