
davefHuh, where are the 64-bit builds of Raspbian for the Pi?01:24
ballIt's not called Raspbian any more.01:29
daftykinshmm, packet of jaffa cakes just evaporated off my desk D:01:32
daftykinsso how's everyone's first (or thereabouts) day of battle gone?01:34
davefokay I guess.. weirdness in one of our perforce clusters which we couldn't really figure out. causing p4v clients to open hundreds of connections and cause a bunch of timeouts on the cluster.01:37
balldaftykins: The nice man from Lenovo repaired a desktop PC.01:57
balldaftykins: ...and now I have to go out in the cold to put air in the tyres on my wife's car.01:57
daftykinshmm i hope those aren't connected :D01:58
ballHah... no, unrelated.01:58
ballUgh... -9C tonight, -15C forecast for tomorrow and -19C for Thursday.01:59
ballddim scorchio.01:59
ballI'll be back in a bit, hopefully.02:00
ballGah, I think my microSDHC card is broken02:01
daftykinscalled it :(02:04
=== popey5 is now known as popey
ballOh no, I'm going to have to reboot all the things.03:22
ballI'm glad a got a new 32 GB microSDHC card for Christmas03:30
ball...but disappointed the other one didn't last longer.03:30
daftykinsis it refusing to do anything properly now, even erase?03:31
ballI'll run some more tests on it after the new one is imaged.03:34
ball...but it just locked up 2/3 of the way through an image write.03:34
ballThe activity light on the card reader stopped blinking.03:35
ball...just to rule that out, I'll try it again with another reader.03:35
daftykinssounds good03:36
ball...and in fairness to Ubuntu, no OS can be expected to work from a broken disk.03:42
daftykinsunless 'buntu killed it to begin with logging wearing it out :O03:43
daftykinshonestly i hear this tale about Pis so often03:44
ballIt's not an idea choice of medium.  I do have a USB 3.0 SSD I could try.03:46
ballI'd have to juggle some files to free that up.03:47
ballOh dear.  Black screen again.05:17
zxmpimy pi abides with the original 4gb card it came with yonks ago06:20
zxmpifirst gen pi had an issue with some sd cards. you just had to choose carefully. since then they've been better.06:21
ballThis is my son's Pi 400.06:23
ballI'm really sad.  I'll have to work on it more later today, after work.06:25
ballHe's going to be upset.06:25
knightwiseyo zxmpi 08:13
zxmpiall well?08:34
zxmpicompletely untech related but made me laugh https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/a-string-of-unfortunate-events13:04
=== chrisccoulson is now known as 038AAVR3Q
davefDo I want one of these Pi 400's? I'm considering putting it on my bench, to be used for a bit of Arduino tinkering and OctoPi for the 3d printer.17:33
zxmpifor a workbench that might be dusty i'd prefer a pi in a case and a tougher keyboard. i loved my pi keyboard till a toast crumb got under the p key17:35
zxmpiplus you can upgrade the pi without tossing the keyboard17:36
davefI got myself the 4GB Pi4 the other day for my home automation project.. maybe I'll get the 8GB version this time.17:39
davefI'm sure I got spare keyboard/mouse17:39
waveforma couple of things worth noting about the 400: it's currently only available in a 4GB format (no 8GB variant), but it does come with the C0 stepping of the 2711 which runs considerably cooler (and thus is more amenable to overclocking) than the B1 stepping found on the pi4. That said, newer pi4s are now apparently showing up with the C0 stepping (also found on the CM4) though I haven't personally got my hands on one of these yet17:40
waveformalso worth noting: there are no CSI/DSI ports on the 400, so no camera module usage on there17:41
zxmpican even add a wireless keyboard if space gets tight on the desk or you want to trigger something from behind your blast shield :-P17:41
davefhuh, both the 8GB and 4GB versions are now out of stock17:42
zxmpieverything is out of stock and not coming back anytime soon17:42
waveformthat said they're a great first computer for kids (my daughter loves hers, though this may have to do with it having "a normal keyboard, not a weird one like daddy's" ... ahem :)17:43
zxmpiget her a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-cadet_keyboard :-D17:43
zxmpihi de hi18:02
daftykinswaveform: what's weird about your keyboard? :D18:04
waveformzxmpi, heh -- *all* the modifiers!18:05
zxmpiif you can't type 8000 charactes on your keyboard are you even trying to keyboard :-P18:05
