
=== name is now known as Guest1510
DynamiteDanGreetings. I needed to change grub menu on a zsys setup, but I can't update grub. Could someone let me know how to do it? thanks01:03
Bashing-omDynamiteDan: A simple ' sudo update-grub ' ??01:06
DynamiteDanbut si nce the control in on zsys01:07
DynamiteDanI presume it might be a zsys command01:07
DynamiteDanbut I can't find it01:07
DynamiteDandevice-mapper: reload ioctl on osprober-linux-sda7  failed: Device or resource busy01:08
Guest84Trying to get Ubuntu Desktop to dual boot on a Samsung Galaxy Book Go.  I found supposedly suitable 64-bit ARM builds here:  https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/focal/daily-live/current/  First I tried using an external USB DVD drive I had sitting around.  I think there was a hardware incompatibility issue with the drive itself as it kept reinitializing01:49
Guest84every 3 seconds (even with the machine turned off) so I ended up going the bootable USB route.  Used Rufus to load the ISO onto a 16GB USB stick.  I eventually figured out I needed to disable Secure boot in the UEFI BIOS because the system just kept booting to Windows.  I can now get as far as GRUB with the list of menu options but if I select01:49
Guest84the "Try out Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu" option, the screen goes blank with a blinking cursor for a few seconds and then the whole system reboots.  There aren't any error messages nor does the kernel seem to load.01:49
Bashing-om!nomodeset | Guest84 Try this01:51
ubottuGuest84 Try this: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.01:51
Guest84That didn't work either.  I was able to add the `nomodeset` option to the `linux` line via GRUB.  After pressing Ctrl-X, it did output "Booting a command list" but produced the same result...just shows a cursor for a few seconds and then reboots.02:03
Bashing-omGuest84: Just as a thought - Grub not installed to the internal drive ? From the grub menue ' c ' for a command line . what here shows for the command ' ls ' ?02:20
JanCGuest84: the daily live is never really guaranteed to work, as it's an in-development version02:22
JanCalso, I'm not sure the ARM version would work on all ARM systems02:23
JanCalso, maybe try the image here: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/02:32
JanCI'm pretty sure that would have more recent hardware support02:32
morganu20.02 Unable to locate packago signal-desktop02:34
Guest84Thanks JanC.  Yeah I saw that but the official release for that version isn't until April 2022.  I'll give it a go.  I'm pretty sure the version I've got is messed up.02:35
JanCGuest84: I think ARM desktop systems aren't really officially supported also02:35
JanCoutside Raspberry Pi02:35
Bashing-om!info signal-desktop focal | morganu02:36
ubottumorganu: Package signal-desktop does not exist in focal02:36
morganu20.04 Unable to locate packago signal-desktop  ---I used https://signal.org/en/download/#02:36
morganuwell can I use signal then?02:36
JanCso those arm64 desktop images might be somewhat experimental / for testing purposes?02:37
Guest84I kind of figured that.  I'll probably have to try a few other distros.  I'm just kind of partial to Ubuntu.02:39
JanCyou could also try the server images to see if those boot  :)02:40
Bashing-ommorganu: "https://updates.signal.org/desktop/apt xenial main" xenial is End_Of_Life - talk to the package manintainers to see if there is an updated release for 20.04.02:40
JanCarm64 server02:40
JanCGuest84: there is also the #ubuntu-arm channel; maybe someone there has more experience with what you try to do...02:43
Guest84The Jammy ISO doesn't even load GRUB.  Gonna try a server ISO next.02:57
guivercGuest84, Jammy uses grub 2.06 which is different; but it's off-topic here; please use #ubuntu-next for jammy questions.02:57
guiverc& fyi:  jammy DOES use grub; it's a later grub with more secure rules02:58
jhutchinsguiverc: ISOs don't necessarily use grub, they tend to use isolinux.02:58
Guest84Sorry for any confusion.  Was continuing a previous conversation.  I meant GRUB doesn't even load using the Jammy daily-live ISO for ARM.  Just seeing if I can get Ubuntu to even load onto a Samsung Galaxy Book Go (ARM-based processor).  Jammy was a Hail Mary for desktop ISOs.03:01
Guest84And the Server LTS ISO is out too (even with `nomodeset`).  Same problem in all cases:  GRUB loads and runs but it doesn't get any further past that point - the system just reboots after a few seconds.  Thanks for the assistance JanC but I think Ubuntu on the Galaxy Book Go is a lost cause at this point.  I'm going to see if I have better luck03:20
Guest84with another distro.03:20
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freetestersomeone here?03:57
tomreynfreetester: hi there. welcome to ubuntu support. got a support question?03:57
tomreynthere's also #ubuntu-offtopic if you're looking to chat.03:58
freetestertomreyn: hi! yes im tryng to do simple stuff but i have some trouble... im very happu to have installed ubuntu on my pc, and now i would like to work with my 3d printer here. I have installed Ultimaker Cura with AppImage and now i would like to have the icon on my menu, but here the problem04:00
