
JoeLlamahiee! :)01:47
JoeLlamais the latest version of lubuntu 19.04?01:48
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> no 21.1001:48
JoeLlamahrm weird...01:49
JoeLlamaI thought so01:49
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> You have the last versions in www.lubuntu.me01:49
JoeLlamaI go to https://lubuntu.net/downloads/ and it seems to be wrong :(01:49
JoeLlamathanks N0un3n001:49
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> The official page is lubuntu.me01:49
JoeLlamathanks (:01:50
tomreyn!YY.MM | JoeLlama 01:50
ubottuJoeLlama: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle01:50
tomreynthis also applies to Lubuntu01:50
kc2bezIt is in the topic here too if you need it later JoeLlama 01:50
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> Forwarded from kc2bez: Lubuntu Support | About: https://lubuntu.me | Docs: https://manual.lubuntu.me | Lubuntu 21.10 released! https://lubuntu.me/impish-released/ | Offtopic: #lubuntu-offtopic | Contribute: #lubuntu-devel | EspaƱol: #lubuntu-es | Mailing list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/lubuntu-users | Telegram: https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support01:51
JoeLlamayup yup tomreyn01:53
JoeLlamaI know (:01:53
JoeLlamakinda weird that one site huh?01:53
JoeLlamaokay so I also have a 32 bit machine to set up also...01:54
JoeLlamais there 32 bit still?01:54
JoeLlamaor wait... I should check it...01:54
kc2bez32 bit is no more 01:55
JoeLlamabut I understand01:55
JoeLlamaI think these are single core 64 bit though...  I will check.. I have 7 of them I think01:55
JoeLlamathey still work very well nice little 9 inch laptops01:56
tomreynthere are other distros, some of which still try to support 32-bit x8601:57
tomreynbut sooner or late they'll have to give up on it, too01:57
JoeLlamayeah I understand tomreyn :/01:57
JoeLlamathese are dell inspiron mini 9 computers01:58
JoeLlamaand I have a small pile of mini 10's too (:01:58
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JoeLlamaah intel atom N270 checking02:02
JoeLlamaoh might be 32 bit :/02:04
JoeLlamaokay new question...  I have multiple platforms running 20.04... can I use this new iso to just upgrade?02:12
JoeLlamaI only connect with linux online now...  no windows boxes touch that internet wire here.02:12
* JoeLlama can no longer stomach windows02:13
tomreynJoeLlama: if you want to more closely control how systems connect to the internet, a local apt proxy may be what you want.02:15
tomreynthe release upgrader usually requires an internet connection, though02:15
JoeLlamawell how do I tell what version I am at?02:16
JoeLlamausing terminal?02:16
JoeLlamaI used to know02:16
tomreynlsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version_signature,cmdline}02:16
JoeLlamaUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS02:17
JoeLlamaUbuntu 5.11.0-43.47~20.04.2-generic 5.11.2202:17
JoeLlamaso to get that to the latest version using the ISO how is that done?02:17
tomreynwhat do you mean by "the latest version"? there are release upgrades, which would increase this version nubmer, and there are normal package updates within a reelease (security and bug fixes mostly)02:20
tomreyni don't think you can do release upgrades from a cdrom, or not using the default / supported upgrade mechanism02:21
JoeLlamaoh ok tomreyn so I just keep updating what I got and when I feel it's time I will just do a completely new installation to get to 20.04?02:29
JoeLlamaor what ever version it's at...02:29
JoeLlamaI really like lubuntu I don't like bloated OSes02:30
JoeLlamaI like simple and fast... I just wanna get the job done it doesn't have to have a fancy gui02:30
tomreynJoeLlama: 20.04 is an LTS release https://lubuntu.me/downloads/02:30
JoeLlamaright LTS02:30
tomreyn21.04 is soon EOL02:30
JoeLlamabut to get to 21.04 I gotta do a new install right?02:30
JoeLlamathere is no simple just upgrading in place from 20.04 to 21.04 right?02:31
tomreyni'm not sure about the upgrade paths, i don't remember when the LXDE->LXQT switch was, i thinkt here is no upgrade path there02:31
JoeLlamagotcha :) thanks!02:32
tomreyni assume there *may* be one from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS02:32
JoeLlamaoh um...  ok02:32
JoeLlamawell I am downloading 21.10 now02:32
JoeLlamaoh wait... is 21.10 LTS?02:32
JoeLlamawait... what should I install?02:33
JoeLlamafor LTS?02:33
JoeLlamaok ok wait I am getting it... for LTS I should not be installing 21.10 right?02:33
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Focal (Focal Fossa 20.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.02:34
tomreynfor lubuntu, LTS support spans are shorter, 3 years, i think02:34
JoeLlamaah gotcha cancelling download thanks02:34
tomreynnext LTS is 22.0402:35
JoeLlamaI get it02:35
JoeLlamaso I should download 20.04.3 for now right? that is the latest LTS...02:36
* JoeLlama downloads 20.04.302:37
