
berwinleftyfb: Ok i will try00:00
eflister1is there an irc channel specialized to grub/boot-repair etc?00:01
eflister1would #ubuntu-boot be appropriate for me to try?00:02
eflister1ha ha there are 2 other people there, we'll see...00:04
berwinleftyfb: Solved, thanks00:11
NobremDoes anyone of you guys have experience with "ffmpeg"'s filter_complex and timestamps?00:28
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NobremI would like to re-format a timestamp that is dynamically being added00:28
Nobremsomething like:  "1 hour and 22 minutes" would be nice00:28
Nobremcurrently,  I just get a really long line of seconds00:28
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Blade-Runneroops, hit the wrong keys00:30
eflister1Jeremy31, oerheks, ramblebamble, leftyfb, EriC^, thanks for all your help, i really appreciate it.  unless anyone has any more ideas, i'm gonna take a break.  if you think of anything or could direct me to someone you recommend talking to, could you let me know?  i've got this issue posted at00:31
eflister1https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2470507&p=14073470#post14073470 and https://askubuntu.com/questions/1384496/boot-hangs-at-grub-prompt-instead-of-grub-menu00:31
ELQEYNNI understand that SuSE Alienware has trouble with WiFi.00:36
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)01:01
TaZeRi heard ubuntu is moving to the windows kernel, is this true?02:13
JackFrost...Windows kernel?02:17
JackFrostUbuntu uses Linux, because it's a linux distro.  WSL offers Ubuntu though.02:17
rwinnerYes I heard that too. Supposedly they're also bringing back the BSOD, to be renamed the USOG, the Ubuntu Screen of Gloom.02:25
JackFrostIs this April or something?  Did someone change the calendar on me?02:31
dman777how can I do a fsck on ubuntu upon boot up? using 20.04 server ed. I tried touch /forcefsck but it does not work02:47
Bashing-omdman777: ' fsck.mode=force ' as a kernel parameter.02:53
dman777Bashing-om: thanks02:54
Bashing-omdman777: :D02:55
Nobremcould anyone please help me?02:55
NobremI have a command that works,  but it shouldn't work02:55
Nobremthe fact that it works goes back more to trial an error,  rather than anything else02:55
Nobremthe video is sped up 15x  (time lapse) so that's why the CONST value is 240 rather than 360002:56
Nobrem3600 / 15 = 24002:56
Nobremso, the "hour" timestamp should change once every 4 minutes02:56
Nobremhowever, the _seconds_ timestamp changes.02:56
leftyfbNobrem: I think your question should be directed at the ffmpeg project02:58
Nobremleftyfb, in #ffmpeg there has only been 1 person actively chatting,  and they seam to have left02:59
Nobremleftyfb, I have been there for the better part of today02:59
leftyfbNobrem: it's New Years day. You're probably not going to get a whole lot of activity on IRC today02:59
leftyfbNobrem: and a weekend02:59
Aarch64debianmy systemd says it boots in 23s, is it slow03:00
Aarch64debiani use a 400m/s ssd03:00
leftyfbAarch64debian: (cat /etc/os-release  ; uname -a ) | nc termbin.com 999903:01
Bashing-omAarch64debian: Aarch64debian: sysop@2004x-c:~$ systemd-analyze >> Startup finished in 2.841s (kernel) + 11.398s (userspace) = 14.240s ; graphical.target reached after 11.375s in userspace .03:09
Aarch64debianwhat is your disk io speed03:10
Bashing-omAarch64debian: No idea - never had a reason to find out .03:11
Aarch64debianmy kernel is 7s usespace 15s03:12
dman777I set my ethernet device with a manual ip in /etc/netplan. ifconfig shows it correctly at net apply. However, I do not have connection to the internet. I noticed the netmask shows instead of where would I fix that?03:12
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Bashing-om!netplan | dman77703:12
ubottudman777: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/03:12
leftyfbdman777: why would you want
dman777leftyfb: that is what worked on my old system. what is wrong with
leftyfbdman777: that is the netmask for a network with exactly 1 usable ip address03:14
leftyfbdman777: if you have no intention of communicating with anything else on your network, I guess that's fine03:14
leftyfbdman777: what version of ubuntu is this that you have netplan and ifconfig?03:15
dman777leftyfb: 20.04 server edition03:15
leftyfbdman777: was it upgraded from a previous version?03:16
dman777leftyfb: no, new install03:16
dman777leftyfb: switching from gentoo to ubuntu03:16
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dman777leftyfb: I can not ping ether03:17
leftyfbdman777: did you manually install net-tools or ifupdown?03:17
leftyfbdman777: which one?03:18
dman777leftyfb: net-tools03:18
leftyfbdman777: how many files are in /etc/netplan/ ?03:19
dman777leftyfb: juse one.... 00-installer-config.yml which I modified with my own info03:19
leftyfbdman777: ok, can you paste it to a pastebin site?03:20
dman777leftyfb: I will need to manually type it.... one min please03:20
leftyfbdman777: why?03:21
leftyfboh, no network, right03:21
dman777I am on my laptop for irc :)03:21
leftyfbcan you ssh to the machine at all?03:21
leftyfbdman777: a picture also helps03:22
dman777leftyfb: https://dpaste.org/jOi2 if it is ok, I masked the last 2 octects03:25
dman777with the x.x03:25
dman777Only for the paste.... I actually have numbers there in the real file03:25
leftyfbdman777: can you ping your gateway?03:26
dman777leftyfb: no I can not03:27
leftyfbdman777: /sys/class/net/03:27
leftyfbdman777: ls /sys/class/net/03:27
leftyfbwhat's in there?03:27
dman777leftyfb: ah! just got it working... I had to change 24 to 32 in 192.168.x.x/2403:28
dman777leftyfb: oh wait03:28
dman777leftyfb: nevermind...that was gmail being cached03:28
MrCollinsGAWhy would you want to use 255.x.x.25503:28
leftyfbthat is not correct03:28
MrCollinsGAcan you change it to 255.x.x.0 or /2403:29
leftyfbdman777: a /32 or means 1 ip on the entire network not communicating with anything else. I don't see any case where you'd want that03:29
leftyfbdman777: ls /sys/class/net/   # what is in there?03:29