freetesterim reading form this https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/IconeDiAvvio/Modalit%C3%A0Manuale04:00
tomreynhave you tried just right-clicking on the softwares' icon while it's running, and adding it to favorites?04:01
tomreyni'm not sure that would work in this case (appimage), but it's worth a try.04:02
tomreynother than that, yes, you'd need to write a desktop file04:02
tomreynapparenlty, "Ultimaker Cura" is also available as a snap on ubuntu - which may be better integrated into the desktop.04:03
freetesteryes I tried to do as you told me (favorites) but I don't get my goal.04:05
freetesterI could easily run the program but I would like it to be present as an icon in my menu (ubuntu 21.10 gnome)04:05
tomreynthis said, i don't generally recommend using snaps, since this proliferates a move towards a centrally controlled software store, which lacks transparency into its policies, and treats proprietary software the same way as open source software.04:06
freetesterthese things are also a learning opportunity for me. I really like the open source / free sw philosophy and now I would like to start getting my hands dirty and understand everything better :-)04:07
tomreyngood motives, good luck there. :)04:08
freetesteryes i undestand what you say04:08
freetesterI hope I have explained my goal well, even my English is a bit poor04:09
freetesterI just want the Cura launcher icon in my programs just like open office and other stuff like that, is that right what I'm trying? -->https://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/AmbienteGrafico/IconeDiAvvio/Modalit%C3%A0Manuale or not?04:10
tomreynmy italian is not so good, so it's not so easy to tell04:11
tomreynbut it doesn't look wrong based on the code snippets o this page04:11
tomreynthere is probably #ubuntu-it, too04:11
tomreynthis is a good general explanation in english https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/desktop_entries04:13
tomreynit's targetting arch linux, but this is really about the freedesktop / 'xdg desktop' standard and gnome-shell, so it should be universal04:14
tomreynyou can place custom .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications04:15
tomreynfreetester: just for some context: normally, software you install would provide a desktop file and be added to your desktop menu automatically. this is apparently not the case here - appimage is one of the less advanced packaging formats, and not one that's "native" to ubuntu.04:16
tomreynyou'll need a .desktop file for this04:18
freetesteryes but àubuntu-it is sleeping... :-/ yes right its what i have do it04:19
freetesteri have create the cura.desktop file and then moved on /usr/share/applications/ (4 all the users) but nothing is happened04:20
tomreynsee the "validation", "installation", "update database of desktop entries" sections on the wiki i linked above04:21
freetester[Desktop Entry]04:21
freetesterName=Ultimaker Cura04:21
freetesterComment=Launch Ultimaker Cura04:21
tomreyn!paste | freetester04:21
ubottufreetester: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:21
tomreynfreetester: what you pasted was interrupted on purpose, so we haven't seen all of it. you can talk agai now.04:23
freetesterok here im -->https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fy2mZ2v3cC/04:33
freetesterin the Exec i have only insert the path of program, its right or wrong?04:36
tomreyni guess this could work. do you know man pages? they let you read up on how things work04:37
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/04:37
tomreynhave you run desktop-file-validate against your desktop file?04:38
freetesteryes now, no error04:47
freetesteryes i know command man, we rae becoming friends04:48
freetesteranyway, how do u do if u download an -appimage file and you want to creat an icon to show it in your application menu?04:49
tomreyndid you follow the steps i suggested, from the arch wiki?04:50
freetesteryes ure04:50
freetesterits the same of mine04:50
tomreynso the desktop file is now installed, and the database updated?04:51
freetesterim following, im stop to the installation05:02
freetesteri dont understand that ---> $ desktop-file-install --dir=$HOME/.local/share/applications ~/app.desktop05:02
tomreyni think that's not needed if you placed the desktop file in /usr/share/applications05:03
freetesteryes is there05:04
freetesterweel then i only need to upgrade db, in my case not --> $ update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications05:05
freetester (like in he article) but05:05
freetester$ update-desktop-database ~/.usr/share/applications right?05:05
tomreyni think you mean    sudo /usr/share/applications/app.desktop05:06
tomreyni think you mean    sudo update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications/    < that rather05:06
tomreynor probably just sudo update-desktop-database05:07
tomreynbut i'd always place .desktop file which point to applications stored within a users' home directory (and are thus not usable for other users anyways) in the users' home instead.05:08
tomreyni.e. in ~/.local/share/applications05:08
