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RAOFI see gslnetworks is having another normal one; routing all my packets to various Canonical properties via a lovely Melbourne → Adelaide → (unknown) → Melbourne loop…04:06
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amurray🙄 - heh with ABB I see ADL -> MEL -> SYD -> PER -> SIN .. -> PARIS -> LONDON .. launchpad.net - but that is IPv6 - if I go with IPv4 then it is a more normal ADL -> SYD ... launchpad.net - much shorter... but total latency is longer for IPv4... go figure?05:57
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schopinIf I have a failure in ppc64el and s390x, would it be correct to think it is likely a big-endian related failure?08:45
xypronI am looking for a sponsor for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opensbi/+bug/1956362 (Sync opensbi 1.0-1 (main) from Debian sid (main)).09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956362 in opensbi (Ubuntu) "Sync opensbi 1.0-1 (main) from Debian sid (main)" [Wishlist, New]09:00
ginggsschopin: ppc64el is little-endian09:01
schopinginggs: damned.09:01
ginggsxypron: looking at your sync now09:02
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rbasakcpaelzer: not urgent: please could you glance at the fix proposed in https://bugs.launchpad.net/uvtool/+bug/1956366 - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/578427144/uvtool-fix-armhf-failure.debdiff - and ack if it lgty?11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956366 in Ubuntu Jammy "uvt-kvm fails to create armhf VM" [Undecided, Confirmed]11:43
rbasakIt's trivial, so if it's good I'll at least just commit it to uvtool upstream.11:43
cpaelzerI'll have a look rbasak11:44
cpaelzerrbasak: I answered ont he bug with a verbose +112:22
jdstrandjuliank: ack, thanks! (I responded yesterday)13:43
juliankjdstrand: I don't understand your analysis in #16 fwiw (it seems to say "I don't see the cycle"), I think the approach in #17 is right though.15:05
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jdstrandjuliank: hah, I just wrote "Oh! I missed from the initial report that network-pre was deleted which clears up things considerably on my end (since I wasn't able to reproduce, I didn't see it locally either)". Indeed, I say the cycle but I didn't see that network-pre was deleted15:32
juliankjdstrand: yeah it will delete a random job to break a cycle15:48
jdstrand0.36.1-3ubuntu1 is building now. hopefully that'll be that. thanks! :)15:50
jdstrandjuliank: iirc, you somehow blocked promotion. does anything special need to be done for this upload so can be promoted, etc?15:53
juliankjdstrand: if the bug is closed I think it should migrate automatically15:53
juliankif not, remove block-proposed* tags15:53
jdstrandcool, I'll just keep an eye on it15:53
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ahasenackschopin: hi, I was checking excuses, and saw that python-cryptography is failing tests17:25
ahasenackturns out it's failing the build too, which runs tests17:25
ahasenackthe build we have in the jammy archive used openssl 3.0.0. With 3.0.1 (or at least, current jammy), it fails17:25
ahasenackhave you seen that?17:25
ahasenack`[_OpenSSLErrorWithText(code=50331803, lib=6, reason=155, reason_text=b'error:0300009B:digital envelope routines::buffer too small')])`17:26
schopinNo, that's news to me :/17:26
ahasenacksearch for "buffer too small"17:28
schopinahasenack: this might solve the issue ? https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/commit/753d3e412a341e157e6b55b135b8a4c1efbb562217:32
ubottuCommit 753d3e4 in pyca/cryptography "Specify the out length when obtaining the tag for poly1305 (#6403)"17:32
ahasenacklet me try17:32
ahasenackis this one of the changes between openssl 3.0.0 and 3.0.1? https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/1678917:33
ubottuPull 16789 in openssl/openssl "Fix short buffer handling" [Closed]17:33
schopinahasenack: it is (wasn't mentioned in their changelog -_- )17:38
ahasenackok, I'll apply it and try a build17:41
ahasenackthanks for finding it17:41
jdstrandjuliank: fyi, it is fully in -proposed now and autopkgtest passed for amd64 (others are still running). looking at https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html it seems I need to remove the tags since the bug can't be closed unless it migrates and it can't migrate cause of the tags (aiui). the known problematic 0.36.1-3 is superceded and shouldn't be able to17:50
jdstrandmigrate any more, so I removed the tags17:50
ahasenackschopin: build worked \o/18:02
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juliankjdstrand: I also upgraded the autopkgtest staging instance with the new ufw and all test instances booted fine, so I guess, hooray18:21
jdstrandnice! :)18:27
ahasenackschopin: do you mind doing a quick review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/python-cryptography/+git/python-cryptography/+merge/41371218:47
ahasenackI can create a salsa PR too18:47
schopinahasenack: will do, but you'll have to find someone else to do the upload, I'm only a lowly MOTU ;-)18:50
ahasenackI can upload18:50
ahasenackwe just have this policy of peer review in the team I'm on18:51
ahasenackjust added a slot for you18:52
schopinahasenack: I'll get to it first thing tomorrow.19:04
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