dman777leftyfb: yep.... still no internet connection03:29
leftyfbwait, gmail?03:30
leftyfbdman777: I thought you said this was a server03:30
leftyfbdman777: is there a desktop environment installed on it at all?03:30
dman777yes... I installed X03:30
leftyfbdman777: gnome?03:30
leftyfbdman777: also, why?03:30
MrCollinsGAdman777, is the ip of the machine static or dhcp in your routers table?03:30
dman777leftyfb: min gui environment03:31
leftyfbdman777: please see my above 2 requests03:31
dman777leftyfb: /sys/class/enp37s0 and also lo03:31
leftyfbdman777: cat /etc/sys/class/net/enp37s003:31
leftyfbdman777: cat /etc/sys/class/net/enp37s0/operstate03:31
dman777internet was working before I modified it and set a manual ip addresss03:32
leftyfbdman777: ip a |grep inet03:32
leftyfbdman777: which ip's do you see there?03:33
dman777inet ::1/128 192.168.x.x/24 brd 192.168.x.255 scope global enp37s0 and then a inet6 address that is really long03:35
leftyfbyeah, you've still got
leftyfbdman777: reboot03:36
leftyfbdman777: and make sure /24 and are in your netplan03:36
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, can you direct me to a tutorial to syncing folders in ubuntu from nfs share. not sure how to ask google that. I cant seem to find any. It may be simpler then I make it.03:37
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: rsync03:37
MrCollinsGAthanks. what I discovered is I have to get into using 'melt' and I can do command line stuff. Your link above was awesomely helpful. I have been at this all day! :)03:38
MrCollinsGAterminal encoding instead of 'stuff' lol03:38
dman777leftyfb: ok, just rebooted and same data03:39
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, so I figure I setup sync to auto copy the files to the machines, still trying to work out the flow :)03:39
leftyfbdman777: add "dhcp4: false" to your netplan config03:39
leftyfbdman777: also, be sure that your static ip you set isn't in the range of ip's your DHCP server(router) is giving out03:40
dman777leftyfb: dhcp4 doesn't exist at all in my netplan config03:40
leftyfbdman777: right, add it03:40
dman777leftyfb: it's the same one from my gentoo03:40
dman777leftyfb: reboot? or is apply enough?03:44
leftyfbdman777: I would reboot03:44
MrCollinsGADo you have a link light on your nic card? maybe you have a sketchy cable and you accidently bumped it? :)03:45
dman777naw, works in my gentoo sys on same pc03:46
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: we already checked that with the operstate03:46
dman777after reboot still no success03:48
leftyfbdman777: something isn't right. Something simple03:49
leftyfbdman777: ip a   # do you still see
dman777leftyfb: yes, I see brd
dman777leftyfb: but ifconfig shows
dman777for netmsk03:51
leftyfboh, rght03:52
leftyfbdman777: ok, that's your broadcast, that's fine03:52
leftyfbdman777: is the ip of your machine the same as your gateway besides the last octet?03:53
leftyfbcan you ping your own ip?03:54
leftyfbdo you have a firewall installed and rules applied?03:54
dman777yes, I can ping my own ip. I uninstalled ufw and I have iptables disabled03:55
dman777I also did a iptables -f03:55
leftyfbdman777: ip route03:56
leftyfbdman777: how many listings are there and do you see your gateway as the default?03:56
dman777sorry, let me reboot...tried something that did not work04:01
dman777leftyfb: default via 192.168.xx.xx dev enp37s0 proto static; 192.168.xx.0/24 dev enp37s0 proto kernel scope link src 192.168.xx.xx04:04
leftyfbdman777: if your default route matches your gateway, then everything looks fine04:06
leftyfbsomething aint right04:06
leftyfbdman777: make a copy of the netplan file, put it all back to DHCP, reboot into a DHCP ip and compare the ip and gateway and netmask and such04:06
dman777leftyfb: oh wow.... I assigned the ipaddress from the router to my pc using the mac address. then with this config https://dpaste.org/XM0o I got it working with the static ip address...despite having dhcpd being set to yes04:23
leftyfbcompare your "ip a" and "ip route" outputs to what you had before04:24
leftyfband yes, having your machine set to DHCP now for your router to assign it a dedicated lease is correct04:25
dman777leftyfb: strange...how come I have to have dhcpcd set to true when the router will be assigning the ipaddress?04:25
leftyfbdman777: because your machine is getting it's IP via DHCP04:26
leftyfbthe router is just giving it the same ip every time04:26
dman777leftyfb: ah!04:26
leftyfbdman777: you should still figure out what went wrong with the static ip config04:27
dman777yep... one sec... rebooting and then I will get that info04:27
dman777leftyfb: https://dpaste.org/E3pL the routes are different this time with it working04:30
dman777There are 3 routes instead of 2 as before when it was not working04:31
dman777leftyfb: the new route 192.168.x.1 was added with the working version. Why is this?04:32
dman777leftyfb: oh...and the gateway is different also04:33
leftyfbthen your gateway with the static config was wrong04:33
dman777leftyfb: oh!04:34
dman777leftyfb: ok... thank you so much for your help!!! :)04:34
leftyfb"[23:06:12] <leftyfb> dman777: if your default route matches your gateway, then everything looks fine"04:35
leftyfbyou should have responded with the fact that the default route was not the ip if your gateway04:35
dman777leftyfb: ah... ok. my bad04:36
dman777leftyfb: I should of realized. Been a good 2 years I think since I missed with my network.04:37
leftyfbone of these days I'm going to figure out how to stop hexchat from stealing focus04:38
dman777well, I am out of here04:39
dman777leftyfb: thank you again and happy new year!04:39
BrokrnRobotAny ideas on what could disable integrated bluetooth system wide (visible via lsusb) other than a udev rule?05:56
lotuspsychjeBrokrnRobot: try stacer, see if the systemd units are loaded06:25
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ducasseBrokrnRobot: rfkill, i guess07:54
Assidis there an issue witrh the package manager  / software app ?08:06
