[19:37] Hi. I just gotta say, this project is pretty cool. I'm using canonical's multipass to debug my raspberry pi setup script. I may have stubbed my toe a few times [20:35] samgranieri: I use cloud-init for bootstrapping my Raspberry Pis, create for headless setups [20:36] yeah. I'm workin on headless setups too [20:43] I have my own script for create cloud-init based Alpine Linux disk images for VMs, Cloud, and physical machines (inc RPIs) [20:44] for RPIs I create a very small FAT partition on the SDcard to hold the cloud-init YAML files [20:45] so just "dd" the disk image to a SDcard, mount it on a PC to edit the YAML files (i.e. to set static IP addreesses etc), then stick it in a RPI and boot