waveformdaftykins, it's a blank-capped ergodox running a custom firmware, so I can do silly things like type my email address(es) with a (modded) keypress18:07
davefI need that keyboard in my life18:07
daftykinsi enjoyed my blank das keyboard, but it drops vowels now and makes passwords impossible18:08
zxmpithose aren't cheap keyboards, what happened to it?18:08
daftykinsnothing at all, though since it was new i had to employ a USB 'Y' cable as it didn't often get enough power to run from a single port18:09
waveformheh, I did have a blank das before this, but with cherry browns which were ... too quiet for me :)18:10
daftykinsi think i saw some talk online of the controller boards failing by themselves18:10
daftykinsah yeah i had the blues, love them - i now have this steelseries board with reds and... whilst nicer for games, not a patch on the blues for typing18:10
davefSpeaking of keyboards, what's a good one to get. I've been getting some simple Mech's from Cooler Master and Corsair, but never 100% satisfied. If I want to go uber awesome mech, where should I start?18:12
zxmpii've always seen keyboards as very personal. what one person loves is anothers worst keyboard. 18:12
zxmpiclicky v spongy18:13
daftykinsso long as we can all agree on UK layout being superior to US ;D18:13
* zxmpi laughs in irish :-)18:14
daftykinscan't even guess what the norm would be over there18:14
daftykinsdouble height enter and pipe, \ down by Z though, clearly the right way!18:14
zxmpikinda a british keyboard but with support for euro18:15
daftykinsdid they put it on the 3, supplanting the £ - or something else?18:15
zxmpithough sometimes you'll see a us keyboard BUT with support for euro AND pound18:15
davefI'm using US layout right now18:15
* daftykins shudders ;)18:15
zxmpiusually alt-gr 4 for euro but it can move sometimes18:15
daftykinsoh when you said support i thought you meant an easier method, i've always gotten euro that way18:16
davefMy keyboard also has the euro symbol, no idea how to use it.18:17
zxmpiif it's on the 4 key beside the $ then the right alt button AND 4 should do it software permitting18:18
davefIt's on the 5 key for some reason18:18
zxmpisounds like an american standard all right. off by one :-)18:19
davefI like clicky keys, cherry blues.. so point me in a direction and i'll start looking.. I also like the 60% size, but will also consider TKL18:20
zxmpii think you should write down your preferences and then look for a keyboard that matches rather than just look at keyboards18:20
daftykinskind of hard for anyone here to advise somewhere that'd be useful for you over there in .ca too18:22
waveformI'd ... hesitate to suggest my ergodox. I love it and I swear by it, by in that respect it's a bit like vim: I'd never willingly foist it on someone else!18:46
daftykinshehe, those look quite space age alright18:46
daftykinsmy approach is often that i'm not willing to do something so unique that using anyone else's (as is common with IT work) would become a chore18:47
zxmpigreatest thing about having a weird keyboard is that it means no one will ever try and use the computer at your desk >:-)18:47
waveformThat said, it would be useful in pretty much any country ... assuming that a) you're happy tweaking and flashing firmwares and b) mad enough about keyboards to actually shell out for one (https://ergodox-ez.com/ ... they're *not* cheap)18:47
waveformas for discouraging casual users of my desk: yes, it does ... unless they're 6 years old ... or a cat18:52
daftykinsi too suffer from the problem of cat chair theft18:53
zxmpiwell cats and juveniles are 'discouraged' by giving them a decoy keyboard. :-P18:54
daftykinsmine has managed to master trolling to the point where if i haven't heated up the little microwave puck that slips between her blanket on time, she makes my life hell until i do18:55
zxmpiget a usb warming pad and put it on your desk for cat to occup? https://i.pinimg.com/originals/43/dd/5e/43dd5e627da911573b3c464d0933bc30.jpg18:55
zxmpiceefax lives! \o/ https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/jan/05/text-appeal-ceefax-recreated-by-20-year-old-northern-irish-man18:59
zxmpibut site is down due to demand right now19:00
davefoh sweet! i miss the old teletext23:06
davefyeah, i'm old skool23:07

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