Assidi keep having this issue.. https://pasteboard.co/T0RitKJGFqMl.png08:06
Assidit happenes with various apps i try and install..08:07
lotuspsychjetry another paste url assid, yours is marked as a risk on FF08:09
Assidworks fine here on FF...08:10
Assidany suggestions on a place to post ?08:12
lotuspsychjeimgur.com Assid08:12
lotuspsychjeor dpaste08:12
Assidit happens like this for most snaps08:13
lotuspsychjehmm thats what weird indeed, have you tryed to terminal way Assid ?08:13
Assidnah.. im pretty sure apt is mature enough..08:14
Assidnever installed snaps via terminal though08:14
Assidthat said.. i would like to have the gui working fine08:14
lotuspsychjeits just to test and findout the culprit Assid08:14
lotuspsychjesudo snap install discord, try08:15
Assidlet me uninstall first08:16
lotuspsychjeor whatsie, in your case08:16
lotuspsychjeworks here on 22.04 devel and ubuntu software08:16
Assidit was working fine before.. i screwed up something.. and i tried to rollback using history.. which didnt rollback zfs correctly.. and well.. long story short.. i ended up reinstalling08:17
lotuspsychjenever seen that snap error myself before, maybe ogra_ did?08:18
Assidand now things arent as clean as they should be.. even in kvirc .. a single space shows up as double space in the text input.. but becomes ok once i press enter08:19
Assidcli seems fine08:20
lotuspsychjeAssid: snap info snap-store, what version gives?08:21
Assid|2great is just hung now08:22
Assid|2did anyone say anything after my last message08:23
lotuspsychjeAssid|2: Assid: snap info snap-store, what version gives?08:24
mannequinhey i can't run ubuntu-tweak-tool08:24
mannequinany fixes?08:24
mannequinit does not show up in the menu08:24
Assid|2man .. it just feels slower since ive reloaded08:25
lotuspsychjemannequin: its gnome-tweaks these days08:27
mannequinwhat you mean?08:28
lotuspsychjeAssid: check the recent snap store bugs here; https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=008:31
lotuspsychjeAssid: if you dont see your bug, consider filing a new one for your case08:31
Croranis there a way to automatically throttle RAM speed for any application that uses more than, say, 10GB of RAM?08:34
Assid|2lotuspsychje: can you post it.. the link is available in the snapshot08:38
Assid|2is there any VNC that works with wayland ?08:39
Assid|2btw: when i login.. i dont see the settings /gear icon to choose wayland / x1108:49
KuleshovLet's play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - connect
Assid|2shouldnt wayland be the default ?08:55
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mikevUbuntu is truly a great operating system. Thanks for all your hard work.09:25
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Assid|2is there a good GUI for managing virtual machines (kvm based)10:27
Assid|2also .. im using ZFS .. so would be good if i could use a ZFS  zvol  as a storage10:28
kushalAssid|2, virt-manager10:34
Assid|2so i currently have a dataset like rpool/USERDATA/user_f2x0n1 something10:38
Assid|2technically i should be creating a zvol below that right.. would it automatically create snapshots next time zsys does a snapshot ?10:39
Assid|2does it take recursive snapshots ?10:39
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zenofIs there any good reason why the ubuntu-live system creates a writable parition on my usb pendrive for persistence _without_ asking me to do so?11:24
ice9whenever I lock gdm in Ubuntu for while, it freezes and I have to force shutdown, anybody facing this issue? btw it's hyprid graphics laptop11:31
zenofice9: by "it freezes" you mean only gdm freezes or anything else?11:36
ice9i mean i can toggle capslock but nothing else works, it's completely freezing11:37
zenofdid you try using only one of your gpus?  for example the igp only?11:38
josef-mariewhat all about here11:53
josef-mariecos am new11:54
zenofokay, no one? then please at least explain how to permanently disable the creation of a writable partition.12:09
Assidhmm.. so i cant seem to be able to use ZVOL with virtual machine manager12:10
ice9how to install boost signals lib?12:25
ice9i isntalled libboost-all-dev but it's not included12:25
KBarzenof: `sudo chmod -w /dev/sdX`?12:32
KBarice9: try libboost-signals-dev12:33
ice9KBar, there is no such package in the repo12:34
KBarice9: what version of Ubuntu?12:34
ice9KBar, 21.1012:34
KBarits available in Bionic12:34
KBarice9: libboost1.74-dev12:37
zenofKBar: haven't tried that, but my inital question was :Is there any good reason why the ubuntu-live system creates a writable partition on my usb pendrive for persistence _without_ asking me to do so?12:58
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zenofand I don't want to change the write permissions on a partition that will be mounted once I booted a system already..13:00
KBarzenof: I don't think it does that by default. It's mounted read-only and you can't access it. Are you sure you did not modify it with things like mkusb?13:01
zenofyes, I am sure. I just cloned the *.iso to my pendrive, and once I booted from it, it creates a partition called "writable" in the left free space, and puts install logs and stuff inside.13:04
KBarzenof: that's interesting. is it persistent though, i.e. can you write data to it and access it later after removing it from the computer?13:05
zenofand I expect a live system to not change anything in my partition tables at all, not on my actual hdd nor on the pendrive itself. just for security reasons.13:06
KBarzenof: I found a thread on ubuntuforums that explains what might be the reasoning behind it: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244627213:08
zenofyes, it is persistent. when I later plug this usb pendrive to a installed system, the ubuntu live partition (ro) is there a long with  writable ext part13:08
zenofokay, from that thread "a cloned live drive is no longer read-only, but it creates an ext4 partition with the label 'writable' behind the cloned part of the drive automatically. ". why on earth is that done as default "automatically". I mean it would be okay to opt-in in something like that, but why do I have to proactively turn it off?13:13