tomreynand not in /usr/share/applications05:08
freetesterok with sudo upgrade-desktop-database --> https://ibb.co/44cxRPh it's work! thank you so much05:11
tomreyngreat :)05:12
freetesterok, i read what you write - but i'd always place .desktop file which point to applications stored within a users' home directory (and are thus not usable for other users anyways) in the users' home instead.05:12
freetesterso you tell me it's better that when I install applications I only enable them for the session user, and not for everyone like I did, right? Are you saying this for a security question or something else?05:13
freetesterfor a security reason* (sorry Gtranslator)05:13
tomreyni'm saying that when you use non-standard software installations (i.e. not from an apt repository, or a snap), and rather place executable files inside your users' $HOME directory (such as this appimage), and want to do a .desktop file for this, then you should also do the desktop file for your user only.05:15
tomreynthis is not about security, it's just that some other user on your system will not be able to run the .appimage file in your $HOME directory anyways05:16
freetesteryes clear i understand05:16
tomreynso giving them a starter in their menu for a software they cannot run doe snot seem to make much sense05:17
tomreynalso, /usr/share/applications is a location which ubuntu packages will expect to be able to write data to, and you may run into software installation problems in case some ubuntu package would try to write to the same location.05:18
freetesterwhy other user can not to run?05:19
tomreyni assume that the .appimage file is only executable by your user05:19
tomreynotherwise it should not be in your home directory05:19
freetesterok in this case i move in to local/share/applications/05:20
tomreynyou could maybe place the appimage file somewhere in /opt/05:20
tomreynif you wanted to make it generally available (to all users)05:20
tomreynthere may be a better location, i don't know what is recommended for appimages05:21
freetesteraw ok, all is clear05:21
freetesterwhere the program are saved normally?05:22
freetesterin opt?05:22
tomreynin multiple locations05:23
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/amd64/bash/filelist is an example of where the bash shell is installed. the executable files are usually in /bin/ or /usr/bin/05:23
tomreynbut only debian packages (.deb) should install to these lcoations05:24
tomreynfreetester: this may be a better example: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/all/update-manager/filelist05:27
tomreyn!fhs | freetester05:27
ubottufreetester: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier05:27
freetesteraww wow thank you so much i know that i have to learn the linux file system to fully understand the correct way to work thank you i'll study05:29
node1I'm unable to open a chromium  browser on Ubuntu.05:31
tomreynfreetester: :) for now, i think you just need to get a general idea, which this help page provides. take a closer look at some of the debian packages you have installed, this will be a great opportunity to learn. using https://packages.ubuntu.com or, better, apt and apt-file05:32
node1Chromium is installed but it looks i'm unable to open.05:32
tomreynnode1: has it ever worked? whch ubuntu release is this ( lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version )?05:32
node1Yes it worked previously. Also i run fsck on /dev/sda after that this issue comes.05:34
tomreynsda is a full disk (usully those contain partition tables, not just a single file system), hopefully you ran it against something containing a file system05:36
node1Also, when i poweroff my laptop. Then it looks battery is still being used and it drain my all battery. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS05:36
tomreynwhat's the output of these commands, run in a terminal? lsb_release -ds; cat /proc/version05:36
node1I run on sda1,2 both05:36
node1I run it because whenever i poweron my laptop it drops me into initrms shell.05:40
tomreyndo you read me?05:40
node1This is the output i have receid  https://pastebin.com/raw/3MBmaqRcved05:42
freetestertomreyn in the meantime may i quest another question. Now i want to move my .desktop in the correct path -> ~/.local/share/applications . But what does mean "~/."?05:43
tomreynnode1: this page says "page not found"05:45
tomreynfreetester: it's a shortcut, pointing to your users' home directory. try this in a terminal: echo ~ ; echo $HOME05:47
freetesterok and the "." ?05:47
tomreynyou'll notice that this shortcut and the value of the HOME environment variable are identical05:47
tomreyn".local" is just the name of the directory. directories and files starting with a dot are hidden by default.05:48
freetesterok thank you sososo much!05:48
freetesterand sorry 4 my noob question :-P05:49
tomreyni.e.   ls ~    won't list the .local, but    ls -a ~    would05:49
tomreynfreetester: keep them coming, no need to be sorry05:49
tomreyn!terminal | freetester05:49
ubottufreetester: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:49
tomreynsee the link at the end05:49
node1Please re-check again https://pastebin.com/raw/3MBmaqRc05:50
