
VercasSorry, I'm incredibly tired right now.00:00
VercasI've had a lot of shit luck lately and I'm fixing problems one by one. (both technical problems and real life problems)00:00
sarnoldouch :( sorry to hear it :(00:01
VercasI really needed a victory right now. Thank you so much for helping me with this.00:01
cbreak-> password manager00:01
VercasI am trying to get that recovery key.00:02
VercasI know now what I did with the recovery key.00:04
VercasIf I tell you.... You might want to remove any sharp objects from your vicinity. :|00:04
VercasSo Windows gives you 3 options to generate a recovery key: 1. Put it on your Microsoft account; 2. Save to a file; 3. Print it00:05
cbreakat least they don't upload it to facebook, post it on twitter, or share it on microsoft github...00:06
VercasI don't have a Microsoft account. Windows won't let you save it to a file on the same disk as the one that is encrypted *and I don't have any other disks in this VM*... So I printed it! But I have no printer.00:06
VercasSo I printed to PDF, and saved the PDF on the VM.00:06
VercasAnd then most likely forgot about it.00:06
sarnoldVercas: ohhhhh, ouch :(00:07
VercasGot the key out and made two backups of it so I don't have this problem again.00:15
Vercassarnold, thank you so much again00:16
sarnoldVercas: *sweet*! your VM is back up and running and everything? :D glad to hear it ;)00:32
VercasYes, and I tested the recovery key after updating back to OVMF to the latest version. It's all working!00:35
sarnoldVercas: nice nice :D00:43
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tcurdt-I found a way to disable the motd for ALL users - but is it possible to just disabled it for a certain user?01:06
tcurdt-via pam it seems to be all or nothing01:06
elqeynn_Hi, everybody01:13
elqeynn_I usually log in here with the name ELQEYNN .01:14
sarnoldtcurdt-: I just gave the module source a quick read and it sure doesn't look like there's any way to silence it for one user, no01:14
elqeynn_I have my Alienware laptop fixed, installed ubuntu, instead of SUSE. And the WiFi works!01:15
elqeynn_I have a top-notch consultant.01:15
tcurdt-sarnold thanks for checking! got a link to the source? you just made me curious :)01:15
sarnoldtcurdt-: this is easy https://sources.debian.org/src/pam/1.4.0-11/modules/pam_motd/pam_motd.c/01:17
sarnoldtcurdt-: it's not exactly it, but usually close enough :)01:17
sarnoldelqeynn_: woot01:17
tcurdt-sarnold thx!01:17
tcurdt-written in 1996! wow :)01:18
elqeynn_This fellow Mir, in this Channel, who said that Intel's attitude toward Linux is FUCK YOU, didn't know what the hell he/she was talking about!01:21
jhutchinselqeynn_: Yeah, we got over that stuff when Linux became a significant percentage of the server market.  (Also around the time that SecureBoot got neutered.)01:30
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jhutchinselqeynn_: It was meant to prevent people from installing Linux.  That got fixed.01:43
elqeynn_Whta was the purpose of not allowing Linux.01:49
elqeynn_What was the purpose of not allowing Linux.01:50
elqeynn_What was the purpose of not allowing Linux?01:52
sarnoldthere's no reason to repeat yourself01:53
elqeynn_just some typos to be corrected01:55
sarnoldmost people on irc are good at reading beyond typos -- you really only need to fix them when the meaning of the sentence is changed entirely01:57
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pc_eben hatte synaptic einen absturz ärger mit dhtc usw. nerv03:05
lotuspsychje!de | pc_03:11
ubottupc_: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!03:11
pc_das ist ja rassismus03:12
Aarch64debiangparted resize took one hour already should i wait03:33
sarnoldI'd wait, yeah03:33
sarnoldinterrupting something like that feels like it would have pretty bad consequences03:33
Aarch64debianits 20Gb data, how long will it take03:34
sarnoldI'd probably expect it to take seconds03:34
sarnoldbut maybe it has more to do03:34
sarnoldyou could try running perf top to get a feeling for what the machine is doing03:35
Aarch64debianbparker its stuck at e2image -ra -p -O 364904448 /dev/sdb2, its doing this03:43
maxtimmodprobe: FATAL: Module zfs not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.5-76051505-generic03:59
maxtimtried uninstalling zfsutils-linux and reinstalling03:59
maxtimno love03:59
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elqeynn_Hello Tanner and yukiup05:22
elqeynn_Arch64-debian How is your resizing going?05:36
elqeynn_hello pankid05:41
sandygriuellaI need some help06:02
sandygriuellai was trying to install gnome-tweaks06:03
sandygriuellaand i get a error06:03
sandygriuellaof some broken dependencies but i am petty sure i don't have it06:03
sandygriuellacan somebody help me solve it?06:03
sandygriuellaohh btw my version is06:04
sandygriuellai'd appreciate any help06:04
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Show us in a pastebin the results of terminal command ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade '. See here what the package manager reports for errors.06:06
sandygriuellathe commands execute succesfully with no errors06:06
sandygriuellalemme give a pastebin real quick06:06
sandygriuellahere you go06:08
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Looking ^ :)06:11
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sandygriuellai found a thread with my issues also : https://askubuntu.com/questions/1362002/cant-install-gnome-tweaks-on-ubuntu-20-04-3-lts-fresh-install-unmet-dependenc06:12
Bashing-omsandygriuella: So far so good - show next ' sudo apt install gnome-tweaks ' .06:13
sandygriuellamine is not a fresh install but it is the latest 20.04.306:13
sandygriuellaBashing-om ok gimme a moment06:13
sandygriuellahttps://pastebin.com/4RDcqjEr here you go06:14
Bashing-om!info gnome-tweaks focal06:16
ubottugnome-tweaks (3.34.0-2ubuntu1, focal): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-tweaks. Size 58 kB / 416 kB06:16
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Bashing-om!info gnome-shell focal06:18
ubottugnome-shell (3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, focal): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Built by gnome-shell. Size 765 kB / 3,705 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)06:18
sandygriuellagnome shell is not optional tbh it is basically the terminal in ubuntu06:19
Bashing-omsandygriuella: I do agree with the AskUbuntu post - looks to me like we have a packaging error - warrents a bug report to bring to the attention of our developers.06:20
sandygriuellauhmm.. ok how do i create one?06:20
Bashing-om!bug | sandygriuella06:21
ubottusandygriuella: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.06:21
sandygriuellaubuntu-bug gnome-tweaks06:21
Bashing-om!info gnome-shell-extension-prefs focal06:21
ubottugnome-shell-extension-prefs (3.36.9-0ubuntu0.20.04.2, focal): tool to enable / disable GNOME Shell extensions. In component universe, is optional. Built by gnome-shell. Size 7 kB / 71 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)06:22
sandygriuella<< ubuntu-bug gnome-tweaks06:22
sandygriuellahow do i do it?06:22
