
user|71System requirements07:18
dv__and has anybody tried to install windows 10 on second disk, kubuntu 21.10 on first disk, with their own separate EFI partitions?07:54
tomreyndv__: if you intend to do so, it may be wise to remove the other disk before you do. alternatively, you may need to move files around (to the other EFI SP) and update the EFI NVRAM to point to the right disk. see also bug 1396379 - which may or may not apply to kubuntu (I just don't know).09:16
ubottuBug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139637909:16
tomreyn(ubiquity is the *u*buntu installer, kubuntu uses something else, but it may be using the same approach)09:21
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IrcsomeBot<Aravind> 7MDI11:12
alterjsiveI can't snap my tabs to an existing window anymore in google chrome snap11:24
alterjsive* -"snap"11:25
alterjsivesame for chromium11:32
hallthorfound a little eth to usb server called digitus DN13020 and tried to connect my epson ET-2815 to it12:25
hallthorI got it to work on my wifes windos pc, so I guess technically it works12:26
hallthorbut how can I add the thing in my kubuntu system? The printer doesn't show up and all IP adresses I tried to add didn't work so far12:27
BluesKajHi folks13:56
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> 😢, how can i fix this : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/31ba93c1/file_51691.jpg16:43
mparilloIt looks as if you are missing some thumbnail generators. On an normal Kubuntu install, the jpg one should installed by default.17:11
mparilloThese are the Arch packages that match preview types: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dolphin#File_previews17:14
mparilloIf you do an apt show dolphin, you will see kdegraphics-thumbnailers in the Recommends: section17:24
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Did anyone worked with docker on linux18:28
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> ?!!18:28
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> I have an issue18:29
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> I couldn’t connect postgresql on host to a docker container18:29
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> The problem is how to map localhost to container18:30
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Just to make postgresql accessible locally only18:30
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> I mean locally as
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Thanks on advance18:31
oerheksi think you want #docker or #ubuntu-server for this, this is Kubuntu support only18:31
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Same concept for all linux18:32
oerheksand i guess they have no matrix support.18:32
oerheksgood luck!18:32
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Isn’t it?!18:32
IrcsomeBot<Forrest Gump> Ok no problem thanks so much18:32
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=== Guest557 is now known as daniel__
IrcsomeBot<Iq6a1> Y0E421:27
IrcsomeBot<Iq6a1> YCE421:27
oerheksthis is not chess ..21:29
IrcsomeBot<SA> how to get a Brother printer running on Kubuntu?21:50
DragnslcrBrother printers usually work fine with the built-in drivers21:51
IrcsomeBot<SA> there is no driver for mine. MFC-J480DW21:57
IrcsomeBot<MacAMoon> Hi i can't find wifi, i have downloaded the wifi packages, but still i can't find wifi, can anyone please help me?22:04
IrcsomeBot<MacAMoon> Hi i can't find wifi, i have downloaded the wifi driver packages, but still i can't find wifi, can anyone please help me?22:04
oerheksis that MFC-J480DW listed in openprinting.org?22:13
IrcsomeBot<SA> ok thank you I'll take a look22:25

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