
lotuspsychjegood morning02:36
ducassegood morning08:20
lotuspsychje!no bionic is <reply> Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu, supported until April 2023. Release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes09:30
Maikleftyfb: i guess the op trigger list is outdated, just a copy paste from freenode, since none of the ops ever respond20:33
leftyfbwhat else is new?20:33
Maiksomething needs to be done about that asap imho20:34
Maikor.... get new ops that actually do something ;)20:34
leftyfbwhich part? The list being outdated or the ops not responding?20:34
oerheksi have seen ops triggers in #ubuntu-ops last year..20:35
oerhekssuggest all ubuntu members are automaticly ops in #ubuntu20:35
leftyfbthat might not be the best idea20:36
leftyfbbecoming an ubuntu member is trivial20:36
oerhekstrue ... wait20:36
Maikthe only ops i have seen taking care of things a few times are sarnold and tomreyn20:37
leftyfbare they ops?20:37
Maiknot sure if they are in #ubuntu though20:38
leftyfbok, well, those are the only 2 active members who I feel are active enough and would do as well enough job as op. The rest are either never around or do everything in their power not to remove the garbage 20:39
leftyfbunfortunately, 2 active ops isn't enough20:39
sonicwindpretty sure both became ops in #ubuntu last year... have seen tomreyn take action20:40
oerheksfor non-ops, as ubuntu member one can contact #libera directly, jess or the other ones for spamruns20:42
Maikthey simply tell you to contact the ops20:42
Maikbeen there done that20:43
leftyfbyeah, I've understood that paradigm for a while now, even on freenode. I typically only bug them when it spans multiple channels20:44
oerheksoh, i guess it must be my long blond curly hair20:44
guiverccan someone on 20.04/focal confirm they have/don't.have a `nm-tool` command please21:04
guiverc(looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide due to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1386193/do-i-edit-the-wifi-help-page-on-the-ubuntu-wiki change request; I only have jammy system up currently)21:05
guivercdone thanks  (booted another box)21:13
Aavarguiverc: I don't.21:13
guivercthanks Aavar; appreciated :)21:14
Jeremy31Not on Mint 20 either21:15
guivercthanks Jeremy31 21:16
oerheksnmcli is current now?21:18
Jeremy31it works21:19
* ogra recommends nmtui instead22:01
ThaurwylthIs it foreseeable, or maybe foreseeable that it doesn't happen, that rtw88_8821 gets replaced by something like rtl8821ce provided by Tomas Pinho or that the problem gets circumvented some other way? Either on the kernel level or higher up. Long story short, there is this kind of known issue with Realtek: https://github.com/tomaspinho/rtl8821ce#wi-fi-not-working-for-kernel--5922:09
ThaurwylthThis problem has affected me and a lot of other people.22:10
Jeremy31Thaurwylth: install rtl8821ce-dkms and blacklist the rtw88pci driver22:10
ThaurwylthYes, this is the solution I have used.22:10
Jeremy31Or replace the Realtek with an Intel22:11
ThaurwylthThe question is more like, will that become automatized in the future, somehow.22:11
Jeremy31It is an upstream kernel issue22:11
ThaurwylthOne of the most grave problems of that issue is that if someone has a laptop (let22:17
Thaurwylth's say also no tools to open it available and no replacement parts) and they're doing a system install with only wifi available, well, it is entirely possible that the install crashes. This has happened to me with a Kubuntu install medial.22:18
ThaurwylthWith a completely unrelated stroke of luck I actually had a cable network available, but there is no reason to think that it wouldn't happen to someone who has only wifi available.22:20
leftyfbThaurwylth: your issue is with the #linux kernel, not ubuntu22:20
ThaurwylthDepends a bit. I mean there is a higher level workaround that could be used. But I sense a little bit hostility here so I'll leave it at that.22:23
ThaurwylthDiscussion closed.22:23
Jeremy31No hostility22:24
Jeremy31Nobody here(that I know of) has any influence on upstream kernel commits22:25
Jeremy31It wouldn't surprise me if the dkms part of rtl8812au-dkms was still broken-- since 201622:26
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