[00:15] I'm having problems with my webcam / cheese, uvcvideo virtualbox device, works fine in vlc but cheese says no device even with -d /dev/video0 [00:17] orbisvicis, try to set resolution 1 step lower in preferences, that made my webcam work. [00:17] in cheese * [00:17] oerheks, can't set the resolution without a device [00:18] then virtual box is the culprit? [00:21] oerheks, I would think so, but it does work fine in vlc [00:21] yeah, good point [00:23] might be this? https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/18725 [00:23] www.virtualbox.org ticket 18725 in other "WebCam passtrough doesn't properly pass format capabilities to guest GStreamer" [New] [00:23] does cheese use gstreamer? [00:24] yes, i think so [00:44] oerheks, yeah I checked the logs and seems to be the exact same problem === jje9 is now known as jje [01:25] Hello? [01:26] hi [01:26] Where am I [01:26] ubuntu [01:26] the #ubuntu channel on the libera irc network [01:26] webchat546: Quebec [01:26] lol [01:27] probably close to Blainville [01:27] wtf [01:27] why yoall looking to my public ip [01:27] you asked [01:27] its on the screen LOL [01:27] I know [01:27] but why does it show up [01:28] webchat546: this is an Ubuntu support channel. Do you have an Ubuntu support question? [01:28] webchat546: because when irc was invented ~30 years ago it seemed like a good idea [01:28] https://superuser.com/questions/1555396/trouble-with-shutting-down-screen-in-ubuntu-server [01:28] Im troubleshooting on this since this morning and all my finds on the internet dont work! [01:28] [I'm trying to turn off my laptop display with ubuntu server] [01:28] Terminal : [01:28] ___________________________________________________ [01:28] dreamy@ubuntu-dreamy:~$ sudo mount -o remount,exec /dev [01:28] dreamy@ubuntu-dreamy:~$ sudo vbetool dpms off [01:28] open /dev/mem: Operation not permitted [01:28] Failed to initialise LRMI (Linux Real-Mode Interface). [01:29] !paste | webchat546 [01:29] webchat546: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [01:29] oh wow. /dev/mem hasn't been writable for *ages* [01:29] decade? more?> [01:30] sarnold: they got the command from a forum post from 10 years ago [01:31] leftyfb: sounds about right [01:31] Because my laptop is a 2012 windows laptop [01:31] webchat546: what version of ubuntu are you running? [01:31] Ubuntu Server [01:31] webchat546: grep -i version /etc/os-release [01:32] VERSION="20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)" [01:32] VERSION_ID="20.04" [01:32] VERSION_CODENAME=focal [01:32] i wrote a script once to turn my laptop screen off [01:32] i don't remember what was in it though :( [01:32] webchat546: you can just say "20.04". Going forward, please do not paste more than 1 line here at a time. Use a pastebin site for that [01:32] webchat546: have you tried https://dannyda.com/2019/06/19/turn-off-display-automatically-on-ubuntu-18-04-server-with-text-boot/ ? [01:33] I was creating my account in background sorry [01:33] im looking at it [01:34] Will I be able to bind a script to a key ? [01:34] with this [01:35] When pressing Fn+F7, it would turn the screen back on [01:35] webchat546, the grub solution would work at boot only, as I understand that [01:35] that's the reason of why im asking, I want it as script [01:35] not boot [01:35] right [01:36] I had a script like that once but I don't remember the command that worked for my particular laptop at the time (back in 2015 or so) [01:36] what else have you tried? [01:36] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vbetool [01:36] webchat546: maybe setterm? https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_Power_Management_Signaling#DPMS_interaction_in_a_Linux_console_with_setterm [01:36] xset and vbetools [01:36] I will try that sarnold [01:37] this is the command that worked for me way back when https://askubuntu.com/questions/398059/is-there-any-way-to-make-a-hotkey-turn-the-screen-off does this still work sarnold ? [01:38] xset dpms force off [01:39] When I do that it says: [01:39] xset: unable to open display "" [01:39] idk if ubuntu uses wayland yet or if xset works for that too [01:39] webchat546, it might be too old [01:40] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/vbetool [01:40] man xset? [01:40] theres a website on that [01:40] sem: xset requires a running X11 [01:40] it won't work from the virtual consoles [01:41] oh i forgot no gui [01:43] as for the shortcut, idk how to make virtual consoles keyboard shortcuts, but it might not be too hard to put the script in ~/bin and call it ts for toggle screen and just type that and press enter [01:43] I saw something to do that [01:44] must not be that hard [01:44] webchat546: https://dannyda.com/2019/06/19/turn-off-display-automatically-on-ubuntu-18-04-server-with-text-boot/ [01:44] webchat546: man setterm [01:45] "setterm: terminal xterm does not support --blank" [01:45] heh, I can't recall ever seeing anything to do 'key bindings' at the console; that's not usually what the consoles are about :) [01:46] xterm? I thought you were on a virtual console? [01:46] I'm hosting the server on my laptop [01:46] I mean [01:46] webchat546: is this a VM? [01:46] There is now windows anymore, its now a ubuntu server only [01:46] not a vm [01:46] leftyfb no [01:46] webchat546: do you have a GUI installed? [01:46] no [01:46] webchat546: then how are you running xterm? [01:46] its only terminal [01:47] I dont know ? [01:47] I just installed ubuntu server yesterday and followed everything they said [01:48] If the TERM environment variable were set somehow to xterm )despite being on a console) this would result... [01:51] webchat546: echo $TERM [01:51] Ok [01:51] what did it give you? [01:51] xterm [01:51] Maybe because I'm trough SSH ? [01:51] yes [01:51] aha! [01:51] you can't do this through ssh [01:52] my keyboard is all destroyed on my hosted computer [01:52] come on [01:52] alrightt then [01:52] gotta code with no keycaps [01:52] webchat546: look at "Pipe the escapes to any tty (with write/append perms) to modify that terminal" on https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Display_Power_Management_Signaling#DPMS_interaction_in_a_Linux_console_with_setterm [01:53] webchat546: you may need to override the TERM environment variable [01:53] you could try setterm --blank 0 --term linux # but I don't think it's going to work [01:54] or setterm --blank 0 --term tty0 # or whatever tty you are on. I'm not sure [01:54] i just got a headache I will continue tomorrow [01:54] its bad [01:54] thanks for your help I will try all of this [02:05] Hello. I can't get wifi card detected on Acer Apsire 5 laptop. No wifi hardware available. How do I fix this? [02:06] BlackDalek: is there a hardware key or slider or switch to turn off radios? [02:06] BlackDalek: be sure you look for one of those before you've spent too much time on other things :) [02:07] sarnold, there is a wifi on/off key on keyboard if that's what you mean, but it is on. [02:07] hehe dang, I was hoping for an easy win [02:10] ndiswrappper? [02:17] I got disconnected [02:17] I have an Acer Aspire 5 laptop (model a515-56- [02:18] I have an Acer Aspire 5 laptop (model a515-56-706u) and just installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I can't get wifi hardware detected . How do I fix wifi? [02:19] if you can plug it in wifi driver might show up in drivers [02:20] orange1, I have a ethernet cable plugged in but nothing shows up in software and updates for additonal drivers [02:20] ah ok [02:20] look up ndiswrapper? [02:35] ok.. how do I install and use ndiswrapper on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and how do I use it to fix no wifi detected? [02:36] did you sudo apt upgrade everything yet? [02:37] orange1, yes. everything is up to date [02:39] what does sudo lshw -class network say [02:40] orange1, it shows https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2ns6ZS5xc4/ [02:41] i cant read it i have to sign up for it [02:42] just trying to see brand of wifi is in there [02:42] orange1... hold on I try another pastebin site === genii is now known as genii-core [02:43] orange1, https://pastebin.com/xQGm2kRk [02:43] did that work? [02:44] yeah, what does uname -a say [02:44] orange1, it says... Linux john-Aspire-A515-56 5.11.0-44-generic #48~20.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Tue Dec 14 15:36:44 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux === alloyy is now known as alloy [02:45] that wifi works in kernel versions 5.12 and up [02:46] orange1, how do I get kernel 5.12 installed properly? [02:48] well, maybe somebody here know how to do that better. i only did that once a long time ago but my ubuntu 21.10 has kernel version 5.13 [02:50] If I install a mainline kernel to fix the wifi, does that mean everything else will be broken? [02:54] Is there any way to get wifi working in kernel 5.11 instead? [02:54] !info inux-generic-hwe-20.04 focal [02:54] linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge (, focal): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.13. Size 2 kB / 19 kB [02:56] ^^ Humm that does not jive with "apt" :( [02:58] Bashing-om, what do you mean? I just tried 'apt install --simulate linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge' on my 20.04 machine and it looks like it would happily install linux-image-5.13.0-23-generic [03:00] rfm: In regards to ' apt list linux-generic-hwe-20.04 ' result. [03:01] Bashing-om, it has to be the -edge version to get 5.13 apparently [03:01] do note the '-edge' at the end of that package [03:02] Is this in relation to my no wifi/kernel upgrade problem? [03:03] BlackDalek: Sorta - see if the HWE stack supports. [03:03] BlackDalek: yeah; orange1 said your wifi is supported in 5.12 and newer; and there's a 5.13 kernel (that may or may not work) available to test with; try sudo apt install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-20.04-edge [03:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [03:07] sarnold, ok. I will try it and see what this breaks next. [03:08] BlackDalek: One will need to do ^ on a fully updated system :) [03:31] I uninstalled ufw to use iptables instead. service iptables status shows Active: inactive (dead). But service netfilter-persistent status shows Active: active (exited). How do know which one is correct and iptables is actually alive? [03:32] iptables is a kernel module, not actually a service [03:32] or a set of kernel modules rather [03:33] lsmod | grep ipt [03:33] tomreyn: well, it's the userspace tools for netfilter [03:33] tomreyn: but how do I know routes are going through iptables with Active: inactive (dead)? [03:33] whihc ubuntu release are you on there? [03:33] server 20.04 [03:34] and there is actually an iptables.service unit? [03:35] no there is not [03:35] hmm... how does service iptables status return data? [03:36] hmm yes looks like you do have this service file [03:36] i just tried that on a fresh 20.04 lts server and dont have it [03:36] do you have an /etc/init.d/iptables perhaps? that might also show something similar? [03:37] sarnold: no [03:37] systemctl status iptables.service should tell whether it's a systemd service unit [03:38] maybe it's part of netfilter-persistent [03:38] dman777: iptables is deprecated. You should be using nftables to manage the netfilter tables. [03:38] tomreyn: https://dpaste.org/Uj3T [03:39] jkc: deprecated in linux or just in ubuntu? [03:39] dman777: deprecated in linux, ubuntu hasn't switched to nftables yet [03:40] oh wow [03:41] dpkg -S /lib/systemd/system/iptables.service [03:41] just recently? looks like the last stable release was [03:41] 1.8.7 / 15 January 2021; [03:41] https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents&keywords=%2Flib%2Fsystemd%2Fsystem%2Fiptables.service&mode=exactfilename&suite=stable&arch=any I tried all of stretch, buster, bullseye, and bookworm and can't spot that file in any of them. what's in that file? :) [03:42] I believe Ubuntu has switched to nftables as of 21.10. [03:42] oh the "Docs:" reference in https://dpaste.org/Uj3T#L2,3 already gives it away that the iptables.service systemd unit is part of netfilter-persistent [03:42] jkc: not for userspace FWICT [03:43] jkc: believe me, I get asked basically every week when the security team will finish the nftables MIR process.. [03:43] And, actually, Ubuntu 20.04 uses nftables as well. iptables is only used as a translation layer. [03:43] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nftables/+bug/1887187 [03:43] Launchpad bug 1887187 in nftables (Ubuntu) "[MIR] nftables" [Critical, Confirmed] [03:43] !shrug [03:43] tomreyn: so iptables is more like a wrapper in this case? [03:44] 20.04: /etc/alternatives/iptables -> /usr/sbin/iptables-nft -> /usr/sbin/xtables-nft-multi [03:44] confusing.... I have iptables-save and it shows the counters incrementing [03:44] dman777: you should be using the "iptables" command to manage the in-kernel packet filter on 20.04 LTS [03:45] tomreyn: sorry, I don't understand exactly [03:45] dman777: can you repeat