
trafficjamisn't this stuff automatically checked and the previous working version defaulted to?00:00
leftyfbtrafficjam: did you have the previous version installed?00:00
trafficjami did yeah, but somehow it get removed00:01
trafficjamwhat happens to people that have some automated process that downloads a particular repo when this happens? The pipeline just breaks?00:03
dman777On Ubunutu 20.04, I am starting kvm with qemu-system-x86_64. A terminal window pops up with the console running. Does anyone know how to disable that? I only want a terminal window if I run vnc manually00:08
lehinsunhi guys. There is a convenient feature in macOS for switching between windows by typing window's name - https://ibb.co/nQSNt9m Is there something similar for ubuntu?00:24
leftyfblehinsun: hit the <SUPER> key and type the name of the application and it'll open up to any windows already open00:26
lehinsunleftyfb, god damn right00:27
lehinsunthank you00:27
eletrotupiUbuntu doesn't seems to mount my microSD card (using a SD adapter), it does recognize it (on dmesg) but does't assign any device name00:50
eletrotupithe card is working hella of fine on my camera (canon)00:50
oerhekswhat filesystem is on that card?00:51
oerheksonly dirty/filesystems with errors might refuse to mount00:53
eletrotupihm, I don't really know00:53
eletrotupiit was formatted with the camera itself (a canon one)00:54
eletrotupiI also installed exfat-utils and exfat-fuse00:54
oerheksdisks utility could show it?00:55
eletrotupidisks utility detected a 0kb drive00:59
eletrotupithe name it was assigned doesn't appear at /dev though01:00
eletrotupiok, it was the fucking card adapter01:11
eletrotupifucking shit01:11
DynamiteDanHello. How do I make an executable on Linux ask the super user password the same way gparted does? Thanks in advance01:30
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ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:33
DynamiteDanBut that doesn’t start the askpass gnome útil01:34
DynamiteDanWhenever I type gparted, there is a gfx screen asking for a password01:35
oerhekssudo chgrp sudo /usr/bin/<applicationcommand? and sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/<applicationcommand?01:39
oerheksthen logout/login01:39
DynamiteDanWill try.01:41
DynamiteDanI figured out sudo has a askpass option. It dims the screen and asks for a password. I just don’t know how to setup the program that will ask the password01:52
DynamiteDanI should I mean01:52
oerheksif you tried my steps, it would do that, no?01:53
DynamiteDanYes I did try.01:54
DynamiteDanBut the commands are in a shell scrpt01:55
oerhekstime to give more info then ,...01:55
oerheks'an executable' means a program in /usr/bin01:56
DynamiteDanOk. I have this script to automate the installation of a non opensource program. I should execute some commands as root. So far I am using sudo and it asks the roo01:58
DynamiteDansudo password in text mode. I would like it to ask in graphical mode01:59
DynamiteDanThe same way gparted does. I have been checking gparted permissions and they are root:root02:01
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svm_invictvsWhy does openssh-server depend on python302:16
oerheksbecause python2 is EOL, dead02:17
oerheksalso soon we switch to SSL302:18
DynamiteDanI managed to get sudo call ssh-askpass02:20
rfmDynamiteDan, I think pkexec is the current gui-prompting sudo command ("pkexec whatever")02:21
DynamiteDanAhh. It worked for me02:24
DynamiteDanThanks for your help02:24
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milktoast64I'm aware of Linux systems using Active Directory for user authentication from some old jobs. Currently, I'm in a new and small org. I'd like to know if there is a user authentication system for a domain where each user can log into all desktops? I'd like to not have local authentication on each desktop per user. Our current desktops are Windows,04:02
milktoast64Mac and Linux. We are going to gradually move all desktops to Linux and still have small amount of Mac and Win. We would like to not use any Microsoft Authentication servers.04:02
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Croranmilktoast64: LDAP04:47
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mokimokiis their anyone07:47
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mannequinhow to change a luks key?08:21
mannequinEnter passphrase to be changed:08:22
mannequinKeyslot open failed.08:22
mannequinNo usable keyslot is available.08:22
mannequinnevermind i found a way08:28
ELQEYNNMilktoast64, are you there?09:22
Guest59hey, I have external hdd09:22
Guest59with ext409:22
Guest59I can mount it on my old intel i509:22
Guest59can't on my other new laptop with amd ryzen09:22
ELQEYNNI wonder how many people use btrfs.09:22
Guest59how do I mount the disk09:23
Guest59if it does not want to09:23
ELQEYNNYou mount a partition with the mount command.09:23
Guest59I know but09:24
Guest59it does not work09:24
ELQEYNNmount /dev/<sd<letter><number <partition name>09:25
ELQEYNNrepeat here the mount command that you used.09:26
ELQEYNNYou use the partition tool gpart to see the partitions on your disks.09:27
ELQEYNNGoogle gparted, and you'll find a place to download it.09:28
Guest59I know basics09:29
ELQEYNNWhen you have it on a stick, then run it as a standalone program.09:29
ELQEYNNOK then, repeat the command you used. And I'll tell you what's wrong with it.09:30
ELQEYNNUse the lsblk command to find what you have mounted.09:31
Guest59sda           8:0    0   1,8T  0 disk09:31
Guest59└─sda1        8:1    0   1,8T  0 part09:31
Guest59it does not want to be mounted09:31
Guest59mount: /mnt/drive: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.09:32
ELQEYNNSo, do you have gparted?09:33
Guest59I have, I am on ubuntu 21.0409:33
Guest59I am not going to partition it09:33
Guest59it already has about 1,7 TB of files09:33
ELQEYNNYOu can runn gparted in the linux environment, or download it through yast.09:34
ELQEYNNAnd what's the capacity of your disk?09:34
Guest59I wrote everything do You even read09:35
Guest59I particularly mentioned I am on ubuntu and the capacity09:35
ELQEYNNI saw your listing. And you gave the listing here four minutes ago.09:35
ELQEYNNoh ... yast is another distro. ... sorry ...09:36
ELQEYNNYour capacity is 1.8 TB ... And you have 100G left.09:37
ducasseGuest59: it looks like you might be switching up the options to mount, *exactly* what command are you running?09:37
ELQEYNNSo, there is nothing more that you can mount.09:37
Guest59 sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/drive09:38
ducasseGuest59: you need sda109:38
ducassenot just sda09:38
Guest59it is sda09:38
Guest59nautilus can't mount it ether09:38
ducassethe filesystem is on sda1, not sda09:39
ELQEYNNNautilus isn't meant to mount.09:39
ducassetry 'sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/drive'09:39
ducasseand make sure /mnt/drive exists first09:40
ELQEYNNdecasse, that won't work.09:40
ducassewhy not?09:40
ELQEYNNThere has to be another partition that is outside sda1 to mount.09:41
Guest59okay it did something09:41
Guest59but still does not open the drive09:41
ELQEYNNWhat did it do?09:41
ducassedid it throw an error?09:42
Guest59it mounted the drive on /mnt/drive09:42
Guest59no errors09:42
Guest59but it does not read the drive09:42
Guest59loads and loads09:42
ducasseELQEYNN: what do you mean? you only need to specify one partition/fs09:42
ELQEYNNWhat is in /mnt?09:42
ducasseGuest59: are you getting any errors in 'dmesg'?09:42
ELQEYNNWhere is the /mnt partition?09:43
ducasse it's a directory, not a partition09:43
ELQEYNNYou can't mount a directory.09:44
ELQEYNNYou have to mount a partition.09:44
ducasseyou can mount on one, which is what he's doing09:44
ducasseand you can, you can bind mount it09:44
ducasseplus you don't mount a partition, you mount a filesystem09:44
ducasseGuest59: you might be getting an error in dmesg, any problems would appear there09:45
Guest59[ 1480.207897] EXT4-fs error (device sdb1): __ext4_get_inode_loc_noinmem:4445: inode #12058625: block 48234528: comm pool-org.gnome.: unable to read itable block09:46
Guest59now it's on sdb109:46
ducassethat's another fs09:46
ducasseis there only one disk and the usb?09:47
Guest59it is external hdd09:47
ELQEYNNI just googled bind mount.09:47
ELQEYNNYou can mount an external hdd.09:47
ducasseGuest59: was that the only error in dmesg?09:48
ELQEYNNIn the google ob bing mount, what I"m getting is about Docker.09:48
ELQEYNNIs Docker a distro different from ubuntu?09:49
ducasseno, it's a container framework09:49
Guest59I am running fsck on it09:49
ducasseunmount it first09:50
Guest59did it, let's see  what happens09:50
ducasseif it doesn't help we'll need the full lsblk output and more logs09:51
