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axsuulOk! Now I'm on kernel 5.11.0 and /dev/dri now shows `renderD128`, so far so good :)00:08
Draget[m]So, I have a HP Pavilion g6, which is basically unable to boot into any sort of graphical inteface/installer. It has a dgpu which might be causing issues. But I think I could solve those… if I was only able to install Ubuntu. Is this correct, that for all flavors of Ubuntu there is no textmode installer anymore?00:11
axsuulThanks for your help jhutchins, the kernel stuff you mentioned pointed me in the right direction00:11
ramblebambleDraget[m], I had a Pavillion g6 once, couldn't get Linux to run under it, maybe the distributions support it nowadays, but back then no dice00:17
MarvinTheMartianhow do I change systems domain name? when I run domainname I get (none)01:14
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Gallomimiadoes anyone have any experience with the severe bug in nvidia drivers causing the message: [drm:nv_drm_master_set [nvidia_drm]] *ERROR* [nvidia-drm] [GPU ID 0x00000100] Failed to grab modeset ownership02:41
Gallomimiai'm looking for a short term solution as it has finally driven me insane02:42
Gallomimiai think i'll downgrade the drivers... not exactly sure how far back to go02:42
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NobremI just plugged my LUKS encrypted, external harddrive into a new computer of mine02:45
NobremMounting it worked02:45
NobremReading it worked02:45
Nobremcopying files from the external HD onto my computer's SSD works02:45
NobremBut:  I cannot run an ffmpeg program on a video that is on the external HD02:46
NobremI get "permission denied"02:46
Nobremchmod 777 *02:46
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Nobremchown -cR nobrem:nobrem *02:46
Nobremstill, no chance... not even as root02:46
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Nobremthe ffmpeg command is totally simple:02:46
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Nobremffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:01:00 -to 00:02:00 -c:v copy -an out.mp402:48
Nobremfunnily, not "out.mp4" gives me a permission denied,  but "input.mp4"02:48
NobremI can "cp"  input.mp4  onto my computer's internal HD02:48
Nobremso why the heck can ffmpeg not read input.mp4 ?02:48
Nobremthat only happens on the second computer02:49
Gallomimiaah. the uid's don't match up02:50
NobremI take it back02:50
Nobremit also happens on my internal HD02:50
Gallomimiasure nothing is mounted as read only?02:50
Nobremno, I just copied the video onto my HD02:50
Nobremand it also fails there02:50
NobremI am sorry I said it would work02:50
NobremIt fails on my external and internal HD02:51
Nobremwhat the heck.... I have never experienced anything remotely like this02:51
Nobremcp works,  ffmpeg fails02:51
Nobremffmpeg only _reads_ the file, the same way "cp" would _read_ it02:51
NobremI don't get permission denied on the output file,  but on the input file02:51
lotuspsychjeNobrem: volunteers said yesterday to solve your ffmpeg issue elsewhere then in the ubuntu support channel, why did you come back?02:52
Gallomimianot sure i can speculate on what's going on. make sure your permissions are good, and test with programs that are not ffmpeg02:53
Nobremlotuspsychje, my ffmpeg issue has not been resolved yet02:53
Gallomimiaanyone got older nvidia cards got a suggestion on how far back in driver versions i should go?02:53
lotuspsychjeNobrem: please seek help in more specific channels, adviced yesterday02:54
jhutchinsI wonder if extended attributes/permissions are involved.  They should not replicate to the new location.02:54
Nobremlotuspsychje, is it really an ffmpeg problem when a file cannot be _read_ ?02:54
Nobremlotuspsychje, that sounds like a permission issue on Ubuntu02:54
lotuspsychjeNobrem: you got other permission issues outside then ffmpeg?02:55
Nobremlotuspsychje, not that I knew of for now02:57
Nobremlotuspsychje, IRC is a friendly place, we should work towards keeping it that way.02:57
Nobremlotuspsychje, your question before ("why did you come back?")  is very hostile and not in the open source spirit02:58
Nobremit borders on bullying02:58
tar_xvfNobrem: can you try `sudo chmod 777` on the input.mp4 and see if ffmpeg works02:58
Nobremespecially after all the bullying we have experienced on Freenode, we should keep Libera nice and friendly02:58
Nobremtar_xvf, already done so02:59
Nobremtar_xvf, even chown -cR nobrem:nobrem   just to be sure02:59
lotuspsychjeNobrem: its not hostile, im pointing you other volunteers already gave you advice, you ignoring and now we see you flooding the ubuntu support channel with ffmpeg stuff, not really fair towards others02:59
tar_xvfok, the file is probably corrupted in a ray ffmpeg can't read it02:59
tar_xvfyou could also try opening the file with ffplay, vlc, or another media player to see if it should work02:59
Nobremyes, done so, it works02:59
Nobremvlc can open it02:59
Nobremffplay - trying now03:00
Gallomimianobrem, i just told you to use a different program and test if the file can be read03:00
Gallomimiaif yes, not ubuntu issue, go to ffmpeg support. if no, that's a ubuntu issue03:00
Gallomimiaand we can figure more out together03:00
NobremI think I know what the problem is03:00
Nobremffmpeg was installed via "snap"03:00
Gallomimiabut until you test that... none of us care, nor can we do anything03:01
Gallomimialiterally can't help you till you test this03:01
Gallomimiaokay? not hostile. not ignoring you. it is you who is ignoring us.03:01
Gallomimiavlc can open it? copy the file to a new location and make ffmpeg open it there03:02
Gallomimiaso this is a ffmpeg problem?03:02
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NobremI just solved it03:02
Nobremit's a permissions problem on Ubuntu03:02
Nobremsudo snap remove ffmpeg03:03
Nobremapt install ffmpeg03:03
Nobremthen it works03:03
Gallomimiasnaps again03:03
Nobremit's a permissions problem,  snap could not do it03:03
NobremHere, I call you out.03:03
Gallomimiagreat idea. horrendous execution03:03
NobremGallomimia and lotuspsychje03:03
Nobreminstead of trying to help,  you shooed me away03:03
Nobremturns out, it is a snap related problem03:03
tar_xvfhow were they supposed to know you installed ffmpeg via snap03:03
Nobrem<Nobrem> ffmpeg was installed via "snap"03:04
Gallomimiawell, is it default in the software "store"03:04
lotuspsychjeNobrem: then support goes here; contact:   https://github.com/snapcrafters/ffmpeg/issues03:04
Gallomimiaindeed. all of the... ah, not so helpfulness in this channel aside, you do need to file a bug report03:05
Nobremok, will do03:05
Nobrembye for now, thank you!03:06
Gallomimiai guess.... you're welcome. you kinda sorted it yourself03:06
Gallomimiai must admit, the wall of text made it hard to follow03:07
tar_xvfhe's been doing this for somewhere around a few weeks now03:08
Gallomimiai shan't criticize since i came in and posted a wall of text minutes before him03:09
Gallomimiai've decided to downgrade to nvidia-driver-450 and apt won't let me. can someone give me some suggestions?03:18
Gallomimiai removed 470, and then the extras that came with03:18
Gallomimiaand now trying to install 450, it says don't worry we'll put 470 back in. i don't want that03:19
Gallomimiait's going to put 460 in too. so i'll have 3 versions of the driver in there conflicting. that'd be so great03:19
Bashing-omGallomimia: ' sudo ubuntu-drivers list ' should give ya some strong hints as to what is available :D03:22
GallomimiaBashing-om 470 is the appropriate driver for my card, but it has an extremely serious bug in it that i jus can't handle anymore03:23
Gallomimiaso, 450 server might work but not 450 desktop?03:23
Gallomimiadoes that make sense??03:23
Gallomimiagoing back to 390 seems extreme03:24
Gallomimia470 and 390 are the only desktop drivers this command says work03:24
Bashing-omGallomimia: So long as ya purge the installed driver - prior to a new try - can not hurt to try and see what happens :D03:25
Gallomimiait can hurt, very much ;)03:25
Gallomimiai did not purge, i only removed03:25
Gallomimiaand i'm going to install the 450 server. it's actually going to take some lib computes from 470 that were missed out03:26
Gallomimia!pkg nvidia-prime03:26
Gallomimiawell that went ok... will try a reboot in a moment03:29
Bashing-omGallomimia: GeForce GT 710 and syste, sqeels over the 390 version, best I recall 390 is now transisonal package, Offers me 470, 460, 450 and 418 server packages.03:29
Gallomimiain the mean time i have this humongous list of things that were automatically installed... like nvidia-cuda-gdb nvidia-cuda-toolkit-doc nvidia-opencl-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev. pretty sure i still want those03:30
GallomimiaBashing-om, i have a 780Ti not a 71003:30
Gallomimia710 is little more than a display adapter03:30
Bashing-omGallomimia: While true - cheap card does all I require of it :D03:31
Gallomimia470 has ths bug: https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/ubuntu-21-10-failed-to-grab-modeset-ownership-with-495-44/193867/2803:32
lotuspsychjewich kernel are you on Gallomimia03:32
Gallomimiait's crippling. i need to get away from it03:32
Gallomimia5.13.0-23 generic03:32
Gallomimiawhat is nvidia-prime ?03:34
Bashing-omGallomimia: hybrid-graphics >> enable NVIDIA's Prime on MUXless systems.03:36
Gallomimiai guess, i don't need it if i have a singular card03:37
Bashing-omGallomimia: MUX-less:  Optimus chipsets - that is, dual GPUs where the outputs are NOT switched between the GPUs using a multiplexer.03:38
Gallomimiai really want to understand what you just said03:38