the question/problem then that you're trying to solve? [03:46] maybe i misunderstood [03:46] tomreyn: how can I be certain iptables is being applied when systemctl status iptables.status shows as Active: inactive (dead)? [03:47] dman777: how do you mean "iptables is being applied"? [03:49] tomreyn: yes [03:51] dman777: can you explain what you expect to happen when you say "certain iptables is being applied" [03:52] the packets being blocked or routed through netfilter according to the rules set by iptables [03:52] alis [03:54] dman777: so iptables.service is part of netfilter-persistent / iptables-persistent. it's a oneshot service meaning it just runs once and then exists. specifically at boot, to restore saved configurations from before the reboot. [03:55] it should not interfere with manually set rules [03:55] ok, thanks [03:55] (other than that it will save those when you reboot and restore them afterwards) [04:11] After qemu/kvm recent update. Guest networking not working; Spice not working; Text console not working; Once VM started, force off/reset working, reboot/shut down not working. [04:11] When I restart libvirtd I get --> libvirtd.service: Found left-over process 5125 (dnsmasq) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring. [04:11] Looked at iptables, at first glance, nothing seems to have change. [04:11] The virtual machine start, and is completely inaccessible. === matsaman_ is now known as matsaman [06:05] Hi [06:08] What is the cheapest thin client one can buy? tablet, raspbery pi, old pc, old laptop, android tv, any other? the idea is the connect to a remote (LAN based) computer which has x2go in it and use that instead for browsing, coding/development, youtube (need sound too and I guess x2go has the option). OR some other protocol than x2go but that is the [06:08] intention: invest on one good pc and use 4-5 or more thin clients (cheapest). [06:26] Sumao: a question for #hardware perhaps? [06:32] ok [06:53] Hi [06:53] Can i get a support for wacom pen tablet here? [06:56] node1: maybe, just ask. [06:57] node1: try running lsusb and get the lines which refer to it, and post them to a pastebin [06:57] I'm using Ubuntu 20.04. And i think it has some program related to wacom in it. [06:58] I have connected my `one by wacom` in USB , but it looks nothing appears. [06:59] try a different usb port [07:00] if this doesn't change it, run dmesg -w while you connect it, see what's added (ctrl-c to cancel) [07:00] It looks it recognise my wacom https://pastebin.com/raw/iZcib2xq [07:01] so, does it work, yet? [07:02] I can't see anything on screen [07:04] does it say "Unknown device_type for 'Wacom Co.,Ltd. CTL-472'. Ignoring." in dmesg -w ? [07:04] Bus 002 Device 003: ID 056a:037a Wacom Co., Ltd CTL-472 [One by Wacom (S)] [07:06] dmesg|grep -i wacom| nc termbin.com 9999 [07:08] and make sure you have xserver-xorg-input-wacom installed [07:11] it looks the given documentation does not work https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom/LatestDriver [07:12] This repository does not respond doctormo/wacom-plus [07:12] "Wacom/LatestDriver (last edited 2015-11-28 18:30:17[...]" [07:13] it's probably outdated [07:14] https://github.com/linuxwacom/input-wacom/wiki/Installing-input-wacom-from-source [07:14] how to compile here ? they have not clear what to download [07:14] you did not share the dmesg output, yet [07:15] dmesg does not have any output related to string `wacom` [07:16] that's surprising, since the device was enumerated and is listed by lsusb [07:17] On some of the installed programs, the icon stays in Activities. It doesn't let me put it on the desktop screen [07:18] Is a right click supposed to give me the option of uptting it on the desktop? [07:20] ELQEYNN: many of the support questions you could ask here will depend on your ubuntu version and flavour. you mentioned "activities", which probably refer to the default gnome-shell desktop on current ubuntu releases, but it's not yet clear what you are running exactly. [07:21] also xorg vs xwaylaynd can make a difference [07:21] * xwayland [07:25] ubuntu version 21.20 [07:26] there's no such version. try lsb_release -ds in a terminal [07:27] or Settings -> Details [07:28] 21.10 (impish indri) according to /etc/os-release [07:28] ok, and this defaults to xwayland [07:29] i'll ake a look in a vm [07:30] i don't see an "add to desktop" option in the context menu when right clicking on an application in activity [07:30] *activities [07:31] so i don't think that's meant to work [07:32] Then, what is the way to get the icon on the desktop screen? [07:32] ELQEYNN: generally, the gnome folks decided at some point that there should not be desktop icons. so support for this is limited now. [07:32] what you could maybe do is to place a .desktop file in that directory [07:33] in the Desktop directory? [07:33] systemd update. how scary [07:34] ELQEYNN: possibly so, i have not tried this [07:35] Gallomimia, what is scary about systemd? [07:35] well if it's being update..... [07:35] what could possibly go wrong? [07:38] darn if I know, you're the one who brought it up. [07:38] the problem with the answer to my question is... everything. a concentrated single point of failure. i'm sure they did lots of testing before updating it, and it's not that i don't trust the boyz (and gals?) at canonical, but they're human beings, and we all make mistakes, and there's no way they could have tested every single possible hardware combination [07:38] i was wondering if anyone knew anything about the update, if it had any issues [07:39] Gallomimia: there are changelogs, and you are probably referring to a security / bug fix update, not a feature upgrade. [07:39] ah okay that's probably a lot less scary [07:40] i'm just, not having a great day, and my system is already wonderfully unstable due to that nvidia driver bug you helped me find out about [07:41] the devs at nvidia can't reproduce it.. i think i'm going to have to downgrade drivers === phireant3 is now known as phireant [07:44] i don't know much about nvidia graphics drivers. there's a good chance that i misinterpreted something, but i couldn't tell now since i do not remember what this is about. === vit is now known as Guest2986 === rvgate2 is now known as rvgate [08:23] hi [08:23] is anyone here who knows ffmpeg well? [08:23] I am trying to add texts to certain timestamps, but always one too many frames gets the text [08:24] did you try #ffmpeg ? [08:24] tomreyn, everyone's idling there [08:24] how long did you