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Guest59Error reading block 162529403 (Input/output error) while getting next inode from scan.  Ignore error<y>?09:56
Guest59it keeps asking me this09:56
ELQEYNNLet me understand. When a machine has one drive it's /dev/sda. Then when you mount a flash drive in the USB, it's /dev/sdb ?09:59
ducasseGuest59: i/o errors are often/usually hardware10:00
ELQEYNNIf so, then how does /dev/sdb get into the /mnt directory?10:01
ducasseELQEYNN: first discovered drive = sda, second = sdb etc10:01
EriC^ELQEYNN: you use the 'mount' command to mount the fs10:01
EriC^mount /device/file /mountpoint10:02
Guest59fsck ended10:02
Guest59drive still does not really want to be mounted10:02
EriC^Guest59: error would be helpful10:02
ducasseGuest59: what's the output from 'dmesg | tail -20 | pastebinit'?10:03
ELQEYNNSo, if you have an empty directory /mnt/klop, then don't you have to mount a partition on /mnt/klop ?10:03
ducasseyou don't have to, but you can10:04
ELQEYNNHow else?10:04
ducassehow else what?10:04
ELQEYNNHow else would you mount a partition on /dev/sdb ?10:05
ducassei just mean you can use it as a directory, you don't need to mount anything there10:05
ducasse!partition | ELQEYNN10:06
ubottuELQEYNN: For help with partitioning a new install see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition | For partitioning programs, see !GParted (recommended) or !PartitionManager. Other partitioning topics include !fstab, !home, and !swap10:06
ELQEYNNI'm a user of a different Linux distribution, namely SuSE.10:06
ducassesame difference10:06
ELQEYNNyes. The way I mentioned just now is the way I do it.10:07
ELQEYNNThe flash drive comes with one partition. One can change it with gparted . I have done that.10:08
Guest59sudo dmesg | tail -20 | file.txt10:08
ducassenot gonna work10:08
Guest59I want txt file not pastebinit10:08
EriC^Guest59: dmesg | tail -20 > file.txt10:09
ducassewe need the pastebin, though10:09
Guest59Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/c17d9414fb73f8ff0e2837f39d8a5391/pasted.txt10:09
EriC^Guest59: you could do 'dmesg | tail -20 | nc termbin.com 9999' to upload it directly10:09
ducassei gave him that10:10
ducassesdd is dying10:10
ELQEYNNOK. It sounds lilke ducasse is making it more complicated than it needs to be, but so be it.10:10
Guest59well that is fsckd10:10
Guest59how could it be dying10:11
Guest59it works on my other laptop10:11
ELQEYNNso be it if that's what Guest59 wants.10:11
ducassehow do you mean, ELQEYNN?10:11
EriC^Guest59: you could do 'sudo apt install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdd | nc termbin.com 9999' to see the smart data/health10:11
ELQEYNNa simple way: first lsblk /dev/sdb after putting the flash drive in the USB.10:12
ELQEYNNChances are that it comes with one partition.10:13
ducassei've asked for lsblk output already10:13
ducasseplease don't get involved unless yo uknow what you're doing10:14
ELQEYNNAnd the flash drive has one partition, namely sdb1 ?10:14
ducasseusually one or two, but that does not matter10:15
ELQEYNNOk then. Next: Have an empty drive on your hard disk /sda.10:15
ducasseGuest59: sdd is throwing i/o errors, those usually indicate hardware problems10:16
ducassei would replace it10:16
ducasseif it's external it might be the enclosure or cable, i guess10:16
Guest59ELQEYNN seem to not understand what he/she writes, pls don't spam10:16
ELQEYNNThose flash drives are not that expensive. So, get a new one.10:17
ducassewho said it was a flash drive?10:17
ELQEYNNGuest59 said it is.10:17
Guest59exactly, he/she does not read what I wrote at all10:17
ELQEYNNYou sant to mount an external HDD ?10:19
ELQEYNNYou want to mount an external HDD ?10:19
ducassetthat's the first thing they said10:20
ELQEYNNsame difference. You need to know what partitions are on the HDD -- or other storage device plugged into the SDB.10:25
Apachezis there a way to force a box to reboot other than "shutdown -r now"?10:26
ducassewhich is why i asked for full lsblk output10:26
Apachezseems to be hanging on some killing process10:26
ducassebut it does the same10:27
ELQEYNNducasse, how goes it?10:27
ducassethere's also 'halt'10:27
EriC^Apachez: you could always use alt+prntscrn+s, +u, +b if it completely hangs, just give it some time to finish sync after pressing 's'10:27
Apachezducasse: again, there is a stuck process for runlevel610:27
ducasseyou can try 'halt -f'10:28
ApachezEriC^: only remote access10:28
Apachezbut I solved it... "kill -9 <pid>"10:28
Apachezthen it continued with the reboot10:28
ducasseyou're not running ubuntu, so we can't support you10:28
Apachezlets see if it comes back online =)10:28
Apachezducasse: this is an ubuntu box for sure10:28
EriC^fwiw you can send those using a terminal too10:29
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EriC^(echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger)10:31
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tohoynhello. I'm trying to configure postfix with instructions from https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/mail-postfix10:44
tohoynwhat FQDN shall I use? gmail.com or some own domain?10:44
tohoynin place of mail.example.com in the guide10:45
ducasseuse the domain you handle mail for10:47
tohoynis it OK to use some nonexistent domain, such as mail.tohoyn.org?10:48
ducassewhy not use the real domain?10:49
tohoynyou mean gmail.com?10:49
ducasseif you're using gmail, why use postfix?10:49
tohoynbecause I need to send a message with mail10:49
tohoynand mail does not work10:50
ducassecheck out msmtp10:50
ducasseor similar10:50
tohoynok. tx.10:51
ducassetohoyn: it's a simpler way to achieve what i think you want, there are other packages that do the same10:53
biapydoes somebody have knowledge on how to use Xspice in a multiseat setup  à la Xvnc ? i'm stuck on how to connect xspice to a socket10:55
ducassebiapy: try again in a few hours when there are more people here, or try #ubuntu-server11:06
biapyducasse, thank you11:06
biapyoup, sorry for that11:06
ducassemight be quiet there too now, but hang in there11:07
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tohoynducasse: I tried msmtp. I get the following error: msmtp: the server sent an empty reply11:42
tohoynducasse: do you know msmtp yourself?11:42
ducasseyes, but years ago11:45
ducassei think you need to do something to set gmail up for external clients11:45
tohoyncould you look at my conf file?11:45
ducassepastebin it11:46
tohoynhere: https://paste.gnome.org/pjshxwpta11:48
tohoynI already use gmail in Thunderbird11:49
ducassehmm, i dunno, sorry11:50
ducassei don't have my config anymore11:50
ducassetry #linux maybe?11:50
tohoynok. tx anyway.11:51
ducassesorry, i was a little busy12:02
ducassetohoyn: check the gmail help pages, you used to have to pre-authorize each client, but that might have changed12:03
donofrioanyone here use xfce4 on windows 11?  I can run the ubuntu native applications separately just would like to run the full DE? (in hexchat now from w11 ubuntu 20.04.3)12:39
KBardonofrio: join #xfce or forum.xfce.org12:42
donofrioKBar, I am in that channel12:43
dustswap size at lvm needs to be changed... who is that incompetent to use LV Size 980,00 MiB? and u cant change that at install!13:01
KBardust feel free to file a bug report13:06
KBar`apport-bug ubiquity`13:06
dustbugreports are useless as they get closed unsolved...13:07
KBardust solve it yourself then. :)13:08
dustyeah... better use another distro... :D13:09
KBardust yes, looks like this one fits you: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-1113:09
KBarGood luck to you.13:09
mannequincan someone file a bug for me?13:10
dustKBar, no wonder ubuntu is such crap...13:10
KBardust +113:10
dustKBar, bc of ppl like u...13:10
mannequinall my launchpad account names are taken so i cannot create an account13:10
Jeremy31create a unique name, add some numbers to it13:12
ducassedust: who was the one coming in and calling people incompetent?13:13
dustducasse, who is that incompetent to use LV Size 980,00 MiB... who is that person who did that?13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1933692 in gnome-shell-extension-weather (Ubuntu) "weather applet is not loaded by Gnome" [Undecided, New]13:15
mannequinthat's the bug13:15
KBarducasse: don't bother. It's not worth it.13:15
ducassei'm not gonna :)13:16
ducassedust: set up a swapfile, problem solved13:17
MrCollinsGAWill cron 'delete' files in a folder if another file is found when it actually 'syncs'?13:36
ducasseMrCollinsGA: depends how you sync, which tool and options13:43
ducasseMrCollinsGA: cron itself only reads the crontab13:43
MrCollinsGAfor instance sudo rsync -r /src/foo/bar /dest/foo/bar13:44
MrCollinsGAwell I guess I meant rsync sorry13:44
