
guivercapt upgrade calamares running now on focal daily; prior to install test  (I didn't update my focal daily; 2020-12-18)02:12
guiverckc2bez or someone; i've made comment; it detected me as Melb.AU with & without change so looks good to me; if someone wants to peruse what I did02:34
guivercplease note package I watched was calamares-settings-ubuntu-common ; ie. -common added02:36
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lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Will test and report (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> kc2bez or someone; i've made comment; it detected me as Melb.AU with & without change so looks good to me; if someone wants to peruse what I did)05:30
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> @kc2bez @guiverc - tested and confirm -all good-will add comment to bug report05:52
guivercthanks @Leokolb07:48
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Thanks to you both guiverc and @Leokolb09:27
guivercyou're most welcome @kc2bez 09:28
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> Anytime @kc2bez :)12:36
GunnarHjtsimonq2: I'm back about Lubuntu and fcitx. I'd like a decision about it soon to be able to adapt im-config accordingly.14:20
GunnarHjtsimonq2: My advice would be to drop fcitx from the seed, and leave it to the user to install an IM framework as needed. Other flavors (except for Kylin) do so.14:23
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