wait? [08:25] tomreyn, for a while, but I have also been there some days ago, and it was the same [08:25] hmm, maybe they have a different, more active (potentially non IRC) support channel. [08:26] however that may be... is anyone here, in this channel, who can help? [08:27] which ubuntu version does it refer to? [08:27] 18.04 [08:27] But I am using the snap version of ffmpeg, so it should be the newest version [08:29] tomreyn, I might be getting help in #linux [08:29] tomreyn, looks like somebody just started a conversation with me [08:30] very well, good luck. [08:34] I could solve this by changing the seconds, but then numbers would overlap [08:34] can I do this with frames instead of seconds? [08:35] but, doing it with frames would have a downside [08:35] in my real script, I am doing some math, and dividing 24 is harder than working with seconds [08:36] i don't think this is really ubuntu specific enough to have a chance to be solved here. [08:38] sorry I just wrote the last few lines in the wrong channel [08:56] Good morning! [08:56] welcome Rumen [08:56] how can we help you today [08:57] Anyone have experiense with Ghostery browser? I want to install it, but I have it in folder. Starting it from termonal - does not remember the session so I want to install it [08:57] https://i.imgur.com/3YEkPYR.png [08:57] that's the files [08:58] from termonal I start it with ./Ghostery [08:59] and it works very well ... but if I have any extensions, themes, plugins etc ... onse the browser is closed everything goes ... next time should be installed again [09:00] Rumen: where did you get your app from? i dont see it in snaps or apt as package [09:01] From their web page https://www.ghostery.com/ [09:01] there is "download" for linux [09:01] it is archive file and onse un archive I got the folder [09:03] it seems to be an extension for the major browsers: https://github.com/ghostery/ghostery-extension [09:04] Looks nice - seems it has strong securty section [09:04] Rumen: looks also like its paid plan, best to contact the github indeed^ [09:05] There is also free browser - download for Linux [09:05] yes, but the ubuntu volunteers cant really help much with external supported packages [09:06] https://www.ghostery.com/dawn [09:07] https://i.imgur.com/A4VOpnc.png [09:08] Rumen: did you read their FAQ right under /dawn url? [09:09] YEs most of it. Do you see something I didn't noticed? [09:10] howto install on linux [09:10] If you mean that I run it - nothing happened [09:10] https://i.imgur.com/1irOyKq.png [09:12] their dawn browser seems to just be a preconfigured firefox. why not use the officially supported firefox package and install the ghostery extension? [09:12] +1 [09:13] they say it is more secure [09:13] run the extension on FF snap if you like [09:14] OK I will try. Thanks! === NoResults is now known as SQL [10:29] slt [10:30] il y a qqun??? [10:30] oui [10:30] olivier_, that's an english-speaking channel [10:31] olivier_, try #ubuntu-fr [10:31] yes === NoMercy is now known as nomercy [12:41] Hi all! [12:41] welcome ericus [12:41] Strange problem with a fresh install of Ubuntu, pavucontrol mutes Spotify if I watch youtube or other things with sound, any ideas why= [12:41] ? [12:42] conveniance, not to mess 2 sources [12:43] maybe there is a setting in that proprietary blob? [12:43] inconveniance I'd say [12:43] it always worked before reinstalling [12:45] I can manually unmute it and use both sources [12:46] [15:41] Strange problem with a fresh install of Ubuntu, pavucontrol mutes Spotify if I watch youtube or other things with sound, any ideas why= [12:47] isnt that right :o [12:47] no need to repeating nomercy [12:47] It muted spotify from the push notification from thelounge just now when you highlighted me.. [12:48] so no, it's not fine [12:48] normally i would install a snap to see the settings, but not spotify === SteveMST3K is now known as GSMarquis [13:32] jay-m126 why 3 inlogs again ? [13:32] and again.. === lucenera4 is now known as lucenera [13:49] jay-m126: fix your connection please [14:08] oerheks: (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [14:09] so everyone in IT, did you also have fun with log4j? [14:10] ericus: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic . This channel is for Ubuntu support questions [14:10] 'kay, sorry [14:15] Hi folks [14:15] hi [14:17] welcome derek_ [14:18] trying to find a channel to practice spanish [14:18] lol [14:18] derek_: try /list or !alis [14:19] its sooooo long [14:33] derek_: would be best to ask in #libera the next time, this is a ubuntu support channel [14:38] yeah i get it... [14:38] not that anyone is using it....... but i get it [15:09] elcot [15:09] run === Theodorosaurus is now known as register === register is now known as Guest8107 === Guest8107 is now known as paran01a === paran01a is now known as noob4ever [15:41] hey [15:42] :-) [15:42] when I access disks I see a bar "Connect to the server" [15:42] how can i remove it? [15:43] asdwww: you mean in nautilus? [15:43] yup [15:44] asdwww: not as a feature, no. But here's the source code for nautilus if you want to compile your own version https://github.com/GNOME/nautilus. [15:44] asdwww: why do you need to remove it? [15:44] i dont need it [15:45] so it's not an nautilus extension? I need to re-compile nautilus to disable it? [15:45] yes, no tweak to hide it [15:46] hmm, what about minimal ubuntu install? Does it contain nautilus too? [15:46] asdwww: I'm sure over 50% of the of the menu's and dialogs in any linux distribution you don't need. Do you plan on removing all of them? [15:46] well I just need a linux distro which has: terminal, firefox, virtualbox, java - and basically that's all [15:47] maybe i should just install minimum version of ubuntu? [15:47] and install the mentioned ones? [15:47] is there any list of what packages ubuntu-desktop and minimal install contains? [15:48] THis post gives a clue, but only about connected/previous connected services ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata >>https://askubuntu.com/questions/1284524/ubuntu-20-04-1-how-to-remove-network-file-sharing-location-on-nautilus-under-ot [15:48] asdwww: ubuntu minimal is ubuntu server with packages removed [15:48] oerheks thanks [15:49] leftyfb where can i check what ubuntu server contains then? [15:49] asdwww: what's the use case of this stripped down machine? [15:50] server almost contains nothing, no ssh-service, no webservice.. [15:50] the less packages, the more secure it is, isn't it? [15:50] asdwww: no [15:50] no. [15:51] hmm, why? [15:51] like why no [15:52] no active firewall, no secure login [15:52] asdwww: for one, applications like apparmor, polkit and iptables being removed is less secure [15:52] ohh, so these all are too removed in ubuntu server? [15:52] asdwww: again, what is the use case of this machine? [15:53] just a simple machine to browse internet [15:53] and serving as a host, when from time to time i'll be using virtualbox on it [15:54] asdwww: there are only 2 types of truly secure computers. 