Guest59hey so I fixed the disk issues13:51
Guest59for external hdd13:51
Guest59with ext4, but when I mount it, it's still only in read only mode13:52
mannequincan someone fix this in stable? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-weather/+bug/193369213:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1933692 in gnome-shell-extension-weather (Ubuntu) "weather applet is not loaded by Gnome" [Undecided, New]13:53
Guest59   ..   /dev/disk/by-uuid/56249952249935C9 /mnt/56249952249935C9 auto nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 013:55
Guest59 sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/56249952249935C913:56
Guest59or even my username13:56
Guest59does not help13:56
mannequinKBar: ?13:56
Guest59sudo chmod 777 /mnt/56249952249935C913:58
ioriaGuest59, usually you need recursive :  sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mnt/56249952249935C914:00
ducasseMrCollinsGA: rsync has flags on how to handle files with duplicate names14:00
mannequinok i found a workaround for this14:01
mannequinman debian is so different than ubuntu14:01
ducasseGuest59: try adding 'rw' to the mount options14:03
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lidlessHowdy! Where would I look to start a script when my system is idle and stop when I wake it up? I want my GPU to mine when I'm not using it14:07
Guest59how ?14:07
Guest59? /dev/disk/by-uuid/56249952249935C9 /mnt/56249952249935C9 auto nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 014:07
pc_what application is used to open ubuntu iso disk on linux mint14:08
Guest59You mean You want to mount iso14:09
Guest59or create USB stick14:09
lidlesspc_: https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/146414:09
ducasse!mint | pc_14:12
ubottupc_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:12
KBarlidless: ask your question on #linux or #bash14:13
KBarthey're the script masters14:13
KBari'd guess you can make it work with xscreensaver or its equivalent on your system14:13
ducasseGuest59: add 'rw' to 'nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,nofail,x-gvfs-show'14:14
Guest59sudo chmod -R  777 /mnt/56249952249935C914:14
Guest59I did this as well14:14
Guest59I did that too14:14
Guest59still read only14:14
ducasseGuest59: what's the output of 'mount | grep 56249952249935C9'?14:15
KBarlidless: are you running X or Wayland?14:16
KBarlidless: moreover, is it GNOME?14:17
Guest59this /dev/nvme0n1p3 on /mnt/56249952249935C9 type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096,x-gvfs-show)14:19
mannequinwhy is my firefox doing crackling noise when changing youtube volume ;/14:19
MrCollinsGAmannequin, firefox only? does it do it in any other browsers on YT?14:20
ducasseGuest59: that is mounted read-write did chmod throw an error or is there anything in dmesg?14:20
lidlessubottu: I intentionally tried to help them because their desire to go from Mint to Ubuntu was apparent, so I wanted them to feel like part of the community14:20
lidlessInstead of spamming a RTFM command14:20
mannequinMrCollinsGA: idk, how to install chrome?14:20
lidlessKBar: ty ty14:20
MrCollinsGAKBar, would it make sense to ask #bash about scripting with rsync and cron? jw14:21
Jeremy31mannequin: go to https://www.google.com/chrome/ and click the download button14:21
ducassemannequin: kind of sounds like a bad connection/cable14:22
mannequinthe sound is fine14:22
mannequinit just happens when changing volume14:22
MrCollinsGAhttps://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-google-chrome-web-browser-on-ubuntu-20-04/  might be helpful if those suggestions do not work.14:22
mannequinlike using the slider14:22
MrCollinsGAdoes it do it when you change the sound in ubuntu volume control when a YT video is playing?14:23
KBarMrCollinsGA: sure14:23
MrCollinsGAKBar, thank you14:24
KBaryou're welcome14:24
MrCollinsGA^^^ cool!14:26
lidless:-D <314:26
mannequinMrCollinsGA: it does not happen in chrome14:26
KBarmannequin: do you remember during installation did you check the "Install third-party proprietary software" option?14:26
mannequinyes, i did14:26
MrCollinsGAmannequin firefox might be loading more then one module when it launches. I am not a sound expert in ubuntu.14:26
lidlessUngoogled Chromium for Ubuntu instructions are here: https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium-debian14:27
MrCollinsGAsound module*14:27
KBariirc chromium-based browser have their own codecs baked in14:27
mannequinKBar: but tell me how to doublecheck14:27
lidlessKBar: I believe you're right14:27
leftyfblidless: lets not suggest random github projects to install on ubuntu. Especially when their main purpose wasn't requested14:27
mannequinis it a good idea to go 22.04 now?14:28
KBarmannequin: `dpkg -l ubuntu-restricted-addons` and `dpkg -l ubuntu-restricted-extras`14:28
leftyfbmannequin: only to help find and report issues to the developers14:28
MrCollinsGAis the -l argument there telling it to uninstall or mask?14:28
KBarMrCollinsGA: no. It lists status about a given package.14:29
MrCollinsGAKBar, thank you14:29
KBarMrCollinsGA: man dpkg14:29
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: from the man page: "    -l, --list package-name-pattern..."14:29
mannequinKBar: i haven't had that :O14:29
lidlessleftyfb: Freedom of speech.14:29
lidlessSeriously it's not random. I've been using it for over a year and I'm a cyber security professional14:29
leftyfblidless: that's not how IRC works14:29
lidlessI've monitored the traffic through burp14:30
KBarmannequin: what do you mean? So it doesn't match? You don't have them?14:30
KBarWhat was the output?14:30
lidlessYeah. On IRC we have rampant bullies like you who can /op themselves and kick when they get all pissy14:30
MrCollinsGAirc: play by the rules and help and get help, like a community of friends. there are rules to play by.14:30
KBarlidless: stay on topic pls14:30
leftyfblidless: it was a simple request. Lets keep it civil. Thank you14:30
KBarlidless: not everyone is tech-savvy or versed in these things. leftyfb is right in their suggestion.14:31
KBarDon't post links to random software.14:31
Guest59the drive is so slow barely usable14:31
lidlessleftyfb: You forget the entire purpose of open source.14:31
mannequinKBar: i haven't had that installed14:31
mannequindid that now14:32
KBarGuest59: I don't think that it's Ubuntu's fault14:32
lidlessKBar: I'd rather someone ask about it then call it a random github project14:32
Guest59it's not like that on other ubuntu laptop14:32
MrCollinsGAKBar is right lidless, what if a newb opens your suggestion and he borks his ubuntu? :)14:32
lidlesswas a bit presumptiuous feeling14:32
mannequinfirefox still crackling14:32
leftyfblidless: feel free to discuss fuether in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic14:32
lidlessMrGeneral: I'm thankful to have 3 people repeating the same shit to me.14:32
lidlessOr not.14:32
KBarmannequin: no. you can install them via `sudo apt update && apt install pck_name` where pck_name is the name of those packages. try with -addons first14:32
KBarmannequin: and see if the problem disappears14:33
mannequini installed that14:33
KBarlidless: sure. but this channel is not for talking about projects14:33
mannequinand it's still crackling14:33
lidlessCan YOU let it go?14:33
mannequinmaybe i should relog?14:33
KBarmannequin: try rebooting or restarting pulseaudio server14:34
MrCollinsGAmannequin pulseaudio --check  then make sure its running then pulseaudio -k then pulseaudio -D14:34
KBar!cookie | MrCollinsGA14:35
ubottuMrCollinsGA: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:35
MrCollinsGAyay! :)14:35
lidlessmannequin: Can you go to about:config and check if media.webspeech.synth.enabled is set to true? If so, set to false and restart14:35
lidless(restart firefox)14:36
mannequinKBar: no still happens14:36
MrCollinsGAmannequin, was pulseaudio running?14:36
mannequini rebooted14:36
KBarmannequin: does it happen with headphones or speakers?14:36
KBaror both?14:36
mannequinlet me check14:37
leftyfbmannequin: killall running firefox processes and try running from a terminal:  firefox --safe-mode14:37
KBarmannequin: i remember i had the same issue with firefox. dont remember what i did to fix tho :(14:39
mannequinKBar: headphones, no headphones, still the same14:40
MrCollinsGAKBar, could he try uninstall/reinstall?14:40
leftyfbthat's probably not going to help much14:40
mannequini could install debian and all would be fine14:41
leftyfbmannequin: try safe mode. If that doesn't help, try wiping your entire firefox profile:   mv ~/.mozilla/firefox ~   # making sure all firefox processes are dead first14:41
leftyfbmannequin: lets not14:41
mannequinbut i've put so much working in setting my git up14:41
KBarmannequin: backup your profile first14:41