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Yeah - the gnome-tweaks packaging is the target here.06:22
sandygriuellai have been trying to solve it for almost 2 and a half days06:23
sandygriuellaubuntu-bug <gnome-tweaks>06:24
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Untill the repo packages are corrected - we have no "sane" way to correct.06:24
sandygriuellatru i did not want to manually downgrade my gnome-shell version06:25
sandygriuellacan you help me file the bug report?06:25
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Bashing-omsandygriuella: sandygriuella: I do not run GDM -= so is up to you to make the report - I would expect terminal command ' ubuntu-bug gnome-tweaks ' will start the process.06:26
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Gimme a tic - let me see if there is already one reported.06:29
sandygriuellathank you for your help tho really appreciate it06:29
Bashing-omsandygriuella: 54 bug reports for -tweaks - but, surprisingly, I do not see one for this issue.  I do suggest a new report to start to get this to the developer's attention.06:37
elqeynn_How does one download software from the repositories?06:37
Bashing-omsandygriuella: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-tweaks/+bugs?orderby=-heat&start=0 .06:37
sandygriuellaBashing-om alright thank you xD06:38
Bashing-omelqeynn_: Generally one wants the binaries - ' sudo apt install <package> ' is the terminal way.06:38
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Bashing-omsandygriuella: Odd that ' apt depends gnome-tweaks ' result for gnome-shell-extension-prefs does not give us a version !06:41
sandygriuellai am just in the middle of filing the bug report06:43
Bashing-omsandygriuella: Good deal ! :)06:45
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ELQEYNNHow does one change one's password in ubuntu?07:51
ELQEYNNHow does one change his/her password in ubuntu?07:53
ducassesettings ->  users and groups07:54
Bashing-omELQEYNN: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword <- easy instructions to reset your password ,07:58
geirhacan also be changed on the command line by running the passwd command07:58
abhishekHi, I'm running Ubuntu 21.04. When connected to power, sometimes my laptop just resets without any warning. Never observed this when on battery. How can I debug what may be causing this?08:10
Maikabhishek: may not be helpful but 21.04 is about to go EOL this month so you should upgrade to 21.1008:12
parlosGood Morning, I'm trying to build a 'generic' ubuntu kernel that will boot on many different devices (via PXE). Once the kernel is booted it should load a ramdisk, and run ONE program, then (mostlikely) reboot.08:15
abhishekMaik: yeah goes eol on 20th, planning to upgrade this weekend :-)08:17
alkisgparlos: how is that different from all existing vanilla kernels that boot in many different devices via PXE?08:18
alkisgYou mean that you don't want an initramfs?08:18
amosbirdHello! It seems the Ubuntu Mono font is buggy. Underline renders badly in alacrytty08:19
parlos alkisg; I want a initrd/ramfs. I suspect that a vanilla kernel would work. Perhaps I'm messing up the initrd/ramfs.08:23
parlosalkisg: I'm using dracut to build the initrd. And once booted (into rescuemode) the log states that the new host has the same name as my device..08:25
parlosAny hints/pointers to a good Howto to builld a initrd/ramfs for Ubuntu ?08:25
alkisgparlos: dracut isn't well tested in the debian land. Why aren't you using the stock initramfs-tools?08:25
alkisgFor many netbooting cases, ltsp.org is a good way to go08:26
alkisgThe "ramfs" as you call it then is a normal disk, squashfs'ed, and loaded to ram08:26
parlosNot seen that (ltsp.org), your the developer/maintainer?08:28
alkisg(the last in line, at least :D)08:29
parlosSo currently; Ive got an std PXE bootsystem that allows me to boot images on hosts, usually those are just installation images. But I also have a need to do 'DD' either to write directly to or from discs on the hosts. Is that possible? (hence the need push out a kernel, and run a program)08:30
alkisgOh sure. By default, ltsp allows you to netboot any pc using any debian-based image or iso, and with my other tool, epoptes.org, you have out-of-the-box remote control to any of them08:31
alkisgSo dd'ing an image is just a command via the epoptes run-command dialog... or right click open remote terminal locally...08:32
alkisgor double click = vnc to the client even before login.. etc etc08:32
parlosHrm, epoptes is that something thats added on to an installed entity (host side)?08:33
alkisgIt's a vnc-like package. LTSP can netboot any image even if it doesn't have the ltsp client package installed, but for epoptes, the epoptes-server is needed on the server and the epoptes-client on the client image08:34
alkisgSo you'd netboot the clients using an image that does have epoptes-client, then you'd dd any image at all, not the one you booted them from08:35
alkisgE.g. in some schools I netboot the clients and dd an MS windows image to their disks08:35
parlosOk, seems like a system we had in mid 2005; but lost. Can the 'server' side, either ltsp or epoptes be scripted/configed for automatic operations?08:38
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alkisgThere's a configuration directory, /etc/ltsp that supports various hooks, less for the server and more for the clients08:39
parlosSo, when a device boots it either gets the menu, or the server just pushes over an image to that specific device.08:39
alkisgSo e.g. POST_INIT_COMMAND="some script" runs a command at the client init phase, and there are phases for initrd-bottom, service, session etc etc08:39
alkisgYes the menu is the default but you can set the DEFAULT_IMAGE or even hide the menu08:40
alkisgThe commands for the clients are specified in a simple ltsp.conf file with ini-style syntax, e.g. [mac-address] directive or [subnet*] directives or [hostname] etc08:40
alkisgSo you can specify that all raspberry clients do one thing, all the PCs another, or one specific client to boot and clone... whatever08:41
parlosOK, I'll give it a go. To see if it can replace my homegrown stuff.08:41
alkisgWe have an #ltsp irc channel and an ltsp matrix room if you need more information, to avoid spamming #ubuntu too much08:42
parlosSee you there.08:42
stylahey guys, anybody here using multipass ? I have an issue, after moving the hyper-v vhd to a different drive, multipass can't find any instances09:13
SavicqHey styla, we're also on #multipass, but here's instructions on how to move Multipass storage around: https://github.com/canonical/multipass/pull/1789#issuecomment-70540350109:14
ubottuPull 1789 in canonical/multipass "[daemon] add MULTIPASS_STORAGE support (Fixes #1215)" [Merged]09:14
stylaSavicq Thanks, I've written in #multipass09:21
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gehmehgehwhat's the (no pun intended) canonical way to get the Docker manpages on Ubuntu?10:41
oerheksthere used to be a command unminimize, but no longer available, i am on 21.1010:54
gehmehgehThis is a Ubuntu VM in which docker has been installed via "snap"10:55
