
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> uh yea05:06
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> i have an RTX 2070 Super, however a fresh install of ubtuntu 21.10 is running the GPU driver under Mesa LLVMPipe. Even though i installed the 470 NVIDIA series driver directly from the panel. I think this is a kernel issue, and Steam and PRotonDB confirm the same as ive said, The logs i have collected also say that NVIDIA driver is not currently in use, however installed.05:08
guiverc@ShirokiStreams, this isn't a support channel but quality; ie. related to Quality Assurance testing of 20.04.4 (due out next), or jammy/22.04 due out in April; try Ubuntu Support (#ubuntu) 05:38
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <ShirokiStreams> my bad05:38
guiverc@ShirokiStreams  https://t.me/UbuntuTelegramGroup for Unofficial support on Telegram or see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/community-support/709 for official support channels05:40
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