leftyfbmannequin: I'm pretty sure all of your git customizations are in ~/.git btw14:42
KBarmannequin: about:support > refresh firefox. it will automatically backup your prefs and put it in a newly created directory in Desktop14:43
mannequini written a system to operate vlepy.github.io14:43
mannequinit takes time and effort14:43
mannequinyou're taking me for a lamer14:43
mannequinthat's dissrespect14:43
KBarmannequin: just a thought. do you have DRM enabled?14:43
leftyfbmannequin: lets just focus on troubleshooting your isssue14:44
mannequinanyways, safe mode, still happens14:44
KBarmannequin: well, then mb try creating a new user and see if the issue persists there too14:44
leftyfbmannequin: what about moving your profile out of the way?14:45
KBarthat way, you dont have to be messing with your prefs and settings, but you'll still get a nice clean firefox state14:45
MrCollinsGAmannequin, it sounds to me like there is more then one sound module loading or something when you launch ff14:45
Guest59sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mnt/56249952249935C914:45
mannequinit does not happen in clementine14:46
lidlessmannequin: I posted a suggestion earlier about setting a flag for speech synth to false14:46
Guest59nautilus still says it's owned by root14:46
Guest59oh right14:46
mannequini guess i'll live with it untill 22.0414:47
leftyfbmannequin: you can also try mv ~/.config/pulse ~/     # then reboot14:47
mannequinlidless: can you repeat the suggestion?14:47
Guest59it was mounted somewhere else14:48
lidlessmannequin: Can you go to about:config and check if media.webspeech.synth.enabled is set to true? If so, set to false and restart14:48
leftyfbmannequin: https://tqdev.com/2021-firefox-ubuntu-crackling-sound14:49
lidlessreally dude?14:49
mannequini've set it to false, still crackling14:52
KBarmannequin: can you share the output of `pactl list clients` while a video is playing?14:53
Guest59chown: changing ownership of '68fdbd51-a4d0-4e10-b665-156f40dc2a86/': Read-only file system14:54
leftyfbGuest59: please don't post your play-by-play here. If you need help, please explain in detail the exact issue you are trying to solve, the commands you are using and any error messages you are getting14:55
leftyfbGuest59: I'm going to guess you're trying to set permissions on some external drive you have mounted. You need to start by setting permissions/ownership with the mount command14:56
Guest59sudo mount -o remount,rw '/media/ronalds/68fdbd51-a4d0-4e10-b665-156f40dc2a86/'14:56
Guest59mount: /media/ronalds/68fdbd51-a4d0-4e10-b665-156f40dc2a86: cannot remount /dev/sdf1 read-write, is write-protected.14:56
leftyfbGuest59: what are you trying to accomplish exactly?14:56
Guest59write on ext4 external hard drive14:56
leftyfbGuest59: is it a usb flash drive?14:57
Guest59external hard drive14:57
leftyfbGuest59: looks in "dmesg" to see if there were any errors during the mount14:57
mannequinKBar: http://paste.debian.net/1225686/14:58
Guest59K d14:59
Guest59I don't even see this drive on fstab14:59
leftyfbGuest59: you won't14:59
mannequinGuest59:  you're speaking about external drives when i had one mounted15:00
KBarmannequin: were there two videos/audios open in two different tabs?15:00
Guest59dudes then how exactly I mount it RW15:00
mannequinjust in one15:00
leftyfbGuest59: you are currently relying on gnome automatically mounting the drive which doesn't use fstab15:00
leftyfbGuest59: did you look at dmesg?15:01
leftyfbGuest59: step #1 is to figure out why it's mounted ro15:01
leftyfbGuest59: it can sometimes mean there's something wrong with the filesystem or drive15:01
Guest59so /dev/disk/by-id/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part115:02
leftyfbGuest59: did you look at dmesg?15:03
Guest59I did get it to fstab15:03
Guest59here  - /dev/disk/by-id/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part1 /mnt/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 015:03
leftyfbGuest59: would you like help?15:03
Guest59I need help, as I understood15:03
leftyfbGuest59: ok, then please follow along with the troubleshooting suggested. If you are going to continue doing your own troubleshooting, let us know to stop helping until you would like us to help.15:04
KBarmannequin: then, this might be it. you got two firefox pulseaudio clients. assuming, there was only one tab with playback, that shouldn't happen15:04
Guest59I don't think Your troubleshooting is first thing here I need to do15:05
leftyfbGuest59: ok, good luck15:05
Guest59I already fsck this drive15:05
mannequinKBar: so what i should do now?15:05
KBarmannequin: is "Control media via keyboard, headset, or virtual interface" enabled?15:06
mannequinhow to check that?15:06
KBarmannequin: Firefox > Settings > Search "control media..."15:07
mannequinKBar: it was enabled, disabled it, still happens15:10
BluesKajHi folks15:10
KBarmannequin: Activities > Sound > allowmultimedia keys (or something similar)15:11
mannequini told you, i disabled it15:11
mannequinstill happens15:11
KBarmannequin: relax. I'm talking about a different setting. GNOME's own.15:12
mannequinKBar: i found the solution :)15:16
mannequinKBar: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1247619/kubuntu-20-04-crackling-audio-when-changing-youtube-volume15:16
KBarawesome. well done15:18
Guest59this - /dev/disk/by-id/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part1 /mnt/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 015:18
mannequinthanks a bunch people! :)15:18
Guest59chown: changing ownership of '/mnt/usb-OEM_Ext_Hard_Disk_0000D31033C1-0:0-part1/VIDEO/1599196_10201743194524124_257833396_n.mp4': Read-only file system15:18
Guest59It's mounted rw15:19
icedwaterKBar: Maik: Jeremy31: thanks, I'll check that out.15:19
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Jeremy31icedwater: Post URL from terminal for>  (lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net; dpkg -l | grep linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r) | nc termbin.com 999915:20
icedwaterJeremy31: you got it, I'll install the linux-modules-extra for the other two 5.x kernels and try again15:25
mannequinnow i'm freaking out about every crackling sound i hear15:26
ubottudavide_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:26
mannequinand i hear crackling everywhere15:27
Guest59I can't see to make the filesystem read write15:28
Guest59this is how it is on fstab15:28
Guest59- /dev/sdf1 /mnt/sdf1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 015:28
Guest59sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/sdf115:29
Guest59sudo chown -R username:username /dev/sdf115:29
Guest59both things worked15:29
Guest59but still15:29
Guest59properties show owner is root15:29
Guest59and I can't create files15:30
MrCollinsGAGuest59, maybe because when you are passing the command you are using sudo when you chown15:32
Guest59dude You can't chown without sudo15:33
MrCollinsGAGuest59, ok.15:37
jkcGuest59: Changing the owner of the device node isn't going to change the owner of the mount point.15:37
MrCollinsGAyeah dude ;)15:38
jkcIn your mount line, for options, add this: uid=xx,gid=yy, where xx is the uid of your user according to `id`, and yy is the gid of your user's primary group according to `id`.15:39
Guest59sudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/sdf115:39
jkcGuest59: That. Won't. Work. I just said that.15:39
Guest59I did15:39
Guest59sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/sdf115:39
Guest59so what else15:39
Guest59I did mount as rw15:39
jkcFirst off, 777 is the wrong thing to do in basically every single case.15:39
Guest59what else15:39
Guest59I could do15:39
jkcIts mounted rw, but owned by root, so your normal user can't do anything to it.15:39
Guest59this is idiotic15:39
jkcIn your mount line, for options, add this: uid=xx,gid=yy, where xx is the uid of your user according to `id`, and yy is the gid of your user's primary group according to `id`.15:40
jkcDo that.15:40
Guest59from normal user standpoint15:40
Guest59oh right15:40
jkcAnd, no, it's not idiotic. It's basic security principles.15:41
jkcUnless otherwise specified, all mounts in /etc/fstab are owned by root. Principle of least privilege - the user doesn't get access to anything unless explicitly granted.15:41
Guest59this should be in nautilus GUI15:41
robertparkerxhow do you check crontab for a specific user?15:43
robertparkerxfor instance 'hot'15:43
jkcGuest59: I should have asked, is this an ext* filesystem, or something like FAT/exfat/ntfs/etc?15:44
Guest59this is fstab now - /dev/sdg1 /mnt/sdg1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show,uid=1000,gid=1000, 0 015:44
Guest59I am doing fsck again15:44
Guest59sudo fsck -y /dev/sdg115:44