gehmehgehI did a "snap search" and apparently there's no manpage package10:56
oerheksno idea how to do this :-(10:59
oerheksthose used to be halted by /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes, but that file is no longer there11:00
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ledenioerheks do you need unminimize buttons for windows or what ...11:19
signofzetaI'm having trouble with AppArmor and Skype.  It constantly pops up notices saying that it can't read /proc/net/something/speed.  I tried using the aa- commands, but it doesn't recognize the skypeforlinux Snap.11:22
signofzeta"Profile for /snap/skype/197/usr/bin/skypeforlinux/skypeforlinux not found, skipping"11:26
ogra_signofzeta, try forum.snapcraft.io or the #snappy channel ... looks like a bug with the snap itself though11:40
signofzetaogra_: thanks! best I can tell, Skype didn't include an AppArmor profile... but it's being armored somehow.11:42
ogra_signofzeta, apparmor profiles for snap packages are generated by snapd based on the snap interfaces the snap defines11:42
ogra_so either there is a definition missing or snapd has an issue on your system11:43
cerlGreetings. How does the extended support for ubuntu work from canonical? I'm reading the docs and ubuntu as far back as 14.04 is supported till about 2024. Does that mean I can pay to use ubuntu 14.04?11:47
oerhekscerl, yes, see !esm11:48
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for end-of-life LTS releases through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.11:48
cerlCan I still ask if the kernel gets updated for drivers for esm?11:48
oerheksyes, but not here11:49
oerheks* we just do not know11:49
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ravagebut in general esm covers security updates. it is meant to keep old systems secure not to add new functionality like new hardware support11:52
zaggynlaah, hello12:53
zaggynlno need to yell12:53
h-adminI had a question: I'm not very familiar with the IRC protocol. Is it possible to track IP in this protocol?12:56
EriC^^/whois h-admin12:57
oerheksif you want to hide it, ask for a cloak in #libera, but this is not a real protection12:58
lacrymologyHi. New to ubuntu and gnome, I've been using KDE so far. I use a laptop, closed with an external monitor. Last night I unplugged the monitor and the laptop suspended. I was looking on how to stop this since I've got maintenance scheduled during the night, but all I got was using tweaks to stop the computer from suspending when the lid is closed, and I'd like this only to be the case when plugged in,13:27
lacrymologynot when running on battery13:27
lacrymologyis it possible?13:27
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gkapellDoes anyone has use spacewalk as repo for Ubuntu?13:45
oerheksSpacewalk project has been discontinued on May 31 2020.13:46
gkapellfrom debian?13:47
gkapellI can see that is still active13:47
oerheksalso https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk13:51
gkapellthanks oerheks13:51
gkapellI have install 2.10 so can I use it for my debian?13:51
oerheksoh you are free to do so, but no bugfixes anymore, try Landscape?13:52
gkapellI am not sure how the sources.list should be13:52
gkapellLandscape? nop13:52
gkapellSupport deb only?13:52
oerheksnot sure that there are prebuild deb packages, nor repo13:53
ogra_gkapell, did you look at cockpit yet ? https://cockpit-project.org/13:57
gkapellI know cockpit13:57
ogra_(should be in the repoo)13:58
gkapellI just a local repo for my linux OS13:58
sokoroτορα τευλετεα το you toy τραβαη πολουσ πορουσ απο το συστιμα14:00
gkapellI suppose that noone knows who the lines in source.list should be in order for ubuntu to get packages from spacewalk14:03
sokoroσυγνομη αν   κανο λαθοσ αν χερετε κατι εσεισ14:04
sokoroκαλη χρονια σε ολουσ ειμε αλλιεν συγνομη14:09
ELQEYNNAfter changing my password on the ordinary user, that same password no longer worked for root. The password before the change no longer worked.14:11
sokoroειμε απλοσ χρηστισ εχο 5 χρονια λινουχ θε τα αλλαζο14:13
ELQEYNNCan software still be downloaded off of Spotify?14:13
ELQEYNNsokoro, I can't read Greek.14:13
gkapellI can and he is full of spelling errors...14:14
gkapellmy eyes...14:14
leftyfb!gr | sokoro14:14
ubottusokoro: #ubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:14
leftyfbELQEYNN: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999914:14
rjwiiisokoro: This is the English Ubuntu support channel ... try #ubuntu-gr14:15
ELQEYNNleftyfb, It says "missing port number".14:21
leftyfbELQEYNN: try typing it correctly this time14:22
sokoroπου κανο μετεφραση αυτα που βλεπο εδο14:22
leftyfbsokoro: stop14:23
ELQEYNNleftyb, I typed it as you said. And it gave me the url https:://termbin.com/cl91.14:34
BluesKajHi folks14:35
leftyfbELQEYNN: ok, how did you change your user password exactly?14:35
ELQEYNNa thing that my consultant sent me ... type my current password then the new password then verify new password14:36
leftyfbELQEYNN: please explain in detail how you changed the user password.14:37
ELQEYNNIt was the form that my consultant sent me, and I filled in the form.14:38
leftyfbELQEYNN: a form? what kind of form? A website or a document?14:38
leftyfbELQEYNN: it sounds like this is not an ubuntu support question but more an issue you need to bring up with your "consultant"14:40
ELQEYNNAfter typing the url, it simply repeated the os-release file.14:41
leftyfbELQEYNN: please contact your consultant for support. It sounds like they are the ones maintaining your machine for you anyway14:42
ELQEYNNoh well.14:43
ogra_what does "that same password no longer worked for root" even mean ?14:43
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ELQEYNNWas my root password supposed to be in /etc/os-release ?14:44
ogra_do you have a root user enabled ?14:44
ogra_(or rather a "root login" )14:44
ELQEYNNI did a root log-in ...14:44
ELQEYNNalso a su root in terminal.14:44
ELQEYNNAnd it said "incorrect password".14:45
leftyfbELQEYNN: you should not be logging in as root14:46
ogra_well, if you did a root login (not via su but through the login prompt), the root user has its own password ... which is hopefully different from the user password14:46
ogra_and what leftyfb said ... *DO NOT ENABLE ROOT* if you cate about security, use sudo as pre-set-up by ubuntu14:46
ELQEYNNIn doing desktop linux, I always made the root password the same as the user password.14:46
leftyfbELQEYNN: you should not be logging in as root14:47
ELQEYNNor with a su ?14:47
ogra_use sudo14:47
ogra_"sudo -s" gives you a proper root shell without weakening your security14:48
sokoroαν βρησ ακρη δεν βιαζομε14:51
ogra_!gr | sokoro14:52
ubottusokoro: #ubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:52
leftyfbsokoro: Σταματήστε να πληκτρολογείτε στα ελληνικά. Κανείς εδώ δεν μπορεί να διαβάσει ελληνικά. Αυτό είναι ένα κανάλι υποστήριξης μόνο στα Αγγλικά. Εάν χρειάζεστε υποστήριξη, πληκτρολογήστε στα Αγγλικά. Αν θέλετε απλώς να συνομιλήσετε, πηγαίνετε στο14:56
leftyfb #ubuntu-gr.14:56
sokoroολλα καλα14:59
sokoroβαλτε ελλινικα τι αστερια ειστε στο λινουχ χερο θα γινη αλα αργα 202315:05