tomreynwhat you should or should not do is really very much up to you ;-)02:38
tomreynas long as you don't cross any laws, i guess02:38
JoeLlamahehehe well if I want lubuntu with LTS then it should be the 20.04..3 straight answers work best for me (:02:39
tomreynand precise questions best work for me02:39
JoeLlamahee 02:39
JoeLlamawell that is what I am doing then02:39
JoeLlamasince there is no later LTS version02:39
tomreynyes, if you want the current / latest LTS release now, that's 20.0402:40
JoeLlamanow that is a good answer02:40
guivercJoeLlama, both Lubuntu 21.10 & 20.04.3 will upgrade to 22.04; there are expected fewer changes if you upgrade from 21.10 to 22.04 as they're far closer; but installing 21.10 will mandate the upgrade to 22.04 within 3 months of 22.04 coming out...   Lubuntu 20.04 LTS will mean older software, a far bigger change come upgrade time (potentially more that can go wrong) but you've more time to upgrade (1 year instead of just 3 months).  6 vs. 02:54
guiverchalf-dozen; no clear winner.02:54
JoeLlamaoh thanks guiverc so it will upgrade in place but there of course are opportunities for errors...  so if I want less errors it's better to just reinstall, right?02:59
JoeLlamaI prefer reinstalling anyways... it's just a pain though.03:00
guivercpros & cons with everything..  do whatever works for you..  (i often re-install without format on some non-primary boxes inc. during QA-testing for focal/20.04 as 20.04.4 is a current daily)03:02
JoeLlamacurrent daily?03:02
guivercdevelopment releases have daily (really means interval; most of the time it's once per day but can be multiple)  ISOs spun... I've zsync'd 2x jammy dailies (ubuntu + lubuntu) so far today for QA-testing..03:04
JoeLlamaheh ok if you say so :)03:04
guiverchttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ will allow you to see current QA (Quality Assurance) dailies; focal (20.04.4 is the next release) & jammy (22.04)03:04
JoeLlamaoh ok I look03:05
JoeLlamaif you know of a way I can get lubuntu to work with NVidia GeForce 8600M please let me know...  not sure if NVidia released a new driver update yet or if they ever will.03:06
JoeLlamaI have like 20 systems with that graphics chipset on them.03:06
JoeLlamawould like to put lubuntu on them03:06
JoeLlamaor at least some03:06
guivercthe base of Lubuntu is a Ubuntu one, so whatever works in Ubuntu should be identical in all flavors of Ubuntu (like Lubuntu)03:07
JoeLlamawhat is jammy?03:07
JoeLlamaoic that is the next one03:07
guivercreleases use the codename until they reach RC (release candidate), ie. focal was 20.04, yep jammy will become 22.04 just prior to it's release03:08
JoeLlamathat happens in april?03:08
guivercyep. ETA is 21-April-2022  https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/2390603:09
JoeLlamaoOo a GreenLlama :)04:02
dragon_what pdf editors are there for lubuntu? storing, convering and editing pdf12:30
dragon_I thought libre could do that, but I can`t find any pdf storage functions12:31
dragon_oh, export as 12:40
dragon_:- |12:40
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> why do games run perfectly through wine on Lubuntu than Linux mint?13:46
JoeLlamaI dunno but I am using wine right now13:51
JoeLlamaI suspect lubuntu has far less processing overhead but I honestly don't know13:51
JoeLlamaI run my IRC client under wine and it runs with very few issues13:52
JoeLlamahowever, the edge at the bottom of the screen is cut off :(13:52
JoeLlamamakes it a little hard to see when I am typing down there13:52
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semit's easier to grab the corner and adjust the size of the hexchat window, but harder to grab the corner exactly on firefox. Why might this be?16:04
semCould it be possible to make all windows easier to grab?16:04
semactually hexchat is not much easier16:04
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lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> help19:33
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> i was trying to boot windows XP iso with virtual box on Lubuntu and the iso file doesn't get detected by the guest19:34
tomreyn@motorolae7: that would be a virtualbox issue, or, maybe more likely, you're using it wrong. or the iso you have is broken.19:36
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> i downloaded it from GetMyOS19:37
tomreynwhat's the error message, did you load the iso into the virtual cdrom drive?19:37
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/78bb7281/file_3720.jpg19:38
tomreyndo you have the direct download link, still?19:38
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lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> it was from Google drive19:39
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> This isn't a Lubuntu support issue, please move it to an off-topic channel.19:40
lubot[telegram] <motorolae7> ok19:40
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