[16:25] beantaxi happy new year, checking it out now. reopening is always allowed/encouraged [16:29] Good morning. I'm having some trouble trying to add a ppa in my user-data file. I've attached a few logs and my user data file here. https://gist.github.com/samgranieri/0ce80186349b846f8c9adbdf63353591 [16:30] If anyone has any tips on how to get this ppa ready, that would be amazing [16:31] beantaxi: ahh the reason it can't be "re-opened" in its current state is because we renamed "master" banch to "main" to establish more inclusive naming practices. So your merge target of "master" no longer exists. I would suggest opening up a new pull request against upstrem/main. [16:32] beantaxi: maybe something like `git checkout shell-script-handlers-by-freq; git fetch upstream; git rebase -i upstream/main; git push beantaxi shell-script-handlers-by-freq --force` [16:34] blackboxsw: Thanks! I just now glanced at the PR and saw you have removed stale. Thanks for the detail on why it can't be reopened. [16:37] The other day I did a merge (though not a rebase) from upstream/main onto my feature branch. So are you suggesting pushing my feature branch, now with latest from main, and then opening a new PR against the branch? If I am understanding you correctly, that sounds fine from my end [16:39] samgranieri: your error looks like it's the Traceback which tries to look for the filename key inside your source object. [16:39] samgranieri: so the problem really is in user-data, each apt: sources: object should be a dict, not a list. [16:40] samgranieri: so remove the leading hyphen '-' from https://gist.github.com/samgranieri/0ce80186349b846f8c9adbdf63353591#file-1-user-data-yaml-L32 [16:40] @blackboxsw i'll try that, thanks [16:43] honestly our JSON schema should have warned about that being an invalid type. I'll make sure that the existing James has up for this catches that case. [16:44] https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1155 [16:44] Pull 1155 in canonical/cloud-init "Ensure schemas for all modules starting A-D (SC-646)" [Open] [16:51] @blackboxsw that did the trick, thank you! [16:53] great to hear samgranieri. Yeah I see our existing schema definition doesn't define the strict schema for objects below "sources" https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/blob/main/cloudinit/config/cc_apt_configure.py#L375 [16:53] so we'll have to extend the schema there so you'd get a nice warning telling you about invalid type [18:10] blackboxsw : i know we were just chatting, but i think PR #1158 should be gtg. i did rebase and push after the reformatting, and made sure it was happy with linting [18:10] Bug 1158 in boa-constructor (Ubuntu) "update to version 0.4.0" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1158 [18:14] jchittum: awesome . oops right. Just merged [18:16] LOL. ubottu, bad bot. i meant github not launchpad. [18:40] @blackboxsw - https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/1130 now addresses your requested change