
blucamorning folks, we are having some problems with the Github integration of https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream09:58
blucafor a few days now - are there known issues?09:59
blucasymptom is that some jobs never report back09:59
blucaGH log shows the request is sent successfully when a PR is opened, and the job shows up on the autopkgtest for a while so it is running, but then goes away and status is never reported back10:00
blucaeg: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/22067 for s390x I can see the request going out and giving me the API url to check the result10:01
ubottuPull 22067 in systemd/systemd "fuzz-bus-message: add a testcase triggering an invalid read" [Open]10:01
blucawhich says the job was successful, but on the PR it's still "yellow" (pending)10:02
blucawait, it says pending there actually (looked at the wrong arch)10:03
blucais it jobs getting stuck somewhere maybe?10:04
schopindoko: if you have some time today could you have a look at LP: #1956765 and maybe sponsor it?10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956765 in python3.9 (Ubuntu) "autopkgtests fail with openssl 3.0.1" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195676510:22
dokoschopin, ok. is this also needed in 3.10?10:33
schopinyup, I provided both debdiffs.10:33
toabctlcpaelzer, could you have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse3/+bug/1956949 please?12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956949 in fuse3 (Ubuntu) "CPC AWS jammy builds fail with: 'fuse3 : Breaks: fuse'" [Undecided, New]12:09
blucaddstreet: do you know who we should ping for autopkgtest infra issues?12:30
cpaelzertoabctl: looking ...13:05
cpaelzertoabctl: answered on the bug, which triggered many bug pings (you'll find links there)13:31
cpaelzerTL;DR: we need to check if all other deps are ready now, I added bug tasks for ginggs and didrocks (potentially to reassign it to someone else)13:32
cpaelzertoabctl: if all others are fine, they shall get uploads and we get it resolved13:34
toabctlcpaelzer, thx. is there a workaround we could apply to get image builds working now?13:34
cpaelzertoabctl: if now I'll revert the last change on open-vm-tools and need to wait until the others are ready13:34
toabctlmaybe adding "* ! open-vm-tools" to the cloud-image seed ?13:34
toabctlI'm a seed/germinate newbie so no idea if that would work ..13:35
cpaelzerIt depends on what images you are building atm, for some chances are they do not need open-vm-tools at all (I mentioned that in the bug updates)13:35
cpaelzerbut I'm not gonna massively restructure seeds and make this worse13:35
cpaelzerright now after we gave everyone a chance to answer for their packages we can just revert the change in open-vm-tools13:36
cpaelzerIn fact I could revert it now, do an upload - and if in a few days we know all is good can revert-revert it13:36
cpaelzerthat seems to be the bets short term-solution13:36
toabctlthat would be good imo. then we are not blocked on image builds.13:37
cpaelzertoabctl: uploaded and bug updated13:48
toabctlcpaelzer, thanks a lot!13:49
cpaelzertoabctl: but really maybe that was a good wakeup call for all involved teams to re-check their packages in this overall transition13:49
cjwatsontoabctl: ! generally isn't useful in seeds13:49
cjwatsonSee germinate(1)13:49
ginggscpaelzer: what uses unionfs-fuse?13:56
cpaelzerginggs: it is in the seeds13:58
cpaelzerginggs: it has a comment there13:58
cpaelzerlet me fetch a link ...13:58
cpaelzerginggs: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/tree/live-common#n1213:59
ginggscpaelzer: thanks13:59
cpaelzerparide: FYI ^^ you know the bugs, discussion also happened here, thanks for tracking the server portion of this so I can focus on other things14:00
cpaelzerginggs: since the bug # is ~1.5M ago, chances are it isn't needed anymore14:00
paridecpaelzer, thanks for adding the bug tasks, I'm reading the comments/backlog14:02
ginggshere's hoping, because unionfs-fuse doesn't look like it's ready for fuse314:02
rbasaktjaalton, bdmurray: I commented on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/v4l2loopback/+bug/1921474/comments/12. I'm fairly sure others on the SRU team would agree so I posted the comment. Let's discuss if you don't.14:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1921474 in v4l2loopback (Ubuntu Focal) "Support client usage notification via V4l2 Event API" [High, In Progress]14:14
parideginggs, do we actually have a good reason to keep unionfs-fuse in main?14:20
paridemaybe it's obviously "yes", but it's a question better asked sooner than later :)14:20
paride`apt rdepends unionfs-fuse` only shows a Suggests: schroot14:20
ginggsparide: somehow, unionfs-fuse is not in main, but it is seeded.  see the link c.paelzer pasted above14:22
paridenevermind, it's not in main14:22
tjaaltonrbasak: I'll let vicamo reply14:23
parideginggs, but isn't that commented out?14:26
ubottuCommit 9a6fc9d in ~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform "disable unionfs-fuse again; overlayfs should work now"14:26
ginggsparide: it looks that way :)14:27
cpaelzerginggs: paride: indeed it is commented out, I only grepped14:28
cpaelzerginggs: paride: but the reported conflict still comes from "the rest" like grub, s390x-tools, ...14:29
cpaelzeressentially all need to be ready and move at once14:29
cpaelzerginggs: paride: (Trevinho?): FYI while unionfs-fuse might not be needed anymore it should be compatible with fuse3 soon, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fuse3/+bug/1956949/comments/1015:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1956949 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "CPC AWS jammy builds fail with: 'fuse3 : Breaks: fuse'" [Undecided, Incomplete]15:16
ddstreetbluca i believe that juliank owns the autopkgtest infrastructure now15:38