zenofagain, from a so called live-system I expect to leave everything untouched ...13:14
KBarzenof: there is probably a log of this change somewhere. keep in mind that you're not the only user of Ubuntu. there's probably a good reason to it. #ubuntu-devel might be a better place to ask and discuss such things13:15
KBarzenof: if you think it's potentially dangerous, file a bug report on launchpad.net against the affected packages or send a message to  ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com13:17
zenofKBar: yes, I'm aware of not being the only ubuntu user. And yes, I will have some further read about that, maybe asking the dev-guys.. thx.13:21
jsbachhi! anyone using veracrypt here?13:47
lotuspsychjejsbach: usualy this channel focuses on ubuntu issues, if you think its related ask in this channel so volunteers can think along with you13:49
KBarjsbach: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Contact.html13:51
jsbachlotuspsychje, well yeah, as i installed the default pacage from the repo. The Problem: Auto-Mounting with Favourite Volumes don't work on my Ubuntu 20.04 with 5.11 Kernel13:52
KBarjsbach: ? it's not available from the default repositories13:54
JackFrostjsbach: I don't see an option to automatically mount favorites on launch, I do see a button to mount all favorites though.13:55
jsbachK8ar, hmm apt-cache tells me it is available. gotta check if i added external repo13:55
JackFrostYou likely have a PPA for it, or downloaded the *.deb from sf.net/p/veracrypt13:55
jsbachJackFrost, exactly. According to theory of VeraCrypt, it is "all" mark the volume as "favourite"13:56
KBarTo remind you, this channel is for Ubuntu support.13:57
JackFrostjsbach: Reading up on the doc about favorites (https://veracrypt.eu/en/docs/favorites/), it is written geared towards Windows and I'm not sure the same quite applies to Linux.  You have the option to add things to favorites and you can mount/dismount all from the tray and whatnot, butt I don't think you can do so on launch unless you're passing veracrypt --auto-mount=favorites14:00
JackFrost(I have never used such a feature though, so do not know it well.)14:00
jsbachJackFrost, thanks for the pointer. gotta check that out though.14:00
lotuspsychjealternate, zulucrypt is on the ubuntu repos14:01
jsbachwierd, i haven't added any veracrypt repos. I checked the /etc/apt/sources.list and sources.list.d/. Also the "Software Updater" UI14:02
JackFrostcryptsetup itself has support for veracrypt volumes too, though of course doesn't have a GUI like zulu does.14:02
JackFrostjsbach: Can you pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy veracrypt`? | nc termbin.com 9999   should work I think.14:02
jsbachJackFrost, ok.14:03
JackFrostIf you aren't super attched to the UI, maybe look into zulucrypt too.14:03
KBarjsbach: or do this (more reliable): `dpkg -S $(which -a COMMAND)`14:04
JackFrostThat's...not at all the info I'm looking for.14:05
KBarit will print the name of the package the executable came from14:05
jsbachJackFrost, https://pastebin.com/33q1Gx6314:05
jsbachgot more info for you guys. name of ma machine14:05
KBarjsbach: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=veracrypt&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all14:05
JackFrostjsbach: You didn't get that from a repo, there's no downloadable source.  I also don't recognize the version string right off either.14:06
KBartell me you see a package called veracrypt there14:06
jsbachK8ar, got you14:06
JackFrost1.25.4 is out, fwiw.14:06
jsbachi might have added temporarly i guess14:06
KBaryou got it from launchpad14:06
jsbachJackFrost, thanks14:06
KBarthe deb package14:06
KBarand installed with dpkg -i14:06
jsbachKBar, launchpad! aha! nice one.14:06
jsbachi might yes14:06
JackFrostOr, sf.net/p/veracrypt, which the releases are uploaded to and there's a pretty active community forum.14:07
JackFrostjsbach: FWIW, the docs should already be on your system at /usr/share/doc/veracrypt/HTML/14:08
jsbachJackFrost, i'll try the automount switch as you mentioned. if not, the update. just about time, those updates. then the configuration is gone etc. etc.14:08
jsbachJackFrost, thanks for the advice. veracrypt works fine, don't mind if ui or not ui. just a question of time investment14:08
jsbachJackFrost, well yeah. read the manual. i know14:09
JackFrostjsbach: Hah, I just meant there's a copy on your system, not just online.14:16
mannequinis there a way to make tweak tool work?14:18
jsbachJackFrost, ah! i see!14:19
lotuspsychje!info gnome-tweaks | mannequin14:20
ubottumannequin: gnome-tweaks (40.0-3, impish): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 59 kB / 428 kB14:20
jsbachok, gotta restart. cheers!14:20
mannequinlotuspsychje: thanks man14:22
KBarmannequin: what do you mean make it work and how exactly it's not working?14:28
mannequinwell i want system monitor14:28
mannequinon debian gnome is on the top14:28
KBarmannequin: that's very vague. You want to keep tabs on system resources usage and system performance?14:29
mannequinyes i want my eye on it on the top bar14:30
KBarmannequin: what's the output of `lsb_release -ds` and `gnome-shell --version`?14:31
KBarmannequin: also, can you link to a screenshot?14:31
mannequinlsb_release -ds14:32
KBarmannequin: type it into the shell14:32
KBarmannequin: open Activities > search for "Terminal"14:32
KBarmannequin: paste this command without the backquotes14:33
KBarwe just use them to help it separate from our message, e.g. `this is a command you need to type in`14:33
mannequini know14:34
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mannequinUbuntu 20.04.3 LTS14:36
mannequinGNOME Shell 3.36.914:37
mannequinmaybe idk how to run it?14:37
KBarmannequin: thanks. Did you install any software for that?14:37
KBarWhat exactly did you install?14:38
mannequinthe point is14:39
mannequini do want the ayatem monitor on top14:40