node1Which brand of pen tablet is compatible for Ubuntu 20.04 ?15:05
leftyfbsokoro: ΝΑ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣΕΙ15:05
ELQEYNNSo now I've got to just wipe the disk and reinstall ubuntu?15:06
sokoroti stamatao15:07
sokorook ok ok15:08
leftyfbsokoro: do you have a support question?15:08
orange1can you read and write files on blueray disk with ubuntu. i dont mean play movies15:08
kostkonsokoro, have you got a support question otherwise please stop trolling the channel15:08
ELQEYNNYou can use the Google translator.15:09
sokorono problen ueks15:09
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ELQEYNNsokoro, ξέρεις πώς να χρησιμοποιήσεις το Google Translator?15:11
leftyfbELQEYNN: stop15:11
ELQEYNNDo I now have to wipe my disk and reinstall ubuntu?15:12
leftyfbELQEYNN: for what?15:12
ELQEYNNWould that be the only way to recover access to root?15:13
leftyfbELQEYNN: why do you need to login as root?15:13
ELQEYNNto install hexchat and other application software15:13
coz_no no15:14
ELQEYNNon my laptop15:14
leftyfbELQEYNN: you do not need to login as root to do any of those. Use the software store15:14
leftyfbELQEYNN: what does your "consultant" have to do with your passwords exactly?15:14
jkcELQEYNN: root is disabled by default. You should be using sudo to perform administrative tasks, or use the software store.15:14
sokoroευχαριστο ολουσ ναστε καλα15:14
leftyfb!op | sokoro15:14
ubottusokoro: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu15:14
ELQEYNNHow would I get to the software store?15:15
leftyfbELQEYNN: what does your "consultant" have to do with your passwords exactly?15:15
ogra_by clicking on the icon15:15
ELQEYNNAfter the session with the consultant was over, I changed my password.15:16
leftyfbELQEYNN: you said they sent you a form to change your password15:16
ELQEYNNyes. After my consultant no longer had access to my laptop, I used that form.15:17
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jkcWhat does that have to do with your local password?15:17
ELQEYNNI didn't want him to see my new password.15:17
coz_ELQEYNN, and you forgot the new password?15:18
leftyfbELQEYNN: you said your consultant sent you a form. How did they send it to you? What did it look like? Can you post a screenshot of the form?15:18
coz_^^^^^^^ very curious15:18
ELQEYNNsent it by putting it on the screen.15:18
ELQEYNNAfter terminating the session, the form was still there.15:19
ogra_coz_, they did set a root PW for whatever obscure reason, this was the same as the user password apparently ... then had a consultation and changed the user password .. now they are not the same password anymore ... which triggered the last hour of mess above ...15:19
oerheksoh, setting root password makes support useless15:20
ELQEYNNjkc, ... Are you there?15:20
oerhekstime to reinstall ELQEYNN15:20
ELQEYNNSo, I'll have to wipe the disk and reinstall?15:21
oerhekswhy setting a root password in the first place?15:21
ELQEYNNWhy would the previous password not work for root anymore?15:22
oerheksyes, you tell us?15:23
ogra_because they are two disctinct users ...15:23
ELQEYNNjkc said that root is disabled by default ...15:23
ogra_... with two distinct passwords ...15:23
ogra_it is15:23
ogra_on purpose ... for security reasons15:23
oerheksthere is no root password, so if you did a tweak to do so, you are on your own15:24
ogra_root is disabled on ubuntu since day one ... if you set a password for the rot account, you effectively enable that account...15:24
ELQEYNNdidn't do any tweeks. ... no root password?15:24
ogra_th account is locked ... unless you set a password15:25
ELQEYNNgood thing to know: There is no need to use root.15:27
oerheksindeed, ubuntu makes administrating easier15:27
ELQEYNNSo, how do I get to the software store?15:28
ogra_ELQEYNN, hit the windows key ... type "soft" ... you should see an icon for "Ubuntu Software" ... click that icon ... wait ...15:29
Aarch64debian!info exagear15:33
ubottuPackage exagear does not exist in impish15:33
ELQEYNNOK. I'm glad that there is no need for root access.15:33
leftyfbELQEYNN: please answer the questions15:33
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ELQEYNNleftyfb Everything you and the others told me and asked was lost with all the netsplits.15:34
leftyfbELQEYNN: how did the consultant connect to your laptop and for what reason?15:34
ELQEYNNThe consultant installed ubuntu.15:35
ELQEYNNI was very happy, because  it accesses WiFi just fine.15:35
Aarch64debian!info exagear15:35
ubottuPackage exagear does not exist in impish15:35
leftyfbAarch64debian: you already did that, please stop15:36
ELQEYNNWhat is impish?15:36
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ELQEYNNSo, ... I'm glad that root acess isn't needed. Now, how do I get to the software store?15:38
leftyfbELQEYNN: the same exact way you open every other application on your ubuntu desktop15:39
oerheksif yu cannot run sudo apt update, softwarestore is also unreachable15:39
leftyfbELQEYNN: maybe you should contact your "consultant" for these questions.15:39
ELQEYNNI tried  install <software name>.15:39
coz_ELQEYNN, with sudo apt install ?15:40
leftyfbELQEYNN: you should probably contact your "consultant" to help you use the OS they installed for you. Or you could type "How to use ubuntu" into google or youtube for some beginner help15:40
ELQEYNNok ... Thanks. ...  I've got a doctor's appointment now.  bbl15:41
coz_very curious15:42
leftyfbobvious troll is obvious. It's not the first time we've had to deal with them15:43
unixbeardhi!  I'm trying to get wi-fi working on Ubuntu 20.04 kernel 5.11 for a thinkpad E15 gen315:43
coz_ah ok leftyfb15:43
unixbeardI'm not sure what the adapter is in dmesg or lspci, but the wired appears to be a realtek r816915:44
leftyfbunixbeard: lspci | nc termbin.com 999915:44
leftyfbunixbeard: oh wait, can you get it wired first?15:45
unixbeardit is wired15:45
unixbeardI suspect I may have to use a later kernel or 21.10, but I'd rather stick with 20.04 if possible.15:46
leftyfbunixbeard: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/t/wifi-on-thinkpad-e14-gen3-install-missing-firmware/15140/215:48
oerheksah same answer, build from git https://www.py4u.net/discuss/114067515:49
ogra_"This code will build on any kernel 5.4 and newer as long as the distro has not modified any of the kernel APIs. IF YOU RUN UBUNTU, YOU CAN BE ASSURED THAT THE APIs HAVE CHANGED. NO, I WILL NOT MODIFY THE SOURCE FOR YOU. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!!!!!"15:49
leftyfboerheks: unfortunately, realtek has not opensourced their drivers or built .debs for us to install15:49
ogra_better not ...15:49
leftyfbogra_: I saw that a well. I don't think they have a choice. But people as recent as 6 months ago have said they have worked15:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945967 in linux (Ubuntu) "rtw89 kernel module for Realtek 8852 wifi is missing" [Medium, Confirmed]15:51
ogra_looks like the linuxoem package has a proper backport of the module15:51
leftyfbtoo bad they don't have a linux-oem-hwe15:52