1. powered off and locked away. 2. a machine you have actively made secure. There's no such thing as a truly secure machine period and certainly none that are ready out of the box [15:54] asdwww: removing "connect to server" from nautilus will not make the machine any more secure then leaving it there [15:54] but the less attack surface (less packages), the better? [15:55] not really, no [15:56] hmm, maybe you are right [15:56] asdwww: just install ubuntu, put it behind a decent router and don't do anything stupid with it and you'll be just fine [15:56] Hello. I'm trying to get QuickSync working on Ubuntu 20.04 but can't get it to load properly. `/dev/dri` only contains card0 but not renderD128. I have ensured i965-va-driver is installed. `vainfo` returns `error: can't connect to X server!`. Any suggestions? [15:57] I have verified it's enabled in BIOS [15:59] ok, but i have two more questions then [15:59] axsuul, what howto are you using? [16:00] WHen i right click on the folder, i see "Local Network Share", does that mean samba is pre-installed on ubuntu? [16:00] asdwww: no [16:00] asdwww: not samba server, but the client can connect to smb/cifs shares [16:01] oerheks: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntelQuickSyncVideo [16:01] sprinkled with various other articles [16:01] intel-media-va-driver-non-free and intel-media-va-driver are all you need, AFAIK [16:01] but when i right-click on "Local Network Share" I can see "Share this folder" option. How's that possible? Client cannot share a folder [16:02] asdwww, it is just a portal, could be smb or nfs.. [16:02] not configured = no security hole [16:02] asdwww: last I checked a couple years ago, it wants to use DAV for "sharing". Though back then I filed a bug that didn't actually have the necessary packages installed in order to do it. Not sure if it's been resolved [16:03] ok, you are right, when i click "share this folder", fresh ubuntu install says i need to install windows network sharing service [16:03] so it seems like samba is not installed [16:03] oerheks: is there another command I can run to verify it's enabled properly? running `lshw -C video` also doesn't return anything showing i965 is enabled [16:04] vainfo [16:04] apt-get remove nautilus-share ( is this a correct way to remove that position from my righ-click)? [16:04] axsuul: why do you think you need "QuickSync"? [16:04] oerheks: `vainfo` should still work even ssh'd? [16:04] leftyfb: It's just nice to have, since transcoding spikes my CPU when using Plex [16:05] axsuul: video performance/feature debug tools should be run locally, not over ssh [16:08] ok, it seems that nautilus-share was that. But as you said - it's just a package for listing "Local Network Share" on my right-click? It was not an actual sharing package, right? [16:09] asdwww: check all the nautilus tweaks in dconf-editor, if what you need isnt there... [16:09] asdwww, nope, still figuring out ? [16:10] lotuspsychje I checked all nautilus via dpkg -l, what's the difference? [16:10] oerheks yeah, so what exactly is nautilus-share [16:10] asdwww, at least install gufw, and enable firewall [16:11] asdwww: apt-cache show nautilus-share [16:11] nautilus is filemanager, share is share [16:12] OK, so please tell me if I understand this correctly. [16:13] WHen I right click on the folder in nautilus, I see "Local Network Share" option. The nautilus-share is just a package, which displays that option (so i can quicky share a folder), but it does not create a share. It's just like a shortcut to share a folder, right? [16:13] asdwww, it is just a portal, for sharing [16:13] not setup, but you can [16:14] ANd when I do not have samba installed (which, in a fresh install, I dont have), I cannot share folders. By removing nautilus-share, I've just removed that "Local Network Share" option in the menu [16:14] oerheks I dont understand the word "portal" in this context [16:15] portal like a shortcut? Position in the menu which redirects me to the different service, which does the sharing work? === ctrlbreak_MAD is now known as ctrlbreak [16:15] if you don't like to share, let it be [16:16] i dont want to have sharing capabilities in my machine [16:16] so why should i let it be? [16:16] because removal is such a hard job [16:16] and not configured means not exploitable. [16:17] Ohh, I see, but I can I at least remove this "portal" to sharing. So when i right-click on the folder I wont see "Local Share" option? [16:18] I believe this is exactly nautilus-share ? [16:18] right? [16:18] oerheks: do you know if `renderD128` is required in /dev/dri in order for QuickSync to work? [16:19] hallo, kennt sich jemand mit Delta.Chat aus? [16:19] axsuul, no idea there [16:20] badehose, this is ubuntu support [16:22] and last question, when I right click on any folder, I see "revert version" what exactly is that? [16:24] i have never seen "revert version" [16:27] a deja-dup thing , i guess [16:28] !ops | please ask ay-m126 to fix his connection, and join once [16:28] please ask ay-m126 to fix his connection, and join once: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu [16:28] oerheks when you right click on any folder? [16:29] not on my system [16:29] "Revert yo previous version" [16:29] it's a deja-dup integration asdwww [16:30] ioria can i remove it? I dont want to even accidently create a backup [16:30] asdwww, why don't you just change file-manager ? :) [16:31] maybe if you remove deja-dup, logout/login ? [16:31] asdwww, seriously... idk, maybe removing dejadup [16:31] weird i do not have such option :-D [16:31] must be a mint thiong, or pop-os [16:32] ioria that might do the trick. Any recommendations? [16:32] for different file-manager? [16:32] asdwww, nemo [16:33] !info nemo [16:33] nemo (4.8.6-2, impish): File manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon. In component universe, is optional. Built by nemo. Size 880 kB / 3,880 kB [16:33] Unable to locate package nemo [16:34] im on 20.04.3 LTS [16:34] asdwww, it's in universe; is it enabled ? [16:35] asdwww, apt-cache search nemo [16:35] asdwww, sorry, apt-cache policy nemo [16:35] unable to locate [16:36] Suspect universe is not enabled. [16:36] what is universe? [16:36] !universe [16:36] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories. [16:37] asdwww, probably you're using a custom /etc/apt/sourlist or such [16:37] i just got a fresh ubuntu install [16:37] focal main restricted [16:37] thats in my sourcelist [16:38] asdwww, you might as well paste its contents for us to see [16:38] !paste [16:38] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:38] asdwww, fresh , ok; but of what edition ? [16:38] asdwww: As we suspected, universe is not there. See the page linked above - READ it, you'll know what to do. [16:39] ioria 20.04.3 LTS [16:39] asdwww, not version, edition ; or better what kind of installed did you use ? [16:40] *installer [16:40] Why does it matter? All he has to do is enable universe. [16:40] ioria how to check edition? [16:40] yes, sure; but that it's enabled by default [16:40] jhutchins Ive added "universe" to my sourcelist [16:40] if a nfs share has a group of 544 can sudo user copy files to it? :) [16:40] asdwww: apt update && apt install nemo? [16:41] yeah, got it [16:41] MrCollinsGA: Read permission allows you to copy. [16:41] jhutchins, ok [16:41] ty [16:41] asdwww, grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list [16:43] ioria 20210819 [16:43] Hi, I have had Ubuntu randomly freeze on two different installs [16:43] is this wrong? [16:43] asdwww, the full line, please [16:43] 21.04 [16:44] REISUB doesnt work, ctrl + alt + del doesnt work [16:44] ioria give me a second, got it on different machine, cannot just copy-paste [16:44] If I leave the computer for a while it will happen [16:44] "ibva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)" is the closest error message I can find on syslog [16:45] ioria pastebin.com/fr0WJwzy [16:45] I have no idea how to solve it, if I cant figure it out Im gonna try maybe Xubuntu. If that crash I think I have to change distro [16:45] ioria https://pastebin.com/fr0WJwzy [16:45] Note that some systems include files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [16:46] NodeRelay, you might want to upgrade to 21.10, maybe your issue is fixed? [16:46] asdwww, can you share your /etc/apt/sources.list ? [16:46] NodeRelay: xubuntu is just ubuntu with xfce instead of gnome. [16:47] hey can someone have a look at this, I am lost in permissions. What am I missing? :) https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/raw/enubelutog [16:47] yeah gimmie a sec [16:47] NodeRelay: If it freezes while unattended, and you're not running anything in the background, it could very well be hardware. [16:47] !info metest86 [16:47] Package metest86 does not exist in impish [16:47] !info memtest86 [16:47] Package memtest86 does not exist in impish [16:47] oh [16:48] Sorry, 21.10 is what I have [16:48] MrCollinsGA: Note the absence of write permissions. [16:48] Already updated [16:49] jhutchins, but I did a sudo? [16:49] Is Gnome integration with online accounts in particular Google broken? [16:49] jhutchins: Yeah I dont have much going but next time I leave it im gonna quit everything and see [16:49] ioria https://pastebin.com/Rtn9JP5n [16:49] But I dont know what could be faulty in hardware [16:49] Only thing I can think is the GPU right [16:50] But then it would act weird [16:50] asdwww, that's not from a regular ubuntu desktop iso; maybe a debootstrap or something [16:50] ioria can you show me how a correct sourcelist looks like? === Syntax-1 is now known as Syntax- [16:51] asdwww, so you are not running ubuntu ..? [16:52] Idea behind using Xubuntu is if it is GNOME [16:52] asdwww, kinda like this : https://termbin.com/4l8a [16:52] oerheks I do [16:52] I looked in syslog before and it was some startx error so I dont know [16:52] And also sometimes it will get super slow [16:52] Just before it crashes [16:52] And then I can do ALT+CTRL+F1 to log out and log in again maybe [16:53] but why is my sourcelist different? [16:54] asdwww, i suggest to explore /var/log/installer/ [16:55] ok, i'll reinstall it once again, it will be quicker then debugging [16:55] so by default i should have "unievrse" in sourcelist, right? [16:55] your sourceslist is sparce, without comments and such [16:56] that's the whole content of it [16:57] i dont have anything else there [16:57] asdwww, yes, multiverse too (and partner but commented ) === ssh-agent is now known as Agent [16:58] original usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list [16:58] without multiverse [16:59] it's the same as mine in /etc :o [17:00] then you do not run ubuntu . [17:01] asdwww: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:01] Linux ubuntu 5.11.0-27-generic #29~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 11 15:58:17 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [17:01] that's uname -a [17:02] asdwww, no, it's not the same [17:02] Is there a way to single click and rename a file using nemo file manager? [17:03] https://pastebin.com/RuhReN8z [17:03] asdwww: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:03] leftyfb https://pastebin.com/RuhReN8z [17:03] asdwww: that isn't what I asked you to do, but ok [17:03] that's etc/os-release content [17:05] https://termbin.com/vqvd [17:06] so why are you saying it's not ubuntu [17:07] asdwww: sorry, I just rejoined, what is the issue again? [17:07] asdwww: besides whether it's ubuntu or not. It looks like it to me [17:08] leftyfb I got fres ubuntu install and my sourcelist looks like this: https://pastebin.com/Rtn9JP5n [17:08] we're wondering why there's no universe there, it should be by default [17:08] *fresh [17:09] it was modified at some point [17:09] either manually or by a script or you're running a modified version of ubuntu [17:09] it's fresh install, how so [17:10] asdwww: how did you install it? [17:10] where did you download the iso from? [17:10] downloaded .iso from ubuntu website [17:10] not sure what to tell you but that doesn't look stock to me [17:11] http://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ [17:11] a daily build ? can you tell the name of the iso file ? asdwww [17:11] stock has comments and deb-src [17:11] http://releases.ubuntu.com/focal/ubuntu-20.