
oerheksKilroy, basicly, try to run apt update first, to get fresh lists, that could fix this loop00:14
Kilroyok let me try that00:16
KilroyI get the same error00:16
Kilroyafter running apt upgrade00:17
KilroyI also get it when I run apt upgrade00:18
Kilroyok I know the issue 00:21
Kilroysome packages are installed, but need something that some how got removed and I can't install it back because ... (I have no clue at this poing)00:22
sarnoldKilroy: it depends on your goal. if you want webmin gone, apt purge webmin virtualmin-core webmin-virtual-server    would probably do the trick00:24
KilroyI want it back00:24
Kilroyit accidntly got put in the autoremove list and I mised it until it was too late00:24
sarnoldit's possible that the easiest way to having it installed is to follow through with the full removal process as I suggested above.. that might be annoying though. try just "apt install webmin" and see what happens00:26
Kilroysame error00:27
sarnolddang; I think apt remove virtualmin-core webmin-virtualmin-git webmin-virtualmin-htpasswd webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl -- some of those might not be installed, and it'll throw an error about that, if that's the case, remove whatever it says isn't installed, and try again00:30
Kilroy virtualmin-lemp-stack : Depends: webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl but it is not going to be installed00:33
Kilroyand apt remove virtualmin-lemp-stack gives the same error as before 00:33
sarnoldthe usual way to approach these is to keep adding package names to the command line00:40
sarnoldyou obviously don't want to remove anything *really* important like glibc, sudo, bash, etc :) but it's sometimes hard to know which exact ones are good to ask to remove in the course of solving these problems00:41
KilroyHA I got something to install! \o/00:45
Kilroyand it failed /o\00:45
Kilroysarnold what does This package cannot be installed unless the Debian version of Webmin mean?00:45
Kilroysarnold what does This package cannot be installed unless the Debian version of Webmin is installed first. mean?00:45
sarnoldKilroy: I'm not sure ;( that feels like it's a message from the maintainer script of one of these packages..00:47
KilroyI don't see anything from google00:48
sarnoldhow about: grep "cannot be installed" /var/lib/dpkg/info/*00:49
Kilroyjust the same errors given00:53
sarnoldnice, could you pastebin one of those files? that might suggest what they were looking for00:54
sarnoldman these are gross01:01
sarnoldare you sure you actually want to use this software?01:01
Kilroyyes, I have used it before and it works very well, 01:02
sarnoldI can't find any package that owns /etc/webmin/config in ubuntu focal, nor in any debian release (via https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages ) --- so I'm guessing they meant *their* webmin package. but that should be easy enough to have a Depends: line in their configuration..01:04
sarnoldKilroy: I think I'd apt purge webmin webmin-virtualmin-git webmin-virtualmin-htpasswd webmin-virtualmin-nginx webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl  (and all the other packages from them) -- then do an apt update, apt install -f, and then try the apt install webmin again..01:05
Kilroystill get that error 01:06
sarnoldKilroy: I think I'd truncate those four maintainer scripts from https://zerobin.net/?b33013ccf21ad19c#FRP30B9Gp9pDcfu/NWKcdqYvWm0VpTwgSl6lQIMywO0=  -- bash makes it easy, but it's a bit awkward the first time you see it :)01:08
sarnoldit's just:01:08
sarnold> /var/lib/dpkg/info/webmin-virtualmin-git.preinst01:08
sarnoldI'd truncate all four of those, *then* try the purge..01:08
Kilroystill same error01:09
sarnold*sigh* I had big hopes on that one.01:10
sarnoldyou'll probably have to head to the folks who publish this to ask for help01:10
Kilroyok thank you for your help01:12
=== genii is now known as genii-core
oerheksLeonard, fix your connection?16:23
Kilroyis there a better way to identify a drive then the uuid?18:43
patdk-lapdrives don't have uuid18:45
Kilroylsblk -f18:45
patdk-lapya, I only see uuid for my mdadm partitions18:46
patdk-lapnot for drives18:46
patdk-lapfor drives you have model/serial for ata18:46
patdk-lapand for scsi the best is the wwn (like ethernet mac addresses)18:46
patdk-lapfilesystems can have uuid though, but not drives18:47
patdk-lapI would love to see where that command gave you uuid for a drive18:47
Kilroythen what is this?18:48
patdk-lapthat is the output18:48
patdk-lapI see no uuid for your drives18:48
patdk-lapline 1, no uuid18:48
Kilroysdf            ext4              b197bc90-b57a-4040-af1e-1795d44de56818:48
patdk-lapthat is the uuid of your ext4 filesystem, not drive18:48
Kilroythen how do none of the other ext4 filesystems have that uuid?18:49
patdk-lapheh? they all do18:49
patdk-lapno idea what your talking about18:49
patdk-lapa uuid is designed to be uniq18:50
Kilroynone of the other file systems have this exact uuid18:50
patdk-lapunless it's the same filesystem it should not have the same uuid18:50
Kilroyso then is it a good way to identify a drive in a script?18:50
patdk-lapdid you dd the file system to a new drive18:50
Kilroythey all are ext418:50
patdk-lapit is NOT a good way to id a drive18:50
patdk-lapit IS a good way to id a filesystem18:50
Kilroyin my case, I want to be able to check if a flash drive is plugged in, and do something if that is true, and do something else if that is false18:51
patdk-lapdo you really care about if a specific flash drive is plugged in?18:51
patdk-lapor if it has a specific filesystem on it18:52
patdk-laplike say, if you reformatted that flash drive, do you care?18:52
patdk-lapreformatting it will give the filesystem a new uuid18:52
Kilroyyes, I would care if it got reformatted 18:53
Kilroyhttps://git.sturtz.cf/SturtzNetwork/checkdrive/src/master/check.sh 18:53
patdk-lapI would just use blkid though, much easier to parse18:54
patdk-lapblkid -U $uuid18:55
Kilroyso back to, in that exact script would just using the uuid work?18:56
Kilroyor is there a way to identify the drive even if it gets wiped18:57
Kilroysarnold I think I fixed apt22:11
KilroyI ran apt satisfy webmin and it is doing stuff 22:11

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