unixbeardthe reason I don't want to use 21.10 is  due to some trackpad bug I ran into backing the windows install on this new thinkpad up using uhhh rescuezilla.  I had to use an older version of rescuezilla when I ran into that.15:54
leftyfbunixbeard: rescuezilla isn't a supported application in ubuntu. I'm not sure what that has to do with the version of ubuntu you installed15:56
unixbeardleftyb, idk its based on ubuntu and the latest version uses 21.10's kernel which had an issue with the trackpad that lead to a kernel panic15:58
leftyfbunixbeard: ok, so you're actually asking for support with the wifi card within rescuezilla and not a fresh install of the officially supported ubuntu iso's?16:00
unixbeardNo :( I am just mentioning this as an aside, as to one reason why I don't want to resolve my wi-fi issue with a later kernel in 21.10 because I think it will present other issues.16:00
leftyfbunixbeard: you can't make assumptions about Ubuntu releases based on 3rd party spinoffs of ubuntu16:01
unixbeardI currently have Ubuntu 20.04 installed on the E15 right now and am about to build lwfinger's driver.16:01
unixbeardthat's why I made assumptions based on the link I posted above instead16:02
FlorianBadHi there, I hacked a ChromeBox using MrChromebox.tech scripts so now I can run Linux on it as well. I cloned the original NVMe of 256GB to a new one of 1TB and then used fdisk to create new partitions in the unused space. However I cannot get Ubuntu install to detect the partitions. In the first photo you can see that parted has a problem with it16:02
FlorianBadtoo though. https://florianbador.com/pub/202201-chromebox-hack/16:02
ioriaunixbeard, why don't you use  https://github.com/lwfinger/rtw88 ? it builds fine (but idk if it will work)16:02
unixbeard16:01 < unixbeard> I currently have Ubuntu 20.04 installed on the E15 right now and am about to build lwfinger's driver.16:03
FlorianBad(partitions 1 to 13 were the originals from ChromeOS, 14 to 19 at my new ones)16:03
leftyfbFlorianBad: what you are doing is a pretty "on your own" type of thing. As far as I know, Ubuntu does not officially support being installed on chromebooks16:06
FlorianBadleftyfb: not a chromebook, a chromebox, meaning, really just a PC with a few firemware tweaks. But here this is not the issue, the problem is what I've done with the partitions. They must be somewhat messed up but I'm not sure how exactly16:07
oerheksif you just clear the whole nvme? you said it is just a copy16:08
FlorianBadRight, took me 3h to copy though ;)16:08
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leftyfbFlorianBad: go into the bios, disable secureboot, boot to an ubuntu iso downloaded from Ubuntu.com, wipe the drive completely and let's see what drive shows16:09
FlorianBadWhat I did was copying the 256GB NVMe to the 1TB using dd, then I used fdisk to clean up the incorrect parititon tables (with a write) while I also added more partitions in the extra space left which I now indend to use to put some Linux systems. And here there's something that I must be missing16:10
leftyfbIf you're looking to keep chromeos and it's custom partitioning scheme, again, that is a pretty "on your own" type thing16:10
FlorianBadleftyfb: I'm already on that Ubuntu iso after having disabled the ChromeOS boot limitations, but I'd like to avoid clearing the disk because it will take me another 3h just to copy back the data16:11
FlorianBadI guess my question isn't Ubuntu related, I should have made this clear16:12
FlorianBadThe question is about partitions. The way I copied the data probably got something messed up, but I don't know what. Probably that writing with fdisk was not enough to fix the partitions16:12
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oerheksi see no overlap, also EFI is far from the start of the disk16:14
oerheksi would start fresh though, you just made linux partitions and they are empty?16:15
FlorianBadHmm, one thing I didn't consider what that I still had the original drive plugged, which means that all partitions probably had the same UUID on both disks16:15
FlorianBadoerheks: yes empty, but copying that data was long lol, the end goal is to have both the ChromeOS stuff untouched and whatever Linux systems I want in the rest of the space16:16
oerhekseven if they had same UUID, copying gives the partition an new unique one16:17
oerheksmost common issue when cloning a drive16:17
FlorianBadoerheks: hmm, how so? dd doesn't know what a partition is16:18
FlorianBadI cloned the whole dev16:18
FlorianBadah.. interesting, now that I removed the original drive I get a new error, a block size issue : https://florianbador.com/pub/202201-chromebox-hack/20220105_081723.jpg16:19
FlorianBadah wait, it16:20
FlorianBadit's the wrong device.... sdb is not the nvme...16:20
FlorianBadyeah so there's still this "overlapping partitions" thing16:22
FlorianBadyeah that's strange, I don't see any overlapping partitions either16:28
lacrymology /quit16:37
jkcoerheks: Depends on how you copy it. If you dd it over, the UUID comes with it.16:49
FlorianBadCould this issue about the Ubuntu installer not seeing the partitions come from the fact that it's GPT? I guess it should have no problem handling gpt, right?16:58
toddcFlorianBad: I only use GPT to install ubuntu no matter what size drive unless duel boot was installed MBR you can alway manually set partitions and grub location17:00
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unixbeardleftyfb: thanks, github.com/lwfinger/rtw89 appears to work with ubuntu 20.04 for this thinkpad E15 gen3.  I also confirmed that 21.10 fails to install with a kernel panic on this laptop.17:18
mncheckshade doesn't seem to work for me on 20.04 even though in gnome-tweaks > window titlebars > middle-click is set to toggle shade , am I doing something wrong?17:18
lotuspsychjemncheck: all around tweaks, try dconf-editor aswell17:19
mnchecklotuspsychje, org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings/toggle-shaded was [] (ie.empty)17:22
mnchecklotuspsychje, I've set it to ['<Alt>F11'] which worked but can't seem to untoggle now17:26
mnchecklotuspsychje, thanks for before17:26
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zaggynlanyone running certbot on ubuntu 20.04? it fails to start for me with the following python error: https://paste.debian.net/plain/122602117:42
rfmzaggynl, it's working fine for me but I have version 1.22.0. Looks like you have 0.40.0, maybe from the ubuntu universe repos?17:47
rfmzaggynl, seems to me that I read that the repo version was unmaintained  (I wouldn't have changed to the snap version if I had a choice...)17:48
zaggynlcertbot/focal-updates,now 0.40.0-1ubuntu0.1 all [installed]17:49
leftyfbzaggynl: I'm running .40 on focal and it's working fine for me17:49
zaggynlissue seems to be with parsedatetime on my side17:49
zaggynlI really don't like using snap either but rebuilding the box with something rolling is for another day17:51
ogra_well, snaps are rolling 🙂17:52
zaggynlI forget why I disliked snaps again, something with a proprietary back end or so17:52
rfmzaggynl, the traceback seems to have parsedatetime failing on a locaization resource.  What locale are you running  I;m in US.UTF-8.  Maybe try that?17:52