KBarmannequin: you need to install the `gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor` package for that.14:40
KBarThat's why I'm asking.14:40
KBarDid you install it or what else did you install?14:40
KBarGNOME Shell is very strict. You can't just move things to top panel.14:41
KBarmannequin: install the aforementioned package and enable it from the "Extensions" app.14:41
mannequinit's not there14:42
mannequinshould i relog?14:42
KBarmannequin: what's not there? The package or the extension in the list?14:43
dobbicorpwhich drivers should i install for 2080ti?14:43
KBarmannequin: yes. You need to relogin14:43
KBardobbicorp: `sudo ubuntu-drivers install`14:43
dobbicorpnvidia-driver-4* ?14:43
mannequinthe extension is not present14:43
KBarmannequin: log out and log back in.14:43
dobbicorpKBar: ahh just like that, without actual numbers like 465 and 47014:44
mannequinthat has to wait but thank you very much14:44
KBardobbicorp: it will pull whichever fits the best.14:44
dobbicorpnice, thank you14:44
KBarmannequin: just to make sure. Is the package installed?14:45
KBarDid you install it?14:45
mannequini did14:45
mannequinwith apt14:45
KBarmannequin: can you post the output of `dpkg -l gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor`?14:45
mannequini'm just currently doing something else on slow connection14:45
KBarmannequin: that command doesn't require any connection.14:46
mannequinii  gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor 38+git20200414-32cc79e-1 all          Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar14:46
mannequinbut if relog i'll waste time14:46
oerhekssome extentions need a logout/login again..14:47
KBaractually, restarting the shell should also work14:48
KBarbut since you're on Wayland, i dont know the equivalent of `-r` for it :(14:48
KBaroerheks: is there one for Wayland sessions?14:49
KBarscrap that. ofc G**** removes that feature too: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/commits-list/2015-March/msg01019.html14:52
Guest59hey I have ubuntu flash drive14:54
Guest59how do I write files on it too14:54
Guest59I don't want the whole drive used for ubuntu alone14:54
Guest59it's 32gb14:54
KBarGuest59: my guess is to create separate partitions14:55
Guest59guide a bit if You know14:55
KBarGuest59: unfortunately i dont know. but i found this answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038927/make-a-ubuntu-live-usb-without-having-it-waste-the-whole-usb14:56
KBarGuest59: read through it and come back if you have more questions14:56
KBarGuest59: this one is much more comprehensive: https://askubuntu.com/questions/423300/live-usb-on-a-2-partition-usb-drive14:58
Guest59just use gparted14:58
Guest59from this window15:01
Guest59what do I do15:01
oerheksyou see your installed ubuntu , sda15:02
oerheksfirst change it to your usb, top right corner..15:02
oerheksor the top menu, whatever15:02
Guest59it is usb15:03
Guest5930 gb must be usb drive15:03
KBarGuest59: I mean, the second link has it all. just follow the steps15:03
jsbachJackFrost, thanks. it worked with the switch. I also got the VeraCrypt to the latest update.15:03
oerheksoh wait, you want to edit the live usb?15:03
oerheksnot possible.15:03
Guest59KBar I don't see steps15:04
oerheksdo this from an other installed ubuntu15:04
Guest59wait so I format it to have two partitions15:05
Guest59then I just install usb live on one of them15:05
Maiki think you need a persistent install on the usb to store files on it....?15:05
oerheksyes, with mkusb, he got tyhe URLs15:06
KBarGuest59: something like that yes15:06
oerheksbut not after writing the iso to usb15:06
Guest592 drives appear15:06
Guest59one called writeable15:06
Guest59other ubuntu15:06
KBarits partitions15:06
KBarinside a driver15:06
lilijoin #debian15:42
KBarlili: do you have Ubuntu-related questions?15:45
webchat19hi folks! I just upgraded my vm server from 18.04 to 20.04, and for some reason netplan was not installed for some reason , so now the vm is without network..:D  I have accees to vm via console, and still have the netconfig in /etc/network/interfaces, but it's not activated on boot. Anyone have any good links to howto bring vm up with static ip15:57
webchat19and route with ip/route commands or some other idea how i could get network up so i could install netplan and have a try with the new yaml-type config (i'm moderate skill in linux, and have used netplan before to config). .. so chicken vs egg dilemma, howto install netplan without network:)  I could just backup the important data and nuke the vm15:57
webchat19and install fresh ubuntu 20.04 minimal or debian 11 and start over, but I wanted to ask comments first..15:57
KBarwebchat19: `dpkg -l netplan.io`16:03
leftyfbwebchat19: how is your interfaces configured now? dhcp or static?16:03
leftyfbwebchat19: I would suggest dhcp. Then look at the interface name you have configured and compare that with the interface names being detected in /sys/class/net/16:04
webchat19static ip, but no network atm, because something has changed, and /etc/network/interfaces is not processed anymore16:04
leftyfbwebchat19: e/n/i is probably being processed still16:04
webchat19this vm is in a datacenter, so no dhcp available16:04
leftyfbwebchat19: ok, check my 2nd request16:05
alalaHi. Yesterday strange situation: Httpd ist deinstalled, also OpenVAS, that was listening to that port. But whenever I browsed to localhost, I was redirected to: . How can I figure out which application ist listening on that port? netstat would not ... thanks16:08
leftyfbalala: sudo lsof -i :939216:08
webchat19leftyfb:  eth0 -> ../../devices/virtual/net/eth0 is in /sys/class/net/, and eth0 configured in interfaces, also i think ifconfig and ip link says interface is up, but without ip config16:09
leftyfbwebchat19: journalctl -u networking16:09
leftyfbcheck for errors16:09
alalaleftyfb: thank but that does not show the service or the binaray binding to it16:10
leftyfbalala: then there is no service listening on that port16:11
