
nicoz-Kilos I present to you the member of the Italian council mapreri14:35
Kilos-hi there mapreri14:35
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
nicoz-I’m waiting for an answer from Janvitus14:36
mapreriKilos: hi.  FYI I have in my todo for the next few days to review what has been said in #ubuntu-meeting when carlin0 applied for membership, plus another discussion in #ubuntu-it-chat in parallel to that.14:48
Kilosmapreri  thank you, nice to meet you14:49
maprerihowever, please do take much care about what to say, I'd rather everybody considered this case as something to only moderate between carlino and janvitus, nothing more.  Mostly because the Italian community is small enough that we should take a lot of care to not antagonize people needlessly.14:50
Kilosthat is my point as well. we all need to work together for the good of ubuntu, not personal problems14:51
mapreri(which, to be fair, is something I wanted to do for more than a year, but it's so troublesome that I kept kicking this situation down the road14:51
Kilosevryone is busy busy\14:51
mapreri(carlino formally appealed to the italian council on July 2020, but we actually never answered.  there is a troublesome conflict of interest as the italian council is only 3 people and janvitus is in it)14:52
mapreri(in case you didn't get this part, since I have yet to read your previous interactions)14:52
Kilosthe two of them must put aside their personal problems14:52
maprerifrom what I understood to this day: 1) carlino didn't understand what he did to deserve being banned; 2) janvitus never received any sort of apology from carlino for whatever he did back then14:53
mapreriI think those 2 points need to be solved14:53
maprerieven if I was around a decade ago when this happened, I don't actually have any recollection of the original case tbh14:54
Kilosmaybe 9 years ago carlin0 was rude to some members, but now he is an ubuntu member and has signed the code of conduct14:54
mapreriI don't think being an ubuntu member gets you a free pass for whatever you did a decade ago, much less signing a paper14:54
Kiloshe has apologised in #ubuntu-it-chat14:55
maprerithose two should just get down to talk without animosity and figure out what happened, why, and continue from then14:55
mapreridid he?  (i said I haven't read the backlog yet)14:55
Kilosthats will be great if we can get them to sort it out then i can rest more14:55
nicoz-miles is a little bigger than us mapreri14:56
maprerianyhow, it's also annoying to just suddenly rush this topic that has been going on for years just because he now got an extra membership14:57
Kiloshe asked my board for help getting back into the forum14:57
nicoz-I think Carlino waited too long14:58
Kilosits no rush after so many years14:58
mapreriSure, I appreciate being poked again, but probably I'm overreacting to a few points and being extra irked for it. :)14:59
mapreritalking about your board, do you know anything about the locoteam council ?  where did that go?15:00
Kilosi will try find out15:01
Kiloswe all just use #ubuntu-locoteams15:01
maprerijust mentioning, because that should have been the one board competent for this topic, not the membership board *shrugs*  (plus they failed for years in handling the loco verification renewals process, so now nearly no locos are verified anymore, including ours)15:02
mapreri(not that i care *which* board helps us pushing around this topic, I totally appreciate that somebody is poking me enough to fix carlino's status)15:03
mapreri(whoever that is)15:03
Kilosyes that became a big problem. my loco in south africa has lost many members15:05
maprerithat list is odd15:05
mapreriprobably the loco team portal is broken and nobody is maintaining it, it wouldn't be a first15:05
Kilosno meetings there for a long time but jose in on the community council now15:06
Kilosi think everything just became too much for everyone to keep up with15:06
mapreriyes totally15:06
maprerialso, I have a feeling that the dev part of the community is now completely disassociated with everything else15:07
mapreritogether with the locos losing plenty of people :(15:07
Kilosplus twitter, telegram, instagram and all the other things stole many members15:07
Kilosirc became old news to many15:08
Kilosalso freenode being sold messed up a lot15:09
mapreridid it?  to me it felt like everybody relevant just moved over and that was it15:10
maprerihowever I live in a bubble, and I have no contact with, say, user support15:10
Kilosi had about 20 countries in africa on #ubuntu-africa and now there is basically me15:11
Kilosfrom tunisia to capetown were all chatting together15:11
mapreri:(  - and how did they not just move over?15:12
Kiloseveryone is so busy trying to make a living that there is not time anymore15:13
Kilosevry country has their own language so it was tricky to understand each other15:13
mapreriand english isn't so common I guess?15:14
Kilosit is the main world wide language but guys growing up and schooling in say swahili find it difficult unless they want to contact world wide15:15
Kilosmany of  them speak 3 or four african languages but not english. depends who colonised them, some are french as second language and others portugese etc15:18
Carlin0piccolo aggiornamento , ho scritto a janvitus proponendogli la soluzione "ammettiamo entrambi di avere fatto degli errori buttiamoceli alle spalle e guardiamo avanti per il bene della comunità"21:40
Carlin0lui mi risponde che vuole un incontro con me su IRC21:41
Carlin0gli dico che se vuole un incontro su IRC il canale deputato alla risoluzione controversie è questo perchè è loggato21:42
Carlin0mi risponde: se vuoi rientrare la cosa si deve fare sul canale -forum21:43
Carlin0gli rispondo che in primis : non sono io che gli sto chiedendo di levare il ban, mentre sono loro (lui e giulux) a volere l'incontro su IRC e quindi pretendo che sia loggato da canonical21:47
Carlin0alla prossima puntata ... (chissà perchè ha paura del canale loggato)21:48
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