Gallomimiadual GPUs on one card?03:39
Gallomimiaweren't they doing that with 1080 Titans?03:39
Bashing-omGallomimia: deep deep subject - more there that I also do not know than that of what I do know :P03:39
Gallomimiahere's what i know: i failed linear algebra and dropped out of college so i don't get the privlidge of understanding graphics cards too well :(03:40
Bashing-omGallomimia: Mostly nvidia-prime to swap to the internal Intel chip set on laptops :D03:40
Gallomimiaah right right03:40
Gallomimiawell.... here goes nothin03:40
bugweiserAre there defacto rules in ubuntu manpage interpretation? Say a man-page contradicts itself, how do we know what is true and what is in error ?03:41
* bugweiser fingers crossed for Gallomimia03:41
Gallomimiawell, there's lights03:42
GallomimiaWARNING: CPU: 7 PID: 2931 at /var/lib/dkms/nvidia-srv/450.156.00/build/nvidia-drm/nvidia-drm-drv.c:498 nv_drm_master_set+0x27/0x30 [nvidia_drm]03:43
lotuspsychjebugweiser: if you find and error in a manpage of a package, file a !bug03:43
Gallomimiai got a warning about some nvidia drm but no warning about that failed to grab modeset03:44
bugweiserI don't understand it.. so I can't say it is a bug, neither can I say what is actually true :)03:44
Gallomimiawhat does this do: nvidia: module license 'NVIDIA' taints kernel.03:44
bugweiserGallomimia: I think the kernal was originally without viruses.03:45
Gallomimiaand then i gave it an nvidia03:46
Gallomimiabooster shot03:46
bugweiserinfecting your system with something called 'drm' might affect your kernel that it is no longer virus free, so you get a warning03:46
bugweiser(at least I think..)03:46
bugweiserlotuspsychje: man page says:03:47
bugweiserThe  base64  option  says  the file has been encoded using base64.  The encoded option says the output file name has been  base64  encoded.   It  is  never  encoded  with traditional  uuencoding.03:48
bugweiserthen examples come:03:48
Gallomimialol well. drm. i need that to watch netflix :P03:48
bugweiser begin-base64-encoded 644 VE9ETw==03:48
bugweiserThis introduces a base64 encoded file named, TODO with  that  name  encoded  using  base64 encoding.03:48
bugweiserbegin-encoded 644 5$]$3P``03:48
bugweiser This  introduces an encoded file named, TODO  with that name encoded using uuencoding.03:49
bugweiserNAY says gnu shar utils (https://www.gnu.org/software/sharutils/manual/html_node/uuencode-encode_002dfile_002dname.html)03:49
bugweiserthe ??encode the output file name?? option. Since output file names may contain characters that are not handled well by various transmission modes, you may specify that the output-name be   hex encoded as well.03:49
bugweiserso.. as always.. I don't grasp the man-pages :(03:49
Bashing-omGallomimia: Kernel reports happyness ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' ?03:49
BSaboiaHello. I am having this issue while trying to issue apt upgrade: E: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.190.6_all.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]03:51
BSaboiaIs this expected at all?03:51
Bashing-om!info linux-firmware impish | BSaboia03:53
ubottuBSaboia: linux-firmware (1.201.3, impish): Firmware for Linux kernel drivers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-firmware. Size 193,910 kB / 742,711 kB03:53
Bashing-omBSaboia: ^ what release are you on ?03:54
BSaboiaRelease:20.10 Codename:groovy03:54
BSaboiaBashing-om, uname -a yields 5.8.0-63-generic #71-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 13 15:59:12 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:55
Bashing-omBSaboia: cat /etc/issue ?03:56
Bashing-om!20.10 | BSaboia03:56
ubottuBSaboia: Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) was the 33rd release of Ubuntu, support ended July 22nd, 2021. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2021-June/000269.html03:56
Bashing-omBSaboia: ^ software repo no longer exists . strongly urged to upgrade to a supported release.03:57
BSaboiaBashing-om, thanks04:00
BSaboiaSo upgrade time. Let's see how smoothly this goes. It's already not-so-good (`apt dist-upgrade` doesn't want to upgrade)04:01
BSaboia... because of the same thing: E: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-firmware/linux-firmware_1.190.6_all.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]04:01
Bashing-om!eol | BSaboia04:02
ubottuBSaboia: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:02
bugweiserdoes that make any sense to anyone ?04:07
BSaboiabugweiser, what?04:14
BSaboiaWhat I did was use `sed` to change from archive to old-releases in /etc/apt/sources.list and now I can run the update stuff. So hopefully it will work now04:15
bugweiserBSaboia: what the uuencode manpage says04:18
bugweiser(quoted above, 03:48:17 gmt)04:19
amosbirdHello! How can I update certificates in ubuntu docker 18.04 so that I can do pip3 install git+https://github.com/amosbird/exodus@e8c0afe without errors04:51
amosbirdfatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/amosbird/exodus/': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.04:51
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bugweisershould I somehow rephrase my question ?05:06
Jeatonnot really a ubuntu problem but has anyone here have any luck installing ubuntu on windows 11 using wsl05:19
ELQEYNNJeaton, do you want to boot Windows or Linux on the same machine?05:41
multi8 /exit05:46
ELQEYNNJeaton, there is a way to run both ubuntu and Windows on the same machine.05:46
ELQEYNNJeaton, there is a way to run both ubuntu and Windows on the same machine.05:48
bugweiserthe key searchphrase here is 'dual boot'05:50
ELQEYNNActually, if each is installed on its own disk, then you don't need a boot menu. You can then use the BIOS boot menu.05:52
bugweiserif it got that yeah05:52
ELQEYNNBuenas noches, Humberto105:53
bugweiserbut if you just need some linux output of some linux program, you can just boot linux in your browser, much simpler...  just click your bookmark for your virtual browser linux app and it will boot in 20 sec or so. Then you can't screw things up (or just reload the browser tab).05:54
bugweisersame for the reverse, you can always boot in instance of windows 2000 or something in your browser and continue life happy without any headaches :)05:55
bugweiserwhere can one get help for ubuntu manuals, specifically their interpretation ?05:56
bugweiserare questions about ubuntu manpages on-topic in this channel or should I ask elsewhere (and where would I ask) ?05:57
Nobremnow, I have a real Ubuntu problem06:06
Nobremno ffmpeg, no nothing, just Ubuntu :)06:06
NobremI installed Ubuntu on a new laptop with a 256 GB hard drive06:06
Nobremthe size is even slightly bigger when looking at "cfdisk"06:07
NobremBut, "df -h",  it shows a much smaller HD06:07
Nobremwhat is wrong?06:07
bugweiseryou formatted it ?06:07
Nobrembugweiser, I did not zero it,  but I ran the normal installation process of the Ubuntu Server Edition which created a new partition table06:08
Nobremthe computer came without OS06:08
bugweiserlet me be more explicit, you put a file system on it06:08
Nobrembugweiser, I believe so?06:08
Nobrembugweiser, the computer could not boot when I bought it06:08
Nobrembugweiser, it is a second hand computer06:08
bugweiserI also believe that, couse you said you installed something on it, therefor it must have a filesystem06:08
bugweiserzeroing the drive would remove that filesystem06:09
Nobremlet me show you my evidence06:09
Nobremgod, I need to switch that Y and Z kez06:09
Nobremfirst time typing on that computer and I constantly get the y and z wrong06:09
ELQEYNNNobrem, do you have a German keyboard?06:09
NobremELQEYNN, finnish06:09
ELQEYNNNobrem, do you know how to change your keyboard layout?06:10
NobremELQEYNN, I only want to switch certain keys06:10
Nobremxmodmap ?06:10
Assidhow do i get ssh to ask for the key password in the gui06:11
ELQEYNNAre the keys on your hardware keyboard switched? Like when you hit "z" do you get "y" ?06:11
Nobremcfdisk => evidence 1:  https://dpaste.org/X0mt/raw06:11
Nobremdf -h => evidence 2: https://dpaste.org/9mQT/raw06:12
NobremELQEYNN, no, the keys are WYSIWYG but I still need them switched06:12
ELQEYNNYou mean, that when you hit "z" you get "z"? And when you hit "y" you get "y" ?06:13
Nobrembut I am used to a different keyboard layout06:14
bugweiserNobrem, I think you are looking at 2 different things06:14
bugweiserthe first shows you the mbr partitions06:14
Nobrembugweiser, whz so?06:14
bugweiserthe second shows you the vbr of one of these partitions06:14
ELQEYNNSo, if  you change the keyboard layout in the software configuration, you'll hit "z" and you get "y" and vice versa.06:14
Nobrembugweiser, it looks to me like I am already running out of space06:14
bugweiserwhy? the latest linux distro's create many vbr partitions these days (cought me offguard this week as well, hence I know :) )06:14
NobremELQEYNN, yes06:14
ELQEYNNSo you'll need a new and different hardware keyboard to match.06:15
Nobrembugweiser, I don't want partitions... I need to put 200 GB video files on this machine06:15
NobremELQEYNN, I believe "xmodmap" can solve this... I will let you know later06:15
bugweiseryeah, I'm a fan of some partitions as well, this is to much.. same on openbsd06:16
ELQEYNNDon't you want to do one thing at a time?06:16
Nobremthe link is for you, ELQEYNN06:16
NobremI will fix the keys like this06:17
ELQEYNNxmodemap will result in hitting "z" and getting "y" and vice versa -- unless you also change your hardware keyboard.06:17
Nobremthe biggest problem for now is my hard drive siye06:17
bugweiser200 GB video files on a 250gb raw disk.. thats barely gonna fit on a modern heavily partitioned disk06:17