alalaleftyfb: damn, I am blind. column 116:11
alalathank you16:11
webchat19leftyfb: good suggestions,  RTNETLINK answers: No such process, and RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address visible, but i'm starting to think that it would be easier for me to bring another volume to this vm and copy all important stuff to that volume and start with fresh install, rather than try to debug this.. thanks anyway!16:13
mannequintoo bad the system monitor indicator wont show temperatures16:26
jhutchinsmannequin: Hmmm... 6,230,000 search results for "gnome temperature monitor".16:47
mannequinthats a lot16:47
mannequinit seems to not fit on the screen16:48
mannequinbecause the sensors are there16:48
mannequinmaybe i'll shrink the graphs16:48
mannequinbut not today16:49
mannequini almost died on friday16:49
mannequineverything hurts16:50
mannequinis there a social channel for ubuntu?16:50
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!16:50
RedNifreHow do I change the zoom on my webcam?17:01
RedNifreAs in, only the center of the video feed gets forwarded to the video call apps. I'm asking because my camera is farer away than usual.17:02
jhutchinsRedNifre: Turn the black crank on the right hand side of the casing clockwise.17:02
RedNifreThe webcam doesn't have an optical zoom, so I'm looking for a software zoom.17:03
RedNifreIdeally, I could set this in the operating system per camera, so if I find the ideal zoom, it would use it in all apps.17:03
jhutchinsRedNifre: Well go ahead and write that then.17:04
jhutchinsRedNifre: Seriously, we'd have to know what camera you have, and what software you're trying to use it with.17:04
jhutchinsRedNifre: Web cams are not standard by any means, they use a variety of user interfaces and controls, and video applications do not have standard interfaces either.17:05
RedNifreLogitech cam and every software. Basically, I'd like to set "2 x zoom" and it would use the pixels from 1/4 X to 3/4 X and 1/4 Y to 3/4 Y.17:05
RedNifreOkay, sounds impossible then.17:06
jhutchinsRedNifre: No, you just need to dig into the documentation for the components you're using.  Logitech doesn't explicitly support Linux apps, so they won't be much help.17:06
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:07
jhutchinsRedNifre: Remember, almost all commercial video is processed through Linux render farms, so the possibility is out there.17:08
RedNifreI was hoping that the OS would, you know, abstract he hardware. As in, the video call apps wouldn't have to care about the specific cam. Oh well.17:08
movah4cgood evening. How do i get this utf8 character "🌡" in color ?17:12
movah4ci have this problem with the utf8 character in the console and in my own programm ( https://ibb.co/P6KHXR3 )17:26
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Guest88I booted my ubuntu flash into acer pc to check before install17:42
Guest88how do I mount writable part of flash drive17:42
Guest8832gb flash drive, and ubuntu took only 317:42
Guest88on my home pc it shows writable partition17:42
Guest88how do I access it17:42
summonnerGuest88, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Can you rephrase the question in a different way?17:45
Guest88sdb4  27.3G root  disk  brw-rw----17:45
Guest88how do I acess  this  from ubuntu17:46
EriC^^Guest88: sudo mount /dev/sdb4 /mnt?17:46
EriC^^in the filemanager you should be able to click on it and it mounts it for you17:46
jhutchinsGuest88: Assuming that it's already defined as a partition, maeke a filesystem on it using mkfs, then mount it to whatever mount point you want.17:47
jhutchinsGuest88: interesting.  I wonder how it got formated.17:47
jhutchinsGuest88: Anyway, have fun.17:47
kuleshLet's play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero - connect
Maikkulesh: please don't do that here since it's a Ubuntu support channel, if you're looking for someone to play ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or other offtopic channels18:07
oerhekskulesh, too many times spamming18:08
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu18:08
MrCollinsGAdoes rsync care if it is installed on client or nfs share machine or does it have to be on btoh?18:14
shadow255MrCollinsGA: if you're using rsync to move/copy between a client computer and an nfs share that is mounted from it, you only need rsync on your client computer18:16
MrCollinsGAshadow255, thank you!18:17
MrCollinsGAanyone have a terminal emulator they really like, better then stock ubuntu? :)18:21
oerheksthere are tons of options, but this channel is not about polling.18:22
Crorangnome terminal is pretty good really18:22
oerheksyes, there is a reason for it being standard18:22
MrCollinsGAthank you! I wasnt trying to 'poll' maybe I was I have googled many options. I apologize18:23
Croransomeday i hope the ttys will be redone to remove all the cruft and add better support for modern systems18:23
Croranbut for now standardization is kind of a big positive18:24
MrCollinsGAOK./me nods approvingly18:26
* MrCollinsGA nods approvingly18:27
JackFrostjsbach: Great!  Glad we could help.18:50
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leftyfbMrCollinsGA: I prefer terminator for it's splitting and grouping18:56
marc__how do i remove mozilla firefox from system and re install it i tried purge firfox its still there19:03
leftyfbmarc__: which version of ubuntu?19:07
oerheksremove the standard snap?19:07
oerhekssnap remove -- purge firefox19:08
leftyfbmarc__: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999919:13
marc__im only removing it because the sound has stopped working19:13
marc__sound in games works but not on firfox19:13
leftyfbI've heard people say the latest and mean the install from 2 years ago. Also not even Ubuntu19:13
marc__i tried allow in the privacy setttings and it still didnt work19:14
marc__no w how can i re install it19:14
dreamonhello -> grep "21.12.24\|21.12.23\" /home/dreamon/sshfs/run/user/1000/Zaehler.pwr > /run/user/1000/Tag_Selektiv_Strom.pwr → by starting this command it dont get cursor back. it dont finish. I dont know why?19:14