jkcAh, then uid/gid won't work. That only affects filesystems that don't support unix permissions.15:44
Guest59then wtf15:45
jkcI assume fsck says everything is okay?15:45
Guest59I already did it once today on other laptop15:45
Guest59which handles file operations on it easily15:45
Guest59it has ubuntu 18.04 but this one has 21.0415:45
jkcWhich is not an answer.15:45
jkcI assume fsck says everything is okay?15:46
Guest59I am waiting now15:46
jkcIf so, change fstab to this: /dev/sdg1 /mnt/sdg1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 015:47
jkcThen `mount /mnt/sdg1`. Then `chown -R user:user /mnt/sdg1`, with user being whatever your username is.15:47
jkcThat's /mnt, not /dev.15:47
Guest59fsck.ext4: unable to set superblock flags on /dev/sdg115:48
oerhekswhat filesystem is on that disk?15:48
oerheksoh oke ext415:48
jkcWhat kind of disk is it? Hard drive, SSD, SD card, etc15:49
jkcBecause that error almost always indicates hardware issues.15:50
Guest59why then there are no problems on other side15:50
Guest59other laptop15:50
jkcWhich still didn't answer my question of "what kind of disk is it?"15:51
Guest59dudes I'm here whole day I given this information 1000 times15:51
Guest59ext4 external hard drive15:52
jkcAnd I'm not here all day. I am here now. I am trying to help, and if you give me that attitude again, you can wait for someone else.15:52
Guest59there are random dudes that just read something and starts the conversation15:53
Guest59we are 6 hours deep15:53
jkcOkay, you'll be waiting for someone else.15:53
Guest59it was written about few posts ago15:53
Guest59go on tiger15:53
leftyfbGuest59: your fstab is wrong and gnome is auto-mounting so your fstab won't be used anyway. Lose the attitude to people who are trying to help you15:54
Guest59if people can't read I don't think they can help ether15:54
Guest59it's nothing to do with attituted15:54
leftyfbGuest59: stop15:54
leftyfbGuest59: this is a support channel. Ask for help and listen to people trying to help you. Or don't. Your choice15:55
KBar Just mute them. It's clear they aren't here for help.15:55
KBarEither a troll or someone who wants to boast.15:56
mannequinKBar: it's still not perfect16:00
[code]you get what you pay for here16:00
KBarrobertparkerx: /var/spool/cron/crontabs16:00
leftyfb[code]: lets not16:00
mannequinKBar: when music on yt is playing there is a rare, slight crack here and there16:00
mannequinhave you got pulseaudio magic?16:01
leftyfbrobertparkerx: sudo crontab -u <user> -l16:01
[code]leftyfb: howdy. strage seeing you over here. :-)16:02
mannequinor maybe it's just the music16:02
[code]< Trey16:03
KBarmannequin: disable GNOME's media key handling as well. run firefox with only one tab. play a video. run `pactl list clients`. write down client id for 2 firefox instances. kill the second with `pacmd kill-client #ID`16:03
mannequini got 3 firefox instances now16:05
mannequinhow to disable gnome media handling?16:06
mannequinmedia key handling?16:06
oerheks3 instances firefox .. pkill firefox # and start again?16:07
mannequinyou don't know what the problem is, oerheks16:07
oerhekswell, you have a crackling sound, mention 3 instances firefox..16:07
oerheksstart clean with one instance?16:08
KBarmannequin: i think it should be in Settings > Sound16:08
KBarWhy is everybody so aggro today? Jesus, relax people.16:08
oerheksyeah, i leave you to it yourself, mannequin .16:08
leftyfboerheks: I suggested that twice 2 hours ago and never got confirmation that it was tried16:09
mannequini guess i just will wait for 22.0416:10
KBarmannequin: well, it's not going to get magically fixed. If the developers/maintainers aren't aware of the issue, upgrading to 22.04 won't help.16:11
mannequinit might, might not16:11
mannequineven by accident16:11
mannequinon debian everything was tip-top16:11
jhutchinsmannequin: The fact the Ubuntu packages are typically newer than Debian's suggests that "new" isn't the answer.16:13
mannequini didn't say that16:13
mannequinalso i'm on lts16:13
jhutchinsmannequin: crackling sounds strongly suggest hardware, like loose connections or bad ground.  They're actually pretty difficult to introduce through software.16:14
leftyfbjhutchins: they states the issue doesn't happen with other browsers or applications16:15
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mannequinjhutchins: somehow i mostly repaired it by reconfiguring pulseaudio deamon16:15
ELQEYNNmilktoast64, are you there?16:17
jhutchinsmannequin: Well, fixed is fixed, why costs a lot more.16:17
mannequinnow 0 cracling, i somehow fixed it i guess16:18
mannequinalso KBar, jhutchins this is my blog, i want you to see it16:19
mannequinKBar: jhutchins https://vlepy.github.io/16:21
king_Hi :) the volume of my bluetooth earbud is so low in 20.04 , I`v tried ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=avrcp16:23
king_any ideas ?16:24
jhutchinsking_: What application(s)?16:26
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Guest5918I have other LAPTOP from which I changed my external hdd rights16:51
Guest5918to 77716:51
Guest5918and username to same username my other laptop has16:51
Guest5918when I mount this drive on other laptop16:51
Guest5918it shows file is owned by me16:51
Guest5918BUT I CAN'T modify nor save new files16:51
Guest5918like I can do on first laptop16:52
oerhekswhat is the output of 'mount'?  last line only16:55
Guest5918it is mounted auto16:56
leftyfbGuest5918: you're asking for help with the same issue that you refused to accept help for earlier16:58
Guest5918I gave dmesg before that16:59
Guest5918I refused to do that again16:59
Guest5918there is not much difference between this and that laptop17:00
oerheksoh oke, no output of mount, then you are on your own17:00
Guest5918I am doing it17:00
oerheksDo not abuse volunteers17:00
leftyfbGuest5918: you have not given any dmesg output17:00
Guest5918hope Yall understand that this is going to completely ruin any user experience for future linux users17:00
Guest5918I gave before that17:00
Guest5918trust me17:00
Guest5918I am whole day17:01
Guest5918and none of things work17:01
oerheksno you did not,a s you come up with a new issue17:01
leftyfbGuest5918: I have logs, you didn't17:01
leftyfbGuest5918: you also seemed to ignore the multiple times I have told you that gnome is automounting your drive when you plug it in so fstab is being ignore. Your fstab is also wrong17:01
Guest5918this is so stupid17:02
leftyfbGuest5918: if you want help, lose the attitude and comments17:02
Guest5918it's way beyond simple fix I've truly tried everything for 8 hours17:02
ioriathere is no reason to use an ext4 with 777 over ntfs or fat32 (that is why those are preferred fs for removable, alias exchangeable drives) my 2c17:03
Guest5918it's 7 now17:03
Guest5918it is EXT417:03
Guest5918go back and read, the whole day17:03
ioriayes, but with 777 makes no sense over other FS17:03
oerheksi never read ext4 in your fstab line :-D17:04
leftyfbGuest5918: do you want help? yes or no17:04
Guest5918stop bullying17:04
leftyfboerheks: that's because their fstab entry was completely wrong17:04
Guest5918here /dev/sdc1 /mnt/sdc1 auto rw,nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show 0 017:04
Guest5918what's wrong17:05
Guest5918disks show these they exist I can see files17:05
oerheksno 'ext4 "in that line..17:05
leftyfbGuest5918: you just copied the info you found from the gnome automount which is what is mounting your drive. You should not be specifying gvfs. Also fstab will not get utilized.17:06
Guest5918cat /etc/fstab17:06
leftyfbGuest5918: are you ready to do some troubleshooting and run only the commands you are given?17:06
Guest5918nobody knows these things, user should not be thrown into hacking17:06
Guest5918if ext4 is for linux drive17:06
leftyfbGuest5918: are you ready to do some troubleshooting and run only the commands you are given?17:06
Guest5918why can't share between linux laptops17:07
leftyfbok, nevermind17:07
Guest5918I did17:07
Guest5918command has no output it just mounts17:07
leftyfbGuest5918: stop posting here if all you want to do is complain and not actually listen17:07
chrisgti would use the uuid not sdc. uuid of a partition will not change, the device name will17:07
Guest5918I listened I answered You were bullying and not giving anything17:08
leftyfbGuest5918: run this:    ( cat /etc/os-release | lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) nc termbin.com 999917:09
leftyfbGuest5918: run this:    ( cat /etc/os-release | lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) |  nc termbin.com 999917:09
leftyfbGuest5918: post the URL here17:10
Guest5918it's 21.04 and17:10
Guest5918sdc                                                                                    disk17:10
