
KeeperoftheKeysI suspect this question has come up in the past but I haven't found a sufficient answer for it so far00:59
KeeperoftheKeysIs there any reason the server installer doesn't allow me to use a mdadm raid1 with 0.90 metadata as ESP device?01:00
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KeeperoftheKeysI have a Debian machine that boots that way (granted I had to fix booting because the Debian installer also couldn't figure out where to put boot stuff, but in the end of the day this is a bootable config)01:01
KeeperoftheKeysconfig - 2 disks, each disk formatted GPT, part 1 256M mdraid1 vfat ESP, part 2 rest mdraid1 btrfs (yes I know that I could have done raid1 at the btrfs level)01:02
sarnoldKeeperoftheKeys: if I've understood correctly, it's because the filesystem in question can be modified from other operating systems or from the uefi boot environment itself, and would therefore bust your raid; dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc or grub-efi-amd64 or something like that should make it possible to install into two filesystems and keep some semblance of redundancy there01:03
KeeperoftheKeysyou mean that the UEFI env might write to only one of the 2 drives?01:05
KeeperoftheKeys(thanks for the quick response :))01:06
patdk-lapwell, the esp is shared between operating systems and even the bios01:07
patdk-lapI install a uefi shell and firmware updates using it01:07
patdk-lapbut anything done outside of linux won't be able to mount the mdadm raid and keep it in sync01:07
patdk-lapif you never plan to, ya, mdadm would be accaptable01:07
patdk-lapor just let grub do it's thing, and your always be bootable to ubuntu, just not maybe anything else that is custom added to the esp partition01:08
KeeperoftheKeysfor me it would be in linux or EFI so the moment the OS was booted change would sync over01:08
KeeperoftheKeysif I add both disks as boot disks like most tutorials suggest what is making sure that both /boot/efi and /boot partitions remain in sync?01:09
KeeperoftheKeys(instead of mdraid)01:09
patdk-lapmdadm should make sure boot partition is01:11
patdk-lapbut grub would do it's normal thing for efi01:11
patdk-lapit won't make sure both are in sync01:12
patdk-lapit would make sure the ubuntu entry in both boots grub01:12
KeeperoftheKeysok will try that, don't feel like fighting more with the installer now like I did with my Debian install the other day01:13
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flafdbungert: I have filed the "bug" as you wanted (maybe it's not a bug). Here is the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1956452. Bye. :)11:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956452 in subiquity "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT keeps boot parameters from installer" [Undecided, New]11:28
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