Nobrembugweiser, why so?  Is there a file size limit on linux like it was back in the day on FAT32 Windows machines?06:18
bugweiserno it is becouse putting a filesystem on a partition costs space06:18
bugweiserso a raw disk never has the total raw space to use (well , it is used, by a TOC (or similar)).06:19
bugweiseron top of that, the modern linux uses a bunch of partitions (as you have shown in link 2)06:19
Nobrembugweiser, even when you add all of them up, I don't get 256 GB06:19
Nobremlook at the leftmost column "Size"06:20
bugweiseryou can try re-install it, and try to override some default settings such that you get LESS number of partitions.06:20
bugweiserwell, you can try chop up your video files, and try fill all unused space of each partition...06:20
bugweiserthat might just work06:21
Nobrembugweiser, the partitions are imho not the issue06:21
Nobremdf -h lists you the total siye06:21
Nobrem768 MB is not even a GB06:21
Nobremplus 98 gb06:21
Nobremplus 3.9 (let us say 4)06:21
Nobremand then 5, 974, 511 and 786 MB06:21
Nobremso, even when rounded up, we get to 116 GB06:22
Nobrembut the HD is 256 GB06:22
Nobremthere is a discrepancy06:22
Nobrem^ I am talking about this06:23
rfmremember all the "tmpfs" don't take up disk space, they're in ram. but what on earth allocated almost a gig for /boot and half a gig for /boot/efi?06:23
NobremI don't know... Debian Server Edition06:24
Nobremwhich, for whatever reason, came with gnome installed06:24
bugweiser/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv   98G   54G   40G  58% /06:24
bugweiser /dev/sda3                  3147776        500115455        496967680        237G Linux filesystem06:24
rfmwhy would Debian create a volume group named ubuntu?06:25
bugweiser*seems* that your vbr on sda3 only used around 98G for the main data partition.06:25
Nobremrfm, this is a Ubuntu channel06:25
NobremI said Debian06:25
bugweiserperhaps you can extend this partiton to use the remaining space ?06:25
NobremI meant Ubuntu Server Edition06:25
Nobrembugweiser, but how?06:25
bugweiserwell, if your system is still fresh/unused, one method would be a re-install, (perhaps make some notes now of what you want to achieve in terms of vbr on dev/sda306:27
Nobrembugweiser, 3 days went into installing all my programs and transferring data06:27
Nobrembugweiser, I would rather not start over06:27
bugweiserI can understand..06:28
bugweiserthen you need to figure out how to resize that partition in the vbr of 98G06:28
Nobremcan't I just extend my partition?06:28
bugweiserit seems that is the one you want to extend06:28
Nobremwhat is a vbr anyway?06:28
bugweiserits like a second mbr06:29
bugweiserit can contain boot-code, it can contain partition layout (and that layout depends on the bootsystem used).06:30
bugweiseryou could think of it a LITTLE like this:06:30
bugweiseryou have one physical disk, you give it bootcode and partitions (up to 4) in the mbr (up to 4 due to legacy bios, when in mbr mode).06:31
bugweisernow you could think of the partitioned disk as a number of new individual disks06:31
bugweiserand each first sector itself could contain another thing LIKE an mbr, optionally splitting down partitions further.06:31
bugweiserso for example you chop the 3 partition (starting from the physical disk) into yet again 8 partitions.06:32
bugweiserwindows used to call them 'extended partitions;06:32
bugweiserand the 4 from the mbr (the entry point of the physical disk, sector 0) were called 'primary partitions'.06:32
NobremI rather have one partition for / and  a nice swap06:32
bugweiserso in windows terminology, you'd create 'extended partitions' inside primariy partitions.06:33
rfmthat 98G partition is an lvm logical volume, you'd have to use lvm tools to expand it (but don't ask *me* how)06:33
bugweiser(but it doesn't need to end there.. technically you could chop up extended (kind of second level) partitions again and put vbr in them as well.06:33
Nobremwhoah guys06:34
bugweiserNobrem, I agree, especially for resource constrained vps...06:34
Nobremgparted shows something TOTALLY different06:34
bugweiser(mbr master boot record, vbr Volume boot record)06:35
NobremI am desperately trying to open the screenshot tool on this new computer06:35
Nobrema few moments please06:35
ELQEYNNNobrem, your partition for / should be different from your partition for /home.06:35
NobremELQEYNN, not needed,,, it can be a benefit, but not needed06:35
NobremELQEYNN, only if I were to re-install a new OS and then wanted to keep the /home partition06:35
ELQEYNNSo, you'll continue to have / and /home in the same partition?06:36
Nobremlet me write what gparted tells me because I cannot find the screenshot tool06:36
NobremUsed: 100.02 GiB06:36
NobremUnused: 136.59 GiB06:36
NobremSize: 236.97 GiB06:37
Nobremso obviously dh -h is wrong06:37
NobremELQEYNN, yes, all in the same partition06:37
bugweiserseems like gparted is looking at mbr06:37
Nobremwhy would the MBR we 236 GiB ?06:37
ELQEYNNSo there is no need for gparted to have any table entry for /home.06:38
bugweiserThe 100GB used seems to come from the vbr partitioning :) do the math :)06:38
NobremELQEYNN, /home was never the topic06:39
Nobrembugweiser, there is a 60 GB video on my HD06:39
NobremI will copy and paste this video multiple times to see when I really run out of space06:39
NobremI am sure that I am looking at the right partition, as it is LUKS encrypted06:40
rfmMy guess is that there is half the disk unpartitioned.  you could use fdisk to just print the partition table to be sure.06:40
bugweiserperhaps there is some accounting issue?06:40
bugweiseryes, aree rfm06:41
Nobremrfm, I pasted the output of "cfdisk"  before06:41
Nobremtrying fdisk, too06:41
rfmdon't bother, let me look at that cfdisk...06:42
NobremI already did fdisk, too06:42
Nobrem<Nobrem> cfdisk => evidence 1:  https://dpaste.org/X0mt/raw06:43
Nobrem<Nobrem> df -h => evidence 2: https://dpaste.org/9mQT/raw06:43
rfmok, what's going on is the lvm logical volume that the installer created only took up half the space in the sda3 partition.06:43
ELQEYNNraw means, unencrypted?06:43
NobremI'm going to paste fdisk too, but I remove the unique identifiers from the paste06:43
Nobremrfm, why?06:44
bugweiserlol, thats what I said :)06:44
rfmdang if I know why.  lvm is a big mystery to me, that's why I use zfs.06:44
Nobremhere, fdisk06:44
rfmpresumably you could use the lvm tools to grow the logical volume into the rest of the space, then grow the file system06:45
Nobremrfm, color me clueless06:45
Nobremrfm, wanna hold my hand?06:45
Nobremsudo lvm06:46
bugweiseryour fdisk link concurs with the cfdisk link06:46
rfmsadly I cannot.  I know a little bit about what lvm is and is used for but I don't know the details.06:46
Nobrembugweiser, what does that mean?06:46
Nobremdo you have any search terms in mind that I could google for?06:46
Nobremmaybe:  "lvm size too small"06:47
rfmNobrem, you could start by reading https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/LVM  (I don't like Arch's philosophy, which is why I use Ubuntu, but their documentation is great)06:47
bugweiserrfm hints at this modern linux vbr partitioning lvm. We also know we want to resize/extend a partion (as we assume there is unused space in your sda3 (138G of it)06:48
Nobremrfm, what is the "arch phylosophy" =)06:48
rfmNobrem, getting off topic here but it's "rolling release" aka "never gets out of alpha" plus "don't worry about getting it right the way it's shipped, we can teach the users to fix it the way they want"06:50
Nobremrfm, I see06:51
Nobremrfm, well, Debian also has a rolling release (testing)06:51
mannequindon't do that06:51
mannequinit's broken at this stage06:51
mannequinpersonal eperience06:51
Nobremmannequin, "testing" was a big plus back in the day,  when Debian was still "potato"06:52
bugweiserdon't do what ? resize linux vbr partitions?06:52
Nobremit helped getting the newest software, like "micq" ;)06:52
mannequinNobrem: sure but 12 is a pile of unreliable poo at this stage06:52
Nobrembugweiser, I think they meant "Debian testing"06:52
Nobrembrb, I am following the instructions on the website06:53
bugweisermeanwhile (while activity) any help with my question would also be apreciated :)06:54
bugweiserwhere can one get help for ubuntu manuals, specifically their interpretation ?06:56
bugweiserare questions about ubuntu manpages on-topic in this channel or should I ask elsewhere (and where would I ask) ?06:56
tomreynbugweiser: just ask. if someone can recommend a bette rplace, they will.06:58
rfmbugweiser, well, the man pages are generally a part of a particular package, so it would be the same place to go for support on that package06:58
rfmso, base ubuntu stuff might be dealable with here, stuff in universe you might want to look for an upstream forum, etc.06:58
bugweiseris that base ?06:59
bugweiserit reads:06:59
rfmits an ancient part of UNIX,06:59
Nobremit worked :)))06:59
Nobremthank you06:59
Nobremmy HD is big now07:00
Nobrembigger than my future07:00
bugweiserYAY nobrem !!07:00
Nobremthank you for the link07:00
bugweiseryou are welcome :)07:00
rfmyou're still gonna have trouble with 200GB files on a 256GB disk of course07:00
Nobremrfm, yep, I will slice them up07:00
bugweiserman reads:07:01
bugweiserThe encoded option says the output file name has been  base64  encoded.   It  is  never  encoded  with traditional  uuencoding.07:01
bugweiserthen continues to examples:07:01
bugweiserbegin-base64-encoded 644 VE9ETw==07:01
bugweiser This introduces a base64 encoded file named, TODO with  that  name  encoded  using  base64 encoding.07:02