Guest5918     ext4   1.0         68fdbd51-a4d0-4e10-b665-156f40dc2a86  287.9G    79% /mnt/sdc1  part17:10
leftyfbGuest5918: I thought you said you were ready to troubleshoot and run only the commands you are given?17:11
abhishekHi all, I installed ubuntu on an SSD that I'm connecting through USB3 and this seems to have massively improved performance over the internal HDD. Should this be attributed to just the swap that is on the SSD or rest of the partitions as well? Which factor would be more dominant?17:11
Guest5918would Your run suspicious commands?17:11
leftyfbGuest5918: not only did you not run what I asked you, but you are also running an End of Life version of ubuntu which isn't supported any longer17:11
ThinkT510Guest5918: they are not suspicious commands. if you are unclear on what any of them do then ask17:12
oerhekshi abhishek, long time no see, SSD speed comes from 0 sec seek time, that is the 1st profit17:12
leftyfbGuest5918: good luck17:12
Guest5918LTS is right?17:12
leftyfbGuest5918: no17:12
Guest591821.10 is supported17:12
ubottuUbuntu 21.04 (Hirsute Hippo) is the 34th release of Ubuntu, supported until January 2022. Release notes: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/hirsute-hippo-release-notes/1922117:12
Guest5918I also thought it is supported17:12
leftyfbGuest5918: run this:    ( cat /etc/os-release | lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) |  nc termbin.com 999917:12
abhishekHey oerheks, I haven'ted identified, so it might be another abhishek, but yeah, even I haven't been here in a while :-)17:13
abhishekAnyway, I just wanted to reproduce this performance gain, and was wondering if just having swap on the SSD would be good enough17:13
oerheksstaqndard swap with swapiness of 60 is oke17:14
abhishekoerheks: I mean, swap as opposed to other partitions as well being on the SSD17:14
EriC^^abhishek: ssd is way faster than hdd, the performance increase is probably just from it, i doubt the swap is even being used17:15
Guest5918I answered 100 times today this is old info17:15
EriC^^abhishek: ssd is like 2500mb/s read time, normal hdd is maybe 80mb/s if all good so huge difference in performance17:16
oerheksabhishek, as the ssd is faster, and 0 sec seektime, that swap is faster indeed17:16
leftyfbGuest5918: you still didn't run what I told you to run. You are done17:16
Guest5918I did17:16
abhishekEriC^^: and oerheks: so basically having other partitions on the SSD would be more important than having the swap there?17:17
Guest5918do I need to prove it with screenshot17:17
Guest5918You still did not gave any info on how this mistery17:17
Guest5918I know those things as well17:17
EriC^^abhishek: yes for sure, anything you will be using frequently on the ssd should be good17:17
ThinkT510Guest5918: if you ran what leftyfb told you to then it would be in the termbin paste you provided. it is not17:17
Guest5918it gave that17:18
Guest5918 ( cat /etc/os-release | lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) |  nc termbin.com 999917:18
leftyfbGuest5918: damnit, too many things going on. My apologies.  ( cat /etc/os-release ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) |  nc termbin.com 999917:18
leftyfb ( cat /etc/os-release ; lsblk -o +type -e7 -f ) |  nc termbin.com 999917:18
leftyfbmy fault, sorry17:18
abhishekAlright, thanks peeps17:18
leftyfbGuest5918: ok. I'm going to give you 1 suggestion to try. Regardless if it works, you're going to need to upgrade your Ubuntu in order to receive any support....17:19
leftyfbGuest5918: first, remove any fstab changes you made. Then mv ~/.config/nautilus ~/.config/nautilus-bak    # and reboot17:19
Guest5918I don't want to for 1 reason17:19
Guest5918nvidia drivers17:19
leftyfbGuest5918: We cannot and will not support End of Life releases. Sorry. Try my suggestion above. Good luck17:20
sabas3dghhello you all. I am looking for good/nice GUI font for linux desktop (not for terminal) I am open to suggestions. thanks for your help.^_^17:47
leftyfbsabas3dgh: try #ubuntu-offtopic for sofware or aesthetic opinions17:49
Guest59can I connect 2 Ubuntu laptops via USB C cable18:39
Guest59You know, the one, that has USB on one side and USB C on other18:39
ducassewhy not use networking?18:40
Guest59I think wire would be faster18:40
Guest59for internet18:40
ducassethen use ethernet18:41
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AirwolfGreetings. Is anyone aware of issues with the update servers or automatic updates for server 20.04.3 LTS ?18:42
Guest59so I used ethernet cables on both laptops18:42
Guest59what now?18:42
oerheksAirwolf, no, what mirror are you using?18:43
ducasseGuest59: are they connected to a switch/router or directly?18:43
AirwolfI've got a new install of 20.04.3 LTS that reports as follows: https://pastebin.com/2e4Htytj18:43
Ravagei dont see any problems there :)18:44
leftyfbother than the fact that you've got a xenial repo added18:44
oerhekstry; sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade18:44
Guest59ducasse directly18:45
ducasseAirwolf: there probably were no updates during the holidays18:45
ducasseGuest59: probably easier to connect them to a router/switch, if not set an ip address on both in the same subnet18:46
Airwolfoerheks: isn't that the same as sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ?18:47
ducasseAirwolf: no, but there probably aren't any updates anyway18:48
ducassesee the apt-get man page for the difference18:48
AirwolfDoesn't it grab a list to check even if there are no updates?18:49
ducasseit might not store them if there are no changes18:51
AirwolfOk, I'll give it a few days.. It can't be too out of date, it was just installed less than 2 weeks ago.18:53
AirwolfOne of the machine is a plex media server, with tuners/DVR and I wanted to take it down during the holidays when everything is in repeats anyway.18:54
ducassei'm pretty sure there haven't been any since xmas18:54
jhutchinsI saw a bunch of updates released over the holiday.18:54
leftyfbAirwolf: there is no issue18:54
jhutchinsAlmost like people were working on OS on their own time.18:54
Airwolfthe apt system doesn't need IPV6, does it? I've disabled that on this18:55
oerheksAirwolf, there is nothing wrong, no new kernel AFAIK18:56
ducassejhutchins: the last on mine was 2021-12-21, according to /var/log/apt/history.log18:57
Airwolfducasse, that file is empty on mine.18:58
leftyfbAirwolf: because it rotated18:58
leftyfbAirwolf: look in /var/log/dpkg.log.118:59
leftyfbAirwolf: there is no issue18:59
leftyfbAirwolf: other than you running mongodb from the xenial repo. That's probably not good19:00
AirwolfMongo is a requirement for a unifi router software package.19:01
leftyfbAirwolf: I have unifi running on focal just fine using 3.6.9+really3.6.8+90~g8e540c0b6d-0ubuntu5.3 from the official ubuntu repo's19:01
leftyfbAirwolf: you're asking for trouble pulling mongodb from a repo that is probably no longer updated19:04
AirwolfHow would I update that to the proper version?19:06
AirwolfI used a script from unifi's community support pages to install it19:07
leftyfbAirwolf: what version do you have installed?19:07
Airwolfmongodb-org-mongos/xenial,now 3.6.23 amd64 [installed,automatic]19:10
leftyfbinteresting. It's slightly newer than focal's19:11
leftyfbAirwolf: I'm not sure. Again, I have 3.6.9 from focal's repo just fine. I built it from an ansible playbook that I created19:11
quasselstrippehi @all19:13
acresearchpeople i have a .gif image and i am trying to reduce its size from 1000x1549 to 500, how can i accomplish that?19:15
leftyfbacresearch: imagemagick19:15
AirwolfI just grabbed a script from unifi's community support site. Automatically installed the controller software and all it's dependancies19:15
leftyfbacresearch: https://legacy.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/#resize19:17
acresearchit is legacy?19:19
geniiffmpeg -i input.gif -vf scale=500:775 output.gif19:19
acresearchgenii:  Unable to find a suitable output format for 'vf'19:20
acresearchvf: Invalid argument19:20
acresearchits ok i got it to work :-)19:20
AirwolfWell, thanks for the help. I'll leave the Mongo package alone; it's working, and I don't want to break it. As far as the updates, maybe there hasn't been any since the 24th when this was installed.19:22
Guest59I have two ubuntu PCs19:32
oerheksI have tree ubuntu PCs19:32
Guest59I have ethernet cable19:33
Guest59I want to connect via ssh19:33
leftyfb!enter | Guest5919:33
ubottuGuest59: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.19:33
Guest59both are attached19:33
oerhekssetup an SSH service on both?19:33
Guest59do I have to set some ip adress19:33
Guest59it is done19:33
ducasseset ip address, install sshd19:34
Guest59why I can't find tutorial on google that is straight forward19:34
Guest59I googled all over place19:34
