
zyga_Eighth_Doctor, yeah :)10:17
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
zygaEighth_Doctor, I'm happy to see you10:17
Eighth_Doctorzyga: me too (figuratively)12:03
Eighth_Doctor(figuratively see you, as I haven't actually seen you yet :P )12:03
Eighth_Doctorzyga: hopefully you've had a merry Christmas?12:03
zygaEighth_Doctor, we're doing okay, thank you :)15:57
zygaEighth_Doctor, busy with work15:57
zygaEighth_Doctor, busy with kids too15:57
zygaEighth_Doctor, I'm doing yocto bits and new embedded update apps nowadays15:57
Eighth_DoctorI would have figured you'd be doing stuff on openEurler15:58
zygaI'm not involved in that area15:59
Eighth_Doctordoes your Yocto work involve contributing to OE upstream?15:59
zygaif I were to guess I'd say 2022 will productize sysota and develop an equivalent for zephyr16:00
zyganot much, I mostly code16:00
zygabut the team I'm in does that a lot16:00
Eighth_DoctorI hadn't seen your name show up in the OE mailing lists, so I was curious16:00
zygalots of work on zephyr and some on linux16:00
* Eighth_Doctor shrugs16:00
zygahave you seen anyone with a huawei address?16:00
zygaa lot of the work is going on making zephyr and linux feel less distant 16:01
zygasome manitainance work and security updates16:01
zygaI've been busy but I tweet about my stuff more than send info to mailing lists16:02
zygaI plan to do some more marketing work next year16:02
zygabut the product is just not ready yet16:02
zygaEighth_Doctor, how about you?16:05
zygaEighth_Doctor, I see your name in all kinds of places :)16:05
Eighth_Doctoroh? :)16:06
zygaEighth_Doctor, just reading random linux-y news16:07
zygaI see your name pop up all the time16:07
zygaI don't know how you manage that16:07
zygait's seriously impressive16:07
* Eighth_Doctor shrugs16:07
Eighth_Doctorblame the pandemic, I do :)16:07
=== dob1_ is now known as dob1
h1poti'm having an issue bundling mpv to my snap package, seems like it builds all dependencies correctly but the bin can't be found in usr/bin/mpv23:16
h1pot"Failed to generate snap metadata: The specified command 'usr/bin/mpv' defined in the app 'mpv' does not exist."23:16
h1potit's my first attempt to package a program as a snap23:17

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