freetesterok thank you05:50
baymanhow can I add or change the nameserver on /etc/resolv.conf on a running container?05:55
tomreynnode1: did you make any changes to chromium or any related changes to the system, which could have caused chromium to no longer start up properly? have you tried running it from aterminal window, and if so, are there warnings or errors printed there?05:55
freetesteris it a good idea to show directories that start with a dot or rather leave hidden? i prefer to see :-P05:55
node1tomreyn well i have decided to upgrade the OS05:57
tomreynnode1: good luck then, i'd suggest fixing the initramfs first of all, though. and have backups. maybe a fresh install would actually serve you better.05:59
SudoBashdoes anyone know how to execute a command on through another bash PID?06:00
tomreynfreetester: that's entirely up to you, the idea of hiding them is just to make things less cluttered, i guess06:00
tomreynSudoBash: type the command into the other shell?06:00
SudoBashno from one shell to another06:02
SudoBashto another user even06:02
tomreynSudoBash: that would be kind of a security issue, don't you think? what's the use case, what's the ubuntu support topic?06:03
SudoBashI mean as long as you're root, it should work right?06:03
tomreyni'll respond to this once you asnwered my questions.06:04
SudoBashI'm exploring ubuntu security actually06:05
SudoBashbut I don't really think this is a security issue, but just really cool06:05
tomreynso it doesn't seem to be a support topic really06:06
tomreynand no, should not work as root.06:07
SudoBashit does06:07
SudoBashI think it should work as root, root should be able to do anything right?06:08
SudoBashecho "echo $($echo ls)" >> /proc/[PID]/fd/006:08
tomreyntry #ubuntu-offtopic for non support topics. there is also #ubuntu-security and #bash06:09
SudoBashyou have nothing to say about how flexible that is?06:10
tomreynSudoBash: do you have an ubuntu support question?06:11
SudoBashyou know you tried it06:16
SudoBashand added it to your command cheat sheet06:17
freetestertomreyn: i would like to customize my desktop with some usefull stuff, i see conky but i saw that is for x11 and my ubuntu is with wayland, do u have some suggest?06:18
tomreynfreetester: that's so generic a question ("useful stuff"), i don't think i can answer it.06:19
tomreynthere is gnome tweaks, there are gnome-shell-extensions, but many of them will just break your graphical desktop, so better don't06:20
freetesteryou are right, I would like to insert some system monitoring boxes06:21
tomreynyou'd probably need to experiment with gnome-shell-extensions there.06:21
freetesterno better dont... :-)06:22
freetesterconky seems to be perfect... do u use something like that?06:24
tomreynpersonally i don't, i run top when i need to know what's going on06:25
tomreynor sensors06:25
tomreynfreon (a gnome-shell-extension) may work06:27
freetesterfor you is better x11 or wayland?06:30
duuudefreetester: x11 works better with nvidia and some other stuff06:34
duuudebut it has some screen tearing and security issues so they are trying to end it06:35
tomreynfreetester: X11/Xorg is in maintenance mode, it's veeeery old software, and will not be maintained for very much longer. the general move is towards wayland, but it's a process.06:35
tomreynthe next Ubuntu LTS release will default to wayland (maybe not for nvidia, if they still haven't gotten their drivers ready)06:36
freetesterclear, well they should to upgrade conky 4 wayland :-P06:37
ubottuIssue 56 in brndnmtthws/conky "Any plan for wayland?" [Open]06:40
freetestertomreyn: thanks06:50
amazoniantoadHey guys. I'm trying to turn the led on my keyboard for my asus zenbook. xset doesn't seem to do anything. Does anyone else have any suggestions?06:51
freetesterthey say that works... is possible?06:53
freetesterand then ---> conky does work on wayland, atleast on gnome without any problem, it is the wlr-layer-shell protocol that it's currently incompatible with06:54
amazoniantoadconky is just an awful program...06:54
amazoniantoadAre you using i3 or something>06:54
freetesterdo u use too?06:54
amazoniantoadYes. It's terribad. I suggest just making your own desktop app via kivy or something.06:55
amazoniantoadDo you know python?06:55
freetesteramazoniantoad, sorry i could not be helpfull for you issue :-/06:55
amazoniantoadfreetester: it's okay06:55
freetesterno i dont know python but i use c/c++06:56
amazoniantoadI suggest you write your own desktop app06:56
freetesteri ll never do what you say06:56
ravageamazoniantoad: google says the FN-keys for the keyboard should work out of the box maybe "acpi_osi='!Windows 2012'" is needed as a kernel parameter06:56
freetesterdo u have some helpfull documentation or links please?06:57
amazoniantoadravage: thanks06:57
amazoniantoadravage: Haha! Sorry. I forgot to even try fn keys...Oh man I feel dumb06:57
amazoniantoadThanks guys. Merry Christmas everyone!06:57
freetesteru too :-)06:59
yukiup  cheers!07:06
=== diskin is now known as Guest4023
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Guest6I would like to volunteer for ubuntu development07:22
Guest6I don t have any background in coding but i did sound editing for a pornographic company07:22