oerhekssudo ufw app list / sudo ufw allow OpenSSH  # and there should be no issue19:35
Guest59dude I have only localhost19:35
Guest59on ifconfig19:35
Guest59for both pc's19:35
leftyfbGuest59: https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-enable-ssh-on-ubuntu-20-04/ first result on google for "ubuntu setup ssh"19:35
Guest59I don't have firewall19:35
leftyfbGuest59: then your issue is you don't have your network setup properly. Nothing to do with ubuntu19:35
leftyfbGuest59: also, one(probably both) of your Ubuntu machines are End of Life and unsupported19:36
leftyfboerheks: no network19:39
leftyfboerheks: on EOL version of ubuntu19:39
oerheksoh right, 21.0419:39
Guest59I don't have eth019:39
leftyfbwhich is funny because they were able to use termbin earlier19:39
oerheksifconfig shows the adapter names19:39
oerhekseth0 is so 201919:40
Guest59Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/e32507e89204a3cc2407a381a037b557/pasted.txt19:40
oerheksifconfig shows the adapter names19:40
oerhekseth0 is so 201919:40
Guest59so where is ip adress19:40
oerheksi see an IPv6 adress19:40
Guest59 fe80::1ee4:f5f5:f64f:3254/6419:41
leftyfbGuest59: plug your machines into the network properly. Either both to your router or a switch that is plugged into the router19:41
Guest59I don't have router19:41
Guest59I have a wire straight from pc to pc19:41
leftyfbGuest59: then how are you online right now? How were you giving termbin outputs earlier?19:42
MrCollinsGAif I have the following line in my fstab /localfoobar nfs4 rw,nofail 0 0     and I want to run rsync within crontab, do I have to have the folder that is symlinked/mounted the same user as local terminal user?19:42
Guest59by wifi19:42
MrCollinsGAGuest59, crossover cable?19:42
Guest59I need wire connection19:42
leftyfbGuest59: why?19:42
Guest59regular internet cable19:42
Guest59just because19:42
leftyfbGuest59: why can't you use wifi?19:42
oerheksMrCollinsGA, ntfs is not posix, so no permissions and users on that share19:43
MrCollinsGAthe is an NFS share19:43
oerheksoh nfs4, not ntfs :-D19:43
Guest59because I need to make it work this way19:43
Guest59this seems logical and19:43
MrCollinsGAGuest59, you have to use a crossover cable.19:43
jhutchinsThat or a switch/hub.19:43
Guest59special cable?19:44
biapynfs is still in use ? and a valid solution for network shares ?19:44
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: not if the ethernet ports are modern and support straight through19:44
oerhekssee the answer with "Link-Local Only" https://askubuntu.com/questions/22835/how-to-network-two-ubuntu-computers-using-ethernet-without-a-router#:~:text=On%20the%20server%20click%20the,together%20using%20an%20Ethernet%20cable.19:44
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, oh the firmwares have the swapping fixed?19:44
jhutchinsbiapy: Yes.19:44
oerheksno special cable needed, adapters can switch19:44
leftyfbmodern adapters19:45
ducassebiapy: sure, i use it all day long19:45
MrCollinsGAvery interesting ;)19:45
biapyjhutchins, whoa.... i must look into it....19:45
MrCollinsGAwhy not just go buy a switch and be done with the wondering tho.19:45
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: they will also need to configure their network settings properly19:46
Guest59so regular internet cable does not work19:46
oerheks! eolupgrade19:46
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:46
MrCollinsGAI defer to leftyfb but you might need a crossover cable or a ethernet switch.19:47
Guest59I don't believe 21.04 and 21.10 has bigger difference on this functionality I heard from 200319:47
MrCollinsGAIts not ubuntu this is a hardware issue19:47
MrCollinsGAis what we are talking about in this case with the cables.19:47
leftyfbGuest59: irrelevant. 21.04 is unsupported19:48
Guest59I don't care, how do You know I'm not writing from 3rd pc with it19:48
Guest59first of all, this issue is caused by EXT4 not being able to connect to my new laptop19:49
leftyfbGuest59: incorrect19:49
oerheksenough answered, have fun19:49
Guest59I am from 21.10 , I don't care if You think I'm not19:49
Guest59(or what I'm saying makes no sense for ubuntu overall)19:50
leftyfbGuest59: the issue is caused by your refusal to work with people here to troubleshoot your issues with your EOL install19:50
MrCollinsGAGuest59, you should consider being nice to ppl. these folks dont have to help you. leftyfb has more patience then me. :)19:50
biapyGuest59, if your network cable is between two PC, you MUST use a crossover network cable . NOT a standard network cable like the one between a PC and a router or hub or switch19:50
biapyGuest59, without a crossover network cable, the two PC are not physicaly connected19:51
leftyfbGuest59: https://termbin.com/cd80  21.04 is running on the machine you're trying to get network configured for19:51
MrCollinsGA^^^ or a switch.19:51
leftyfbbiapy: that is only true for older hardware19:51
biapyleftyfb, last time i used this was on much older hardware...19:52
biapyleftyfb, (like nfs....v3)19:52
leftyfbbiapy: it has nothing to do with versions of nfs19:52
oerhekshardware less than 10 years old do not have that restriction anymore19:52
biapyleftyfb, i know, just still surprised that nfs survived to this day.19:53
oerheksor maybe 15?19:53
leftyfbanything with gigabit has a feature called Auto-MDIX as part of the spec. No crossover needed19:53
biapylearned something today19:53
biapythank you19:53
MrCollinsGAyes me too. :)19:53
Guest59okay but if I have19:53
Guest59usb to usb c19:53
MrCollinsGAbut in this case, I would assume he has older hardware, therefore: just get a switch anyway.19:54
MrCollinsGAjanuary, hello19:54
Guest59first of all I can't get why ubuntu 18.04 can read my external harddrive and write to it19:54
leftyfbGuest59: step #1  upgrade or reinstall your machine running 21.04 and your problem of mounting the drive should go away and you'll get support for it here. If you do a fresh install of 20.04 or 21.10, your problem will 100% go away19:55
Guest59and 21.04 can't19:55
Guest59yeah right19:55
Guest59it does not have a single issue19:55
leftyfbGuest59: then you don't need support19:55
oerheksflipping from one issue to another?19:55
oerhekshi january19:56
leftyfboerheks: they're trying to work around their refusal to fix the first issue by copying files over the network, with no network19:56
leftyfbusing an EOL release19:56
Guest59it is idiotic that some operating system made in 2021 can't read and write ext419:56
Guest59does not matter if it's outta support19:57
Guest59I can do it on 16.0419:57
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, I think this guy is trolling you and everyone in here.19:57
oerheksthen it must be an user issue19:57
leftyfbGuest59: it reads ext4 just fine. You have other issues with your mounting19:57
oerheksone pc is not configured correctly19:57
leftyfboerheks: oh, that's guaranteed19:57
Guest59reads but does not write19:57
Guest59I did fsck on both laptops19:57
leftyfbGuest59: ok, we are done here. Please come back when you are running a supported release19:58
Guest59I did chmod chown19:58
leftyfbGuest59: did you try the command I gave you an hour ago regarding nautilus commands?19:59
oerheks21.04 changelog says the home folder is no longer world readable,...19:59
biapydoes anyone have experience setting up a multiseat config using Xspice instead of Xvnc ?19:59
oerheks750 ?19:59
ducasseleftyfb: he refused to follow instructions 10 hours ago, i see little has changed20:00
Guest59I did everything20:00
leftyfbGuest59: ls -ld ~/.config/nautilus20:01
leftyfbGuest59: what does that give you?20:01
Guest59so I have to remove nautilus config?20:01
leftyfbGuest59: as usual, you did not follow instructions and lied again. I'm really done now. Stop asking for help since you refuse it20:02
Guest59I did not understand a thing20:02
Guest59why You wanted to do something with nautilus20:02
Guest59why would I do stuff like an ape20:03
Guest59I might use thunar20:03
Guest59how do You know20:03
Guest59my fstab shows that it should be mounted rw20:03
biapyGuest59, what file manager do you use ?20:03
leftyfbbecause your mount showed being mounted from gvfs and AGAIN, your fstab is NOT Being used20:04
Guest59I used disks tool20:04
leftyfb!op | Guest59 can we please remove this troll?20:04
ubottuGuest59 can we please remove this troll?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu20:04
ducasseGuest59: fstab does not reflect system state20:04
Guest59no normal user20:04
MrCollinsGAGuest59, quit wasting folks time please. be kind.20:05
Guest59should go through this to get files20:05
leftyfbGuest59: it's a gvfs mount. fstab is not being used. I don't know how many times I have to say this20:05
Guest59disks tool does reflect20:05
