
elqeynn_Hello everybody.01:17
elqeynn_My Alienware with ununtu, instead of SUSE works like WiFi. I have a top-notch consultant!01:18
elqeynn_My Alienware with ununtu, instead of SUSE works with WiFi. I have a top-notch consultant!01:19
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lotuspsychjegood morning03:11
mannequinboston dynamics make me poo my pants03:41
daftykinswhilst interesting i don't think that's on-topic03:41
mannequinwell it's a discussion channel, i thought we can discuss modern robotics03:42
daftykinsread the topic a little more closely :)03:42
mannequinbut i guess this is ubuntu related discussion only03:43
mannequinsure man, i have too many tabs open03:43
lotuspsychje_and troll a bit less03:43
mannequini never troll03:44
lotuspsychje_too late, the logs told us different03:44
mannequini guess our trolling definitions differ03:44
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=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
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ducassegood morning07:30
leftyfbogra_: it's a troll14:44
ogra_leftyfb, well, kind of between troll and clueless it seems14:47
leftyfbogra_: nope, definitely a troll pretending to be clueless14:47
leftyfbogra_: I am going to call them out on their B.S.  then they should be booted15:17
oerheksform to change password?15:18
leftyfboerheks: I got this15:39
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=== ogra_ is now known as ogra

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