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso [17:11] it was this one [17:12] can you show me how source list should look like on a fresh install? [17:12] i'll redownload and reinstall [17:12] just wanna make sure that it's correct right now [17:12] asdwww, maybe there is an explanation [17:12] asdwww, you selected the 'minimal install' in the menu [17:13] asdwww: either way, this is a sources.list from one of my machines. Feel free to go with this or some subset of it https://termbin.com/jggv [17:13] thanks! [17:14] asdwww, you selected this option https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/ubuntu-18-04-minimal-install-option [17:14] hmm, ok, that might be it! [17:14] ok, so i'll create a full ubuntu install [17:14] ioria: selecting a minimal install shouldn't affect the sources list [17:14] afaik [17:15] minimal install just installs basic apps [17:15] and a web browser [17:15] ok guys, i'll reinstall it once again and be back later, thanks for your help! [17:15] ohh, one more question (last) [17:15] when i'll be installing nemo (instead of nautilus) [17:15] how should i remove the old file manager? [17:16] hmm indeed, minimal really changed stuff https://askubuntu.com/questions/1062167/why-is-the-apt-sources-different-between-a-minimal-and-desktop-install [17:16] weird [17:16] one should be warned for this. [17:17] well, honestly i never did so i can't tell [17:18] is there a channel where I can get help on rsync? [17:19] btw, speaking of file managers. Is there any linux command which I can see which file manager im currently using? [17:20] asdwww: click on the help -> about of the file manager you are using [17:20] im know it's nautilis right now, but just wondering if there's a way to check that [17:20] Are any of you using Dell Alienware? [17:20] asdwww, xdg-query [17:20] asdwww, xdg-mime query [17:21] dont see help -> about, i mean it should GNOME Files [17:21] let me check with xdg [17:21] qyert type argument missing [17:22] ELQEYNN: please don't conduct surveys. Please just ask your Ubuntu support question [17:23] asdwww, xdg-mime query default inode/directory [17:23] thank you === rory is now known as rorym [17:24] i'm trying to find a way to cast TO my desktop. if i start watching a video on my phone, i want to be able to finish it on my ubuntu box. i've tried google but i could only find how to cast from linux, not to linux [17:24] ok, gotta go, thank you all for yourh elp! [17:24] your help [17:25] any help would be appreciated. thanks [17:25] okay, now asking here: I need the opposite of rsync's --safe-links option, as I want symlinks in the source that point outside the tree to be resolved/followed to actual dirs, but those that are inside the tree (or relative) to be copied as symlinks. [17:27] rorym, install google chrome, and you can cast to your desktop too [17:27] * from android [17:28] rorym: just go to your history in youtube.com on your desktop. [17:29] oerheks: you sure that works? No casting application I have on any of my devices shows google chrome running in my laptop as a casting destination [17:29] i didn't even mention youtube [17:29] leftyfb, i do, nly when logged in with google [17:29] oerheks, can you point me to what you mean? i'm only finding casting from chrome, not to chrome [17:29] oerheks: I am [17:31] https://imgur.com/gallery/CSC3VMj [17:31] it is a bit hidden, not an icon on the adress bar [17:31] oerheks: that is casting FROM the desktop, not to [17:31] wait, how do i make a photo of my phone.. [17:32] open youtube, start movie, then swipe top down, cast, remember bell, magnify glass appear [17:33] who mentioned youtube?? lol [17:33] other streams can do this too, AFAIK [17:33] as long as it is opened in a google application [17:34] rorym: you're talking about casting, which is generally a google thing. youtube is a great way to test out what does and doesn't working using their protocol regardless if which other apps support it [17:34] regardless, I do not think google chrome on the desktop, at least not for linux supports running as a casting server/destination [17:36] https://www.nfb.ca/film/shameless_propaganda/ gives a cast icon too [17:36] * as long as you open such site in a google app [17:37] so, it is not limited to youtube [17:37] oerheks: there is no casting TO the desktop FROM a mobile device [17:39] oh, there is using WFD from Android to Windows 10 [17:39] but nothing to do with normal casting [17:39] https://support.honeywellaidc.com/s/article/Android-Cast-Mirror-the-screen-to-a-PC-TV-or-Chromecast [17:40] yes there is.. a bit blurry .. https://imgur.com/gallery/2qxtwFr [17:42] I don't know what we're looking at there [17:42] in the white "youtube cast icon, bell, magnify glass" [17:48] oh i see.. [17:48] indeed, this is gone.. https://www.osradar.com/how-to-cast-android-screen-in-ubuntu-18-04/ [17:50] cc [17:51] rorym, VLC to VLC streaming will surely work everywhere using the vlc streamer helper [17:52] (i.e. there should be no directional limits with that) [17:56] hi there, I need some help I'm a newby with ubuntu, I'm trying to install programs but it says something like "the following packages have unmet dependencies" how can I install programs? [17:58] run a proper sudo apt update first. [17:58] and better: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # to see in there are hidden updates waiting [17:59] if that is not working, i wonder what software does that, fix; sudo apt install -f [18:00] it gives the same error [18:01] I'm trying to downlad amule from the software program [18:02] and it always says it has unmet dependencies [18:03] !info emule [18:03] Package emule does not exist in impish [18:03] is that donkey stuff still alive? [18:03] !info amule [18:03] amule (1:2.3.3-1, impish): client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Built by amule. Size 1,675 kB / 6,879 kB [18:04] Luca, what is the output it is missing? [18:04] !paste [18:04] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:07] luca@luca-Compaq-Presario-CQ60-Notebook-PC:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install amule [18:07] [sudo] password di luca: [18:07] Scaricamento di:1 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security InRelease [88,7 kB] [18:07] Trovato:2 http://ppa.launchpad.net/thomas-schiex/blender/ubuntu bionic InRelease [18:07] Trovato:3 http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic InRelease [18:07] Trovato:4 http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates InRelease === veemo is now known as veemouse [18:50] hey [18:51] Can I completely remove snaps from Ubuntu? I just wanna install every package via apt-get install [18:51] instead of using snaps [18:51] r3tt: not if you want gnome and/or firefox [18:52] r3tt: why don't you