tar_xvfcode in a sound of an orgasm when something compiles with no errors07:23
Guest6Would that be useful for real or you joking?07:23
Guest6I would like to contribute07:24
Guest6Because Ubuntu changed my life07:24
=== Machinething1 is now known as Machinething
ravageGuest6: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu07:30
Guest6Did Ubuntu change your life ravage?07:31
ravageim not sure i would go this far. Linux in general freed me from Windows :)07:32
Guest6Ravage ubuntu gave me the strength to divorce my abusive wife07:33
ravageThis is a rather unusual merit of Ubuntu. But good for you!07:35
ravageif you want to discuss Ubuntu in general and don't have any support question join #ubuntu-discuss or for general chat #ubuntu-offtopic07:36
Guest6Also, thanks to forensic software developed for ubuntu we discovered the murderer of my father07:37
Guest6I think ubuntu was coded by the archangel gabriek07:37
Guest6I think the Magi gave the source code for Ubuntu to Jesus at his birth07:38
Guest6As a present07:38
Guest6I read the bible i am pretty sure about that07:38
FirefisheHow can I diable apt-cacher-ng from doing proxy lookups?07:39
FirefisheGuest6: Silent Night, Codely Night, All Is Done, Syntax Is Right... ;-)07:39
Guest6Ubuntu was coded by prophet Ezekiel07:41
Guest6The Gospel of Luke contains the Linux kernel07:45
Guest6The Gospel of Matthew is clearly Windows-influenced instead07:45
Guest6Is the Old Testament FOSS? Can i fork it?07:46
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skraitohey ubuntu09:01
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smecinhi all09:48
smecini am using zorin os09:48
smecinis that you guys09:48
smecindebian ?09:48
smecinoh wait wrong channel09:49
webchat54rsync -avz --exclude={'dir1','dir2'} --update --append --delete /dir3/ root@IPADDRESS:/dir3/10:00
webchat54We can use rsync exclude, update, delete options in a single go as above, right ?10:00
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ice9I'm trying to run anbox with "anbox launch --package=org.anbox.appmgr --component=org.anbox.appmgr.AppViewActivity" but display an empty window for a while then crash11:21
ice9is it the correct way?11:21
ice9like this one: https://github.com/anbox/anbox/issues/74011:25
ubottuIssue 740 in anbox/anbox "Anbox stuck at 'Starting...' screen and then dies" [Open]11:25
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jjakobthe ppa.launchpad.net problem seems to have fixed itself12:17
SudoBashSauvin, can you unban me from #linux-ops ? I was banned in #linux and they asked me to go there if I wanted to know why?12:27
ketivoi guys12:32
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anmsHey everyone! I'm trying to set a proxy on APT and it's not respected at all. I'm trying both HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY env vars as well as Acquire::http::Proxy and Acquire::https::Proxy options, and all I get is "0% [Working]" and it's stuck there. Anyone have any ideas what I might set to get it working?13:43
velixIs this AWS only? https://ubuntu.com/aws/pro13:49
ravageanms: maybe your proxy just isnt working/reachable?14:10
noodlekingI'm using Ubuntu 21.10 and can't seem to make joint display work.14:30
noodlekingI have a HP laptop and a Benq 1440p external monitor, connected via HDMI.14:30
iamtheworstdevis there a tool I can use to remap my touchpad .. like adjust what part counts as left/middle/right click?14:30
noodlekingSo far, the only thing that works is "mirror display".14:30
noodlekingNo "joint display" nor even using the Benq exclusively (screen goes blank).14:31
Jeremy31iamtheworstdev: might be able to use xinput in terminal14:32
WickedDekciwciao aimici! so I was wondering.. I've created a freedos image from unetbootin as is usual but it doesn't boot at all.. I went and got a full freedos vhd and flashed it to the drive, it doesn't boot either.. I tried instead Windows-specific tools because there's more of them there and I specifically chose an MBR style partition table for a legacy boot, again no dice. Is there any way that actually DOES something?14:38
iamtheworstdevwhere does ubuntu keep it's touchpad settings stored14:41
iamtheworstdevi don't see anything in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d14:41
Jeremy31iamtheworstdev: might be some part of libinput14:43
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iamtheworstdevfound /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d14:45
iamtheworstdevnothing useful in it tho14:46
WickedDekciwBecause this is getting tiring LOL14:50
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Matt|homehi. haven't done an OS upgrade in a while. im on 18.04. 20.04 is what i should be upgrading to?15:07
ravageMatt|home: yes15:07
iamtheworstdevhmm.. gnome-tweaks like half solves this problem.. looks like I'd need to switch to synaptic to really solve it15:09
anmsravage, Proxy is working and reachable. I can use it to wget with HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY and wget https://www.google.com and other tests work through the proxy including using Firefox with that proxy configured. I'm using Apache with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_connect15:26