zaggynlrfm: looks like: https://paste.debian.net/plain/122602217:53
ogra_(there is nothing proprietary involved in snaps anywhere ... people complain tat canonical does not disclose the store code though ... but thats just a generic webserver and database)17:54
leftyfbogra_: there's certainly specific code that manages channels and versions. The main issue most admins have is the inability to pin a version and _NEVER_ update it .... until the user/admin decides to. I just had to do this myself where we are downloading the snap files to host ourselves, installing those and then completely disabling snapd so they never get touched17:56
ogra_leftyfb, the code that manages channels and versions is just the glue between DB and webserver ... but it is really not hard to write your own store, the snapd API is completely public .... (and in fact there are several projects working on such a server (see the snapcraft forum)17:58
ogra_leftyfb, you dont do regular maintenance windows within 2 months ? (you can hold snaps for 2 months by design)17:59
leftyfbogra_: not within 2 months, no. Not for over 100 customers, a portion of which push back hard on us doing any updates at all. It's been brought up before but a couple years ago a new version of lxd was pushed automatically to all of our customer sites, taking them all down at once. That was fun18:01
ogra_oh my18:01
leftyfbpackages automatically updating themselves in production is bad18:02
leftyfbeven on a 2 month cadence18:02
ogra_well, that behaviour was worked out with actual enterprise customers 🙂18:02
leftyfbwe moved to apt after that. But now with focal we don't have a choice18:02
leftyfbogra_: wrong enterprise customers18:02
ogra_the ones that pay canonical18:03
leftyfbright, the other 99% of businesses using snap might have some input though18:03
ogra_but the dont have a field engineer for giving direct input i suppose18:04
leftyfbthe point stands though18:04
leftyfbit's might be fine for a small percentage of customers(paying or not). But I'm going to assume it's not fine for the majority18:04
ogra_leftyfb, well, the rest fo the world can eventually use https://docs.ubuntu.com/snap-store-proxy/en/airgap ...18:05
ogra_(once it is out of beta)18:06
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leftyfbI think I looked into that. I think I recall a cost being associated for Canonical to not have the ability to just take down customer deployments18:07
leftyfb"For evaluation purposes, we automatically grant the use of up to 5 devices"18:08
zaggynlsnapshot and snap it is18:08
ogra_yeah, it is a paid thing ..18:08
ogra_but we're talking enterprise, dont we ?18:08
leftyfbsure. At this point we will be moving to ESXi over lxd. After that, if there are going to be snap packages we need to keep under control, they'll probably be more interested in just moving to a distro that provides said application without snap18:09
leftyfbNot entirely my call but I don't fault them for it either. In my opinion snap without pinning is not enterprise-ready18:10
leftyfba paid proxy service is a hack solution at best18:11
ogra_well, yeah, it is not actually designed for that particuar use case either ... but can be used for it18:12
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Nobremplease, please, please help me get rid of Java 818:28
Nobremmy frustration level is over the roof18:28
zaggynlupdate: succeeded with certbot after apt remove cert and snap install certbot18:28
NobremI have tried everything, but that stuff is so persistent18:29
zaggynleh? it grows back?18:29
Nobremzaggynl, nah, it's like my Ex,  it just won't leave18:29
zaggynlheh, so what are you running into?18:30
Nobremzaggynl, I want to compile an APK using gradle18:30
Nobrembut gradle keeps telling me:18:30
Nobrem> Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.18:30
NobremI configured:  "sudo update-alternatives --config java"18:31
NobremI ran:18:31
Nobremsudo apt purge openjdk-8-jre-headless  openjdk-8-jdk-headless openjdk-8-jdk18:31
Nobremand then:18:31
Nobremsudo aptitude purge oracle-java8-set-default oracle-java8-installer18:31
Nobremapt purge default-jre-headless18:31
Nobremsudo update-alternatives --remove "java" "/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java"18:31
NobremI tried it all18:31
Nobremthat persistent stuff won't let me use Gradle18:31
zaggynlso when does it come back?18:32
Nobremmy frustration is really over the roof,  I have been sitting on this for so long18:32
Nobremzaggynl, the moment I use "gradle"18:32
NobremThe error reads:18:32
Nobrem> Android Gradle plugin requires Java 11 to run. You are currently using Java 1.8.18:32
Nobremso there is still some Java 1.8 lurking18:32
Nobremor maybe it is because of the environment path I set?18:32
Nobrem/home/<user>/Android/Sdk ?18:33
zaggynlmakes me wonder what version shows up if you run java --version or whatever it is18:33
Nobremonly 3 lines:18:34
Nobremopenjdk 11.0.13 2021-10-1918:34
NobremOpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.18.04)18:34
NobremOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.18.04, mixed mode, sharing)18:34
XV8I am having issues with very low download speeds with some applications. Some suggest it is the Intel iwlwifi firmware shipped with Ubuntu that is the issue. I've downloaded the newest firmware release from kernel.org since it is a binary blob. I ran 'modprobe -r iwlwifi' and 'modprobe iwlwifi' and rebooted, but it still loads the same version. Has anyone else had this issue?18:35
Nobremzaggynl, I am doing it in the command line... are you sure,  changing it in the GUI of Android Studio is right?18:36
* Nobrem tries it18:37
XV8It has gotten to a point where some applications are at a screeching halt or like 1-2kbps, where if I flip to my Windows side, I get like 120-200Mbps18:38
Nobremzaggynl, what program are they writing about?18:40
NobremQuote:  >> If the JVM points to version 1.8 then you should change it in settings. You can find it in Preferences → Build, Execution, Deployment → Build Tools → Gradle → *Gradle JDK.18:40
NobremI thought it was Android Studio but there is no such path18:40
zaggynlgradle from the looks of it, maybe a different version than yours? what shows up if you run gradlew --version?18:42
FlorianBadI created and formated an ext4 partition on an NVMe drive, I mounted it, no problem. The Ubuntu installer cannot see it though, it thinks there is no partition on that drive. How can I install to the mounting point instead? It only offers me the option to select an actual drive18:45
Nobremzaggynl, my fault,  I found it in Android Studio18:46
NobremThank you so much, zaggynl !18:46
EriC^^FlorianBad: can you share 'sudo parted -ls' ?18:46
NobremI am now testing if it works18:46
FlorianBadEriC^^: parted complains about overlapping parittions, even though no sector actually overlaps: https://florianbador.com/pub/202201-chromebox-hack/20220105_075411.jpg18:49
XV8Here is some more information on my issues with the Intel AX200 Wi-Fi 6 device (iwlwifi): https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/w3HQJ2qFcJ/18:54