bugweiserbegin-encoded 644 5$]$3P``07:02
bugweiser This  introduces an encoded file named, TODO  with that name encoded using uuencoding07:02
Nobremthank you again,  bye :))07:02
Nobremgood night!07:02
bugweisergood night!07:02
bugweiserNAY says gnu shar utils (https://www.gnu.org/software/sharutils/manual/html_node/uuencode-encode_002dfile_002dname.html)07:03
bugweiserthe ??encode the output file name?? option. Since output file names may contain characters that are not handled well by various transmission modes, you may specify that the output-name be  hex encoded as well.07:03
bugweiserhow can you have an example of a filename encoded using 'traditional uuencoding' if 'it is never encoded with traditional uuencoding' ?07:03
bugweisermind blown..07:04
bugweiserand gnu docs say it isn't base64, nay, it is 'hex encoded'07:04
bugweiserwell, there was no mind to blow anymore.. but if there was one... it would blow again.07:04
bugweiserHOW does one figure out what REALLY is the specification ?07:05
rfmthere's a lot of history here.  uuencode was part of BSD.   The gnu sharutils were a rewrite by the GNU project that did some of the same stuff  (basically, make it possible to send binary files through email that might not even be 8-bit clean)07:06
bugweiseryes, 1980, first in bsd4.007:06
rfmso, the uuencode man page tells you what uuencode does, the sharutils manual tell you what the gnu sharutils do.  (It may be that sharutils includes a program called uuencode which is not-entirely-compatible with BSD uuencode.)07:08
bugweiserlike tar, there are actually a lot of different formats for uuencode07:08
rfmyes, and for pretty much the same reason.  the real advantage is that there's no reason to use uuencode anymore, while tar is still useful07:09
bugweiser(ive dug through the history, ancient mail-lists, check uuencode v1 to 4.0, etc. Know the posix variant (and most implementations falsely claim posix conformity, like posix *mandates* using the defined word *shall* that base64 should ignore ALL characters not in the base64 table.. lol, so most decoders bork on that requirement :) )07:10
bugweiserlol, for tar I have identified at least 14 different formats (and a lot of them have variations themselves...)07:10
bugweiserits a horror :)07:10
bugweiserbut i'm asking about the ubuntu manpage07:10
bugweiserand it says:07:11
bugweiserThe encoded option says the output file name has been  base64  encoded.   It  is  never  encoded  with traditional  uuencoding.07:11
bugweiserand gives as example:07:11
bugweiser This  introduces an encoded file named, TODO  with that name encoded using uuencoding07:11
bugweiser(and the example actually does that, minus leading lenght character which indeed would be pointless).07:12
bugweiser5$]$3P``    really does decode to 'TODO'07:13
bugweiserthat is a pretty low chance typo... that took effort :)07:13
bugweiserand it makes specifically TWO examples (one for base64 encoded filename, one for uuencoded filename), while it says that this is not possible to begin with ?!07:14
bugweiserit litterally says (caps mine): It  is  NEVER  encoded  with traditional  uuencoding.07:15
rfmyes, certainly seems inconsistent.  have you checked what uuencode actually does?07:18
bugweiserdepends on os/implementation used07:18
bugweiserstill got gnu sharutils to check07:19
rfmpresumably the ubuntu man page should describe the implemention in ubuntu.07:19
bugweiser(noting that sharutils says the filename is HEX (not base64 or uuencode) encoded07:19
rfmyeah but a shar is not a uuencoded file, it's similar but not the same.07:20
bugweiserI don't have an ubuntu to test on.. but I BET it will produce backtick '`' instead of ' ' space... (if so, then that is also not in the man-page)07:20
bugweiseryes, but uuencode and uudecode in the gnu-variant are part of the shar-utils package07:21
bugweiserand the ubuntu manpage is clearly (and explicitly) talking about the gnu filename encoding variant07:21
bugweiserIt is the line Immediately after the line that it is never uuencoded: "This  is  a  GNU  extension."07:22
rfmbugweiser, aha.  it is important to read uuencode(1), about --encode-file-name.  what it's telling us is that a uuencoded file could have a uuencoding-encoded file name, but GNU uuencode (the one in ubuntu) will never do so.07:28
* bugweiser searching/reading link 07:29
rfmbugweiser, it remains to see if GNU uudecode will decode a uuencoding-encoded file name..07:29
rfmHa, it won't07:33
scaraI somehow broke APT, I want to purge this app, please help: https://ttm.sh/iQC.I6QWb0dz07:33
scaraI can't install or remove anything untill I resolve this issue07:33
rfmso it is kind of a mystery why they bothered to document it.07:33
bugweiserSince output file names may contain characters that are not handled well by various  transmission modes, you may specify that the output-name be base64 encoded as well.07:34
bugweiser              (Traditional uuencoding of the file name is not supported.)07:34
bugweiserI'm missing where it reads that it can have an uuencoded filename..07:34
bugweiserrfm, what did you test (on what) ?07:35
rfmI tested if the uudecode in ubuntu would decode a file with that begin-encoded 644 5$]$3P`` header.  it won't.  complains not base64.07:36
rfmI could see supporting decoding files like that (presumably created with old BSD uuencode), but it doesn't.07:37
scaraI found something on the internet and it works: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1241362/fix-package-post-installation-script-subprocess-returned-error-exit-status-10-fo#12581007:37
tomreynscara: hmm, thats rather bad advice, but i guess it can 'work', yes07:38
tomreyn"Failed to stop timidity.service: Unit timidity.service not loaded." was the root cause of these errors, which could have been resolved by loading this systemd unit.07:38
scaraA solution is a solution, but man I really really hate when that kind of packages show up, I want to just ban that program from all computers in existance. Last time I had reinstalled my computer.07:39
bugweiserrfm: debian (sharutils package) uudecode:07:39
bugweiser uudecode -o /dev/stdout07:39
bugweiserbegin-encoded 644 5$]$3P``07:39
bugweiserhello world`07:39
tomreyn!paste | bugweiser07:39
ubottubugweiser: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:39
scaraI tried to load it but it didn't exist.07:39
scaraThe root cause is it needs to stop it itself or it wont work.07:39
rfmbugweiser, I suspect if you use the -o option (I didn't) it just ignores the encoded name07:40
bugweiserdeal, testing without -o07:40
tomreynscara: hmm, did not exist, thats# weird. which ubuntu version are you running and where's this timidity package from?07:41
scara20.04 iirc07:41
bugweiserinvalid base64 encoded name: 5$]$3P``07:42
tomreyn20.04 has timidity-daemon 2.14.0-8build1 right07:42
scaraSteps to reproduce I think but I wont try reproduceing so it may be a waste of time: Install gajim with all suggestions and recommendations then purge gajim and see a stupid error that makes you pull out your hair.07:42
xypronWhy does this recur:  W: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 871920D1991BC93C Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key (2018)07:43
tomreynscara: you could prevent issues with badly maintained packages by only using ubuntu's main and restricted repositories.07:43
rfmbugweiser, I suspect this traces back to when the GNU sharutils package was initially brought into Debian07:43
bugweiserthen I wonder why ubuntu manpage makes this specific second example (and actually encoded 'TODO' in a way one would expect it, without leading length-char)07:44
scaraI never said I didn't, tomreyn.07:44
rfmbugweiser, since GNU doesn't believe in manpages, somebody had to make up a uuencode(5) manpage, and probably stole some text from BSD07:44
tomreynscara: the package is from universe07:44
scaraWhat does that even mean?07:44
bugweiserrfm.. that kinda makes sense..07:44
scaraWe are all in the universe if thats what you mean but thats just a stupid observation.07:45
tomreyn!universe | scara07:45
ubottuscara: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.07:45
bugweiserbut then there is a chance that at some point this was actually supported (by gnu)07:45
scaraSo there is a ubuntu repo but if I use that ubuntu repo I'm an idiot and its my fault that ubuntu broke.07:45
bugweiserwoudn't be the first time gnu just backs out of their own historical formats (in terms of even read-support)07:45
tomreynscara: i don't think anyone said so, no.07:46
bugweiserrfm, i'll make a note to ping you if I find anything interesting, thanks for your help (just knowing i'm not loosing my marbles so to say really does help!)07:46
tomreynscara: removing 'universe' apt sources would have a remarkable impact on packages you can install, but you'd end up with well tested packages only, which should prevent such problems. it's a trade off07:47
rfmbugweiser, I just checked the uuencode on OS X, which is the most direct BSD descendant I have around.  It never encodes file names at all!07:52
bugweiserit shouldn't, its purely a gnu extension07:52
bugweiser(I do wonder, on ubuntu, the default (assuming non-gnu) uuencode, does that end with a backtick '`' if you encode something using the traditional/historical (non base64) algo ? OR a space (the line before 'end')07:54
bugweiser(lol, extra note, the example that doesn't make sense from the ubuntu manpage... it uses backtick itself... lol)07:55
rfmbugweiser, ubuntu uuencode ends with backtick, newline, "end", for what it's worth.07:58
bugweiserThe body is terminated by a line with a count of zero.  This line consists   of one ASCII space.08:00