ravageanms: the variables are http_proxy and https_proxy. i think they are case sensitive15:27
ravageat least i never tried tham upper case15:27
anmsravage, I tried that as well, but let me try it again15:27
ravagebut for apt your config looks about right15:28
ravagelike /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy.conf and https://p.haxxors.com/9k7p1m0d.txt15:29
anmshttps_proxy= http_proxy= apt-get -o Acquire::https::Proxy="" -o Acquire::http::Proxy="" update;15:30
anmsI tried this and it did not work either.15:30
ravageagain not sure if it has to be HTTP::proxy15:31
ravagethats what all docs say15:31
anmsI used the casing which is set by the Ubuntu installer15:31
ravagetry to create the config file15:31
anmsso, I set the proxy on install and this is the casing I got. But I will try it the way you sent also15:31
anmsravage, I have the config file. /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/90curtin-aptproxy as created by Ubuntu installer15:32
anmsYep, I tried the format you sent in the link and it also stops on 0% [Working]15:33
anmsI also did "netstat -t" and I see it connecting directly to the sources.list entries directly instead of using the proxy setting.15:34
anmsIt's as if it doesn't recognize the settings, even if I specify them with "-o" at command line.15:34
ravagenot really sure whats wrong with your system then. i never used any proxy for apt before but i only created the config file and it uses my proxy15:36
anmsYeah, it's something strange. The problem is that I can create a new VM and use the config file and that works just fine. It's just this one machine that's broken, and I'm not sure what to try.15:38
BluesKajHi folks15:39
anmsravage, I mean on that same box (which boots the Linux install with the issue), I can create a new VM on that box with Ubuntu on it, and set the proxy server, and APT will work from that VM from that box. It's just that box itself. It's a vanilla 18.04 LTS install that I've kept up to date and have some services running, but otherwise it's a normal Ubuntu install. Idk what's happening.15:47
Guest73Hi canonical is in there?15:59
Guest73nobody is talking here :(16:02
ravage!ask | Guest7316:04
ubottuGuest73: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:04
Guest73Ask that question to me please16:04
Guest73not with the ask command16:04
anmsGuest73, I don't think that was a question. There are no question marks in those sentences. I think it's more about informing you that you don't need to ask to ask.16:06
Guest73but he said the !ask command16:06
Guest73And nobody wants to talk with me :(16:06
Guest73I tried the caps lock number thing, followed all steps, uses an azerty keyboard and followed the french page because i'm french, but still, all i get when using caps lock is ÉÈÀÇ16:07
ravagethis is the Ubuntu support channel. so if you have an Ubuntu support question ask it. for general talk please go to #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic16:07
Guest73it's for support dude16:07
Guest73look above16:08
Guest73how do i fix my problem? I use original ubuntu with kde plasma and followed the steps properly using kate16:08
ravagei dont use Plasma but im almost sure there is no need to edit anything with a text editor. you can setup your keyboard layout through the system settings16:10
Guest73But there's no type numbers with caps lock settings16:11
Guest73I also tried with gnome16:11
Guest73The page i followed https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/utiliser_verr_maj_pour_ecrire_des_chiffres i have an azerty keyboard and knows french a lot and also live in france16:13
Guest73any answer16:16
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ViperXL75So i'm walking through an install guide for my Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. And then all of a sudden i'm faced with an choice. (for a linux noob, a choice is a nightmare). In the walkthrough they say: "For SysVinit Systems" and "For Upstart Systems" and "For Systemd Systems"17:21
ViperXL75What does Ubuntu 20.04LTS use?  0_o17:22
ravageAll supported Ubuntu releases use systemd17:26
ViperXL75ahhh.  See?  For a pro (ravage), that answer is easy. Thank you for giving me a quick answer.   Heheheh17:27
jhutchinsViperXL75: I hate those.17:33
jhutchinsViperXL75: Is this the Ubuntu installer, or something you're installing on Ubuntu?17:34
ravagemust be a general installation guide for some software. no ubuntu guide would talk about system V i hope :)17:35
jhutchinsravage: I would think building a SysV install would be a very reasonable thing to do.  It's still more reliable and stable than systemd.17:35
ravagethat sounds like something for the offtopic channel really17:36
jhutchinsravage: Seriously?  Choosing an init system is off-topic?17:37
ravageyep. this is the Ubuntu support channel and Ubuntu only supports systemd17:37
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units17:37
jhutchinsdefault != exclusive17:37
ravagefeel free to configure whatever you like. it is not supported here then17:38