leftyfb8 ... that's how many times so far20:05
Guest59which normal person does know about gvfs20:05
Guest59or whatever20:06
leftyfbGuest59: go away20:06
Guest59in case yall ever wonder why people20:06
Guest59have problems20:06
Guest59over understanding20:06
biapyGuest59, which normal person know about fstab...20:06
Guest59whatever, if I mound with thunar it is also gvfs?20:06
Guest59it is here - >20:06
Guest59- >/mnt/sdc1/20:07
leftyfbGuest59: go away20:07
leftyfbGuest59: you're only complaining and not listening to the help20:07
Guest59go away yourself I am here till yall geniuses will get a normal tutorial of what to do to mount simple external hard drive20:07
Guest59with basic EXT420:08
Guest59I can't seem to get one command that would make it writeable20:08
ducasseGuest59: upgrade to a supported release and listen to instructions20:09
Guest59I did listen none of the stuff worked, this is last years version, and ext4 exists since20:10
Guest59the thing yall try to involve is just so I fuck off20:11
biapyGuest59: what is the result of :    mount | grep sdc120:14
Guest59this - > /dev/sdc1 on /mnt/sdc1 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,x-gvfs-show)20:14
biapyGuest59, what is the result of :     ls -ila /mnt/sdc1/20:15
Guest59prolly gon crash20:15
Guest59I can't ls -l on that thing20:15
Guest59from this laptop20:16
jkcbiapy: He's using an unsupported release, and is therefore off-topic.20:16
Guest59so this is supposed to be special 21.04 bug20:16
Guest59this works on 18.0420:16
Guest59with same e hdd20:17
Guest59I can upgrade, but which one You gon fix this PC20:17
Guest59if the gpu drivers won't work20:17
biapyGuest59, dit you mount the drive manually ?20:18
ducasseGuest59: you need to show us logs if that command hangs, as that's where the error will be20:19
Guest59it does not hang20:19
ducasseok, try 'touch /mnt/sdc1/testfile'20:20
biapyGuest59, I agree with ducasse: ls should not be able to list anything if the mount was unsuccessfull.... it's really strange.20:20
Guest59well it is mounted, I can read the files but not create20:20
Guest59ls also does not work20:20
ducassedid touch work?20:21
Guest59I/O error, dev sdc, sector 76088 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x3000 phys_seg 1 prio class 020:21
Guest59I already did fsck20:21
Guest59on it20:21
ducasseas i've said, that indicates a hardware problem20:21
Guest59why then it works on other laptop20:21
Guest59it also has unsupported ubuntu20:22
ducasseyou might be able to write and still have it throw errors, did you check the logs on the other machine?20:22
biapyGuest59, my guest is a usb problem rather than a disk problem20:22
ducasseyeah i suggested that earlier20:22
Guest59lol I have usb 2.0 and 3.0 on this20:23
Guest59both work fine20:23
Guest59for mouse and devices20:23
Guest59except this one20:23
ducassei'm just telling you what i/o error indicates20:23
biapyGuest59, some device can be incompatible with newer usb... check on a third machine if you can20:23
Guest59okay, this gon be real slow20:24
Guest59150 gb20:24
Guest59to move20:24
Guest59I understand formatting this device20:25
Guest59will make it work20:25
Guest59after I save everything manually on old pc20:25
biapyGuest59, not so sure...20:25
ducasseif the disk is shot, it's shot20:25
Guest59yeah well it does not seem shot on old laptop20:26
ducassecheck the logs20:26
leftyfbducasse: I told them to check dmesg 3 times several hour ago. Nothing but refusal20:27
Guest59I really can't find20:28
Guest59nothing on old laptop20:28
ducassei did that about 10 hours aho20:28
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Guest59I checked dmesg and it's almost clear20:28
Guest59I am still thinking the drive will work after format20:29
Guest59it usually does20:29
Guest59it has not been moved physically at all20:29
ducassecheck the smart values to see what state it's in20:30
biapyGuest59, if nothing is important on disk, good luck with that... i recommand using a factory reset software (once upon a time Ultimate Boot CD was a good tool for that)20:32
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trafficjamwhy does my nameserver in resolv.conf keep being overwritten to
leftyfbtrafficjam: systemd-resolved20:39
leftyfbtrafficjam: what is your actual issue?20:39
trafficjamthat is my issue,i want it to remain
leftyfbtrafficjam: It probably is. To find your configured nameservers, run systemd-resolve --status | grep --color=auto "DNS Servers"20:40
leftyfbtrafficjam: nameservers should be configured in network manager or in netplan, not in /etc/resolv.conf20:40
trafficjamah ok, thanks20:41
leftyfbtrafficjam: ideally, you should be getting your nameservers from DHCP20:42
trafficjami just changed it manually in the wifi settings, that should do the trick20:42
leftyfbtrafficjam: what's wrong with what was given to your machine via DHCP20:43
trafficjamit didn't allow me to connect to the local network20:43
trafficjami get some dns resolve issue if i remember correctly20:43
trafficjamonly works if i set it to,, etc20:43
leftyfbtrafficjam: setting your nameserver to will most certainly prevent you from resolving local hostnames20:43
trafficjami'll try changing the nameserver in resolv.conf back to, one sec20:44
leftyfbtrafficjam: if you want to resolve local hostnames, then your DHCP server should be handing out ONLY the ip of your local resolver, typically your gateway/router. Your router is usually then configured to use some public nameserver like or for dns forwarding to external networks20:45
trafficjamwell that wasn't happening, i wasn't able to access my local network (or at least i couldn't ping any hosts) without setting the nameserver to something else in resolv.conf20:47
leftyfbtrafficjam: that's not how DNS works. If you are using and/or, you will not be able to resolve local hostnames20:47
leftyfbtrafficjam: put resolv.conf back and check systemd-resolved like I showed above to see which nameserver(s) is(are) configured20:48
trafficjamleftyfb: what should that systemd-resolve command show?20:49
leftyfbtrafficjam: configured nameserver(s). What are they?20:49
trafficjami just get
leftyfbtrafficjam: is that your router?20:50
trafficjami have no idea, im in a hotel20:50
leftyfbtrafficjam: um. Why do you need to resolve local hostnames at a hotel?20:50
leftyfbtrafficjam: it's very possible(if they were smart) the hotel has disabled local DNS20:51
trafficjammy networking knowledge is very basic so a lot of these terms i don't really understand, all i'm saying is that i'm unable to access the internet unless i change the nameserver value in resolv.conf20:51
leftyfbtrafficjam: ah, so the hotel probably has you behind a portal or paywall or something20:52
leftyfbtrafficjam: limiting access via DNS ... which is security through obscurity20:52
trafficjamyeah there's a web page which you need to click "accept terms" or whatever to get access to the internet, but i can't access that page without first changing resolv.conf20:52
leftyfbtrafficjam: in this case, I wouldn't spend much more time on it. Just edit the wifi profile with cloudflare's nameserver and be done with it20:53
trafficjamtried that, doesn't seem to work though20:53
oerhekssmart hotel20:53
trafficjamoerheks: i dont think its intentional20:54
leftyfbtrafficjam: edit the wifi network config as stated and then disconnect and reconnect to wifi20:54
trafficjamok, one sec20:54
trafficjami did try that before by the way, not sure if i disconnected and reconnected after though20:55
trafficjamyeah the not reconnecting was the issue, thanks leftyfb20:56
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id_tamlmao :D21:27
leftyfbid_tam: can we help you with something?21:29
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tcurdtI am trying this "sudo chsh -s /usr/bin/git-shell username" and are getting "chsh: PAM: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required" and I don't quite understand why. Any thoughts?22:32
oerheksroot password no longer valid, but does this happen on ubuntu?22:50
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eflister81hi, i have 21.10 and am trying to share screen/files with my mac (11.6.2, built in VNC client "screen sharing" app).  both are on same wifi network.  i have screen and media sharing set to active.  i can see my mac share from ubuntu, mac can ping ubuntu's ip, but can't see screen or files.  i've tried "go to server" with23:13
eflister81"vnc://computer-name.local" (as suggested by ubuntu's screen sharing dialog, "vnc://computer-name", "vnc://ip-address", "smb://computer-name.local", "smb://computer-name", and "smb://ip-address"23:13
zenofeflister81: you might want to start a vnc server on your ubuntu?23:22
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