bugweiser(lol, won the bet i had with myself)08:00
bugweisermay I politely say, that manpage is junk ?08:01
tomreynbugweiser: if this is an ubuntu specific issue, please file a bug report, or commit a patch. otherwise, if there's an upstream bug, please report it there.08:01
bugweiserwell, the manpage says:08:02
bugweiserProvided by: sharutils_4.15.2-4build1_amd64 bug08:02
bugweiserbut it was suspectet that ubuntu put together the manpage as gnu didn't believe in manpages themselves08:02
bugweiserso, who is upstream for the actual manpage ?08:03
bugweiserubuntu or gnu shar-utils ?08:03
=== michele- is now known as michele
rfmbugweiser, that would be debian, you'll see the same stuff about uuencoded filenames in https://manpages.debian.org/buster/sharutils/uuencode.5.en.html08:03
tomreynprobably debian, but launchpad shoudl tell08:03
tomreynlaunchpad.net, where, amongst other, the ubuntu bug tracker is hosted and packages are developed.08:07
bugweiserI don't really know that system (but I'll have a quick look). I'm ok to go through a similar chat on debian tomorrow IIF that is the place to talk about it.  Pointless in identifying the documentation discrepency and not do anything with it :)08:09
tomreyni agree, thanks for following up on it.08:10
bugweiser    Registry Administrators08:11
tomreynbugweiser: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sharutils08:17
tomreynbugweiser: if you already know that the same man page issues apply to debian, you should turn to debian for reporting them08:20
bugweiseryes, we've seen the link to debian (as in their manpage)08:21
bugweiserwhere would I have seen this info in the launchpad?08:21
bugweiserI see: sharutils-doc: Documentation for GNU sharutils08:22
bugweiserMaintainer:  Santiago Vila08:22
tomreynmanpages are in the main package, not the -doc pakcage08:22
bugweiserUpstream connections: The GNU Project ?? sharutils ?? head08:23
bugweiserah ok08:23
tomreyni'm not sure what is the reliable proof that this package is imported from debian. but you can see some references to "import" there, and on the git repository08:23
bugweiserok, deal. are there any magic words or folk to ping/reference tomorrow on #debian (that would speed up the chat :) )08:24
tomreyni would not know. you can look up their package mantainer and other package specific info on https://tracker.debian.org08:25
tomreyntheir manpages are also published on manpages.debian.org as ubuntu's are published on manpages.ubuntu.com08:25
bugweiserTHANKS for the help rfm and tomreyn !08:25
tomreynyou're welcome08:26
Assidis there a reason ubuntu software ( gui app) doesnt show up the apps from the apt resource ?08:37
Assidso far whenever i need to get something from apt.. i need to do it from cli / apt .. and the ubuntu software (gui) pulls from snapcraft08:37
Guest27Did dist-upgrade on bionic 18.04 system (to 4.15.0-166.174) on 2022 Jan 09.  Now automount of usb stick not working.  Anybody willing to share a clue about where to tell Canonical or look at what they are working on?09:14
tomreynGuest27: maybe the best option is to just ignore this issue for now and upgrade all the way to 20.04 already?09:22
tomreynGuest27: if you want to look into this more, though, you can watch what's happening when you connect the usb stick using    jounralctl -f    and   udevadm monitor    - to quit those, just hit ctrl-c09:24
tomreynthat's    journalctl -f     (i had a typo there)09:24
Guest27There is a bit more to it.  All worked fine until I did 'apt dist-upgrade'.  Now the usb stick I've been using for over a year without problems is not playing well with the machine.  fsck.vfat is acting as though it is finding a perfectly good filesystem except that every time I take the stick out and put it back in again the identical problem09:49
Guest27My expectation is that wherever the latest discussion of "Just did the latest upgrade and now  . . . ." I might find something useful.09:50
Guest27tomreyn:  Yike.  Been a very long time since I used IRC.  I don't recall how to direct comm to a particular user name.09:51
tomreynGuest27: sounds like it could be physical decay you're dealing with09:53
tomreynand oyu may need to   fsck -f  to identify that (on a non-mounted file system)09:53
tomreynGuest27: << this is a direct response to a particular user, as you just did.09:54
tomreynyou can set a better nickname than "Guest27" by typing    /nick SomeBetterNick09:55
Guest27tomreyn:  Could be physical.  Would really prefer to just revert the most recent known change for a 5 minute yes/no.09:56
Guest27tomreyn:  Problem is that "fsck -f" gives same answer each time I run it.  This is not behaving like a physical problem or a problem with the "disk".09:56
=== Guest27 is now known as nominickle
nominickleBetter?  :-)09:57
tomreynnominickle: much better. :) i'm not sure i understand what you mean by "Would really prefer to just revert the most recent known change for a 5 minute yes/no."09:58
nominickletomreyn:  Part of my problem is that I dare not risk trashing anything else trying to determine if it is physical.09:59
tomreynnominickle: you are worried about data loss on a usb stick?09:59
nominickleI did "apt dist-upgrade".  I would like to do "apt nevermind" and get back the configuration that was working yesterday.10:00
tomreynthose have limited write cycles, i would always expect them to break any minute10:00
tomreynbut the apt dis-upgrade was not un the usb stick but on a proper storage, i assume?10:00
tomreynbut the 'apt dist-upgrade' was not on the usb stick but on a proper storage, i assume?   << some typos fixed10:01
nominickletomreyn:  Please do not tell anyone but I have exercised poor labeling discipline on most of my USB sticks.  I have several which I know are blank but nothing I dare "see if this one still works".10:02
nominickleUSB stick is just for stashing files in case I erase today's edits to my salad recipe.10:03
nominickleIt has nothing to do with the OS/install/apt.10:04
tomreynnominickle: i won't share your secret beyond this irc channel. i'd suggest using "f3" package for testing the health of a usb stick10:04
tomreynso the ubuntu release upgrade and apparently lost configuration of usb auto mounting occurred on proper, internal storage, right?10:05
nominickletomereyn:  Not quite and yes.10:07
tomreynif you're using "usbmount", this may be related https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usbmount/+bug/176801010:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768010 in usbmount (Ubuntu) "usbmount does not work on Bionic" [Undecided, Confirmed]10:07
nominickletomreyn:  What stopped happening was automounting.  And touching the device seems to be broken.10:07
tomreynso if usb automounting doesn't work in general, maybe that's why10:08
tomreynbut if it only doesn'T work for this one usb stick, i'd rather concentrate on understanding what's special about it10:09
tomreynif you're referring to GUI based automounts only, then you'd rather look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB#Configuring_Automounting10:10
nominickleNope.  I actually went over that bug before I got here.  All of that worked fine, yesterday.  I started with Bionic 18.04.6.  My dist-upgrade took me from kernel 4.15.0-163 to 4.15.0-166 along with a few of its friends.10:11
nominickleubottu:  Huh?10:17
nominickleI do not recall.  When I preface a line with "user:" does everybody else still get the message or is it "private"?10:18
tomreynnominickle: it still goes to the channel, and "user"'s client may choose to highlight that line10:23
nominickleAs I mentioned, it has been a long time.10:24
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic bionic10:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (, bionic): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 17 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)10:25
tomreyn!info linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 bionic10:25
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 (, bionic): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta-hwe-5.4. Size 3 kB / 13 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf, arm64, ppc64el, s390x.)10:25
tomreynnominickle: install this if you wan tthe newer kernel image10:26
tomreynhttps://gist.github.com/tomreyn/8d7675840d7bc7389b32e4d8887ca449 for background info10:27
timurcer3aregistration code10:29
timurcer3aHow is my registration code10:31
tomreyntimurcer3a: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question?10:32
Draget[m]If I use the server ISO and install desktop-ubuntu, are there other significant differences to the regular desktop install? (maybe a different flavor if the kernel, but apart from that?)10:33
tomreynDraget[m]: the kernel would be the same, network connection management would default to cloud-init and netplan and systemd-networkd, and you may wish to move to network-manager instead10:35
tomreyni'm not sure as to whether an openssh server would be pre-installed10:35
tomreynunattended-upgrades may be pre-installed.10:36
* forbes-award anyone want to be awarded to be in forbes , come to efnet channel #holyhacker , By The Most High Lord Jesus Christ with skraito , https://facebook.com/worldhacker.org10:44
nominickletomreyn:  How do I determine if "linux-generic=" (amd64) is available for download?10:44
tomreynnominickle: sudo apt update && sudo apt policy linux-generic10:46
tomreyneither the very version will be listed there, then it's available, or not, then it's not.10:47
nominickletomreyn: Installed and candidate versions match.  Where do I go to download the package version which was was there (and worked) yesterday?10:49