blucathanks - juliank are there known issues?15:38
blucajobs disappear from https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running#pkg-systemd-upstream but status is never reported back to the github api15:39
juliankbluca: there are not15:39
blucait seems random which job it affects, it's ~50%15:39
juliankthat makes sense15:39
blucaalso it's not fixed by architecture, it varies15:39
blucabeen going on for at least a week I'd say15:39
blucaeg, PR 22070 is no longer on that autopkgtest page, but arm64 and s390x jobs are still marked as pending on the github API report page https://api.github.com/repos/systemd/systemd/statuses/5b1cf7a9be37e20133c0208005274ce4a5b5c6a115:41
ubottuBug 22070 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Logitech Quickcam Messenger is not usable" [Medium, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2207015:41
blucabad bot15:41
juliankbluca: so presumably one of the 2 web workers fails but both have the right credentials at least15:46
blucaI'm not really familiar with how this is implemented :-) any more data that you need? maybe an example http request webhook log from gh?15:49
juliankbluca: I think results should come in now, the service to submit them seems to stuck on jan 0615:49
blucafab, thank you!15:49
juliankI should add a timeout on this so it gets killed15:49
cpaelzerslyon: have you heard of incompatibilities between systemd test_resolved_domain_restricted_dns test and dnsmasq 2.86?15:55
cpaelzerslyon: seeing those in proposed (https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-jammy/jammy/ppc64el/s/systemd/20220106_211604_c8ba4@/log.gz) and wanted to avoid  debugging known cases15:55
slyoncpaelzer: I saw the failing tests.. but I am not currently aware of any incompatibilities, didn't do any investigation either, tho15:56
cpaelzerI try to have a look tomorrow and let you know if I find anything useful15:57
juliankbluca: I deleted all test requests older than one day, fwiw, it was going over them again and again, leading nowhere, as they were cancelled or whatever16:01
blucayeah that's ok, thanks for taking care of this16:01
mapreriddstreet: mh, I saw queuebot's lines on #-release about gallery-dl/amd64.  I might have forgotten it, but is there something about manually accepting binaries after a NEW source was already accepted?16:58
mapreri(I accepted the source yesterday, but then didn't look anymore, and I just assumed you did something if I saw the lines at this time, right after the dmb meeting :3)16:59
ddstreetmapreri yeah, if the source is new, then after it's built, you have to go accept the binary/binaries in new also17:13
=== genii-core is now known as genii
bdmurraysil2100: dbungert and I were trying to build the focal branch of ubiquity using debuild and it failed for both of us. Do you know of any secrets to make it build?18:14
bdmurraysee https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Mt27KVw46W/18:15
bdmurraydbungert, sil2100: Oh I fixed it - run "debian/rules update"18:25
ahasenackschopin: when you bumped krb5 to 1.19, I guess there was no debian upload yet? THere is one now in experimental18:26
bdmurraydbungert: Could you add a test case for the SRU of bug 1942648? Since I installed on my BitLocker system already I don't think I'll be able to recreate it.18:39
ubottuBug 1942648 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Focal) "restart button remains visible in the advanced partitioner after the bitlocker page is shown" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194264818:39
dbungertbdmurray: on it19:18
bdmurraydbungert: Thanks! That'll help with 20.04.419:20
smoserhey.  So someone at work is needing to mirror some apt archives.  What is the current recommended way to do that? by-hash seems to have  broken many of the old ways.  aptly seems an option. anyone have other advice ? The immediate goal is to mirror 20.04.19:27
sarnoldsmoser: just setting up a squid-deb-proxy might get 80% of the benefit with less storage and bandwidth use. I think folks use debmirror for 'partial' mirrors; the debian/changelog in there shows a bunch of 2021 work, so I'm optimistic19:32
smosersarnold, yeah, i agree that proxy is huge win at almost no cost, but the request is for offline.19:40
smosergit clone https://salsa.debian.org/debian/debmirror.git && git grep -i 'by-hash' isn't making me think there is by-hash support there.19:41
smoser(i also will admit that I feel the request for offline is very much perfection being the enemy of good-enough here)19:42
sarnoldsmoser: heh, yeah, for me it was 'cd /fst/trees/ubuntu/universe/d/debmirror && rg -i by-hash ; rg -i byhash  .. it's a bit sad-sounding at first, but maybe the archive layout / design doesn't actually need specific references to it in software in order to use it. I'm not sure. it's been ages since I've read The Blogpost19:45
smosersarnold: do you have a 'by-hash' directory ?19:49
smoser http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/by-hash/19:49
sarnoldsmoser: I just rsync the whole thing :/19:49
smoserif that isn't there, then .... then it isn't going to work.19:49
smoseroh. yeah.19:49
mwhudsongood morning20:55
bdmurraymwhudson: morning, I retested all the focal glibc autopkgtest issues and the only one that is left is poor yorick, I don't it well though20:56
mwhudsonbdmurray: oh thanks!20:56
mwhudsonERROR (testg) failed to open X display or create X window20:57
mwhudsoni hope that's not glibc's fault20:57
mwhudsoni'll try a run with glibc from release20:58
mwhudsoner updates20:58
mwhudsonbdmurray: looks like it's not caused by glibc https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/y/yorick/focal/ppc64el22:12
bdmurraymwhudson: okay, then we could just hint it22:13
mwhudsonbdmurray: yeah, there are like 7 bugs to verify as well so no hurry :)22:14

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