jhutchinsThe whole point of a support channel is to handle things that are not part of the normal, expected defaults.17:38
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ravagethats why we choose to limit the amount of pain here17:39
jhutchinsIf there were no pain, there would be no need of support.17:40
lotuspsychjelets not debate in here please17:41
ravagebelieve me that "no pain" is not accurate to describe this channel. but maybe just join #ubuntu-offtopic17:41
ravagethis is already way OT17:41
ViperXL75jhutchins: sorry.... a phone call came through17:47
ViperXL75i'm just installing on ubuntu17:47
ViperXL75it worked. Thanks a lot guys17:57
ViperXL75Ubuntu ftw!!!17:57
Matt|homewhile im running an OS upgrade is it necessary/advised to close other processes running18:03
lotuspsychjeMatt|home: wich proces do you wanna close and why exactly?18:05
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Matt|homejust wondering if i need to shut down the web browser or if it doesn't matter18:06
Matt|homeand irc18:06
lotuspsychjeMatt|home: firefox will ask you to restart when it updates via apt for example18:06
Matt|homei remember some older windows versions for examples advised you to "close all unecessary programs" when installing something18:07
ravageFor normal package updates I don't close anything. For a major upgrade from like 18.04 to 20.04 closing as much as you can is probably a good idea18:12
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zmcI'm trying to enable a swapfile, and I get "Invalid argument" from swapon. File is on ext4, created with dd from urandom to avoid holes. Physically on a microsd. Anyone have an idea how to trace this? strace and dmesg didn't give me any clues19:56
SamuelMarksOn debian this works, on ubuntu I get "/usr/include/string.h:33:10: fatal error: 'stddef.h' file not found". How do I resolve? - https://github.com/SamuelMarks/type-correct/runs/464466310819:57
EriC^^zmc: what's the swapon command you're using and line in fstab?19:57
zmcEriC^^: swapon /root/swapfile  I don't have anything in fstab yet since I can't get it to work.19:58
zmcHere's the end of strace swapon /root/swapfile https://pastebin.com/mkR1NazW20:01
EriC^^zmc: just covering the basics, you ran mkswap on it and chmod 600 and are running swapon command as root right?20:04
zmcEriC^^: That's correct.20:04
zmcIf I rerun mkswap it says that it's wiping the old signature, so I imagine that it was correctly written before and can be read.20:05
zmcsdcard is Sandisk high-endurance and brand new.20:05
EriC^^isnt swap files kind of bad for sdcards?20:05
zmcI know, really weird.  Swap support is compiled-into the kernel, not as a module.20:06
EriC^^doesnt it do alot of wear and tear i mean?20:06
zmcEriC^^: Yea, it is, but I need it just for a moment.20:06
EriC^^try using fallocate maybe, its quick and should work20:06
EriC^^try to move it to /swapfile in case that helps, adding it to fstab and running swapon -a20:08
zmcSame result20:08
zmcEriC^^: Same results with new location and fstab usage for both dd'd and falloc'd swapfiles/20:10
jhutchinsEriC^^: Swap shouldn't get much traffic if you have a reasonable ammount of RAM.  If you had a system that was swapping enough to cause "wear" on an SD, you'd have worse problems to fix.20:13
zmcOk, here's something interesting.  I just added a USB drive, and can create and use a swapfile that's a partition, and one that's a file in an ext4 filesystem correctly.20:16
zmcWhat's not working is creating it in the root filesystem (sdcard)20:16
EriC^^are you sure the root partition is ext4?20:17
zmcEriC^^: Oh snap.  You're right. It's some weird overlayfs20:17
zmcThat's got to be it.  I'll figure out where this data is actually living and try from there.20:20
zmcEriC^^: Thanks for your help. This weird overlay is what's causing the issue!20:32
EriC^^zmc: no problem20:32
chesteronihi everyone :-)  I found something weird with using the 'almost full disk encryption' tutorial for ubuntu20:40
chesteroniI have pc with few disks: nvme, hdd, ssd. I first installed ubuntu on nvme drive, rebooted, works fine. Later I have installed it on ssd drive. All looked good, but after reboot I have noticed that20:41
chesteroni1. bios does not detect ssd drive as bootable20:41
chesteroni2. nvme has grub altered by the installation and it asks for password to decrypt ssd partitions20:42
chesteroniI am 100% sure I had sda and not nvme used in the whole process20:42
chesteroni(Actually I repeated the whole double installation to ensure I haven't used nvme accidentally)20:43
chesteronigrub shell is asking for pass for wrong hdX,gptY pair. It really sucks that you can't have separate installations20:44
cbreakchesteroni: maybe ubuntu installer did something dumb and installed the grub onto the wrong efi partition?20:50
chesteronicbreak: it looks like that. I am 100% sure that from the dropdown menu I have picked 'sda' when installed the second time21:10
chesteroniand it still installed on nvme despite my choice :(21:11
chesteroniI saw some advisory for dual ubuntu installation on separate drives and it mentions that dropdown. Apparently there is something wrong, maybe only for nvme + sdx combination (nvme is still something not that widely tested as hdd/ssd21:12