nominickleI've never used "apt policy" before.  And it seems to be undocumented.  Thank you.10:49
tomreynnominickle: look at the apt-cache man page10:51
tomreynto install the other package version you'd    sudo apt install linux-generic=
tomreynthat's if it's still available10:53
Aarch64debianhello, how do you find lost partition/fix broken partition table10:54
tomreynAarch64debian: testdisk, if you are running ubuntu10:55
tomreyna supported ubuntu version, specifically10:55
Aarch64debianis it good10:55
tomreynif you know or spend time on understanding how to use it, yes10:56
nominickle"that's if it's still available"  Bingo.10:56
tomreynnominickle: usually, the latest version should work fine. if it doesn't, you also should have the last but one installed so should be able to boot into that instead. independently from that, on an LTS release, you can also switch between GA and HWE versions10:58
nominickletomreyn:  What appears to be the case is that the repos I am drawing from have wiped all the older versions of all the packages that actually do anything, hence everything which might undo whatever changed (and which I am assuming broke my system).10:58
tomreynthat's all the help i can provide without more specific info10:59
nominickleWhere/how would I have the last but one version available/installed?  I've got several versions of the kernel installed but the various flavors of systemd et al are version jealous.10:59
nominickleHow do I switch to GA or HWE version?  If they've got a recent rev I can draw that will presumably be enough to convince me to poke at hardware instead.11:01
nominickleOh.  Wait.  If that is on your github page never mind.  Sorry.  Being absentminded.11:02
nominickletomreyn:  Going to bed now.  Thank you tomreyn.11:03
tomreynyou're welcome11:04
tomreynthis may be of use tomorrow: apt list installed linux-*11:05
tomreynyou can choose between installed kernels from the grub menu11:05
tomreynwhich can be brought up after POST by hitting escape (uefi boot) or holding down boot (bios boot)11:06
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=== Trieste_ is now known as Trieste
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Draget[m]I really wonder why the text-mode installer isn't part of every Ubuntu release / flavor. Also for desktop. I have an old laptop which I only managed to install now by blacklisting some modules for the GPU.12:24
=== ELQEYNN is now known as idiocrat
oerheksDraget[m], mini iso is legacy, still available..13:24
oerheks"Note that it moved to legacy images. Folks who use this image should start to look at newer options:"13:24
pasizhello hello13:33
pasizdon't tell you have question, just ask it13:33
zetaEwhich is a good *buntu distro without the gnomosexual UI?13:35
zetaEwith all its features that doesn.t compromise usability?13:35
tomreyn!flavors | zetaE13:37
ubottuzetaE: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours13:37
zetaEtomreyn: I don.t want a crippled flavor13:37
tomreynwe don't do recommendations for other distros here, nor comparisons of ubuntu and ubuntu flavors to others13:37
zetaElike puppy linux *buntu edition13:37
zetaEtomreyn: are you serious? it's a simple request13:38
tomreynzetaE: maybe try #linux for those comparisons, but also work on your language13:38
zetaEtomreyn: can I stay here and wait for somebody else to give an acceptable answer?13:39
tomreynzetaE: you can stay here, of course. but others will also comply with the channel !guidelines (see topic) most of the time.13:40
krytarikAlso, I'd rather like we don't engage in distro discussions unless it's within the supported Ubuntu flavors.13:41
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idelos[m]Which email client is better for old hardware? But not too complicated13:45
ioriaidelos[m], gui or tui ?13:46
ioriaidelos[m], i mean : graphical or textual ?13:48
ioriaidelos[m], i'd say sylpheed13:48
tomreynidelos[m]: if you want a graphical (user) interface, and thunderbird seems too taxing, then maybe claws mail could work. those with a textual interface would certianly be faster13:49
idelos[m]ioria: I’ll try it13:50
idelos[m]tomreyn: Thunderbird is not for me13:50
idelos[m]I tried mailspring but my computer got slow13:51
ioriatha's snap13:52
idelos[m]Should I avoid snap packages?13:53
iorianope, but they're always a bit slower13:54
kostkonidelos[m], they are slow to start sometimes, but once you start them they are fine. you are talking strictly about start up times here.13:56
BluesKajHi folks13:56
kostkonwe are*13:56
idelos[m]kostkon: Thanks for the explanation13:57
* Maik doesn't use any email client for years now, all web based, from my provider to gmail13:57
idelos[m]I’m trying to avoid Google if possible13:58
BluesKajgood luck with that :-)13:59
idelos[m]My email provider is not google14:01
Maikmine neither, my internet provider has a web based mail on which i can log in idelos[m]14:02
jkcIf you browse to any site that isn't controlled by you, odds are good that you're interfacing with Google somehow.14:02
kostkonjkc, like 98% of the time, be it ads, trackers, other services14:04
idelos[m]Firefox + temporary containers + duckduckgo helps to avoid google tracking my activity14:05
orange1firefox focus i use14:07
idelos[m]<ioria> "idelos, i'd say sylpheed" <- Btw sylpheed looks perfect14:07
mannequinubuntu derps when i restart tor14:07
mannequinafterwards i  need to restart gdm314:07
jkcidelos[m]: The funny thing? It really doesn't. Neither your browser nor addons can prevent server-side code from running, and anything about your connection that's external to the browser is the same as well. And don't say "VPN," because if your solution to not trusting a company is to trust another company that's orders of magnitude more shady, I don't know how to help you.14:12
idelos[m]More shady than google? Is there a facebook vpn?14:15
tomreynplease move theis meta discussion elsewhere, such as #ubuntu-offtopic. thanks!14:17
OpenBDSMdoes anyone have quick gist on the differences between xfce/cinnamon/mate?14:43
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours14:43
OpenBDSMokay, cinnamon it is14:45
oerhekshave fuN!14:45
derek_i got tired of the flakey plasma windows manager and switched back to gnome classic. now when i loginto a gnome classic session i have to enter my sudo password 4 or five times as different windows pop up requesting it. how do i stop this?15:18
oerheks4 times?15:19
oerheksenter it right, i guess15:20
derek_no you dont understand.... its asking me to authenticate for 4 different items15:20
tomreynwhich ubuntu release are you on there?15:22
tomreynthe difficulty with getting support with the gnome-classic GUI is that not many here will be using it.15:22
derek_im runnin 20.-415:24
derek_20.04 sorry15:24
derek_ill probably use a different windows manager and just keep gnome classic as my fall back. i just thought it was weird i had to authenticate so many times15:25
tomreyni agree, this does not seem right.15:26
derek_the important thing is that kde and plasma are gone :)15:26
tomreynyour logs may have more information on what is causing the repeat password prompts15:27
derek_they arnt repeat* per say.... they are for different things. but yeah i get ya.....15:27
derek_recomend me a windows manager?15:27
tomreynany of those of used by the flavours15:28
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours15:28
derek_in regular ubuntu do alt?15:30
derek_in regular ubuntu does it come with unity or gnome 3 by default ?15:31
Maikgnome 315:31
MaikUnity7 was discontinued with 17.1015:31
Maikderek_: by the way, Ubuntu 21.10 comes with Gnome 4015:35
MaikI'm using a Ubuntu remix though that ships Unity: Ubuntu Unity Remix15:36
ioriayou can now have 'Unity experience' with gnome-shell (with Compiz effects) : https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/01/make-gnome-shell-look-like-unity-desktop15:37
Maikioria: who needs that when there's a ubuntu unity remix for users who want and miss unity15:38
leftyfbMaik: people who want support :)15:38
ioriasomeone who wants to switch to gnome-shell when he wants15:38
Maikthe project has it's own support media and irc channel too leftyfb :)15:39
Maikioria: all done with extensions... yikes15:40
ioriayep, that would be a problem (in my h opinion)15:41
Maikderek_: i hope you didn't miss the previous replies :)15:41
derek_i missed a few im sure15:41
derek_what happened?15:41
Maikderek_: 20.04 comes with Gnome 3, 21.10 with Gnome 4015:41
derek_oh ok15:42
Maikderek_: I'm using a Ubuntu remix though that ships Unity: Ubuntu Unity Remix15:42
derek_well i just failed at installing gnome 3. but i made some notes on the authentication windows that pop up.15:42
derek_i honestly wouldnt mind using unity classic. if i could work through the buggyness15:43
ioriabut having the Cube back, is worth : https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/12/linux-3d-cube-desktop15:43
Maikbut there's no support for Ubuntu Unity Remix in this channel until we become a official flavor derek_15:43
tomreynderek_: for what it's worth, i just installed gnome-session-flashback on a clean ubuntu 20.04 installation, and logged into the flashback shell, and got no password prompts15:43
derek_so i log in through the login screen and a window pops up asking me to enter my password: To create a color profile, and then for modification of networks settings (asks this three times) and then to create a color manaaged device and then it asks me for my password twice for "privacy settings"15:44
tomreyni suggest starting out with a fresh ubuntu installation there.15:44
Maik+1 tomreyn15:45
tomreynor a new user account at least15:45
