
yellowwinnerHi all, having issue with installing Lubuntu00:51
yellowwinnerNever mind, fixed itself so not questioning lol00:52
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== shawn is now known as BookGuy
guivercFlexman, you should provide an example; a quick look at Muon on my release and I can't find any that say transitional  (outside of chromium that's only provided as snap for example)07:49
Flexmanguiverc: maybe its becauses i tried chromium and snap10:21
Flexmanbut doesn't chromium via snap consume more recources?10:21
guivercThe snap is slower to start; but that's only to start.  Chromium is an app that exists only as snap though so you have no choice (outside of 3rd party sources, or compile from source etc)10:22
guivercon my current system, `firefox` (deb) is using SLIGHTLY more ram than chromium is... but it's not always firefox that uses more.. ie. I don't think extra resources are that great, but SNAP provides additional privacy/security benefits as well10:23
* guiverc has heard many security advocates who prefer snap & confined browsers to the deb or unconfined browsers that can read/access your root file system etc.10:24
guiverceverything has PROs & CONs ... it depends what matters most to you.  Some packages do only come as snaps, chromium being one10:26
Flexmanwell in case of lubuntu, recource matters most :)10:27
Flexmanotherwise one wouldn't use lubuntu.10:27
guivercI don't think that applies; most users of Lubuntu are using machines that would run GNOME or any desktop well; they use Lubuntu by choice, not need.10:28
Flexmanhm interesting10:28
guiverc(Lubuntu is fast is the most common reason I hear/read)10:29
Flexmanfor me it's more something i put on older computers for friends. but it looks kind of cobbled together and unfinished, however it's still great if you just need the browser and some libre office most of the time..10:30
guiverc:)    10:31
guivercLXQt is still in active development, and looks more polished for each release; 20.04 is now rather 'old' in that regards (LXQt 0.14.1) as approaching 2 years ago; but I gather most users make it there own via adding wallpapers, themes etc.10:35
Flexmanah ok, so i'd better use 21.x?10:41
guivercdepends.  if you use 21.10 for example; it's only supported 9 months (from 2021-October) meaning you'll need (or friends in your case) to release-upgrade earlier than with 20.04 (which still has >12 months of Lubuntu support remaining)10:52
guiverc21.04 reaches EOL this month; it's nine months from release (2021-April) nearly up...10:53
Flexmanyes, thats the problem... well, 22 LTS comes in april as far as i noticed10:55
guiverc22.04 is scheduled 21-April-2022 (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-schedule/23906)  Desktop systems are *deb* package based thus year.month in format; Ubuntu releases using *year* format are SNAP only.10:58
guiverc(eg. Ubuntu Core 20 is a [confined[ snap only server product intended for headless operation; no desktop or `apt` command capable of installing one)10:59
=== genii-core is now known as genii

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