=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher [10:01] hello? [10:02] Im having a problem with graphical drivers for intel hd 505, my screen keeps flickering when i move anything and I dont know how to fix it [11:23] Hi! [11:25] Anyone recommends a program to clone a CD? (The CD contains medical images of which I am the legitimate owner, so to my understanding I am legally allowed to do this) [11:31] xfburn only seems to allow burning preexisting ISOs. I recall Brasero had a "read CD, and then burn it" feature. I might try that === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [12:16] ok nvm, Brasero worked like a charm. Xfburn doesn't seem to have a read CD feature, or at least I couldn't find it. [12:17] but Brasero was designed to be used by idiots, so it was a perfect fit :D [12:29] so now I have two programs for burning CDs, but hey, better too much than too little :) === genii-core is now known as genii [18:18] cousteau: Also, DD should just do the trick well to get the iso file [18:19] yeah, some googling just yielded "use dd" [18:20] but since the examples didn't include a bs= parameter and I didn't know which one to use for optimal performance, and I don't know if that's safe enough for read errors... well, I decided to go the easy way and just have a GUI do everything for me [18:20] cousteau: Generally, just setting bs to 4k works fine, but really, anything big works [18:21] I'd have used 1M just in case [18:21] but... I decided to leave that to the gurus that designed brasero and be done with it [18:22] I'm not even sure about the intricate details of how CDs work. I know they're not just "a bunch of zeros and ones" and there are some special CD formats that can mess up things, but from I could google it seems that medical CDs are just regular data CDs [22:19] Does 20.04lts have fractional scaling? [22:21] would be nice to have but not a big issue if its not available [22:22] I generally just adjust font sizes, window decoration sizes etc and it does most of the job === test is now known as Guest7948 [22:44] nick jz3n === Guest7948 is now known as jz3n [22:46] ? where's docs on Ubiquity's minimal vs standard packages installed ? I'd like to modify xubuntu 2204 installer