=== genii is now known as genii-core [12:20] I see lots of activity on salsa.debian.org on LXQt 1.0.0 :) === genii-core is now known as genii [17:59] [telegram] https://twitter.com/lxqt_project/status/1478640826909663232 [23:30] [telegram] right but since its dead... :P (re @guiverc: Lubuntu & Xubuntu had i386 ISOs into the alpha stage of disco (19.04), and if used to install disco/19.04, package updates were obtained the life of Lubuntu 19.04 @teward001) [23:30] [telegram] the question was someone running 15.10 wanting an Ubuntu that was still supported for 32bir [23:30] [telegram] so :P [23:32] that is 18.04 LTS with partial support (packages in main) as you'll already know 110%