XV8Reading some other threads, I do not have the backport-iwlwifi-dkms package installed, so I am not sure what else is missing here.19:26
sevenpinkpantherhow can I force running certain app (Chrome) with parameters? .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications is ignored after running it once, /etc/chromium-browser/defaults is also ignored after running it once19:26
sevenpinkpantherwhy it's always broken (eg running without needed parameters) after running it once?19:26
sevenpinkpantherlatest stable Chrome, Ubuntu 20.0419:26
sevenpinkpantherhow can I fix it?19:26
=== robertross is now known as uc50ic4more
Kexonihi everyone, I recently had problem installing Ubuntu and dualboot20:14
Kexoniwell, I reinstalled Windows and installed Elementary OS as second OS20:14
Kexoniand I am trying to figure out why I cannot install Ubuntu20:15
leftyfbKexoni: are you asking for help with Elementary OS or Ubuntu? Are you trying to install 2 OS's or 3?20:16
KexoniI can install only if I select second option "erase disk and install", but if I manually select boot (fat32) and / partition it won't boot20:16
Kexonileftyfb, I had problems recently with Ubuntu20:16
KexoniElementary is Ubuntu-based, right?20:17
oerheksUEFI system?20:17
Kexoniyes, UEFI20:17
oerheksdisable secure boot, might help20:17
leftyfbKexoni: Elementary OS is not an official flavor of Ubuntu and not supported here20:17
Kexonileftyfb, I understand completely, but I just wanted to share information and to figure out why I had problem installing Ubuntu20:21
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leftyfbKexoni: we can only troubleshoot ubuntu. If you want to download the iso for ubuntu, we'll be happy to troubleshoot installing Ubuntu with you20:22
Kexonithanks leftyfb , now I will need some time to take a rest of installing and dualboot, this was problem for one week... I will come again when I decide to install Ubuntu :)20:25
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kenanmaraslihello, I'm installing ubuntu but I'm not sure if it is progressing, the progress bar at the bottom of the install window is not visible, I have been waiting but it has been a while now20:45
kenanmaraslishould I restart the process, or do I need to do something else?20:46
sarnoldkenanmarasli: you can probably get to a new virtual console with control+alt+f1 or control+alt+f2 etc -- I'm not sure which virtual console the installer is on any more, so try em all when you want to return to it :)20:48
sarnoldkenanmarasli: anyway, once you've changed to another virtual console you can probably use top, or ps, or vmstat 1, etc, to try to figure out what the system is doing and see if it looks like it's making progress20:49
kenanmaraslisarnold: it is f2 but it does not accept my credentials for ubuntu, I'm sure they are correct20:49
EriC^^kenanmarasli: try to press alt+space+m then move it up with the cursors so the progress bar is visible20:49
EriC^^*cursors = up arrow20:49
kenanmarasliEriC^^: I'll try that20:50
EriC^^there's a tiny arrow there that if you click will open a terminal and show you what it's doing20:50
ioriakenanmarasli, for the tty  : username = ubuntu; password = empty20:50
kenanmarasliioria: that logged me in, thank you20:52
ioriakenanmarasli, ok20:52
kenanmarasliI'll check what the system does now20:52
ioriakenanmarasli, how long has been stuck ?20:53
MrCollinsGAduring installation of ubuntu on a disk I used to have windows on it. Is there a way for me to eliminate sector 0? (Im sure its something else lol)20:56
MrCollinsGAits a SSD20:56
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: not without losing data on the drive currently20:56
MrCollinsGAthats fine. I think its just on the 'head' I get a windows blue screen 'recovery' o'death20:57
MrCollinsGAthats fine. its 20.04 what can I do I just spun it up20:57
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: what will be the end result of this drive? Will it have Windows or Ubuntu or both on it?20:58
MrCollinsGAubuntu only sir20:58
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: ok, then just install ubuntu.20:58
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: make sure to pick the option to erase the entire drive20:59
MrCollinsGAI did that and here I am.20:59
MrCollinsGAits weird!20:59
MrCollinsGAit used to have windows on the drive but then I put ubuntu on it lik a year ago and havent used it, just now installed ubuntu and did erase entire drive21:00
MrCollinsGAfresh ubuntu install on reboot windows recovery blue screen21:00
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: how many storage devices are plugged into this machine?21:01
MrCollinsGAI also have a cdrom but no cd/dvd is in it21:01
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: are you booted to an ubuntu live cd/usb?21:01
MrCollinsGAno I honestly dont think so21:01
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: then how are you doing the ubuntu install?21:02
MrCollinsGAI can select a different 'device' at boot and it boots into ubuntu with the live usb disconnected21:02
MrCollinsGAim using a thumb drive21:02
MrCollinsGAand its disconnected now that the install is over21:02
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: boot to the ubuntu "thumb drive" installer21:03
leftyfband then open a terminal21:03
MrCollinsGAok gimme a min21:03
MrCollinsGAok terminal open21:04
leftyfbdo you have internet access on it?21:05
MrCollinsGAim at try ubuntu or install ubuntu21:05
leftyfb"try ubuntu"21:05
leftyfbthen open a terminal21:05
leftyfblsblk | nc termbin.com 999921:05
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: why are there so many partitions?21:08
MrCollinsGAno idea. I havent indicated so much21:08
MrCollinsGAis there a way to have ubuntu delete all of it and ill start over no data backup needed21:08
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: it looks like you haven't told the installer to erase the drive for the instlal21:08
MrCollinsGAI did.21:08
leftyfbgo through the installer and tell it to wipe the drive21:08
leftyfbthe installer should show you a summary of the partitions it's going to setup before it proceeds. You should only have 2. root(/) and /boot21:09
MrCollinsGAI didnt see a summary  but I did select the third option which was erase all on the disk including other operating systems21:11
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, thank you for your kind help21:12
MrCollinsGAinstalling now :)21:12
jhutchinsleftyfb: What's your rationalisation for a separate /boot?21:13
leftyfbjhutchins: I'm pretty sure the installer sets up LVM by default these days with a separate /boot21:14
leftyfbI guess I could be wrong there21:14
leftyfbI do it because I choose an encrypted LVM which requires a separate /boot21:14
MrCollinsGAit asked me to use LVM in advanced features I elected not to. Would that have been netter21:14
MrCollinsGAperformance wise21:14
MrCollinsGAlvm logical volume manager?21:15
leftyfbnah, not needed unless you want to add additional drives to your volume and/or encrypt the entire drive21:15
MrCollinsGAnot needed :) thank you21:15
