
crorafRegarding my discussion the other day about https://people.canonical.com/~kernel/info/kernel-version-map.html08:30
crorafCan we make that instead of focal:linux-hwe-5.11 and focal:linux-hwe-5.13 it stands hwe and hwe-edge, because these are the proper names08:30
crorafIf I'm right.08:31
kleberscroraf, that map shows the versions of the source packages. For the hwe kernels, what tell which kernel is the hwe and which is the hwe-edge are the meta packages which are not represented there13:46
Odd_BlokeHey folks, are there any plans to bump kpatch to a more recent version for jammy?21:51
chilukHey folks.  Anyone know why we don't have nvidia-driver-stable and nvidia-driver-testing meta packages in Ubuntu?22:31
chilukit seems like a no brainer...22:31
chilukit's so easy to get left behind with nvidia-drivers now-adays.22:32
sarnoldchiluk: I've always assumed that was because nvidia abandons old drivers aggressively enough that a lot of folks are on abandoned series22:55
sarnoldit's *really* annoying for the folks who are stuck on eg nvidia-340, because that has a bug that prevents it from installing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/185397722:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1853977 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-340 dpkg: error: version '-' has bad syntax: revision number is empty" [Undecided, Confirmed]22:56
chiluksarnold that kind of seems like an excuse...23:09
chiluksarnold are you aware of any wiki's describing the existing "right" way for end users to do nvidia drivers in Ubuntu?23:09
chilukif it's simply install nvidia-drivers-### that seems error prone.23:10
chilukwe really should instead prefer install nvidia-drivers-stable meta package which depends on nvidia-drivers-###...23:10
chilukthat way people don't get "stuck" as you so astutely put it.23:10
sarnoldchiluk: I think "ubuntu-drivers install" is the recommended tool23:11
sarnoldthe trouble is that nvidia no longer cares about device XYZ after N months23:11
chilukoh interesting.. I was unfamiliar with that.23:11
sarnoldso we've got to have the old drivers available23:11
chilukit's not months though.23:11
chilukit's like YEARS..23:11
sarnoldand we can't just apt upgrade people along the way, because the next major version of the driver might drop their device entirely23:11
chilukthat's a really good point... 23:12
chilukthat's a good reason to not have the meta package.23:12
sarnoldI'm not sure when exactly they drop support, it probably has more to do with the hardware specifics than any hard rule23:12
sarnoldI just know that there's a lot of folks who have cards that aren't supported by the latest, and they'd like to keep using those cards on ubuntu23:12
chiluksarnold: yeah it's usually they are trying to drop code paths that are optimized differently for the newer architectures.23:13

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