want to use snaps? [18:52] it's slower [18:52] unsecure (not sure who created snap before installing it) [18:52] r3tt: it is more secure [18:52] takes more disk size [18:53] also not true [18:53] well, it's less secure on the concept basis, as everyone can be publisher [18:53] and you can accidently download malicious snap from someone [18:53] with apt-get you dont have this problem [18:54] r3tt: don't "accidently" install a snap from an unknown publisher [18:54] a stupid typo can even make that === veemo is now known as VeemOfASus [18:54] and it's impossible to do that via apt-get [18:54] r3tt: ok, good luck [18:55] so in my opinion, snap is less secure [18:55] r3tt: there are other linux distributions that do not use or rely on snaps. Good luck [18:55] why do you mean that uninstalling snap means i wont be able to use firefox? [18:56] r3tt: in the recent versions of ubuntu, firefox is only available via snap, not apt [18:56] same with gnome [18:56] ohh, i see [18:56] ok then, thank you! === VeemOfASus is now known as veemo [20:00] no snap, hop distro [20:21] hi.. [20:35] hello .. [20:35] anybody here [20:37] hmm [20:39] ken-ken: probably someone is [20:39] hi matsaman [20:39] ken-ken: if you have a ubuntu support question just ask, offtopic chatter is in #ubuntu-offtopic === tscott_ is now known as tscott [20:41] Maik: thank you, not now. i just try this irc. i am new in ubuntu [20:42] use the offtopic channel please if you want to try out irc and chat with others ken-ken [20:43] ok. thank you. [21:05] Where does Ubuntu store the information from the integrated "Online Accounts" in gnome. [21:06] in ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata [21:12] now, after trying a lot, did I get this right: 'rsync -l --copy-unsafe-links src dest' does resolve symlinks that point outside src-tree while keeping symlinks as symlinks if they point to something inside src-tree AND are relative?! [21:49] another one: I have an ext4-fs inside an encrypted block device that and I was used to be able to mount via gvfs-mount (eg nautilus), thus unlocking and mounting in one go. now, this fails. however I am able to unlock it manually and doing an fsck on that file-system says that the physical size was exactly one block smaller than the file-system that lives in it (according to the superblock) . What are possible causes and how to fix that? does it mean [21:49] simply one block died? [21:52] I'm on 20.04 and have an Intel Rocket Lake CPU w/ QuickSync. My issue is I'm currently unable to get QuickSync working, suspecting maybe my driver doesn't support my CPU. It looks like this is the driver `intel-vaa-driver` that corresponds to the Intel CPUs but Rocket Lake doesn't look like it's supported (I also checked 21.04 and it's also the same). Do I need to look for another driver? Here is `intel-vaa-driver` https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-unive [21:52] rse-amd64/intel-media-va-driver_20.1.1+dfsg1-1_amd64.deb.html [21:52] https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-universe-amd64/intel-media-va-driver_20.1.1+dfsg1-1_amd64.deb.html [22:50] * |INTERPOL| all libera chat is under interpol . here is the list of their server https://netsplit.de/servers/?net=Libera.Chat [22:51] * |INTERPOL| all libera chat is under interpol . here is the list of their server https://netsplit.de/servers/?net=Libera.Chat [22:52] thanks for kicking that user [22:53] That was a network-wide ban though. [22:53] that spam doesn't even make sense [22:53] Ah, okay [22:53] Yeah it was interesting O.o [22:53] Glad to know spambots still exist on IRC [22:54] oh yes, they haven't gone anywhere [23:18] axsuul: What's your actual goal? What are you trying to accomplish" [23:19] ? [23:19] jhutchins: To get QuickSync working in Ubuntu. However I believe the issue is that I need to run at least 21.04 since I have a Rocket Lake CPU and 20.04 doesn't support it [23:19] Yes, but what are you trying to DO with it? [23:19] jhutchins : Ah sorry, use hardware transcoding in Plex :) [23:20] jhutchins: Referring to this repo I found, it mentions that 21.04 is needed: https://github.com/jjarthur/media-box#jellyfin [23:20] axsuul: Ah, there we go. You expect it to go more slowly without "QuickSync"? [23:21] Yep I have a few friends who use my Plex server and whenever they transcode is spikes my CPU, so hardware encoding would ease the load [23:23] Well, that IS the reason you're paying for the CPU; for it to do work. [23:23] It looks like this should have found it's way into the kernel though. [23:23] Have you checked with kernel.org to see when support entered the mainstream builds? [23:25] jhutchins : I haven't although I'm not familiar with kernels, sorry. What should I be looking for? [23:26] axsuul: Well, I would guess mention/discussion of QuickSync, changlog entries, options in the kernel config files... [23:27] or would it be easier just to update the kernel and see if it works? [23:29] Ah just stumbled upon this thread, this looks like it applies to me: https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxhardware/comments/ms28mk/getting_any_linux_distro_to_work_using_latest/ [23:30] axsuul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntelQuickSyncVideo [23:31] jhutchins : thanks, I have gone through that article before and have tried all the steps. Unfortunately `vainfo` returns `error: can't connect to X server!` still, unless I'm missing something [23:32] also, `/dev/dri` is missing renderD128 [23:33] axsuul: It doesn't look like it should be a kernel issue with any recent kernel. More likely to be the capabilities of the tools and utilities you're using. [23:34] axsuul: Are you on standard x86 Intel hardware? [23:35] jhutchins : yep on standard hardware [23:35] You'd obviously want Intel graphics... [23:35] jhutchins : I did find this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1905466 [23:35] Launchpad bug 1905466 in linux (Ubuntu Hirsute) "drm/i915: Drop force_probe requirement for Rocket Lake" [Medium, Fix Released] [23:36] I would expect that the video driver would be an essential piece of the picture. [23:40] axsuul: It would seem like the current kernel should be compatible. All I can suggest it to continue to seek documentation for your particular chipset, even on other distros just to get clues. [23:47] jhutchins : does current kernel mean the latest stable kernel version? I'm on 5.4.0 [23:57] Looks like my kernel is super old [23:58] I guess it doesn't hurt to do a `apt get-install linux-generic-hwe-20.04` to upgrade it?