
=== JanC is now known as Guest4834
=== genii is now known as genii-core
KBarHello. Is this page up to date: https://packaging.ubuntu.com/? Would I know how to create .deb packages by the end of it?06:14
KBarBy the way, the "Other ways to get involved" box still contains links to Google+, which was abandoned a while ago.06:22
KBarNevermind, the PDF version of the documentation has all the answers.06:25
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cjwatsonsmoser: by-hash doesn't break debmirror.  debmirror doesn't yet mirror the by-hash directories, indeed, but that just means you don't get the benefit of them - the mirror still works without that10:55
cjwatsonsmoser: same goes for any other mirroring tools.  by-hash is an opt-in addition10:56
seb128cpaelzer, hey, MIR question for you about suitesparse-graphblas ... can we get away without having to comply to tests requirements if it's a split of an existing source in main which was already lacking those?13:34
seb128cpaelzer, ideally we would improve the situation and add those but we just don't have the resources for that atm and the alternative is to keep using the oudated copy included in suitesparse but that isn't putting us in a better situation13:37
schopinahasenack: ACK on the Debian upload of krb5. AFAIK they're pretty much identical, the backported OpenSSL patch was actually provided by the Debian maintainer.13:46
schopinahasenack: unrelated, have you noticed the armhf test failure for python-cryptography against openssl 3.0.1?13:48
ahasenacknoticed, yes13:52
ahasenackso openssl still stuck?13:52
ahasenackI did a retry, it failed again13:53
ahasenackanother internal error, but with no error message this time :/13:53
schopinpython3.* should be fixed but were still building last I checked.13:57
ahasenackcan you reproduce the armhf failure?14:00
ahasenackI don't have armhf boxes, we would need an arm64 that can do 32bits emulation14:01
ahasenackdon't know if canonistack can do that, and even if it can, it also needs to be available ;)14:01
ahasenackaka, working14:01
schopini'll work on reproducing it.14:01
schopin(assuming I manage to find that pesky microSD adapter...)14:02
ahasenackschopin: I got an armhf vm running in canonistack (!)14:08
ahasenackI can import your key14:08
ahasenackjust 1gb of ram, hope it's enough. Maybe be generous with swap14:09
ahasenackhm, uname shows aarch64, so we may need the lxd trick for 32 bits14:10
ahasenackah, I launched arm6414:10
ahasenackok, makes sense. STill need a 32b container, let me see if I can start one14:10
schopinhmm, lemonldap-ng also fails on armhf on some openssl-related issue. :/14:11
schopinoh wait. THe correct version just hasn't caught up yet.14:13
ahasenackhttps://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/l/lemonldap-ng/jammy/armhf it needs a trigger for openssl 3.0.1?14:14
ahasenackI don't see it pulling in openssl 3.0.x14:15
ahasenackin the test logs14:15
smosercjwatson: right. but i thought there were some issues with apt, where it didn't fall back correctly. at least at some point.  i know i saw that. then, also, i want the benefits of by-hash. i don't like hash sum mismatches.14:16
smoserthank you for the response.14:16
schopinahasenack: it's transitively depending on it via various perl packages14:17
ahasenackah, the test was in the old package14:17
ahasenackthat failure is old-ish14:17
schopinyup, I was just startled of the coincidence.14:17
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzerslyon: about the systemd<->dnsmasq issue I asked on monday. I think it is resolved on the systemd side but I fail to see where14:19
cpaelzerslyon: I filed you https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1957086 - maybe you can spot it?14:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1957086 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Autopkgtest systemd fail against dnsmasq 2.86 (22.04)" [Undecided, New]14:19
slyoncpaelzer: thanks, I'll have a look soon!14:28
=== genii-core is now known as genii
schopinahasenack: running the tests on my RPi4 (armhf image, LXD adt runner, --apt-pocket=proposed=src:openssl) didn't fail :/16:25
bdmurrayschopin: doesn't an RPi4 have more memory than our autopkgtest env?16:42
dbungertMay I get assistance with a retest click? https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=jammy&arch=armhf&package=dgit&trigger=apt/2.3.14&trigger=sqlite3/3.37.2-116:48
schopindbungert: clicked16:50
dbungertschopin: thanks!16:54
schopinbdmurray: could be it. I was more thinking of it having multiple cores.16:56
schopinbdmurray: according to this, I actually think my pi is undersized: https://autopkgtest-cloud.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lxd.html#managing-cluster-nodes16:59
=== unixlab is now known as nicoz-
bdmurrayschopin: oh, that contradicts what is in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration#autopkgtests . juliank which documentation is a liar?17:01
schopinironically I found my doc from this very paragraph, first link in there17:02
=== nicoz- is now known as nicoz
juliankbdmurray: I don't see a contradiction17:11
juliankbdmurray: lxd just shares the memory between parallel tests, you can't control memory there17:11
juliankI mean we could use lxd profiles and apply resource limits, but we don't17:12
juliankLike You might get spurious failures if one test uses up all ram while your test is running in a different container.17:13
bdmurrayjuliank: are armhf tests run on m1.small unit by default? 1 vCPU and 1592 MiB of memory?17:14
juliankIn any case the readthedocs is the canonical documentation17:14
juliankbdmurray: no, they run in lxd. Each lxd host has 4 cores, 8gb ram, and runs 3 tests in parallel17:14
juliankThere are no limits on individual tests on armhf17:15
juliankBecause we do not spin up VMS to run tests17:15
schopinso the wiki is the liar then.17:15
bdmurrayWell or it could be incomplete if armhf is a special snowflake17:16
juliankThe wiki page only documents other architectures as it stands17:16
juliankThose details should not be on the wiki page anyway, they should refer to the mojo spec imo17:17
juliankI think applying resource limits on the lxd runners makes a lot of sense, we should implement that17:17
juliankNeed to add a card to the autopkgtest board17:18
schopinAny core-dev willing to sponsor a lintian merge ? LP: #195710017:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1957100 in lintian (Ubuntu) "Merge lintian 2.114.0 from Debian uinstable" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195710017:52
ckiehey, nvidia-cuda-toolkit is missing a pkg-config file. where do i poke? debian seems to have it22:00
sarnoldckie: the easy thing is 'ubuntu-bug nvidia-cuda-toolkit', that should get you to the right place22:46
ckiesarnold: hah, yeah I just finished figuring out how to use launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-cuda-toolkit/+bug/195711922:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1957119 in nvidia-cuda-toolkit (Ubuntu) "pkg-config definition file is missing" [Undecided, New]22:46
sarnoldckie: nice, thanks :)22:47
ckieit seems like everything assumes you are running ubuntu which is reasonable, but I am not :P22:47
ckiei already had an account but it was with an old username so i had to fight the SSO stuff, launchpad was pretty nice about it22:48
sarnoldheh, yeah, that first bug report in N years is always a bit of an uphill struggle22:49
ckiemhm! (:22:49

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