
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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valoriejesssse: most linux support is by other users or the overworked devels02:11
valorieunless you buy a linux machine from sys76/kubuntu focus/Tuxedo etc.02:12
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noob8650_Is anybody there? I am having serious issues after running a normal update yesterday. I think it's something about the 5.13 kernel. My amdgpu would prevent seeing the desktop and now it seems to be running in some sort of compatibility mode. :(07:08
noob8650_idkau: Do you happen to know of any issues with the 5.13 Kernel causing amdgpu problems in Kubuntu 21.10?07:12
noob8650_rajm: Do you know approx. how active this irc channel is? Every 20min, 1hr, 1,5hr?07:18
rajmit has active times, a lot of chatting yesterday pm I suppose it depends on timezone..07:19
noob8650_rajm: Ah that's unfortunate. I'm losing my mind a little after having kernel Problems. Kubuntu21.10, amdgpu and since the Kernel apparently updated to 5.13 I am screwed. I think it's running in some kind of compat. mode since transparency in terminal stopped working. :(07:21
noob8650_I guess it's 2:00 AM in the US right now, so I'm basically on my own I suppose. Oh well07:22
rajm:( I'm still on 21.04 (and notices this am's kernel update)07:23
noob8650_rajm: Wait, so you also have problems with 5.13?07:25
noob8650_Because that would be a pointer that it's "not just me"07:25
* rajm spots https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/qat7a3/ubuntu_2110_thinkpad_e14_amd_gen2_kernel51301930/ with a suggested fix07:27
rajmnoob8650_: no my update will be to 5.1107:27
noob8650_rajm: Oh... so should I try that reddit thing? Because that dude seems to have more keyboard issues than graphics problems. I am scared of rebooting since it failed to boot 3 times before I managed to get here, but I might have to try07:29
noob8650_rajm: Or do you think I can just wait this one out? I think I might, since 22.04 LTS should be coming in a few months07:31
noob8650_Okay, I'll just try rebooting and see what happens07:32
rajmtoo late but was assuming that was your problem...07:36
rajmsee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1945590 (heads away for a bit!)07:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945590 in linux (Ubuntu Jammy) "Thinkpad E14 Gen2: Kernel panic with trackpad and trackpoint enabled" [Critical, Confirmed]07:37
Guest85i am trying to install Budgie environment on Kubuntu08:24
Guest85i want to know how to install it properly.  as my last installation had multiple errors so i had to remove it08:25
alkisgEh, the best way would be to install ubuntu-budgie instead of kubuntu :D08:27
alkisgInstalling multiple desktop environments is supposed to work properly, but sometimes there are conflicts that should be reported etc etc... so it's easier if you install only one08:28
Guest85hey but if we do that i have reinstalled everything again08:37
IrcsomeBot<SA> i can not find the option where it can change. Where should I look for? (re @IrcsomeBot: <idkau> SA, see if you have wake on wlan enabled on your card.)09:43
oerheksin the bios, first; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan#:~:text=To%20enable%20WoL%20in%20the,Save%20your%20settings%20and%20reboot.09:46
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Hello everyone can I execute a command on a client connected to my ssh ?!!10:12
cbreakthe goal of ssh is to execute commands on the server, not the client10:25
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
noob8650Is it normal to be banned on #libera-cloak after doing that !cloakme self-serve command? I guess so. Anyway, I just reinstalled kubuntu now. :/11:47
noob8650It works I guess. In April there'll be 22.04 and then I will see if I can manage to finally use linux as a platform rather than a "project of exploration" until 2024 : ^)11:48
noob8650Have a nice day people! :D11:48
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> What if I need some specific things to happen on the clients bash (re @IrcsomeBot: <cbreak> the goal of ssh is to execute commands on the server, not the client)13:32
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Yeah I know that client hooks my bash or whatever the shell I support but for some cases it’s important to exec some commands on the connected client before he or she will use my ssh session13:34
user|98I have a problem with the FN krys13:45
user|98if I use fn + F2 for pausing a song it works13:46
user|98if I use fn + F4 for lower the volume it doesn't13:46
kirvesAxeDoes increasing volume work?13:47
user|98sorry can u say it again13:48
kirvesAxeDoes increasing volume work?13:48
kirvesAxeDo other, non-media related Fn keys in your keyboard work normally?13:49
user|98Not all of them13:49
user|98Only pause, next song, precedent song, lock and open directory13:50
user|98the others don't work13:50
kirvesAxeDoes your keyboard have separate Home, End, Page Up/Down keys or are they non-working Fn keys too?13:52
user|98they are separate13:53
user|98they normally work13:53
kirvesAxeTo be honest, I have no idea if the workings of the Fn keys are in the keyboard hardware, firmware, driver, OS settings or software settings... but I was just trying to help you tell more of the problem so in case someone with actual knowledge happens to see this in channel, it would be easier for them to answer :)13:57
user|98ok thank you14:00
jessssetry setting a custom keyboard shortcut? System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Audio Volume14:03
user|98It say that is assigned yet14:08
user|98but it doesn't work14:08
jesssseif you run "sudo showkey" and press F4 by itself what keycode do you get?14:15
user|98keycode 114 press14:21
user|98keycode 114 release14:21
user|98keycode 115 press14:21
user|98keycode 115 release14:21
user|98with fn14:21
user|98keycode  28 release14:21
user|98^[OSkeycode  62 press14:21
user|98keycode  62 release14:21
user|98^[[15~keycode  63 press14:21
user|98keycode  63 release14:21
user|98without fn14:21
jesssseGood to know the F4 key works.14:29
user|98Yes it worked till yesterday when I installed kde14:30
user|98I hope someone will help me14:30
jessssetry overwriting the volume up key in System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Audio Volume?14:31
user|98yes done but nothing14:34
BluesKajHi folks14:34
jesssseWhen pressing the volume up keys, does the volume level graphic show up on the screen?14:41
BluesKajjesssse, it should14:43
user|1can i install chrome instead of firefox15:09
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> Yes you can15:10
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> You can also install chromium instead15:10
IrcsomeBot<salvaconnome> The steps in this guide are for ubuntu but they're pretty much the same for Kubuntu https://itsfoss.com/install-chrome-ubuntu/15:12
=== genii-core is now known as genii
borat420what should i use to create bootable usb? im on fedora currently20:34
oerheksdd the iso20:35
oerheks& sync20:35
borat420ok, but with what application exactly?20:35
oerheksno application needed, dd is a terminal comand20:35
borat420ok i got it20:35
geniiHopefully the image file they're using is some hybrid one20:52
oerhekslet me make an educated guess ..20:57
kellerkunstGuten abend, ich probiere gerade kubuntu zu installieren leider stürzt der pc komplett ab und macht einen neustart bei 33 prozent formatierug, (auf einer samsung ssd 980) habe jetzt die installation auf einem usb stick prrobiert da funktioniert alles einwandfrei, hat jemand eine idee warum es auf der ssd nicht klapt21:15
kellerkunstbios ist aktuell, name der ssd wird richtig angezeigt, wenn ich probiere über livestick eine partion auf der ssd zu erstellen stürzt es auch komplett ab (rechner geht aus)21:18
genii!de | kellerkunst21:18
ubottukellerkunst: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!21:18
kellerkunstsorry i switch21:18
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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