
KBarI'd like to learn about packaging a bit. Ubuntu Packaging Guide mentions this channel. Am I in the right place? If not, which channel should I join? Thanks.06:47
tumbleweedKBar: this is the right channel, but it tends to be very quiet these days12:37
KBarI see. I just wanted to ask: the guide also mentions that it's recommended to run the devel release and suggests using LXD containers for that. What would be my other options?13:33
tumbleweedI'd agree with both of those14:50
tumbleweedI use lxd containers for test building, but it's a little fiddly to get sbuild to use them14:51
* tumbleweed runs the Debian development release on his laptop14:51
KBartumbleweed: so basically it's one of the three: 1) lxd container; 2) vm; 3) second partition14:57
ogra4) chroots 5) other containerization (i.e. docker)14:58
KBarogra, woah, that's all five fingers! Let me read up on them and come back with more questions :)15:01
KBarThanks a lot.15:02
ograthe point is that you better should not build packages you want to upload plainly on your host machine (you might have deps already installed the build system you upload to does not etc, so it is better to do builds in a clean/fresh env)15:03
KBarogra, ah! when you put it that way, it makes a lot of sense now15:04
ograi used to do development on the host and then the final build in a chtoot before uploading ... but with the introduction of lxd it got so easy to quickly spin up some container that i nowadays do all my development in containers ad keep my host system clean from dev packages and tools15:05
RikMillsobviously you can also use PPAs to do test builds once you have mostly working packaging15:06
RikMillsPPAs also allow you to easily test on multiple architectures15:07
KBarogra 1) host system clean from dev packages 2) set up a container and install dev packages, do your development 3) spin up another container for test building?15:12
ograthats how i usually do it ... but RikMills is correct, you can use PPAs for 3 and see how your packaging fails on powerpc ad s390x 😉15:13
RikMillsI think I probably do 95% of test builds in a PPA nowadays. pbuilder/sbuild for just the initial part of packaging, so I don't throw things bound to fail at launchpad builders15:15
ograbut you also do definitely more deb packaging than me 🙂15:16
RikMillsjust a smidge ;)15:17
* ogra is only occasionaly doing debs nowadays ... snaps are my main packaging format today15:17
RikMillsI keep meaning to get into those, but always always not quite enough time....15:18
ograwell, and you have to maintain a flavour ... that still kind of needs a lot of deb packaging15:19
RikMillsespecially as KDE has probably more than 400 source packages now!15:20
ogrageez ...15:20
* ogra remembers a time where there were just a handfull of KDE source packages ... (and 400 binaries per surce 😛 )15:21
RikMillsyep. KDE decided that they should split those into tiny tiny bits :/15:22
KBarthank you for your suggestions and guidance. i learned a lot16:05

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