zenofchesteroni: what's your goal? to have two or three completely separated installations, so with two installations of grub, or only a single grub managing the different installs?21:17
chesteronithe former; few completely separate installations with separate GRUB installation, all installations having full disk encryption like described here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 , I want to switch between them in BIOS21:19
chesteronidisks are subject to change so I want that flexibility + I want to perform some experimentation with one installation and I don't want to break the main installation, they don't need to be aware of each other (+ I can use 'disks' utility to cross-mount them if needed)21:20
zenofokay, then it might be a solution to plug in only the drive you're currently installing on?21:21
chesteroninot really, I don't want to touch the NVME plugged in motherboard - I would need to remove GPU, then the cover on the MB and it may at some point end badly21:22
zenoftemporarily disable it in BIOS?21:22
chesteroniI don't see that option in my bios (gigabyte motherboard)21:23
chesteroninot for nvme drives for sure - I looked for that21:23
zenofhm, don't have one, can't help on that... then, only thing I can think of would be to not let the installer install grub at all, but do it manually afterwards.21:25
zenofwhich undermines a bit the convenience the installer should bring...21:26
chesteronithat may be one option but doing that all with encrypted LVM looks like serious PITA21:26
chesteroniit all look like bug in the installer to my taste. I will just give up for now because I can't even force grub to properly boot another drive - initramfs constantly tells me I haven't passed 'root' variable despite I did that - this has taken 1.5 my day :/21:29
tomreyni haven't followed the full conversation, but there's an existing bug report about the installer ignoring the grub installation target on uefi installations, but just installing grub to the first efi system partition21:34
tomreynmaybe that's what this is about, chesteroni?21:34
cbreakchesteroni: I do full disk encryption via zfs21:35
cbreakbut the process was a bit manual21:35
tomreynbug 139637921:35
ubottuBug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139637921:35
chesteronitomreyn: that looks exactly like my problem based on your description21:35
cbreakand boot isn't encrypted, just the root21:36
cbreaktomreyn: that bug's seven years old21:36
chesteronicbreak: boot is encrypted - check how it is achieved now in the tutorial I linked aboce21:37
tomreyncbreak: that's a correct observation21:37
cbreakchesteroni: yes, I could also encrypt boot if I'd use other techniques21:37
cbreakbut the way I do it works with multiple EFIs :)21:38
cbreaktomreyn: surely, the ubuntu people would have been able to fix such a high severity issue within 7 years :O21:38
chesteroniwell seasoned bug21:38
tomreyncbreak: i don't know how the desktop teamprioritizes things, but i cannot understand this either. i do get the impression that they basically gave up on ubiquity and are just focussing on the new installer now.21:39
cbreakseems like it :/21:40
cbreakI'm thinking about switching away from grub21:40
cbreakmoving my boot into the main pool, so it's also encrypted, and booting via zfs-bootmenu21:41
cbreakbut that's even further from stock ubuntu than I'm already21:41
chesteroniI don't mind anything that provides fde with ext4 as primary partition type21:41
chesteroniand with stock ubuntu: I am also using hashcat and nvidia gpu - it didn't work when I tried 21.1021:42
tomreyngrub can boot off LUKSv1, and soon LUKSv221:42
chesteroniit all works good with grub, it's ubuntu installer what has bug21:42
tomreynuse debootstrap21:43
cbreakchesteroni: maybe you have to do the windows thing21:45
cbreakphysically disconnect or disable in your UEFI menu the other device, before you start installing ubuntu, to prevent it from clobbering everything else21:46
chesteroniI didn't need to disable anything when I installed windows and ubuntu on separate nvme drives21:47
chesteroniI have two physically separate nvme and ssd drive as third device21:47
chesteronito my surprise win/linux managed to keep the separation well21:47
chesteronionly linux+linux have issues ;/21:47
cbreakwell, I guess windows isn't as bad as ubuntu then21:48
chesteroniin this case you are unfortunately right21:48
chesteroniwow, using that bugreport I managed to at least boot the nvme-based linux, thanks!21:52
Aarch64debianwhy is ubuntu bad21:54
chesteronibecause it has serious issue in the installer for many years and it breaks people's installations - ignoring that kind of bugs is just bad21:56
chesteroniand I am not Windows fan at all - I am just a guy who had to re-install his system and wasted a lot of time because simple option in the installer just does not work21:57
chesteroniUbuntu user since Hardy Heron :)21:57
chesteroniI have emailed Tj (FDE howto author) about this issue and possible solution22:05
chesteroniI am going to install ubuntu twice for the third time and fix the installer error22:06
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