oerhekssnap install firefox ?19:14
oerheksalso: rename the ~./.mozilla folder can help19:15
marc__ok thanks its re installing now19:15
marc__ok its still not working on youtube videos anyone got any ideas19:16
marc__no sound19:16
oerhekscheck sound settings?19:17
oerheksi am not sure how you could tell in a minute installing and that there is no sound19:17
marc__sounds working in games19:18
marc__ok no its strange there are no sound settings19:18
leftyfbmarc__: did you have firefox running during either removing or reinstalling firefox?19:19
marc__I removed firefox and re installed it19:19
marc__yea i think the firefox was on screen19:19
leftyfbmarc__: close it and start over19:20
oerhekspkill firefox19:20
leftyfbmarc__: close firefox then : sudo pkill firefox ; mv ~/.mozilla/firefox ~/ && sudo snap remove purge firefox ; sudo snap install firefox19:21
oerheksthat would be a nice oneliner19:23
marc__shall i restart after doing that as the sound settings have gone missing19:24
leftyfbmarc__: which sound settings?19:24
marc__up in corner near network symbol19:25
leftyfbmarc__: that doesn't have anything to do with firefox19:25
leftyfbmarc__: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999919:25
mannequinwhy isn't weather working19:26
leftyfbmarc__: having "sound settings" in the top right corner of ubuntu has nothing to do with firefox19:28
marc__shall i restart19:28
leftyfbmarc__: I can't answer that because I don't know what issue you are describing at the moment19:29
marc__no audio in firfox on youtube videos19:30
leftyfbmarc__: wait, did you have some addon installed in firefox having to do with sound settings?19:30
marc__the only thing thats in there is plugins >> openH264 video codec19:31
leftyfbmarc__: try this: mv ~/.config/pulse ~/     # then reboot19:32
marc__default for all websites is ALLOW AUDIO and VIDEO in privacy settings19:32
marc__brb gonna reboot19:33
mannequinubuntu tweak tool shows me error by loading extension19:33
leftyfbmannequin: contact the developer of the extension for support19:33
mannequinit'sthe default ubuntu extension19:34
Maikmannequin: by default there's no weather extension in ubuntu. Did you install it yourself?19:36
marc__ok back sound is now on using firefox but my sound settings have all gone missing19:36
marc__ah its ok i found them19:37
marc__thanks everything is now fixed and working :)))19:38
oerhekshave fun!19:39
mannequinit's gnome-shell-extension-weather, Maik19:39
Maikmy question was if you installed it yourself mannequin19:39
mannequinit was right in there in ubuntu19:40
oerheksit is optional, iirc19:40
oerheks!info gnome-shell-extension-weather19:40
Maikit's not by default mannequin and i run ubuntu19:40
ubottugnome-shell-extension-weather (0.0~git20210509.d714eb1-1, impish): weather extension for GNOME Shell. In component universe, is extra. Built by gnome-shell-extension-weather. Size 112 kB / 643 kB19:40
mannequinwith apt19:40
mannequinwell i got this in my repo19:40
Maikthen file a bug19:41
mannequintomorrow tho19:42
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ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:16
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ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:16
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Gallomimiauhhhhh. this page is not very clear. how do i install a newer kernel? ubuntu 21.1020:18
Gallomimiathis page still lists Freenode as the place to go for support: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ20:20
oerheksGallomimia, not sure !hwe gives a newer kernel for 21.1020:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:20
Gallomimiathat page is old as the hills too20:21
=== GSMarquis is now known as SteveMST3K
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Gallomimiawhat i need... is hardware-un-disablement20:22
oerheksoh right, LTS only20:22
Gallomimiathis set of hardware worked just fine under previous versions of ubuntu. 14.04 16.0420:22
=== SteveMST3K is now known as GSMarquis
oerheksone could test a mainline kernel, but then you are on your own20:22
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds20:22
Gallomimiawhy now i am having regression20:22
Gallomimialet me be a bit more clear on my issue: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/ubuntu-21-10-failed-to-grab-modeset-ownership-with-495-44/193867/2620:22
Gallomimiagraphics drivers are having a fit. reports that kernel 5.13 works20:23
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oerheksand what hardware exactly?20:24
Gallomimiaand possibly a motherboard called 990FXA with a really shitty amd iommu20:25
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Gallomimiathis is the error i'm having in dmesg: [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership20:27
oerhekswhy does a 780i ring a bell.. such old card need the 340 driver IIRC20:31
Gallomimianvidia site says 47020:32
Gallomimia340 is from half a decade ago? that wouldn't even have vulkan support?20:33
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Gallomimiaso, what's the simplest way to install kernel 5.13 on 21.1020:45
oerheks21.10 should already have 5.1320:46
Gallomimiawell i'm on 5.1220:52
Gallomimiaoh you're right. what20:53
Gallomimiaum um um. 5.14 is what i wanted to upgrade to. but people are saying same issue under 5.14 and 5.1520:54
Gallomimiacurses. i need this to go away. it's causing so many issues20:55
Gallomimiamemory leaks. performance problems. hangs. certain programs won't error20:55
Croranis there a way to throttle memory usage for applications that use more than, say, 10GB of RAM?20:55
oerheks' people are saying same issue under 5.14 and 5.15'... so they are running next Jellyfish 22.04?20:56
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oerheksbye matrix21:49
Gallomimiaoerheks, they're not always specific about what OS they're on21:57
