
=== scoobydoo_ is now known as scoobydoo
haxanyone use lxe? I just had lovely evening of failures. I got lxd installed and started, lxe built. it complains about a missing yaml file that I 'touch'ed into existence, now complains about not being able to initialize lxe facade (can't find lxd's socket). I also can't find LXD's socket, nor a bug on their github about sockets. I see lxd is started, and I can start/stop/init, but no socket03:39
sarnoldhax: try sudo ss -xlp | grep lxd   to spot the socket04:06
haxhm. that's /var/snap/lxd04:21
haxnot where I expected. thanks! I'll see what I can do with that info04:21
sarnoldwoot :) I hoped it was something like that04:22
haxoh man. and saved by the portrait monitor (trying to remember, was it lxdbr0 or lxcbr0...hahaha)04:27
haxone step closer04:27
haxnow to figure out why it won't take network plugin 'bridge'  :)04:30
sarnoldcheck dmesg04:31
sarnoldevery time the lxd snap is refreshed I get a complaint in dmesg about bridges something or other04:32
sarnoldmaybe it's entirely unrelated04:32
sarnoldbut it might also be just the thing you need :)04:32
haxthere's some apparmor status stuff. nothing failed that I can see.04:33
haxoh my now, I think it started! I'm not sure what to do with it now...04:36
haxbut I think that means the day is done. I will count my sucesses (on one hand) and go gentle into that good night04:37
haxwe did an LXE sarnold. thanks!04:38
sarnoldhax: woohoo! :) have fun with it, whatever it is you do with it :)04:39
haxSame thing I do every night, sarnold. Try and take over the world!!!04:41
sarnoldexcellent :D04:41
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=== genii-core is now known as genii
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ChmEarlping belgarath20:47
=== Festivus-Maximus is now known as Kilroy
Kilroyhow do I fix a apt dependency loop?23:58

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