
Peter1Hello is this working? can someone else see this message?00:05
oerheksWe hear ya00:06
Peter1Thank you for answering i had a problem conecting to the server before.00:07
Peter1Could somene tell me the corect way to use rhash from the comand line?00:27
Peter1I am trying this:00:27
Peter1rhash -v --sha256 -simple -o= </home/user/Documents/2839/AA.zip.sha2> /home/user/Documents/2839/AA.zip00:27
Peter1rhash -v -simple --sha256 /home/user/Documents/2839/AA.zip -o=</home/user/Documents/2839/AA.zip.sha2>00:27
Peter1But it keeps showing me this:00:27
Peter1Format string is: %{sha-256}  %p\n00:27
Peter1Sorry did not expected it to post blank lines when i pasted the message into the IRC Client Sorry.00:31
lirodonrunning Kubuntu 21.10, and I can't get my Samsung Galaxy S20 FE to connect over USB to transfer files05:13
lirodonIn addition, KDE Connect, even if I do set up a folder on my SD card as an exposed storage location, does not let me access it through Dolphin05:14
=== jason_ is now known as idkau
cbreakyou might need something like mtp-tools08:35
cbreakor rather, kio-extras08:37
IrcsomeBot<SA> unfortunately, nothing happens, it asks me for the password, but that's it. how do you mean back up data, put it on an external hard drive and then insert it into the new Kubuntu? (re @daanota: Sudo modprob e1000e)09:09
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
user|55Hello. I just installed Kubuntu on a machine with a Z690 Motherboard and the OS doesn't seem to have any compatible drivers for the Ethernet Network Card or WiFi card, meaning I have no internet access. Nor did any proper graphics drivers get installed. I am stuck to 1024x1080 resolution. What would be the easiest way to solve this?14:39
BluesKajHi folks14:40
user|55Should I have used 21.10 instead of LTS?14:44
=== richard_ is now known as Segnoir
Alabalisticuser|55:  depends all good14:54
BluesKajuser|55, why ?14:55
Alabalisticwith newer hardware you need newer kernel, the LTS is stable, and the 21.10 i s just a preparetion for the next stable release14:56
Alabalisticif you use 21.10 you need to upgrade your distro do 22.04 in few mounts, if you wanna install it and don't touch it next 5 years then lts is your friend14:57
Alabalisticnext, the 21.10 is more beautiful, newer plasma and feutures.14:57
user|5Was there an answer for the previous question regarding lack of drivers for the z690 motherboard?15:41
BluesKajuser|5, MSI?15:43
oerheksstate the hardware that gives no drivers?15:45
oerhekswhat graphics and networking?15:45
gob_beldof(subjective question) - is it worth upgrading from 20.04 LTS to 21.0?17:17
cbreaknew zfs version in 21.10 :)17:19
gob_beldofdo I need to do a clean install? I can't see any definitive way to go from 20.04 to 21.1017:19
cbreakI think you can upgrade if you switch from lts to normal track17:20
cbreaknot entirely sure...17:20
Maikgob_beldof: why go from a LTS release to a interim release which is only supported for a few months?17:21
gob_beldofmorbid curiosity?17:22
Maiknot worth it17:22
Maikbesides that the next LTS release, 22.04, will be out in April17:23
Maikand if you really want to upgrade to 21.10 you have to upgrade to 21.04 first then to 21.10, too much of a hassle imho17:26
gob_beldofOk I will wait till 22.04. Will I still need to upgrade like so: 20.04 --> 21.04 --> 21.10 --> 22.04?17:27
Maikno, you can upgrade from LTS to LTS, so 20.04 to 22.0417:28
cbreakupgrading between lts is possible directly17:28
gob_beldofExcellent thanks for clearing that up for me17:29
Maiknp, yw17:29
cbreakyou can also switch between lts and normal releases, if they're directly after each other17:29
Maikthere's afaik no easy option to set that like Ubuntu does17:30
IrcsomeBot<a_k_s_27> I'm trying to install kalendar from discover but it says Dependency Resolution Failed : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/4156c76f/image_2022_01_04_22_52_02.png17:31
IrcsomeBot<a_k_s_27> Can anyone please help me with this (re @a_k_s_27: )17:31
IrcsomeBot<a_k_s_27> I'm using KDE Neon.17:31
Maik@a_k_s_27 KDE Neon is not supported here, only Kubuntu17:32
Maikso you have to seek support elsewhere17:32
dev4449hi. hope you're having a good day.17:39
dev4449I want to change the location of the repository that I download updates from, should I  use muon package manager?17:41
oerheksdev4449, yes18:18
cbreakdev4449: the stuff in /etc/apt/sources.list ?18:18
cbreaksoftware-properties-qt and software-properties-kde (and software-properties-gtk) can do that too18:20
oerheksyes, do it the hard way :-D18:20
cbreakit's a drop-down menu :/18:21
=== genii-core is now known as genii
lsd|2cbreak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IGzhgjWs6k19:31
lsd|2JacekMarcinkowski talking throught phone, alone for 1 year19:31
dev4449how long does it usually take for kubuntu to get a new version of plasma?20:12
IrcsomeBot<SA> the PC always turns on again after shutting down. Anyone have an idea how to fix this? I mean this is after I installed the WLAN card.20:25
idkauSA, see if you have wake on wlan enabled on your card.21:48
=== kailash is now known as kais
jessssehi all. any of you have a method of contacting kubuntu.org website maintainer?23:04
cbreakthere's a whois entry... but it looks unhelpful23:07
jesssseyeah, even the contact page on kubuntu.org is outdated...23:12
jesssseby chance if a maintainer for kubuntu.org stumbles on this, the https://kubuntu.org/support/ page needs to remove EmergeOpen as a commercial support option - they are defunct.23:14
valoriethank you, jesssse23:18
valorieI'll report that23:18
jessssethanks valorie.23:26
jesssseany other kde or kubuntu commercial support avaialbe?23:33

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