oerheksone could test the mainline ppa, but that comes without support. i still think it is a wild claim, memory leaks, without further info.22:00
oerhekscould be a browser, and a certain page only..22:00
MrCollinsGArunning Ubuntu 20.04 I cant change window managers. I am trying to install a minimalist gui here is my output from apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop22:06
MrCollinsGAnow I am at a window manager that is not the one I had loaded before. It has very very minimal icons etc, like it is some kind of 'safe mode'.22:07
MrCollinsGAIt is not the one I was going for the command apt install lightdm22:07
pasizMrCollinsGA: are you talking of window manager or login manager22:10
MrCollinsGAwindow manager I *believe*22:10
illiahello guys22:10
pasizlightdm is display manager22:11
pasizthus name dm22:11
MrCollinsGAok maybe thats what I am after.22:11
MrCollinsGAI know the *gui* I have now, is not what I wanted. I cant even open terminal without atrl-alt-t22:12
pasizMrCollinsGA: what is your problem?22:12
illiawhats your view on hacking22:12
MrCollinsGAnot the right window manager22:12
MrCollinsGAhacking is typing code, right?22:12
pasizMrCollinsGA: have you selected what window manager on display manager22:12
leftyfb!ot | illia22:12
ubottuillia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:12
illiatyping commands plus cracking codes22:13
leftyfbillia: This is an ubuntu support channel. go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss anything else22:14
pasizMrCollinsGA: what desktop environment you are trying to use? gnome, kde ??22:15
MrCollinsGApasiz, not sure but I think I got it figured out. https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-minimal-gnome-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux22:15
MrCollinsGAyou helped me inadvertently figured out, thank you.22:15
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, how are you today22:15
pasizaim to please...22:16
MrCollinsGAso let me get this straight, according to that website, what it tells you to install, is a desktop manager?22:16
illiamr collin what you want to find out about22:18
MrCollinsGAhttps://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-minimal-gnome-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux  does that website have me install a desktop manager? is that what the official word for 'gui' in ubuntu?22:19
illiagraphical user interface22:20
MrCollinsGAI know what a gui is. :)22:20
MrCollinsGAis that installing a 'desktop manager'?22:21
Gallomimiastill have not figured out how to change to a newer kernel. the wiki doesn't help, and no one in this channel is willing to tell me.22:22
oerheksMrCollinsGA, yes, but more minimal than the ubuntu minimal desktop22:23
leftyfbGallomimia: why do you think you need a newer kernel?22:23
oerheksGallomimia, there is no newer kernel22:23
oerhekstry !mainline, but those are for testing only22:23
MrCollinsGAGallomimia, take help when someone is willing and humbly appreciate it.22:23
Gallomimiait has been suggested that using a different kernel version will cause the nvidia driver to stop flipping its wig22:24
Gallomimiaso, yes. i'll be testing.22:24
Gallomimiathe !mainline snippet did not give me any understandable instructions22:25
oerheksyou are still using the 495?22:25
leftyfbGallomimia: maybe start by asking for help troubleshooting your exact issue (nvidia) and not with some solution someone on the internet came up with that might or might not work22:25
Gallomimiaaccording to nvidia website 495 does not support the 780i22:25
Gallomimiaokay. this issue i'm having is this error in dmesg: [   24.319403] [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership22:26
leftyfbGallomimia: do you have any symptoms other than this kernel message?22:27
Gallomimiahere is a full paste of my dmesg: https://termbin.com/dhb622:27
Gallomimiayes. the gpu performance is attrocious. there are unexplainable memory leaks in the system. websites refuse to display visual. certain programs refuse to quit cleanly.22:28
Gallomimiathey are numerous and difficult to descirbe. i asked for help in this channel some time ago, and was pointed at this kernel message. a solution was not forthcoming nor simple so i had to back-burner it22:29
leftyfbGallomimia: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/ubuntu-21-10-failed-to-grab-modeset-ownership-with-495-44/193867/28   looks like this is a known issue with nvidia's driver. Nothing we can really do here22:30
Gallomimiaregression, as it worked fine years ago. i suppose i can downgrade the driver22:31
Gallomimiaseems there's actual interest from an nvidia employee... i wonder if there's any reports i can submit to aid?22:32
leftyfbGallomimia: maybe post in that thread22:33
leftyfbgood luck22:33
Gallomimiayeah >:( thanks tho22:33
Gallomimiaokay that's good. hopefully nvidia staff is back in the office tomorrow.22:47
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
trafficjamanyone know what this `apt upgrade` error means? 'E: Failed to fetch http://binaries.erlang-solutions.com/debian/pool/erlang-crypto_24.1.7-1%7eubuntu%7eimpish_amd64.deb  File has unexpected size (191482 != 191542). Mirror sync in progress?'23:38
leftyfbtrafficjam: it means contact erlang-solutions.com for support with their broken repo23:39
trafficjamleftyfb: it's definitely a repo issue?23:40
jhutchinstrafficjam: Yes.23:40
leftyfbtrafficjam: do you have issues with any of your other repos?23:40
jhutchinstrafficjam: Probably just temporary.23:40
trafficjamnope just this one23:40
jhutchinstrafficjam: Repos are fairly automated, when something messes up they need human intervention, which isn't immediate (especially on weekends and holidays).23:42
trafficjamah ok, thanks23:42
trafficjamcan someone explain what exactly happens during a mirror sync? and is there a way to use an older version of the package? not sure i want to wait several days for this gets fixed23:53
trafficjamfor example can i use the 21.04 version?23:57
trafficjamgoing to do it23:58

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