
Kilroyis there a version of Ubuntu server that has nothing but bare bones installed? 00:11
mybalzitchwhat is it coming with that you don't want00:13
Kilroyit is just a question, 00:15
mybalzitchby default the installer prompts you at the end for what packages you want to install beyond the base, like openssh, nextcloud, sabnzbd, etc01:33
KilroyI mean nothing, no snap, nada01:34
Kilroyjust enough to boot it up, and that is it01:35
Kilroynot even internet01:35
mybalzitchthen you probably want debian02:10
mybalzitchbut even thats gonna come with basic drivers02:10
Kilroyis there a way to see how much power ubuntu server is using on a desktop? b/c my breaker flipped for my room were my server is and I think that might of been the cuase03:07
packet_lozengeWhat kind of processing are you doing where you're drawing enough power to trip a 15-20A breaker???03:13
Kilroythat is also plugged into a power surge 03:15
KilroyI think it was dust build up that caused it 03:15
Kilroybut is there a way to identify how much power my desktop server is using03:16
packet_lozengehmm. if it's a server, you can try checking the management interface or the BIOS03:21
packet_lozengeif you're plugged into a UPS, you should be able to see power draw there as well03:21
packet_lozengeas for software? hmm... not sure03:22
=== michele- is now known as michele

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