=== genii-core is now known as genii [20:54] good afternoon Team was wondering if anyone has experience installing lamp or lemp on ubuntu 20.04 have a few questions [21:01] winircuser-374: Just ask your question, and if someone can help, they will [21:02] so question is if someone has successfully followed the document on ubuntu site to install lamp with taskel or follow another guide there is linode and there is also digitalocean guide [21:03] my goal is to create a website on ubuntu 20.04 using wordpress [21:04] maintaining wordpress on your own is probably not great fun; it might be worth just paying wordpress people for a hosted instance if wordpress is the thing you want [21:06] winircuser-374: The Linode and Digitalocean guides are pretty reliable in general, IME. However, I agree with sarnold that self-hosted Wordpress isn't really worth it.... [21:06] Not least of all because there are a LOT of security vulnerabilities. [21:07] My security logs from my servers show fairly consistent attempts to hack Wordpress (which I don't even run). it's one of the first attack vectors crackers go for. [21:07] is there a better platform better than WordPress that's more secure [21:07] to manage the website? [21:08] it's all up to what you want from the system; a lot of folks love using static site generators like hugo and then sticking HTML onto a simple nginx or apache server. [21:08] but if you want / need something that's more dynamic than that, or allows anyone and everyone to do things with clicks in the web interface, that wouldn't work great for you [21:08] winircuser-374: It depends. There are a LOT of CMS tools (That's what you're looking for) [21:08] Or static site generators, yeah [21:09] winircuser-374: https://alternativeto.net/software/wordpress/?license=opensource&platform=self-hosted [21:10] Jekyll is pretty popular these days. I've also played with Grav (never deployed anything). [21:11] there are more static but was looking for something I can interact with MySQL database [21:11] that's secure [21:11] winircuser-374: Joomla might fit the bill, potentially. [21:12] Or, honestly, you can also build your own with something like Django (Python), Symphony (PHP), or Flask (Python) that's fit to your exact purpose. [21:12] joomla had way more security issues than Wordpress in the last few years [21:12] coke: Good to know [21:12] but its always better to generate static files if you just build a page for your own [21:13] Jekyll or Hugo are the way to go [21:20] thanks for your help ill try with the WordPress just to get idea of how website works then I can reinstall and secure it with a better version thanks so much for all of your help as I am a beginner [21:21] good luck :) [21:38] make sure you keep your Wordpress and the plugins updated and you should be fine [21:38] wordpress plugins/themes are the worst :( [21:39] if you don't need all that stuff to be dynamic, you could use a static site exporter [21:40] indeed === Hash is now known as PCLoadLetter === PCLoadLetter is now known as Hash