derek_i just dont have time for that. i have entirely too many modifications on too many pieces of software to make them work15:45
derek_i think ditching gnome classic is the solution15:45
ioriaflashback != gnome classic15:46
derek_may i tell the story of how i got into this spot ? maybe it will shed light onto the problem?15:46
tomreynioria: what's 'gnome classic' then?15:47
ioriatomreyn, flashback is gnome 215:47
ioriatomreyn, gnome-classic would be installed , if you simply install gnome-shell-extensions15:48
derek_i was using ubuntu 20.04 with whatver wm it comes with. and everything was greta. and then i installed kde-desktop and then plasma desktop. everything runs worse on kde..... so now i want to go back, so i thought (ill just log into a gnome session and purge-kde. and now im setting in a gnome classic wm wandering how to get back to the default wm.15:48
ioriait's gnome 3, but wiithout the widgets of shell15:48
derek_so i tried this tutorial https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-gnome-on-ubuntu-20-04-lts-focal-fossa and it didnt work..... i assume because its still installed from my original ubuntu install.... but idk how to get to that wm15:49
tomreynioria: oh you mean the less ubuntu branded, more oroginal gnome 3 shell15:49
ioriatomreyn, it's simpler and less ram used15:50
tomreynderek_: so which of the two were you referring to originally?15:50
ioriatomreyn, only one binary : /usr/bin/gnome-session-classic15:51
Maikderek_: install DE's on top of another and then removing them can be messy. I suggest a clean install and start from scratch.15:51
derek_tomreyn, i dont understand the question? i just want the default wm back15:51
derek_Maik, as ive said i dont have time for that. most of this software isnt native to linux and it all runs great but took hours to set up15:52
tomreynioria: i assume by "gnome classic" you are referring to what package vanilla-gnome-desktop provides15:52
tomreynokay, then i'm failing to understand, sorry.15:53
ioriatomreyn, if you install  gnome-shell-extensions , you'll find another item in /usr/share/xsessions : gnome-classic.desktop15:54
tomreynderek_: the default window manager on ubuntu 20.04 is mutter, combined with gnome-shell into the Ubuntu branded Gnome 315:54
derek_tomreyn, heres a screen shot of what im calling gnome classic15:54
ioriatomreyn, as usual, you can logout and select it from the login manager15:55
tomreynioria: oh, thanks for explaining. i was thinking that gnome-shell-extensions was installed by default15:55
derek_so the only answer to get my install back to the way it was is a fresh wipe of everything?15:55
ograderek_, definitely not .... but probably the fastest15:57
ograthe alternative is to untangle all the GUI lib dependencies and remove the bits you added over time15:58
darius_hello everyone15:58
derek_ogra, why do i need to do that? this wm is working...... but theres the login issue (i am able to login) and a bluetooth issue. if i can work through these two issues then im more than happy staying with this15:59
tomreynderek_: i *think* (though not sure) that the screenshot you posted shows a GTK2 based gnome-session-flashback session.16:00
ograi think there was a gnome3 look like this ...16:00
derek_tomreyn, "gnome version 3.36.8 X11"16:01
ograderek_, well, are these prompts coming from a "send error report" dialog ?16:01
derek_ogra, no i dont think so16:01
tomreynderek_: okay, then this is more likely what ioria described or what the vanilla-gnome-desktop package does16:02
ograso then they are likely for some background desktop services that the plasma desktop normally provides16:02
ograand i guess some of these still try to start despite you running a different session ... but they likely dont find some authentication backend that plasma would usually provide ...16:03
ograand there i guess you need to untangle ...16:03
derek_tomreyn, ogra ok16:04
tomreynand, unlike me, ogra actually knows what they're talking about. ;-)16:04
ograam i ? i'm just guessing as well 🙂16:05
derek_let me log out and back on real fast and ill take more detailed notes16:05
tomreynogra: you have a better understanding of where the one flavor ends and the other one starts i'm sure16:05
ograa look at the running pocesses might also help16:05
derek_when i log in there is a plain white window that pops up. at the top it says "authentication required" and it has a description of what needs authentication. the first is "authentication is required to create a color profile" i enter my pass word and the same window pops up again but this time the description is "system policy prevents modification of network settings for all users" < this dialogue comes back five times. i have to e16:14
derek_nter my pass word five times and press ok five times. and then the dialogue comes back and says "authentication is required to create a color managed device" < this requires me to enter my password and press ok twice. and then im in my gnome desktop and everything works perfectly16:14
ioriai guess he was connecting via RDP16:26
kostkonioria, their fault for leaving out critical information16:30
ioriajust a speculation16:30
kostkonioria, let's say 50-50 then16:30
thebros35 /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER thebros35 wdYKztgmV8QQprmk16:35
lagboxhello, is there a way to find out what is inhibiting the screen from sleeping, i have it set to dim the screen after 10 minutes but at the moment something is inhibiting this behavior and I can't figure out what it is17:45
lagboxin X with gnome-shell17:46
oerhekspower managment, i guess17:48
lagboxyea the power management, i need to figure out what application is inhibiting it from working correctly17:48
oerhekssettings > power17:48
lagboxusually this is after i have ran vlc, but vlc is not running at the moment17:48
oerheksif set correctly, no program should trigger sleeping17:48
lagboxsomething is inhibiting it from dimming the screen17:49
lagboxit is as if it isn't idle17:49
lagboxif i start up the session fresh it will dim itself in 10 minutes, but i can't figure out what application is inhibiting it17:50
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lagboxat the moment17:50
oerhekspower - blan screen - never17:50
lagboxi want it to blank the screen17:50
lagboxi want it to blank the screen after 10 minutes, which is how i have it set17:50
lagboxi just want to know what application is inhibiting this behavior17:51
oerheksauto suspend off17:51
lagboxi don't have it set to suspend17:51
oerheksthen systemsettings > PRIVACY > screen lock17:51
lagboxi just want the screen to dim17:51
oerheksmaybe that part is hidden too far17:51
lagboxit works fine, on a fresh session17:51
lagboxit isn't the settings17:51
lagboxthere is some application that is inhibiting it17:51
oerheks2 places, i had to set it correctly17:51
kostkonlagbox, maybe vlc lurks in the background after you close it. does 'ps -A | grep -i vlc' output anything?17:52
lagboxit isn't running17:52
lagboxat all17:52
oerheksagain, check; systemsettings > PRIVACY > screen lock17:52
lagboxokay ... if i login and just don't run anything in 10 minutes, it will dim like it is supposed to17:53
lagboxso an application is inhibiting, its not the settings17:53
lagboxand i dont know which one is doing it17:53
oerheksoh oke, you want to dim screen, no matter what is running?17:54
lagboxthat is what i keep saying17:54
lagboxthat is how it is setup17:54
oerhekssorry, i misunderstood :-D17:54
lagboxbut some random application is inhibiting that, i just want to know if there is a way to find out what application is doing it17:54
lagboxif there isn't then there isn't, done17:54
lagboxif vlc was running that would make sense but even then that is usually only if the video is actually running17:55
lagboxdon't have this issue with wayland with gnome-shell17:55
lagboxhave other fun issues with wayland :)17:55
oerheksif it is a laptop, connected powersupply perhaps?17:56
ogramost media players will inhibit it by default while they are running, but should free up the lock when you close them17:56
lagboxogra, right that is what i would assume as well17:56
ogra(because it is annoying to have to wiggle your mouse every 10 min while watching a movie)17:56
oerhekstlp tools can see that, AFAIK17:56
ograso i guess you should just watch which apps you started when it happens17:57
lagboxokay so there is no way to find that out17:57
ograand then report a bug against that app if it does not release the lock17:57
lagboxprocess of elimination17:59
ken-kenAntbody here can help me to install printer's driver for Canon G2000?17:59
oerheksCanon G2000, is it listed in openprinting.org?18:00
ken-keni am not check it yet. i will check it18:00
jhutchinslagbox: Utilities like top and ps can show you what processes are running.  Compare the list from 'ps ax' when you have a 'clean" session with one that is inhibiting sleep.18:02
ken-kenoerheks: it listed18:02
lagboxright process of elimination18:02
lagboxif something has to create a lock, then there should be a way to find out what has a lock18:03
jhutchinsGnome has a nasty habit of starting processes you didn't ask for and leaving them running when you're not using the system.18:04
lagboxbut if something is inhibiting the power management there should be some way to find out what is doing that since the power management system would know18:04
lagboxodd that there isn't18:05
lagboxmore research time for me18:06
lagboxthanks for the ideas18:07
oerhekshttps://canonprintersdrivers.net/canon-pixma-g2000-driver/ no driver, and openprinting qualifies it as a paperweight.18:08
ken-kenoerheks: is that mean not compatible for ubuntu?18:09