swixHi there! Im kinda new here... What is this place?21:23
leftyfbswix: this is a support channel for Ubuntu. Do you have a support question?21:24
swixAaa so... Nop, 4 now not... Im runed into this app while exploring Ubuntu and whas corious what you guys do here.21:25
swixTnx. 4 the info.21:25
jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: LVM actually introduces a bit of overhead, but you're unlikely to see it except on very large, busy sites.21:28
bobdobbsHow can I tell which desktop environment I'm using? I'm not sure if I'm using gnome or kde21:35
jhutchinsbobdobbs: You should ask the person who set up the computer what they chose.21:35
bobdobbsthat'd be me21:35
leftyfbbobdobbs: echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP21:36
bobdobbsleftyfb: thanks21:36
jhutchinsIt's been a long time since I used KDE, but it seems like they had lots of "K" logo branding on things.21:36
leftyfbbobdobbs: first result on google for "ubuntu determine desktop environment"21:36
jhutchinsbobdobbs: In a terminal, you could run ps ax.21:37
jhutchinsbobdobbs: We're all waiting curiously for the results...21:39
bobdobbsjhutchins: $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP returns 'KDE'.21:40
bobdobbsso I guess that answers it :)21:40
bobdobbsThat was dumb of me. I should have googled first.21:40
bobdobbsMy mission at the moment is to re-enable desktop compositing. I think it's disabled, because I used to have a transparency effect enabled in the KDE terminal emulator. But currently there's no transparency. And when I enter the KDE terminal emulators appearance settings, I get a message saying that transparency isn't supported21:42
jhutchinsGoogle is great - if you know what term to search for.21:42
bobdobbsSo at present I'm hunting around the Desktop settings21:42
leftyfbbobdobbs: you might try asking for help with KDE on ubuntu in #kubuntu21:43
bobdobbsleftyfb: good call. I might do that, if I'm still stuck in, say, twenty minutes or so21:43
mortApparently webGL works in the Firefox 95 apt package, but not in the Firefox 95 snap21:45
bobdobbshmm... I've re-enabled the desktop compositor and restarted the terminal emulator. But still can't get transparency. Might reboot and see if that  kicks the settings21:47
webchat11Mid 2012 MacBook Pro Ubuntu version and installation guide?21:49
webchat11I need to test a friends macbook for a potential hardware issue so wondering which version of Ubuntu I should download, the procedure to write it to USB stick and the boot procedure?21:49
webchat11I have zero macbook experience hence me posting for the first time in ages.21:49
leftyfbwebchat11: what have you found in your search so far?21:49
webchat11forum is quiet21:50
leftyfbwebchat11: there are several tutorials and even a youtube video if you search google for "install ubuntu on macbook pro 2012"21:50
webchat11leftyfb: I just want to boot a version of ubuntu that will work, no installation21:54
leftyfbwebchat11: ok, 3rd paragraph on the 1st non-video result on google for "install ubuntu on macbook pro 2012"21:55
leftyfbwebchat11: also, you really should be using OSX to determine issues with the macbook pro, not ubuntu21:55
bobdobbsTo those watching my issue before: I got transparency back. I re-enabled compositing in the KDE settings. Then restarted the computer. Now I have my fancy shmancy back.22:03
jhutchinsbobdobbs: Thanks for the follow-up.22:12
bobdobbsjhutchins: np :)22:12
MrCollinsGAjhutchins, good to know thank you22:15
=== birb is now known as erica
MrCollinsGAso I installed ubuntu and have xrdp installed, every time I login I get 'please authenticate to create color profile' I followed the help on this link https://devanswers.co/how-to-fix-authentication-is-required-to-create-a-color-profile-managed-device-on-ubuntu-20-04-20-10/22:26
MrCollinsGAnow every time I login it gives me a prompt that there is a system problem report or cancel. ugh22:26
jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: Can you test it directly (without rdp)?22:27
MrCollinsGAdoesnt happen unless im in rdp22:28
leftyfbMrCollinsGA: again, I thought we decided on doing everything automated over SSH, not GUI?22:28
MrCollinsGAi have the actual terminal close to me22:28
MrCollinsGAleftyfb, I cant. I dont know enough about bash to hash everything out. It woudl take me ages to figure out a script and write it.22:28
MrCollinsGAI have a few examples and I am patient but I dont have the time. After I get this working I will find a way to get it via just terminal. I appreciate you remembering.22:29
MrCollinsGAthe script I need is make kden project files or the MLT files that kden outputs script from the command line or in terminal. I hit that brick wall. I dont expect anyone to help me with that that is something I have to tackle on my own. :(22:30
MrCollinsGAThis is the goal: take kdenlive or any win64 & ubuntu based video editor and when I dont editing the video, the final encoding I want done on encoding slaves I have. I dont know how to create those scripts. thats it.22:32
MrCollinsGAdone instead of dont*22:32
MrCollinsGAI have seen examples of some things that are close. I have tried and monkeyed around with some things I spent 2 solid entire days on it. could never get it to work. I am sure there is a way.22:34
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jhutchinsMrCollinsGA: Are you transcoding video or what?23:07
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marc_Anyone know how i enable GEN3 on nvidia card23:30
devslashIm having an issue with Ubuntu 21.04. when I select Ubuntu, it shows loading ramdisk and returns to the grub prompt. If I go to advanced, it shows 5.11.0-40 which is the menu item that returns me to the grub prompt. I can boot into recovery with kernel 5.11.0-38 and re-ran grub-install /dev/sda which completed successfully23:34
marc_devlash sound like a headache when i first install ubuntu i was having all sorts of issue i messed with the bios and it worked ok after that.23:36
devslashthis is a VM23:36
marc_ah right23:36
devslashit previously worked but I stopped using it for a little while and went to use it again abd its being a giant pain in the ass23:37
devslashim running apt update which is installing linux-firmware so it may fix the problem23:37
marc_shit happens!23:37
rfmdevslash, just from the message it sounds like maybe the initram got messed up somehow.  There's a way to trigger rebuilding it but I don't know it offhand.  Maybe just reinstall the kernel package?23:37
devslashim doing that more or less with apt23:38
rfmdevslash, yeah, I think upgrading the firmware package is one of the many things that will trigger a initram update.23:39
marc_Wish i could trigger and NvME update its been a while and my NVme drives run like a dog under ubuntu the write speeds are terrible.23:41
marc_SSD Max Sequential Write CDM. Up to 2,000MB/s. under ubuntu 300mbs23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300 in mysql-query-browser (Ubuntu) "reproducible segfault in 'edit' mode for a query" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30023:42

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