oerheksthis forum points to gutenprint, https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/connected-to-usb-but-printer-not-working/3206/2  but all i find is old 16.04 howtos18:11
oerheksso, i wonder ..18:11
oerheksoh, more recent; https://seegatesite.com/driver-printer-canon-pixma-g2010-ubuntu/18:12
oerheksg2000 and g2010 are the same package18:12
ken-kenoerheks: i think it same. G2000 series18:13
ken-kenthank you for your assits. i will try it18:14
oerheksthhis is just one of the canon printers with less support, i guess not many sold. else openprinting would be active on it.18:15
ken-kenoerheks: when i try to buil dep, the command say: E: Unable to find a source package for cups-common18:17
OpenBDSMhi. I've installed some more recent ubuntu-based distro and don't like some aspects of it. One of them 'apt' being /usr/local/bin/apt instead of proper /usr/bin/apt. The package that provides that file is 'mintsystem' does anyone know if any GUI package managers will get broken if I uninstall mintsystem package?18:37
OpenBDSMoh my, `dpkg -L mintsystem` answered that.18:38
oerheksOpenBDSM, try the #linuxmint channel?18:38
OpenBDSMoerheks, oh, they got a channel, nice. Thanks18:39
oerhekshave fun!18:39
OpenBDSMthat chan is >10x times smaller and no responses there TT18:45
jhutchinsOpenBDSM: Mint tends to have good technical support, perhaps at the expense of instant gratification.18:55
jhutchinsOpenBDSM: Most Linux distros are following th etrend to merge /usr/local/bin with /usr/bin18:56
OpenBDSMjhutchins, merge how?18:56
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)18:56
MaikOpenBDSM: ^18:56
Maikwe don't support mint here18:57
OpenBDSMMaik, >:[18:57
Maikit is as it is OpenBDSM18:57
OpenBDSMI wouldn't switch from ubuntu if it wasn't being so pushy about snapd18:57
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com19:12
jkcOpenBDSM: snaps actually solve a number of problems that have plagued Linux distros for years. Look at chromium in Debian. That's why Ubuntu installs it as a snap.19:15
jkccertbot is another good example.19:15
OpenBDSMIMO snaps introduce more problems then they solve.19:16
OpenBDSMwhat's about chromium in Debian?19:16
jkcOkay. You're welcome to your opinion, however erroneous it may be.19:16
leftyfbOpenBDSM: ok, feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic or #snappy. Good luck with #linuxmint19:16
OpenBDSMI'm now investigating a switch from mint to Debian, it's another deb-based distro that is yet uninfected by snap19:17
leftyfbOpenBDSM: ok, good luck. Feel free to post here with ubuntu support questions if you ever decide to use ubuntu19:18
OpenBDSMthanks, I still use Ubuntu on my home PC for now (18.04, probably will die in may)19:19
tebruno99Man, I'm out. Someone PM Me when this turns back into a helpful open community channel & the topic police have retired.19:30
tebruno9922 years, pfft, should have stayed on Freenode.19:30
leftyfbUbuntu has only been out for 17 years19:32
toddcDrama on linux or Ubuntu?19:33
Maiktoddc: he's making a drama out of it it seems, if we do not support mint we do not support it. Simple as that.19:34
Maikjinnjus: need help with anything?19:48
jinnjusomg...sorry...my cat19:52
bugweiserrfm and tomreyn, re yesterday:20:01
ubottuDebian bug 760508 in sharutils "sharutils: uuencode(5) man page contradicts itself" [Minor, Open]20:01
bugweiser<sney> 8 year old bug report on an issue that originally appeared who knows when, maybe it was a university student BSing something to get it done on the clock, #debian will not easily be able to find the original reason for this20:01
bugweiser<sney> my advice would be, fix the man page, reply to that bug with fix attached and tag the bug 'patch', and cc debian-doc@lists.debian.org20:01
bugweisera1_ that at me?20:09
leftyfb!op | Guest513520:09
ubottuGuest5135: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu20:09
leftyfbbugweiser: what is your Ubuntu support question exactly?20:09
bugweiserI was reporting back (as promised). the documentation source in this case turned out to be debian20:10
bugweiserthough.. *any* help regarding figuring out if that particular second example was manually 'crafted' out of thin air, or 'simply' pasted from gnu sharutils uuencode output (meaning this format once upon a time really was produced by gnu uuencode) would very much be appreciated... It would aid in writing a significantly better manpage upstream (which would in turn also benefit ubuntu and other debian derivatives).20:12
leftyfbGuest5135: stop20:13
bugweiser(being the example specified in the bugrapport, noting that that bugrapport didn't notice the rest of the description of the historical algo is also incorrect (space instead of backtick)20:13
oerheksbugweiser, why copy paste what you already said in #debian?20:24
bugweiserI didn't, I rapported back, as I promised. These are new words (apart from the response of sney which obviously I copied)20:25
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* forbes-award hi all anyone wanna chat for 0day chat , come to efnet channel #holyhacker , anyone need to be awarded at forbes magazine come there too.21:54
* forbes-award hi all anyone wanna chat for 0day chat , come to efnet channel #holyhacker , anyone need to be awarded at forbes magazine come there too.21:55
* forbes-award hi all anyone wanna chat for 0day chat , come to efnet channel #holyhacker , anyone need to be awarded at forbes magazine come there too.21:56
* forbes-award hi all anyone wanna chat for 0day chat , come to efnet channel #holyhacker , anyone need to be awarded at forbes magazine come there too.21:57
ograthanks krytarik22:01
krytarikWell, he'll be back later again anyway.. >_>22:02
GaboradonIs there a way I could "verify" or compare my state of the root/OS versus the original image I installed, to see the diff I did and give me an overview to backup changes I did to defaults, it's 20.04 LTS, is perhaps "System Validation Mode" exactly that?22:06
GaboradonWithout doing a manual diff with terminal :p I could just take the image, extract it and do a diff but if there's a tool for just this process?22:07
oerheksthere is debsums, to do a sanity check22:07
oerhekssudo apt-get install debsums &&  sudo debsums22:08
kostkon!info debsums22:08
ubottudebsums (3.0.2, impish): tool for verification of installed package files against MD5 checksums. In component universe, is optional. Built by debsums. Size 36 kB / 108 kB22:08
oerheksnot exactly against your packages, they might even have updates in between22:08
oerheksVerify every installed package and report changed files only.>> sudo debsums -c22:10
leftyfbGaboradon: you want to use something like ansible to have "build instructions" to build it the same ever time. If you make change after your first deploy, make sure to add those changes to your playbook22:10
peacefulmanhelpful for the debsums command, thanks22:11
peacefulmanwhen I installed ubuntu it said there was an error in the media but I was impatient and installed anyway :/22:12
ograkrytarik, yeah, i justs didn't want your fighting of windmills go unnoticed 😉22:14
krytarikYeah, thanks! XD22:14
Gaboradonoerheks: interesting, but I only need actual contents of the changes I did to various .conf files in /etc rather than program instalations, I could do it all manually but I hoped for a faster way.22:23
oerheksoh oke, -ca or -ce22:25
leftyfbGaboradon: if you only want to see changes to files, then use something like fswatch or tripwire22:25
oerheksVerify every installed package and report changed configuration files only.22:25
oerheks$ sudo debsums -ce22:25
nikolamAny opinions over Linux kernel overcommit or turn it off?  (/proc/sys/vm/overcommit_memory 2  is to stop overcommit)?22:26
leftyfbnikolam: you probably want #linux22:27
oerheks!info filetraq22:28
ubottufiletraq (0.3+nmu1, impish): Small utility to keep track of changes in config files. In component universe, is optional. Built by filetraq. Size 11 kB / 37 kB22:28
leftyfbor that :)22:28
leftyfbor git repos22:28
oerheksstill, debsums are my favo, though there is an issue with files in /etc/  something22:28
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kenyonGaboradon: install etckeeper immediately after installing Ubuntu.22:49
GaboradonWill do next time, thanks a lot!22:50
kenyonNever too soon to start using etckeeper too22:51
kenyonErr, never too late22:52
haysis there anything newer than 21.10, like a nightly or other snapshot?23:08
oerheksyes, 22.04 is in development, join #ubuntu-next for that23:08
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) will be the 36th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release April 2022 (https://ubottu.com/y/jj). Join #ubuntu-next for support and questions.23:08
oerheksdaily build https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:09
oerheks.. it will be LTS23:09
semFor some reason, booting the 5.4 Linux kernel gives me virtual terminals but no GUI. What can I do to start investigating this? Lubuntu 20.04.323:17
jhutchinssem: Does the default screen have a flashing cursor or anything?23:25
jhutchinssem: What is your graphics chipset?23:27
semIt shows some boot messages and I can switch to the virtual terminals. I tried "startx" and I get a very low res ubuntu23:29
semjhutchins: I forget the exact name, but it's an old one that uses nvidia-34023:29
semjhutchins: GeForce GT 24023:31
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=== Gallomimia- is now known as Gallomimia
ELQEYNNOn the Nautilus file browser, how do you see hidden files?23:48
sempretty sure it's ctrl-h23:50

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